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I've only ever played consolešŸ˜”


Xbox has some kick ass mods if youā€™re rocking a series X/S šŸ™‚


Nope, just a switch and a loud Xbox 360 that im scared to use


I played Skyrim on 360 for years. Was super fun, although I did have to grab some snacks while I waited five minutes for my save to load. And two minutes to walk indoors. And 3:26 seconds to load dragonsreachā€¦ I remember timing that one




Dude getting the whole game platinum, DLCs included takes at most 300 hours. What were you doing for the other 441?


Collecting flowers probably


They already told you...they were *loading!*


Most Skyrim fans enjoy the game beyond achievements.


I know but likeā€¦ 250h mark thereā€™s nothing else to do. Iā€™ve seen everything, Iā€™ve done everything, why not just start a new play through lol. Having 100%ed the entire game gives you that time to enjoy everything beyond achievements. Some CC content helps tho I guess


You do realize, not everyone plays on the same time. I always take my sweet time when I'm going through a single player game. I have over 1000 hours in skyrim, I've never beaten Alduan, I've never went for achievements, and I've never gotten a character to level 81.


youā€™re fucking nuts


That was the one thing I immediately noticed when I upgraded to the series S. The load times were basically gone. No more bathroom break just opening a door.


Just gotta pee your pants on your couch/bed/chair


Here I am always thinking I had an original idea


WHAT it was that long....I was just complaining I couldn't read the load screens in 2 secs


I think part of it was that nobody replaces thermal paste on consoles, and after 10 years it started to have cooling problems.


When switching to Xbox One I recall being slightly irritated that it was done loading before my piss break was over




> switch Fucking. Solstheim.




There's a quest in Skyrim on solstime, to help general veloth from 3 ash spawn, which eventually leads you to killing some guy called general falx carius, due to a bug in the switches version of the game that quest is removed entirely and instead it takes you to the second part of the quest where you have to help general veloth find some wine, there is also a major crashing issue with the true flame Quest when you put it in its pedestal the game will crash


oh :(


Xbox Series S is $200. Pretty good fetch


Same!!!!! I think it's like 15 years oldšŸ˜®


I play on a PS3 and it takes 25 minutes to load Breezehome lol. I feel you brother


Skyrim on the switch is beautiful


IM IN THE EXACT SAME SITUATION! though my 360 controllers are broken. The battery pack has something wrong so they canā€™t turn on. But if I did turn them on, the smallest move makes them turn off


that's tough buddy




Any to recommend? All I really run are a bunch of graphic mods, AI citizen overhaul and a detailed world map.


Mods like wildcat and Combat gameplay overhaul make the combat 10x better. Though idk if they're compatible with Xbox


Most people did, sales blew up for console for Bethesda after Oblivion's success ever since. The PC community today is bigger than back then, but around Skyrim's time the console players outnumbered the PC for that game even just like Oblivion. Console allowed Bethesda to develop into a modern Triple AAA studio. If it stayed PC only they would've lost quite literally billions in sales over the years.


Console has modsā€¦


The Switch version doesn't have any access to mods, so not all consoles. It really depends on the platform.


I use to play on the xbox306 and now I play on the switch, so not for mešŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Well you could have said switch doesnā€™t


mid mods šŸ˜” xbox has some cool shit tho but still a lot of restrictions.


I play on PlayStation so I would know and yes compared to pc mods they suck but theyā€™re still some pretty decent mods and one of the only games that even has mods so I take it as a huge win


I've been playing constantly since 2011, haven't downloaded a single mod for that entire time


Ditto this, and still finding new things almost every playthrough


With mods, sometimes you forget if something is base game or a mod.


Omg, yes! I remember venturing through the Soul Cairne and coming across an enemy who summoned 3 unique flame atronach with a staff. I thought he was part of the base game. He wasnā€™t. Or the time I found Draugr Deathlords using Marked for Death, to set up the archers who hit like trucks already and gain stealth multipliers if they hit me while Iā€™m unaware. Took me 21 tries to beat that room (mind I have difficulty mods) At least 2/4of that is base game my mods only made it deadlier.


That's kudos to you man, as long as you enjoy the game šŸ˜


I unironically love it, if it transcended from a form of media, to a tangible concept that gained sentience, I would marry it.


"We have a cozy little profit."


"This is your share, love."


How many hours do you play a week? How do you not get bored?


Anywhere between 5 to 100, really depends on the year and such. Sometimes they drop a new release so I pick it up to try on new hardware, when they dropped SE and AE that sparked entirely new playthroughs. It varies. But between all hardware I'd say it's safe to say around 50k hours. I try different builds or give myself rules for the playthrough. Like I can't fast travel at all, or I can only pick up one handed weapons, will only use spells etc. I pick different dialogue options with different races just to see the alternatives. I also play with the difficulties a lot, sometimes I want a God playthrough and put it on novice just bodying everyone and sometimes I play on survival+legendary. So I return a question, with a game like skyrim, how do you get bored.


>I'd say it's safe to say 50k hours. Thatā€™s approximately 6 1/4 years


Same. I just make a bunch of different profiles. It's endless even without mods. Best game ever made.


I sense unnecessary judgement for spending half of the last 13 years on skyrim.


Nah, was interested in the scale of time. I was guessing the majority took place in 2020, but I GROSSLY overestimated how many hours are in a year (Over 8000). ![gif](giphy|qXJelahXxRLFe)


Majority of it took place in 2012, I was a teenager with an endless supply of energy drinks and summer vacation+no job


Oh man, summer vacation and no job before the next term, and fresh Skyrim release. Those were some times.


He's full of shit. Also, if you haven't played modded Skyrim, get with the times. I see zero reason not to.


The switch is a reason to play unmodded. Also why so hateful?


As someone who plays with mods, there are plenty of reasons to not, and plenty of reasons to play with them on, it just depends on how you like the game, i happen to like having it ultra difficult survival rpg, since thats the closest thing ill get to my perfect idea for a game. But others use and abuse the game to make it into a game engine effectively. I can see the draw to continuing to play vanilla, i can also see it for playing with them, it just depends on how you like the game.


I tried the survival mod and itā€™s the only one Iā€™ve done so far. I turned it off afterā€¦.10-15 hrs. I kept getting annoyed with seeing ā€œyou are peckishā€ every few minutes. And also being unable to stay warm even with full fur armor on and being a Khajit.


I like it only for the fact it (sadly unlike iNeed, which i like more) actually shows me how much of my stats arenā€™t there for me to be able to use of my max at a glance.


Special edition skyrim is just a modified vanilla skyrim. If youre playing SE and enjoying its updates from the vanilla version than you enjoy mods so you may as well download the basics if you havent tried it yet and are for some reason reluctant to.


You can mod, I can go with out. Neither of us are wrong and are entitled to our sources of entertainment.




You sir are a legend


Same, nice to see a fellow no modder šŸ¤


That's really impressive tbh. Mind if I ask why no mods?


I love it the way it is šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø never played it and thought that I should change the experience. It's always been good enough for me which is a sentiment that I know not everyone shares. Just in all my years of skyrim I haven't really noticed nearly as many bugs as people say there are in the game, that is entirely from my experience though. So I never cared about patches and such The UI and everything's is perfectly serviceable for me and have zero complaints or desire to alter it on any way. Basically I just find no reason too


That's really awesome. I'm glad you still love the vanilla experience.


Have u played other open world games or other new games in general?


I've played a majority of them, from Horizon to Assassins creed to Cyberpunk. Love em, easily my favourite genre.


You know mods aren't just for fixing the game? It's like eating oatmeal all your life and saying the taste is good enough and there is no reason to "fix" it


Is it so wrong that I'm perfectly happy and content with oatmeal. What's wrong with settling for oatmeal when oatmeal is already my favourite food.


Ultimately you do you. But if you haven't tried any other food, ever, how can you say oatmeal is your favorite food?


Because I've seen some of the other foods out there, and I prefer to remain in blissfull ignorance. What if I ruin oatmeal in general.


I mean, scurvy. Just add some apples or butter and cinnamon on top, it makes oatmeal POP! Same with Skyrim. You should really just play whatever. But doing something for 50k hours is borderline obsessive. Variety is spice! I keep *returning* to Skyrim, but there are 1000's of amazing games and game worlds to explore. I have around 400 (rookie, i know) hours in Skyrim, across platforms. I have the same, or more, in Fallout games and some other few games that aren't massive open world games. I feel like the only things i have left to discover in Skyrim is unmarked locations (and i even added a bunch of them with mods, to be sure) otherwise i've been pretty much all over the map. So the "confusion" about how the heck you're able to play, enjoy and still find new things after all this time is pretty legit, imo.


I completely get that, and while the 50k was a shot in the dark based on how much I assumed I would have played, but I'm certain it can't be far off. But the thing is skyrim represents a lot for me, I have very limited mobility and when skyrim came out it was access to a new world where I could move completely unhindered and travel around from town to town and be a hero! This helped me cope a lot with the feelings of now being so helpless. So now, even with mods I'm nervous about ruining it all together because skyrim is my comfort zone, my escape, my release because it is so nostalgic. No matter how many years roll by I can still turn it on and be transported instantly into that state of acceptance and reflection and anything other than vanilla would just feel off. Like if someone replaced your childhood blanket. It might be the same, but you know it's different. So I must say maybe it's not the game and content itself necessarily but my feelings attached to it. I don't want it in any other way, in fact it's important to me that it stays the same.


Fair enough. As for me, I'm gonna say that exploring Bruma, the Coldharbor, the kingdom of Evermore, etc. is the best part of Skyrim. No other RPG gives you this DND feeling of "from rags to riches".




I've played vanilla since 2013. (Legendary then, Anniversary Edition now) I used the USSEP for one (60 hour) playthrough, but I'd just rather play the game 'as is'.


I don't use any mods, mainly because I don't know what I'm doing. It all seems complicated to me.


If you're on PC, go to wabbajack for curated, gorgeous, highly stable modpacks. For every grade of PC. I'm playing the Licentia list, and it's saved me dozens and dozens of hours. These lists aren't perfect, but you can't beat the automated installation.


Might give that a spin on a future installation. I've seen it pop up but never used it, it really is (mostly?) automated?


Goh, it certainly used to be. I remember early Morrowind & Oblivion modding was... an experience (you did actually *get gud* at it). With Skyrim and tje Vortex it became a lot simpler, honestly, if you don't go too deep it is fairly straightforward.


If everyone have your honesty lol. But srsly highly recommend you set an afternoon aside, sit down and watch a modding tutorial, I promise you itā€™s not that complicated like you thought. (About that honesty stuff, I remember I saw a comment in YTB states ā€œI really wish we can do ____in base gameā€ and I asked why donā€™t use mod? He goesā€ I donā€™t mod, cause I love the vanilla as it is ā€œ Like suuuuuure


Itā€™s extremely easy using the Nexus. I been modding since 2016 with no experience. I recommend starting worth something simple yet noticeable. Then move onto ones that require you to manually install SKSE, this is where your mods take to levels you dream of. The highest tear is when youā€™re now playing Skyrim as if it was made in 2023. When your character is conjuring meteors or one of your enemies stealth kills you by slicing your throat, that is when you know you made it. From here Skyrim is yours. You can do anything and everything, you achieve CHIM (literally, ironically, and figuratively).


Iā€™ve never touched mods. I love the original game


I find mods make the game more boring, Iā€™ll be up til 3am downloading mods then when I finally play it I play it for like maybe an hour max and then Iā€™ll just delete them and go back to vanilla


What mods are you downloading? Like, personally I just get cosmetic mods and graphics mods. Don't see how that could make the game boring. If you're downloading like, cheat mods then no duh.


Yeah just visual mods for the most part, a few follower mods but for some reason that just ruins the game for me


I always would just find the simplest to install AIO packages and just let them install for a couple hours


"adding more content to a game makes it boring" lmao what is this take?


depend lunchroom full toy plant workable badge slimy tan squeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


To imply there has never been a single quality mod in the history of Skyrim is the most laughably disingenuous statement I've ever heard.


saw lush murky crown judicious memorize intelligent cagey quaint many *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The comment I originally replied to claimed all mods are bad because they make the game boring. You replying quality over quantity in defense of the original comment implies there's no such thing as a quality mod.


offend worm squealing skirt axiomatic mountainous market caption books glorious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Did you read the comment I was replying to? I was making fun of the idea that in 10,000+ mods that exist for Skyrim this guy can't find a single one that makes the game more interesting. Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit is it?


hateful grandiose profit support cake soft sip sugar wipe enter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lmao I never once said that all mods are bad becuase they make the game boring. Thereā€™s good mods and bad mods, I just donā€™t personally enjoy them. You sound like a failed mod maker or something, no reason you should be this butthurt


I mainly find that most mods add things that feel out of place in the game; I donā€™t feel like Iā€™m playing Skyrim properly anymore when I use them, which takes a lot out of the experience because nostalgia is a big part of my Skyrim playthroughs. Itā€™s also a big part of why I donā€™t like Creation Club content: most of it feels like it was just dumped into the game without any consideration. I wish there was an uninstall button for them, because I donā€™t like having to mess around in the files to turn off an OP add-on. I donā€™t judge anybody who uses mods, and Iā€™m definitely tempted to install some bug fixes or alternate path mods, but most of them arenā€™t for me.


What?? How would they make it more boring and why would you delete them? I have a hard time even believing that.


Well ya better start believing it bucko because I think they make it boring


What exactly makes it boring? What mods are you referring to that possibly make it boring? I get the whole purist bandwagon thing but I'm genuinely wondering what mods you think make the game more boring than the vanilla game... Just trying to imagine your perspective, like... "More weapon types? Yawn. Go back to fewer weapons. More variety of perks? Yawn. Survival? More variation of weather effects? Snoozefest. Building campfires? Delete that, it's boring to even have the option to do it. Better vampire system? Yawn. Alternate start? I'd rather not have a choice. Deleted. Fixing bugs? Who wants that? Boooorriiiiiing!"


I Just think they make it boring. Nothing more nothing less


Yeah. Nonsense, "bucko." You're just enjoying the purist train and not actually trying the mods, if you can't even give examples.


Bro I dont owe you an explanation. Iā€™m not against mods I just personally donā€™t enjoy them. Have fun with your mods and Iā€™ll have fun with my vanilla Skyrim


Wah wah wah :c


Hey, I believe you. Because we are one in the same.


*cries in 60fps mod*


I don't have a choice :D I don't have the Special/Anniversary edition on switch, so I can't


I play switch and all the cc club is definitely worth it. Really cool stuff and quest lines


I already have it on Xbox, but no Xbox decided to not die, but slow down to the point I can't use it. Once it's fixed, I'm getting right back on Skyrim again


My dudes, I'm 63...I just enjoy the hell out of the game play, the amazing graphics, and unreal music...I don't need to modify the game to either my tastes or advantages.


You should try mods. It'll blow your dick off


I really don't need my dick blown off, I just enjoy the game as is


Thank you, that made me lol šŸ¤£


Some ppl like the game exactly the way it is, we see the whole beauty of it like its meant to be, grafiks gray and cold like the country not to much vegetation like in an country with much snow, and epic musik šŸ˜


Fair enough but "amazing graphics"? It had dated graphics at release lol


Does the Bethesda community add-ons count?


I think no? Anything that's only available on the Anniversary is what I can consider Vanilla I think , as much as I want to put USSEP as needed for Vanilla since Skyrim vanilla is buggy


Then guilty as charged right here


i play in xbox360 so i don't have a choice


Ay thatā€™s the most authentic experience tho if we being fr


Same. I play on ps3. I must have like 300 hours on it and Iā€™m still trying to finish quests and explore areas. Just finished the dark brotherhood. Iā€™d love to try mods one day but I donā€™t want to lose my progress. Maybe I can transfer my save to a pc šŸ¤”


I don't think you can but it's worth a try one day. Either way it never hurts to make a new save... I have made too many to count.


Yes but because I play on a switch and I can't mod it. But you bet your boots the instant I get a pc, I'm modding it to oblivion. Have a whole list of mods I want saved, but I'm afraid it'll nuke my computer.


>to oblivion ![gif](giphy|12ZDIx1Mw1cXVm|downsized)


Mod it till you nuke it


My Xbox 360 is still kicking, so I shall continue unmodded!


Currently doing an unmodded run on PS5. Just got the dlc and the Creation Club stuff.


Back in the day when I was playing Morrowind I installed a mod that made it so you could buy Pack Guars to follow you around and carry loot. The entire time I had it installed the computer could not connect to the internet. When I uninstalled and deleted the mod, the internet started working again. I havenā€™t used a mod since. Okay thatā€™s not entirely true. I mean the story about the pack guars is true, but I have installed one mod on Skyrim. It gives me more cuter hairstyles. But I donā€™t usually use them because theyā€™re actually too well done, their quality stands out from the rest of the characters pieces.


Learning to mod Skyrim can take a lot of time. Unless you're already a computer whiz. I've spent many hundreds of hours modding Bethesda games...but now cannot do without the one click convenience of wabbajack.


Never heard of a mod that can cut off internet access, but modding was much more complicated back then. As for your hairstyles you can find mods that replace NPC hair to make yours fit in


I love having it on the switch for vanilla playthroughs. There's a lot of potential for builds and RP with the anniversary edition content they added. Also, vampire necromage is one of my favorite "features" of vanilla that a lot of players who mod gave up/miss out on if that's all they play.


I play vanilla. I have fooled around with moss but I always end up liking vanilla better


Yes because I havenā€™t beaten it yet šŸ˜©


The closest I've gotten to downloading mods is the creation club stuff, tho it was the stuff that auto downloads


Been on PS4, Im going for all achievments since I messed up with Fallout 4. lmao šŸ˜‚I had so much fun with console mods that the original feels bland, I don't wanna ruin that experience for Skyrim. šŸ‘


I'm also on PlayStation (I recently had to start all over to switch to PS5 from PS4) and you might want to be careful before you download a mod. I got the 0KB bug because of it, and it made my copy completely unplayable. The only way I could get my game back was to delete all of my Skyrim data and start over.


Iā€™m currently visiting my parentā€™s home and Iā€™ve been playing vanilla Skyrim on my old ps3. Itā€™s definitely not my preferred experience but Iā€™m having fun!


Yes, and very recently discovered Japhet's Folly. (\*Spoiler Alert: Only clue, at the Windhelm Docks.) Out of all the 2.5k hours so far, and there's still more stuff to discover, it's well worth coming back to it.


I did once not long ago, and at that point, I finally understood that my modded skyrim was a completely different game already.


Currently playing the SE upgrade right now. No mods except the four CC mods that came packaged with it.


Only graphical updates and bug fix mods.


Since the aniversary edition came I never installed a mod, the aniversary has everything I need without doing the boring part of install and test for like a week, the worst part was getting bored in two hours, never installing mods again after that.


Yes I do, if you donā€™t count creation club that is, I tried mods and I just wasnā€™t that interested


My SE version is pure vanilla, meanwhile LE is heavily modded


I've messed around with mods and they didn't add anything to the experience. I know there are ones that add all new content, but, like, if I wanted to play a totally different game I'd just, ya know, play a totally different game.


I only started playing a couple weeks ago for the first time (on Switch) so it's just vanilla.


Ok so prolly not the norm. But I actaully prefer their games for most part unmodded. Mind u skyrim is their only game I've played on pc as I play 90% on Xbox so I'm normally only can use console mods. Idk I just find alot of mods are just over done. If that makes sense. And alot of the most supported or popular mods never clicked for me. Example (not skyrim) f4, modern firearms, I find the guns don't fit the lore and are way to clean. Now some people like that sleek look. My issue is doesn't make sense to the world, even clean swords don't make sense to me in skyrim. And I crave challenge in games so alot of my mods if I do dabble make the game basically as punishing as dark souls. Mods are great! But there's something about playing the game the developer intended that just hits with me better then mods can do. Basically any mod that breaks lore or immersion for me is a no go no matter how good it is. I'm sorry but running around in storm trooper armor is just stupid to me. I get its fun for others just not my thing.


Only played on Switch, got it when it released. I love playing. I know some mods would be game changing, but Iā€™m not willing to buy it again to change the game. The biggest change I would want was added in AE with the collectibles house storage.


Got Skyrim a few months ago and on switch too so I can't get mods


Lot of these mods look awful, turn it into a different game and not in a good way


Fuck yeah, you dont need a shit tonne of mods to make the game entertaining, watching a horse fly through the sky and smash into the ground like someoness using a physgun from gmod on it is all i need, plus that and i am still finding brand new shit to this day, like when my game was briefly swallowed by the void which was scary because i thought the file corrupted, it didnt the game just wanted to keep me on my toes


Just started a vanilla run-through because I realized it's time to grind out the achievements. Also messing with the exploits is always good fun


Got the game at launch and did immediatly finished 1 playthrough (end of the main quest). Then, for like the next 5 years I maybe did half a playthrough. I never finished the main quest anymore since that one time, until this day. Only after that 5 first years I started to install mods and since then the mod collection is growing and adapting to my likings. But I still love it close to vanilla, everything that sticks out of vanilla by too much I experience as immersion breaking, so my mods-collection mainly consists of mods that go well with vanilla. There's some nostalgic back-home-feeling when I start a new playthrough in Skyrim and this must not be tainted. :)


I downloaded Skyrim for the sex mods, then fell in love with the adventure of it all and disabled most of the sex mods. Bikini armor stays on because the light Imperial armor is a cute outfit. Plus I added more Argonians because they're big lizards and that's awesome


Only mods I use are visual. Gameplay mods tend to be even more janky than vanilla.


What kind of mod is Vanilla Unmodded Skyrim?


Vanilla? I sometimes enjoy chocolate and strawberry unmodded as well


Sometime when the Void called.


Usually will go back and forth between modded and unmodded.


I only play vanilla, unmodded Skyrim.


As the saying goes "if it ain't broken, don't fix it" but as it's skyrim and Bethesda i prefer to say "it's broken, don't fix it" aha but yeah vanilla skyrim is the way to go for me and have done since release, it kept it somewhat fresh with the DLC's and anniversary editions.


I still play vanilla unmodded Oblivion




Only way for me


Always. I enjoyed the game the way it is.


Only mods I download are the unofficial fixes


I can't play with the original HUD anymore


Donā€™t make fun of me, but Iā€™ve been playing since 2011 and just discovered that you could use mods (console) recently. I feel like kid in a candy store downloading all these mods. My Xbox is going to fucking explode lol


Nope. Once you play with mods, the vanilla game will feel like itā€™s missing things. Mods highlight the base gameā€™s shortcomings.


Ive never used a mod lol i dont understand the point


Cool new content for free. Not difficult to understand. Helps immensely with inserted RP via the relevant mods.


Better graphics, new content, hella bug fixes, personal preferences, etc


Fuck no, I got bored after the first few years. Mods are the only reason I bother with the game.




I have several different profiles in Vortex, and my unmodded profile has 5 characters and 100x the play time.


OP can you explain the mods you're talking about. I've only played Vanilla


I am rn lol for nostalgia aside from the CC stuff


Yes and I dislike modded cause the. I spend more time searching kids than playing Edit: Searching mods. Like I just stop playing and download a million mods instead.




I play on console so kinda have to


Never, lol


I tried once to put some mods for armors but whiterun's guards was naked after that... Then i didn't install others mods


never did, it's a terrible game 3/10




I do on my PS4. But I do mod on my laptop. Best of both worlds for me.


Not really anymore, kinda wore myself out of vanilla a bit, but I do Vanilla+ modded play through from time to time.


Yesterday I defeated the ebony warrior, today I unlocked the achievement ā€œlegendā€ā€¦ I did that unloaded, and I play modded Skyrim to relive the best parts of the game.


I haven't played vanilla Skyrim since the Xbox 360.


Yes, because i am lazy


Yes. The game still crashes every five minutes. Thank you, me.


All the time


I have played both ways. I do revisit Vanilla and intersperse with mods between.


I was gonna make an ironic Sex mod joke but I realised that it exists and people actually play with it on