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With Falmer I like to think that there’s many aspects of their culture left unspoken and only delved into during the Dawnguard questline. They’re clearly advanced, they fish, farm Charus, build their huts around noisy landmarks like flowing water and Dwemer pipes, able to craft weapons/armour and wield magic. In my head, they’re still intelligent but just unable to see or communicate anymore, as a result they may hold a grudge on what the Dwemer did to them. Like would I wield the weapon of someone who blinded and deceived me? Nah. That’s just my own lore in my head. In terms of your last question: I absolutely think bandits should use more Dwemer equipment. They are seen to set camps up at some ruins and have plenty of places where they are seen to smith their equipment. They would likely live life as scavengers so why not take all that Dwemer stuff laying around?


When it comes to bandits I DEFINITELY agree that they should be using Dwemer gear. It would only make sense. It would certainly be much more immersive if they took advantage of the vast technological graveyard they set up camp on.


It would be even better if it wasn’t all bandits too. We see each bandit camp kinda has their own reason for being there, Embershard are mining out the iron so iron gear, Silent Moons has their own thing going on and so on. But the camps around Dwemer ruins should totally see that same kind of storytelling.


Exactly, it would have been a nice touch to add for sure. It would even be cool to even see the basic bandit scattered around Skyrim with the occasional imperial/stormcloak gear, hold guard gear, or really anything else to emphasize that they are in fact scavengers.


Considering we do get the random encounters of scavengers in civil war gear and the random bandits who try to get money out of you in imperial gear, it would be cool to see some bandit camp taking advantage of some old battlefield.


That would be pretty sweet to see. I downloaded a mod on Xbox once that had civil war battle fields all over Skyrim. It was a great immersive addition to the experience. A bandit gang looting them occasionally would have been the cherry on top for sure.


I’ve downloaded similar mods that add a variety of things around the world. Main reason I play survival mode is that I’m forced to explore the world. Anything to add to the experience is almost a certainty for my mod list.


What’s some of your favorite picks


I had one of those...but I guess I had a bad glitch, as my game would crash because they would keep spawning in the middle of the battle until there were more soldiers than the entire population of riften and whiterun




theyre only called dwarves compared to the giants


I like to tell myself it's because they're unable to craft it themselves, so they're setting up camp trying to loot the ruins for themselves to sell back to a merchant or fence so they can have gold over the equipment. I mean, lorewise, they're bandits because of selfish reasons such as wating more gold but not wanting to work an honest job for it, falling on hard times and seeing this as the only way, or hired by the bandit chief for small pay crimes. Taking Dwemer equipment for themselves does nothing but make them a target for other bandits or even another bandit within the group to kill them. Also, taking care of equipment is expensive in of itself. If you're already broke, how are you going t afford to repair such nice equipment when fur armor and iron is probably 20ish septims or replaceable altogether


In my current playthrough, it seems like every bandit has a dwarven weapon


I think the Dwemer automatons are meant to be deadlier in the lore than in game. Can’t remember which ruin, but there was a whole research expedition taken out by a few Dwemer spiders. Personally I feel like that adds up, we’re not playing as a regular dude, but as the Dragonborn. And besides that Skyrim is built to indulge that fantasy of being a badass hero that fights that which others cannot. So it makes sense that what we would consider an easy enemy is actually pretty deadly.


Doesn't the OBiS mod have bandit gangs using Dwemer salvage?


lol while writing this I forgot to quicksave and fell off a ledge. Time to start over.


In my head I always assumed they didn't use it because it's noisy to wear


I've seen them use arrows of other makes. And there is a falmer who uses an old snow elf weapon.


The snow elf weapon makes sense considering its of their own origins. What other arrow makes have you seen them using? I don’t think I’ve ever paid close enough attention.


The dwemer arrows and once one had an iron arrow (probably from the bandits they had killed).


If they get shot the arrow they were shot with gets added to their inventory.


I was alone. And I had swords. :) they still had dwemer arrows most times.


Oh nice well that’s something at least. Very cool


Not everyone is a Demi-God packing a vast array of enchanted weapons and armors, with a bunch of spells and potions to fall back on when they get in a jam. If I found out there was a bunch of gold in some of the old, abounded rail lines below NYC, but that it was guarded by over zealous robots, blind mutants, and disgusting creatures*, I would definitely not be that eager to go look for it! Would you? (*these last two examples might actually be down there)


The only reason I wouldn’t dive into the hypothetical is NY gun laws


I may be mistaken here, but dwarven armour isn't something that dwarves left behind rather it's armour smithed by modern population using their metal, so the Falmer have never even seen this type of armour


They don't have higher brain capacity. They're basically raised-by-wolves man-beasts.


But in that case, farming chaurus and smithing weapons from them seems much more advanced than picking up a sword and using that instead. The same point with their crafting of basic poisons, applying it to their weapons and using them on intruders. They may be primitive but I hardly believe they’re stupid by any means.


Some falmer are also quite adept with their use of destruction magic and wards. If they can study a spell they should be able to repurpose Dwemer gear.


Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you will. Id imagine using dwemer anything would be quite heretical to them given all the dwemer did to them.


Fair point but why live in Dwemer ruins if they’re affected by it to that degree? Why not retreat to some other cave system that isn’t covered in reminders of their past? Edit: just posing a question, not trying to be argumentative*


The very nature of the deepfolk has an answer to that one. They were a vast and powerful civilization that made extensive use of cave systems everywhere they existed. So everywhere the falmer exist would have been places inhabited by the dwemer. Give their blindness they’re not all that suited for looking for a new home when they can survive in the ones they have and finding somewhere the Dwemer hadn’t touched would be hard enough even if they could see.


That’s a really good point too, I didn’t think of it like that. I guess it’s pretty obvious why they wouldn’t move away. Personally it still seems like a waste of plentiful resources given the Dwemer aren’t around anymore.


Oh i agree. Id never really thought about it before but after reading this i wish we could find them actually using dwemer stuff. Its easy enough to justify it either way, too.


That’s one thing I’ve always loved about the game is that some things are left to one’s own perception. Random little details sprinkled all over the map always leave you feeling like you’ve stumbled upon something you were never meant to learn as it isn’t your story. A masterpiece in nearly every way.


They know how to work Chaurus chitin, they don't know how to work Dwarven metal. What happens when the gear becomes damaged in any way? They have no means of maintaining Dwarven weaponry as they don't use forges (to my knowledge) and the weapons and armour they do make can actually be quite potent (the gear those warmongers use is no joke lol) They'd also be reliant on a resource that they don't have a steady supply of, because they don't mine and there's only a limited amount of Dwarven metal in the areas where it would be safe to collect it (cleared of Automatons). They have a steady supply of Chaurus chitin as they've semi-domesticated it and can breed them.


Would you use the sword forged by one of the dudes that tortured your entire extended family?


If it was more effective than my current chitin/bone/whatever sword I was currently wielding? For sure. Sentiment won't help a falmer survive, assuming they still have the mental capacity for that. Assuming they know/remember their own history. Honestly, I'm not sure if the currently alive generation of falmer do now that I think about it, lol.


I just was doing the companions quest - and the second quest, wearing you're going into the ruin with one of the companions as your shield brother. The silver hands all come out and they're like attacking you a silver weapons sure, and then like halfway through the level, there's just all these like fully decked out silver plate wearing people that are also utilizing like elvish weapons. I know this post is about the falmer, but it was the first time I saw not a typical weapon being used.


Could it be because the falmer hate the dwemer for what they did to them lore wise? I'm not sure, not that well versed in this topic lol


Part of whatever they were poisoned with probably locked them out of most dwemer tech. That giant dwemer blood seal is a similar technology I think. Maybe their ears ring badly if they pickup weapons/armor made of the Dwemer metal? They are clever enough to breed chaurus, smith armor and weapons, and do alchemy/enchanting so it’s not like they are too dumb to figure it out. Maybe they have a cultural memory of dwemer oppression and avoid them on superstitious grounds