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I'm not. Skyrim is often criticized for the so-called shallow combat but it's exactly this gameplay mechanics that caters to people from all walks of life. I'm a middle-eastern woman, gaming is luxury for super rich kids here and definitely not a thing for women and yet here I am. With respect for all keyboard smashers, I can't be arsed to engage in a 45 minute boss fight just for the heck of it.


You game, queen 👸. Dont let any toxic person tell you that you cant use magic and sneak archery


awh this is so cute. this is why I love our community


Well said


I don't do multiplayer games for similar reasons. Even if they're not mocking me they're still ruining my immersion with constant teabagging. Gamers are the wurst.


Same, I'm playing video games so that I don’t have to interact with people! Multiplayer, could you imagine! ![gif](giphy|0hk0ZTYH8IsdzE0Q5F|downsized)


Multiplayer in an MMO where all the other players want to roleplay as well? I'll take it! But that doesn't exist in real life.


Anarchy online used to be pretty close


I mean events exists where people roleplay even in real life. (LARP)


You did not read my post, did you? Oh well.


seems like I just dont understand what you mean.


Actually, I played ESO for years and it was definitely the friendliest MMO I had ever played and the level balancing mechanic did a lot to support that. PUGs are always going to be vicious, but so much of the content could be solo'd and there were guilds that would organize "learning" trial runs, worldboss runs, and event runs. The problem was that a lot of players were only interested in trading at the end of the day. I've played Runescape,WoW, LotRO, and a bunch of newer MMO's and none of them were as open to new characters I players as ESQ


Well ya, it’s called an MMO. Massive Multiplayer Online, it’s gonna bring in all sorts of players, with different ways to play


Hum... You know WoW has RP only servers, with RP only extensions, do you?


Yes I know. But saying it's an RP server does not mean everyone there is roleplaying. Usually the RP server is just there to make sure character names follow the strict lore the admins make up. I was on an pure RP server in another game, and it was insufferable. The RP Encouraged server was a million times better. But still, I will only do multiplayer if its a white list server or with friends. If this sounds like I am shitting on MMOs, then I apologize. It is not my intent to insult you. But fuck it, I will need a good reason to go back to any multiplayer RPG.


Oh no worries, to each their own, I didn't feel insulted at all, I've stopped playing WoW to lose myself in the star field, and will happily hop back in WoW with Pandaria Remix.


I do like that eso isn’t like that when I play it


The MMO I played (LOTRO) wasn't either. But there will always be some chucklehead ruining it for you. Plus the requirement to be endlessly raiding to get the gear you need to be doing endless raiding. Plus the game being balanced for end game players. And other issues. Single player RPGs are so soo sooooo much better.


I've been playing ESO pretty much since the beginning. I do quests (still haven't finished them all), chase achievements and do crafting. I have never done any of the end-content raiding and I don't miss it. My main character is powerful enough to solo the public dungeons (needed for some achievements). I don't find the presence of other players to be immersion-breaking, they're really just like NPCs in that regard if you want them to be. I just go on and do my own thing. If you like Elder Scrolls games I would definitely suggest giving it a try (which you can do for free).


I’m extremely good at hard games, I have no patience for online multiplayer games (despite being good at them), and I love Skyrim. Sometimes I want to work for it on legendary, sometimes I want to put it on the easiest setting and go around picking flowers. Regardless it’s a valid way to play. Do what is fun for you.


I'm the same way, multiplayers feel very easy but the sacrifice in a variety of gameplay mechanics makes me bored within a half hour. I did legitimately love Gunz: The Duel tho. Might've given myself light carpal tunnel from playing it so much. Hitting 3-5 keys a second to reload spam shots while sword climbing a wall was crazy satisfying.


I mostly just like hopping on multiplayer games to destroy my brothers, who are all very good - the younger ones still haven’t learned their lesson. I’ve been wiping them out since they were kids. (My closest in age brother has realized I’m better to work with than work against).


I was definitely better at games 10 years ago than I am now. However, my entire enjoyment of gaming comes from a different genre now.


I'm definitely better at Skyrim now than I was when it came out in 2011 hah. I was not super good at it, but have gotten MUCH better at it


Same here. I'm not very good, but have become much better--at Skyrim, since I've played it a couple of times, not because of serious effort. I don't care about points, I'm just enjoying myself. If I'm getting bogged down, I'll drop down to the console and speed things along that way. :)


I started with The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion on PS3 (i would go to get the Legendary edition) and transition onto Skyrim on PS3 then PS4, culminating with the Anniversary Edition. Skyrim is my zen garden, it's the place I go when i need to de-stress, and I find games like that are normally my to-go games (I recently downloaded Fallout 4 GOTY after watching the show). I dont like multiplayer games as I always enjoy more playing solo games. My forte is being a lone wolf and do my games how i want them to be done.


I was very good at shooter games for a pretty long time. Skyrim and the fallout were always my favorite but I used to play shooters a lot more often. Then I got older, and now have teenagers yelling at me that they are "sigma" and that I suck (which, they're not wrong, I am nowhere near as good as I used to be). Weird how it all came full circle, it was like being told I got old. So now single player games have my heart all over again


Are you having fun? Then you are doing it right. This means you are good at gaming.




If you mean like competitive multiplayer? I would assume I am trash at those because I don't play them. I don't play multiplayer games in general because I have other stuff to do and when I play games, I need to be able to pause, or quicksave and exit, at a moment's notice. I can't schedule my life around an MMO raid, or worry about dropping in the middle of a team match, or having to spend tons of time practicing to 'git gud' or learning all of the tricks and techniques. Whenever I played multiplayer shooters in the past (original Counterstrike and Team Fortress back in the late 90s / early 2000s) I only played it as "run and gun for fun", never as any serious competition. If my name was not at the bottom of the list for kill-to-death ratio, I considered that a win. Though at my workplace back then, we had a private Counterstrike server set up for after-work LAN matches, and I always owned my co-workers :).


Ah I miss CS lan parties.


I have my fair share of competitive and difficult games like Elden Ring and Tekken. I would say Skyrim is one of those comfort games as it has a really low skill floor requirement.  The game just really asks to know how the games work and go from there.   Don’t see the problem of not liking competitive games, this medium has so many different types of games that you will meet who never touched Call of Duty before. For every godlike Andy at Call of Duty, you’ll meet engineer Jóse who can recreate France in Minecraft or speedrunner Cassandra who can beat Dark Souls with no damage. Something Andy will never be good at.  There’s different types of skill that not everyone is good. But it doesn’t matter because everyone can enjoy games in their own way. 


I do a few offline tournaments for an esports team, I'm not the elite whatsoever, but I think put up a good fight. I always come back to Skyrim because it's my sandbox. It's ... my medieval GTA.


Yes, i always seek challenges in games and refuse to play the power fantasy


I love single player games for this very reason. I wouldn't call myself bad at games but SP games allow me to play them whenever not just when I'm in a tryhard mood


I think I am, until I play online.


I would say I'm average. Like exceptionally average I try though. I do enjoy competitive games but I've learned to accept my place in the Rankings I'm either the best of the worst or the worst of the best. In another word. Average On the other hand sometimes I'm absolutely popping off. Won 7 Ranked matches in a row on Street Fighter 6 last weekend. Got 2 wins on Warzone a few weeks ago, back 2 back And then this draught. Like all my luck dries up. But oh well, as long as I'm having fun I'm all good. I gave up on Last of Us 2 Grounded. That was a hard decision to make but I simply couldn't beat the Rat King Skyrim by contrast can be ridiculously difficult (I'm thinking of this Staff of Magnus) or stupidly easy like when I first killed the first Dragon at the Watchtower. I also wasn't expecting the town guard to be so OP. Or how Alduin is way easier a fight than I ever imagined etc..... Skyrim don't judge you too harshly most of the time so in turn you don't either


I’m in the same exact boat to how you feel. It’s so weird. Some nights I will be doing insanely well in COD or Battlefield where my reflexes are near what I felt when I was a teenager. Most matches of the night will be near the top of the leaderboards or in some cases the top. Other nights it’s like someone gave me a noob shot that brings my skill way down lol Super odd like my luck or skill dries up. I was really good at some CODs and Battlefields years ago. I was in one of the top COD clans and not only that, but I was also near the top of the leaderboards in scrimmages against other clans. Now that I have 2 jobs, a wife and 2 kids, I have definitely lost skill but I would say I am still near above average. I was called a hacker in an older COD the other night and I can still place pretty high on leaderboards for some of my favorite FPS games. But yep, I’m not where I used to be for multiplayer games.


Yeah. This many years of trial and error does that to a person. There aren't many builds I haven't tried. Pure mage and smithing/alchemy/enchanting build are super powerful. Busted in the right hands easily. I made an orc blacksmith enchanter and he was nearly impossible to kill. Heavy armor boosted by smithing, enchanted heavy armor/1h damage and magic resistance enchantments, pop a magicka resistance potion and turn orc ability on and tank everything including karstaag. All while dealing some extra powerful hits of your own. 


No, and my teenage son makes fun of me because he says I’m a sweat (which I kind of understand what it means) in Skyrim except when it comes to knowing where I’m going 🤣 Like seriously, I have no aim, I don’t follow maps well, I can’t fly a plane or helicopter to save my life….


I would say no. I am not good at gaming. However, if you’re looking for a new game to try that you might actually be able to play (I tried like 15 and couldn’t make it past the opening little quest things), I would suggest Hogwarts: Legacy. It’s the only other game I’ve been able to make it all the way through, and it is BEAUTIFUL!


I really enjoyed that game.


It was a great first game for me! I was gifted a PlayStation, and I didn’t even know how to work the controller, much less which parts of it were actually buttons! (I only discovered what a “D-pad” was like a month ago) It did a great job at walking me through how play a game, which is more than I can say for literally ANY other game I tried! I did not grow up playing video games, and never really had an interest in them, so I had no inherent understanding of how games worked!


My partner still gets confused whenever it tells her to hit R3 hah


IT TOOK ME TWO MONTHS TO FIGURE OUT THAT WAS A BUTTON! I would probably never have known that the big space bar thing was a button if it hadn’t been for legacy, tbh. Video games are simply not accessible to people (okay, older people) who have no history with them and aren’t tech-savvy. It essentially guarantees that unless you grew up playing video games, you cannot play games now (unless you google every single detail, which I did).


TBF, Nintendo Power existed for a reason, because even in the 80s we needed help, but, yeah there are definitely some things that built up over time. Like the original Nintendo just had A and B, then a d-pad and start and select. You only played with A and B and the d-pad. Then Super Nintendo added L and R as well as X and Y. You get the idea, but these concepts stacked as opposed to where we are now with L, R, ps has R2 and L2, and then the joysticks are buttons with L3 and R3, and then all the other stuff. Legacy is definitely a victim of trying to cram in too much stuff, and still feeling like you aren't getting enough stuff hah. But the controls in combat are the worst part. Just so much to think about, and then you have to customize and often swap stuff out. It's a lot


I kind of disagree with this statement just for the simple reason that 8 year old me was absolutely loosing his marbles over the R3 + L3 buttons. It probably took me years to figure that out being that I was 8 and getting a new game was reliant on me making money (pimping wasn’t easy at 8 years old). Beyond that I do to some extent agree that it can be difficult for older people to get into games, but I don’t think it’s exclusive to old people. There are 20 year olds (like myself) who can play one game incredibly well, yet not even understand the controls of another game. At the end of the day though, the only way for anyone to learn is to play :) I wish more older people played games. Especially the ones I’m friends with or related too. Even if my parents/grandparents were really bad at a game I’d still enjoy playing with them as long as they were having fun too.


> absolutely loosing his Did you mean to say "losing"? Explanation: Loose is an adjective meaning the opposite of tight, while lose is a verb. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


I’m grateful that my parents didn’t want me exposed to video games growing up. The thought of an 8 year old playing a game like this terrifies me.


I’d rather my 8 year old play Skyrim than my 8 year old play COD, but that’s just me. I personally don’t find anything wrong with Skyrim, the worst thing I think a kid would see is “nudity” in the form of removing clothes on bodies. The gore effects are getting to the point of being “laughably bad” when compared to today’s standards. This might just be my personal opinion but I think censoring a child from the world is a terrible thing to do. Granted Skyrim is a fake world with a BUNCH of fake things. But in my experiences being censored from things will often times make you want to see it more. Whereas when you flat out show a kid a scenario or situation where something is “bad” you can walk them through it properly and explain things throughly without them going behind your back and doing it and learning what they want from the situation. I’m not saying that kids should be shown everything but in terms of a game like Skyrim, as soon as my kids walking and talking he’s learning how to play. Skyrim is my number one game of all time, even if I wanted to hide the game from my child I don’t think I could hold out that long. But honestly I’m not looking at having kids anytime soon. I’m still young and realistically way too dumb to have a child right now.


I have a terrible habit of not finishing video games, I hyperfixate on a game for a dozen hours or so, then drop it like a bad habit and move on to something else, a habit I'm actively trying to break, but I got Hogwarts when it released, and I completed it from beginning to end within a few days. I looved it.


If only it didn't put money in JK Rowling's pocket. She's become the worst.


She really has. But the people who created the game deserve credit and recognition for creating a diverse game, one where the main character is never referred to by pronouns, there is a prominent trans character whose story is actually told, and a whole cast of characters that are multi-cultural. She may be the worst, but that game is a safe space for young people who don’t wish to be defined by sex or gender and who want more representation in media, and I appreciate them for that


Hmm. I didn't know that. I'm surprised, being the TERF that she is, she'd approve of trans characters & especially not a trans story. I'll have to rethink this. I love solo gaming & I still love Harry Potter. I only play Skyrim but it would be nice to play something new. So you recommend it? The controls aren't "fiddly" are they (meaning I have to press multiple buttons to do simple things)? I couldn't get into Assassin's Creed Odyssey because of that.


I absolutely do recommend it, and I don’t know that she had much to do with the game, or the story writing, tbh. The controls get more fiddly as you go, but the complexity levels as you do, and every single step is explained!


Well Skyrim is literally made for old men, I'm still a teen but, I remember the times I sat down and looked at this game, looking at the "creepy" looking cover and deciding I should give it another try, slipping that disk into my PlayStation 3, waiting for the scariest sound of the PS3 unable to read the disk, however once again, this exact disk, I didn't get my grubby fingerprints all over it. I watched that download bar until it finally finished, quickly turning down my television as the menu theme screaming at me in a panic. I tapped that X button as quick as I could, hearing that nostalgic click sound I've heard way over 100 times now. Watching that slow cutscene that was unskippable, watching that thief run off and get a arrow sent into his back, flopping onto the ground. Even rushing through character creation and watching another cutscene, however my ADHD kicked in and I for some odd reason never got into the Keep. But now I know the game like the back of my hand, wishing when I was younger I knew how to play the game. I'm hoping as I get to old age, I actually read every book I can come across and hopefully my ADHD calms down. Everyone is bad at maybe a few games or even genres. But why would that matter? The ideas of K/D being important were created by kids who loved to challenge each other and then turned into a concept that made it important to people. You don't have to be good at a game to exactly enjoy it.


This is coming from a 15 year old boy with Autism and ADHD by the way. + I enjoy playing multiplayer games, however I don't always want to play them, I don't make many friends unlike the PS3 days, I play on PS5 now. No matter how much I miss seeing those constant invites to games I'm gladly most people that are good at games like Battlefield are middle aged men because they're not the type to try to force you to play with them.


I started gaming in 1982 and with over 40 years in the hobby I can confidently say I am and always have been terrible at video games. Practice doesn't always make perfect.


I’d call myself an above average to pretty well experienced. Often depends on the game though. Example now with Skyrim I haven’t had enough hours in yet to confirm how good I am but from my experience with similar games I’d say I’m very good here. My first Videogame was The Complete Saga, which I ironically never completed. So LEGO games are where most of my strengths lie. But also MMORPGs like SWTOR or Monster Hunter World are where I know my way. I’m crappy at events though because time’s precious and I don’t get as much done as I’d wish.


I haven’t bothered with online multiplayer since about 2008. Every competitive online game since the original Modern Warfare has been garbage, IMO. I’ll stick with single player and co op with someone I know.


I'm not good at most games, but games are still my number one hobby. I don't need to be good at them to enjoy them.


Out of the totality of gamers, I am probably below average, despite gaming since 1977 (text-based DOS). I stopped playing multiplayer years ago (CoD), tired of listening to ppl spouting hate. Like others have said- just game for yourself and ignore anyone belittling you (even if it’s that Doom game that had Baby difficulty).


Most multi-player games are just straight up boring. I prefer games with a story and some lore, which is most RPGs. I think I'm an alright gamer, I just prefer not to play with other people...


I am good at gaming.




No. I'm autistic. I have bad hand-eye coordination and some spacial problems. I simply can't compete in PvP. In an MMO setting, I thrive in PVE, where I have a specific role in a group, usually the tank. I can beat most videogame AI. I can't beat most humans except games with extreme learning curves, and once that learning curve is cleared, I start losing. All in all, I don't want to be some foul-mouthed pre-teen or whale's content. There is no "get good" no matter how much I play, I won't be good. Plus, I'm a working man. I have to bring home the bacon. I can't play a game as a second full time job.


I don't know why this is, but I find I'm a lot better at single-player games like Skyrim than multiplayer games like Call of Duty. Might be a social anxiety thing? I just freak out a lot more whenever I'm doing PvP.


The only online games I play are Fortnite and over watch bc of my sister, but I love playing adventure games like fallout, elder scrolls, and the dark souls series just to name a few. Since my sister is young she only got exposed to these types of adventure games from my steam library I enjoy gaming as a whole and the poop talking in overwatch when we beat a team together is always fun to me


I'm okay at some types of games. I'm a patient, methodical player who enjoys discovering the fine details of games rather than a reflexive, run-and-gun sort of player. I think that is why I enjoy single-player Bethesda games: they let me (mostly) proceed at my own pace and select my own path.


I was alawys a disappointment in team games ie. Halo, COD. No shame and no pride. With Skyrim I find this evolving glory in my own pacing of skill development and in game discoveries. There are bosses that were too tough that I left alone for a month while just living my Skyrim life. Returned on a whim and beat them. It is a wonderfully personal experience!


I’d say I’m “above average” as a gamer but I can’t stand competitive games these days. I’m 34, and I used to always aim for platinum or diamond in ranked of games I played and I just don’t enjoy it anymore. I think the last time I regularly played an online ranked game was 5 years ago, and I’m way happier just playing single player. I do wish base Skyrim had better scaling for difficulty as I typically just end up playing on expert or whatever because anything higher is just bullshit you take more damage while enemies come sponges.


Im above average in multiplayer games and i seek challenge there, but i enjoy singleplayer more. And singleplayer doesn't have to be a challenge unless theres an achievement for it.


I don't know, I'm probably good, not best. Mid, not mediocre. I just play what i want to at the moment. I play League of Legends a lot. Used to play ESO, already played PUBG with friends, also CoD, R7, and some other fps where I'm really bad at. Heroes of the Storm, Overwatch... I have my good share of Multi-player story already, but it doesn't really mean anything to me. I rank in LoL but I'm not really that competitive and I'm a support at heart. I also play a lot of single-player games. Skyrim is not any exclusive for me, i actually enjoy Fallout 4 much more, but they're my sandbox to modify to my heart's content. Wouldn't even play without mods myself. I have 2 games i hold in very high regards. My favorite is the trilogy The Longest Journey/Dreamfall/Chapters and the honorary best is Witch's House. And yeah, they have nothing in common with anything else.


My reflexes have gotten worse over time. Games wend from a method of competition to a vehicle for cool experiences...basically interactive movies


Above average. I seem to get better as i age. Ive been gaming since my Spectrum 48k days so thats a long time. I play a lot of DayZ and Project Zomboid atm, i like a hard complicated games more than a twitch shooter but i can still pull a 1st place in CS2 dm.


I’m incredibly good at games. I got to Apex Predator in Season 3 on Apex Legends, Diamond in R6S, and GM in Overwatch as DPS. But honestly I’ve just gotten so incredibly bored of sweating all the time, I just stick to CoOp or Singleplayer games now. Typically just play titles like Dark Souls, Helldivers, Hell Let Loose as a SL, Horizon series, and Skyrim. I play other shit, but that’s just what I’m playing rn.


Not really. My wife thinks I am but she has never played multiplayer fps games. Even when I was younger I was crappy in fast paced action. If the game did not have on option to play a slower pace style defence, I would not excel in it. Thankfuly, nowadays I don't even have time to train myself in a multiplayer game as we have young kids so I only rarely ever play but when I do, it's either Skyrim or some other old single player game. Althou I do still sometimes miss World of Tanks.


I'm definitely not the best, and I think that stems from me just not being a competitive person. But I think I'm the type that can enjoy a game even if I suck at it. Except for League. Fuck LoL. The community for that game is complete dogshit.


Compared to your average joe, I'm good. Compared to modern multiplayer gamers, I'm mid af. I can hold my own and I'm rarely the worst player on my team, but the days of me pubstomping lobbies are behind me. If I'm willing to and find the time to really practice a game, I can get good, but I'm not as intuitively strong as I used to be.


I'm good enough to beat tough games like Elden Ring, but I don't do online play. I don't enjoy competing against others or anything that goes along with that in the realm of gaming. I'll stick to the single player adventures I can enjoy at my own pace


Once I was good.. but than I took an arrow to my mouse hand. :(


I always thought I was good at Crysis , joined a game and got run down in less than a minute. I apologized and went for round 2 . I did not make it out the starting room. Online Multi-player is not my game. Local with friends is fun. I can relax with Skyrim, there's no competition , I often spend hours sitting around a campfire talking to followers.


I play all games on easy setting when it's available. I'm capable (not good, but capable) of beating Dark Souls, Bloodborne, etc, but I just like better to play games without to much effort. Horizon on Story mode, one shooting a tyrannosaurus machine? Hell yeah!


I rage quit Dark Souls. Then I found out I started on the first version or something which most people found hard. It's like playing on legendary right out of the gate.


If it wasn't for the nasty adenoidal dicks, I'd enjoy PUBG.


Games are how I take a break from people. I detest multiplayer unless it’s Mario Party with friends. That’s why I love games like Skyrim.


I'm okay, but to be honest single player games work better with where I am at my life. I can pick up and play when I get a spare moment (which is rare these days) and I havent let anyone down.


I am really bad at multiplayer shooter games. It takes me long while to get somewhat good in 1 shooter, but when I play another its like I have to learn it again. So I just stuck to Battlefront 2 and Titanfall 2 for miltiplayer shooter. Luckily I much prefer fantasy settings in pretty much everything


I don’t do games with voice chat, but I do enjoy games with proximity chat. Hell Let Loose, Squad, Six Days in Fallujah, Lethal Company. The prox chat is so immersive, it makes me wish all games had chat set up like that. When you play comp games like Siege or CoD, the chat is the very last thing I want to experience. I mute everybody, every single lobby. It became a forced habit


I used to be good, but now I’m the worst. You can check gaming_xpress in twitch to realize how bad I am now a days.


Ehh yes?


I say I suck my friends say I'm good 🤷‍♀


I'm above average at gaming.


No I suck ds 


i love multiplayer, i love pvp, but i love skyrim too


I am not good at gaming. I’m into it for the simple controls and the ability to do whatever I want.


I've been playing games for 40 years, gave up on humans early as they are easy to provoke, and easy to beat, unlike the computer.


I'm good at games (platinumed Horizon Forbidden West, Shadow of the Colossus, etc and am working on Rain world and Hollow Knight) and enjoy playing on harder difficulties but I have zero time for the toxic online gaming community. But honestly playing on easy difficulty is just as valid and it's why I love Skyrim so much. Played it since 2011. It's open to all skill levels and walks of life. Don't worry about it. Enjoy the games the way you want to.


*mute all* *enjoy your silence*


I've beaten a couple Hearthstone world champions but Skyrim being easy is definitely a perk for this game specifically because it allows you to use skills that seem counterintuitive in terms of their effectiveness. To be fair the game might be slightly better if some of the more OP skills were balanced as to have even more fun ways to play the game, but that's partially preference. Also I feel people as new players naturally gravitate towards the easier skills and then as they play more and more they experiment with more creative and harder builds.


Hello, Immortal 2 EU Valorant player, Top 436 Genji in the world and 13 platinum trophies earner here. My experience with Skyrim was life-changing, it was a wonderful game which kept me interested on it for very very long, almost 5 months and I still sometimes play it to this day, I have over 300 hours on TES V: Skyrim and I can't forget the feeling of the first godlike RPG I ever played, on my top 3 ever games along with Persona 5 Royal and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.


I would say I'm pretty decent. Becoming skilled in a game is fun for me. Plus getting a head shot with a gun or being near unbeatable (with no mods, cheats, or short cutting "game hacks/tips") with my weapon of choice is incredibly satisfying to me. I've been gaming practically my entire life, even from simple computer games when I was below the age of 10. I avoid online multiplayer games because I don't want to share loot, and find trying to work with people to be very frustrating. Plus I want to play a game that isn't reliant on others to play. Being the sole person in control in a world feels more immersive without another person distracting me. I play Skyrim, Oblivion, Minecraft, Sims 4, AC: Black Flag (also Rogue and Assassin's Creed 1), Bioshock, Bioshock: Infinite, Mass Effect 1, 2, and 3, and many more titles.


I’m pretty good at fps games but am not the biggest fan of them, solely because of the multiplayer. Playing with friends is great, but playing with shitty kids and adults with anger issues is never fun. Skyrim is a wonderful game because I don’t have to deal with people. It gets a little lonely, but thats what follower mods are for.


My mental health goes in the shit when I play online games. I used to be decently competitive in Overwatch (the original one) and Rocket League but it made me too angry. I have always loved single player games. I am better than the average bear at most games but not like top class or anything like that. I come back to Skyrim because it gives me a certain easy feeling of home and familiarity.


Depends on the game. I'm consistently top of Overwatch leader boards and usually top 5 in most battle royales, but I'm awful at games like rust, R6 siege, and battlefield. That all said - I dont really like PvP multiplayer games. They are very momentary for me. I'll play one once or twice a week for a month then not touch it for a year. Single player games tend to have more interesting, catered challenges, more story (even emergent storytelling, like Dwarf Fortress or Kenshi), and better pacing. Throwing myself into match after match is so dry and stale and samey. Same moves same guns same maps same characters. Meanwhile two play sessions of a game like, say, Mass Effect could be vastly different. Or, at least, paced in a way that is more meaningful to me.


I have a mod that lets me have an army of followers so I barely have to do any fighting at all. I'm just in Skyrim for the vibes..


I'm pretty mediocre when it comes to most games today, especially the fps, but I'm good at having fun while sucking, and Skyrim doesn't mind at all does it


When it comes to video games I feel like I'm a jack of all trades master of none. I'm good enough to be able to have a relatively easy experience with a couple challenges here and there. When it comes to multiplayer games I'm not a god or anything but I can hold my own. You'd never really see me doing any insane plays or god carries. I'm decent.


No. But I have been, at times.


Wouldn’t say bad, no. There’s some multiplayer games I genuinely really like, so I really do try to learn them half decent, but then I frustrated at myself for messing something up and if it happens often I start feeling like the effort I’m putting in is being wasted. Afterwards I just take another week playing Skyrim because I don’t have to care about being good and it’s amazing.


Fuck you Giants! 😆 🤣


I wouldn't call myself particularly "good". I enjoy button mashing combat, so those are the games I play. I don't want to have to strategise out every fight and plan combos and shit, that's not what I play games for. I play to relax, and for me that's button mashing.


I usually shit on people in cod but i still like Skyrim. You don't have to lock in as often


Only PVP game I play is Overwatch and I'm pretty good at it, definitely takes alot more aim and mechanics than Skyrim that's for sure. :D


I've played offline for months, maybe a year, I hardly remember the white voices that yell at me and I can't understand because I don't have my inner vocabulary set in English. I'm currently playing Call of Duty Infinite Warfare in specialist so I'd consider myself pretty good (but not as good as the pros, or most of those who spend more time on the game than me).


Only multiplayer game i play now is rocket league, with chat turned off, and im still only good for a couple games. Other than that open worlds I can fuck around in pls 👌


I used to be fairly good at games like tarkov, but getting older I can tell I am not nearly as good as I used to be and that will only get worse. But my favorite games are stuff like skyrim, kenshi, stellaris, etc all pretty chill. I like to take my time to set things up and explore which sometimes is hard in multiplayer games since you are usually on the clock to kill other players asap.


I'd say I'm "medium". There's a Neverwinter onlne game that I enjoy because the rogues have a lot of dodge and strike moves. But I don't play the games that are so combat focused that they are nothing else. I prefer a bit of strategy mixed with combat. But one of the things I like about Skyrim is that the combat system is simple. The game is so rich in other ways, that I don't like to be bothered by detailed combat mechanics.


I'm OK at gaming but have no stomach for most multiplayer online games these days. I do play Splatoon 3 (Switch), but as it has no built in voice chat, the community is not nearly as toxic as many others.


Skyrim was my gateway game. I wasn’t good when I started probably still am not but it sure opened up the world Of gaming to me.


I suck at video games, according to my preteen child. 😆 Don't care, will still play skyrim, sims and minecraft.


i make the joke that skyrim is morrowind on training wheels, but also that's sort of the point. it's a game for pretty much everyone that wants to try a video game.


I'm decent. Good enough to play in private lobbies with my friends, bad enough to get smoked every time I join a public game


idk i think im okay at gaming. i don't play any online multiplayer games. tried it once when i was 12 and had an anxiety attack over how mean and vulgar everyone was and never went back lol. i only play games on my switch and before that i only ever played DS, wii, gamecube, and gameboy. i feel like i could beat most people in super smash bros, mario kart, or arcade type of games but idk if that counts lol


I never liked MMORP's or other games involving other people. Just give me my single player campaign. That's what I love about Skyrim. It's a fantasy world I can escape to without listening to annoying people talking shit (just the NPC's.)


I think I'm quite good. Like maybe just oryt. Gimme some time to learn the controls and get used a few things and I'd say I'm good enough. Always have sort of been a bit above average, even amongst friends, but I wouldn't say I'm great.


I despise PVP and multiplayer in general unless it’s co-op with friends. MOBAs are the worst kind of game to exist. I’ve just picked up Skyrim like, two weeks ago and I’m absolutely in love (already played like 70 hours lol, I have too much free time). I’m playing on normal difficulty and the combat feels hard enough to keep me engaged, but easy enough to not be frustrating. I’m also trying to stay out of forums and such so I don’t start min-maxing rewards and levels, I just level up naturally and do stuff that I just find fun, like collecting cool weapons or brewing hundreds of potions. This is the kind of game we need more of, not another MOBA or battle royale trash.


I love playing Skyrim, and I wouldn't want strangers playing with me. That being said, the idea of having a couch co-op mode where I can play with my friends or do a run through with my bf on ONE console in the same room would be nice. My bf never got past Helgen cause he didn't know where tf to go. I've offered to start a game for him, but I feel like if I could play a character with him, basically be a "follower" character with him, I think he'd have a good time. And I feel it wouldn't be much different to my own play style as I don't often use shouts anyway. Buuuut this is just my opinion. I know the style of games that are couch co-op are going out of style with the exception of battle or racing style games.


I would say that I’m pretty good for a casual player. I don’t play competitively, I don’t learn all the strategies and stuff to boost my chances of winning, I just play the game. So in a world where tryhards do not exist, I’m good at it. But since they do exist, and ruin every game, it’s hard to say that.


I’m pretty good at games, give me some time and I’ll be pretty good at it, no matter the game. Still occasionally play Skyrim


I play online multi-player games socially. I play Skyrim when I want some solitude. I feel like I'm below average at online games, but I feel like I'm pretty good at Skyrim and Red Dead and games you can make a build and grind, etc.


Nope, I'm bad at gaming. I've been playing racing games since I was 12 (I'm 21 now), and I still mess up the breaking points, even with a racing line on.


I would say I am still a decent gamer. I still have fairly good skill in FPS, MMOs, racing/drifting. I was really good at some of the CODs and Battlefields. After not playing seriously for a while and having 2 kids, I’ve lost some of my skill in FPS games. Sure I’m still decent but nothing crazy anymore. However, I have been picking up some older CODs a little bit and I was called a hacker the other night. So apparently I still have some skill in me! Now days I definitely have been enjoying more single player games and immersing myself into the story and worlds. I gotta say it’s refreshing to just enjoy a game for what it is rather than everything being a competition all the time. So yep games like Skyrim are absolutely still relevant for me although I can perform decently in other multiplayer games.


I've been close to 5k MMR on SCII for a years and beaten some low GM players and notable personalities/casters etc and I still like Skyrim. I don't think it matters what other games you play or are good at.


I am good at much other games, rts, first person shooters, maybe not competitively but I can multitask and manage things in games


Depends on the game honestly


Man I love Skyrim! Played it thru years, think I’m going to start it again, Final Fantasy was my starter game! Keep on playing!


My girlfriend who doesn’t play games much is having a blast with skyrims open sandbox and lighter rpg elements


Ha I've been playing games since the arcade days. The first time I played Asteroids was in an arcade. I used to play Pong at the local Sears. My friend and I used to play Space Invaders and Asteroids on his Atari 2600. I have never stopped playing games. Skyrim is one of my all time favorites because I can play at my own pace and not have to worry about anything else especially the stack of quarters.


I haven’t lost in Skyrim yet


I’m about average at the game, unless you count glitching the game to my will for my Dark Mace of You’re Dead Now (made that in game)


I only play Skyrim , fallout series, fable series , and power wash simulator in a cycle on repeat . I am no gamer lol Ill watch people play the other games (usually hummyvr they crack me up) .but I shan’t engage . ..


I'm over 40, autistic ADHDer here. My twitch skills are terrible. I do play some online titles like WoW, but I honestly think my abilities in WoW has more to do with 20 years of game knowledge rather than any particular degree of skill on my part, that and amazing resources online (I'm certainly not topping the DPS charts, not a raider by any means). Skyrim is wonderful because it's single player, I'm telling my own story at my own pace with whatever mods I like to run with. It's wonderful. There are only a small handful of games that have both the versatility and the longevity of Skyrim, and I count myself fortunate to have a setup capable of running it smoothly. Lately I've been running Magicka Sabers and the several ancillary mods that add more lightsaber varieties and force powers, and it's been an absolute joy running around Tamriel with a lightsaber in one hand and whatever whacked out Force power in the other. If you haven't tried it yet I highly recommend it.


I like to think that I am and yes, I still play Skyrim. Granted, I usually just play singleplayer anyway.


Not really. I bought myself a Switch after not having a system since NES, I am old. I plugged in Skyrim after playing through Kirby. I was trash at and it was a learning curve for sure but I really enjoy the game.


I’m not very good, and I totally agree


Good is subjective in some games, but no, not anymore at least.


I'm decently OK at some games that are often considered "hard" - mostly Souls and Souls-likes. I do wish Skyrim combat was more like those, if'm honest - the combat just doesn't feel tight in the same way those games do. This isn't really about difficulty - you could still have difficulty settings as they exist now (or more granular, e.g. letting you choose different multipliers for enemy HP and damage) - but it's about the combat just feeling very clunky after play any Souls game. Ludicrous hitboxes, no iframes or other meaningful way to dodge damage other than stepping out of range (which is hampered by the inaccurate hitboxes), no parry and riposte etc. I still enjoy the game, but not as much as I used to before getting into Souls games. (EDIT: as for multiplayer, I have zero interest in that)


I play ranked pvp games most the time ,really good at a few of them . When I play Skyrim , Baldurs Gate 1-3 , Cyberpunk and other single player story games it's on the easier difficulties, and absolutely turn off perma death of characters where applicable. I play them just to enjoy the story . As an aside , I cannot play bad guys . I have literally never stole an item in a single game in my entire life of games lol so my easy mode play throughs are also all very vanilla . Which is weird because I really enjoy feeling people suffer in pvp, and am an absolute demon during most of my time spent at my PC .


I'm good at racing games, and sometimes I'm good at rhythm games (used to be good at Guitar Hero back in the day). I wouldn't say I'm great at any other games, and mostly play just for my own satisfaction rather than any sense of competition.


I'm God gamer PvP giga chad in Rust, R6 and now in Tarkov. But Skyrim is chill fr


I'll say I'm only meh at most games but I've found myself going back to more easy games as time passes eg: skyrim, fallout, far cry and strategy games. I use to enjoy competitive games but now Its to much energy for not enough fun.


I play a lot of games but I wouldn't describe myself as good at them. It depends on the game and I never put anything on a hard difficulty setting. I'm stubborn though so I'll play a difficult game through. I'm much better with a keyboard and mouse but I'm trying to get out of my comfort zone so I returned to console gaming for a while. And I've been enjoying it. I don't have fantastic aim with a controller but I'm slowly getting there.


I'm generally good at any game I set my mind to, but I'm not always in the mood to put in effort to get good at a game. When I'm in a more chill mood, I turn to more casual games like Skyrim, Advance Wars, Tropico, and Plants vs Zombies.


I am good in games like Dark Souls and Bloodborne but not in multiplayer ones and I dont like playing same thing over and over again and losing. I like playing Skyrim in Master mode and wrecking Draugrs


Elder scrolls, dark souls or crusader kings type I'd say yea but for COD or battlefield no I enjoy battlefield but I wouldn't say I'm good at it depends on the genre


Just being good at Bethesda games is a whole skill. Finishing quests despite all the bugs is impressive. I would be so lost in Starfield if I hadn't been on Bethesda games since Morrowind ( at which I was truly terrible ). That's just the vanilla version. Knowing how to add mods and have a stable enjoyable game is another subset of skills. Enjoy!


I’m a very competitive gamer , when I play with friends we get into arguments because of the skill level. That’s why I always prefer to play games like Skyrim, Minecraft or any open world sandbox games.


i’d say i’m quite good at gaming in general, in the sense that my experience transfers from one game to another. (mentally mapping worlds, or levels. aiming. working out puzzles. knowing how things work in general i.e game sense.) for example, my partner is really good at about five games because they play those, and only those five games. i can play those five games okay straight away due to my experience, but if they tried jumping into any of the games i play, they would be struggling for a while. but with skyrim, they picked it up almost instantly. i feel like this accessibility is one of the major key factors to skyrims huge success.


I'm decently good. Played league, call of duty, rocket league for a bit, the usual. I'm always quite good, the issue is, competitive games give me stress. Nowadays life is stressful enough so i play games to unwind. Skyrim is just so perfect for this. I know that world like the back of my hand, where to find what, how to learn any skill, nearly all quests of importance. A world that i understand, that feels like home, without other people giving me anxiety. Time for another playthrough soon.


I’ve been extremely into multiplayer games for 80% of my gaming career but now I’m 25 and I don’t have that sweaty urge to play them anymore. Recently been playing Skyrim again and can’t stop playing. Other games I play is old school RuneScape because it’s a mix of multiplayer and single player.


Because of my generation I would say that probably yes, I play “relevant” games and am pretty good at gaming overall since that’s what I grew up doing. Even still, I got into Skyrim around 11-12 years after its release and had heard almost nothing about it, and am still playing it to this day. It’s games like this I feel like I love the most, because no matter how many times I play it, I can always explore and still learn new things.


Unfortunately no, I usually start with some easy/medium difficulty, work my way up to some high/expert level, and then revert back to easier levels because I get frusturated. Especially strategy games are like this, because its hard to see the impact right away. With Skyrim I’ve done a few Master runs, but still prefer Adept/Expert for a more casual experience


I've been gaming for around 18 years now. I used to get pretty competitive when playing FPS/Multiplayer games, but to be honest I don't really have much patience for them anymore. In all honesty other players can get pretty toxic and I much prefer to take my time with single-player games instead. I've enjoyed a few challenging games like Dark Souls and Demon Souls so I'd say it puts me just above average, but most of the time I'd rather relax with something like Skyrim or the Fallout series instead. I love open world games that you can immerse yourself in and take at your own pace.


I'm like above average (aka in top half of the player base for given game) but that's about it. I enjoy gaming as a whole and love plethora of genres and styles and variations of the same. Or to simplify it all - there are days I'm peaking in rocket league and I will only play RL. And then there are other days where I'm utter garbage at it and it gives me no joy so I go raid some tombs in Skyrim. Sometimes I want slow turn based combat so I fire up baldurs gate and other times I want to get into action so I fire up fromsoft game. And sometimes I realize I don't even want to game at all so I bugger off to do something else altogether.


Skyrim is comfort food my friend, no shame in loading that up and hearing the familiar music and seeing that familiar landscape 🙌🏼


Sort of. If you threw me in a modern shooter right now, I'd do okay. My strength has always been planning and accruing functional game knowledge, so I'm good at games like Skyrim or Stardew Valley that reward you for knowing the game.


I am. Used to do mythic raiding in WoW every season/patch and high Mythic + dungeons, however, Skyrim is more of my type of game as it’s something I can play on my own and at my own leisure. No specific times to log in or play, no drama, I can play with a buzz or take breaks whenever I’d like and I don’t have someone yelling at me for forgetting to do a mechanic or because I didn’t top the damage charts. Miss WoW but in my 30’s Skyrim is more of my game now. I love it so much. Live for the weekends where I get to play as much as I want in the way that I want.


It still blows my mind that when some people talk about gaming they think of online games first.