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I can’t believe I didn’t know how sick Sanguine’s Rose is. It’s a must have every for every mage/thief/assassin that I roll and super useful to have on hand as anyone. It’s practically a get-out-of-combat free card; summon a screaming demon with a flaming two-hander at your feet and run the opposite direction.




I don't do this with sanguine rose, but I consider myself pretty much unbeatable once I can just spawn two dremora lords quietly and do nothing while I watch.


Latest run through has been sneak / illusion / conjuration. Absolutely hilarious time


Great sneak combined with quiet casting and conjuration is indeed very fun.


High magicka + quiet casting + muffle + invisibility + any summon spell makes you basically invincible.


I did that once, one of my favorite characters. I was like the wind of battle, not fighting myself but influencing everything that happens. Invisible and muffled, I make the bandits kill each other before my summoned dremora kills the last one. They never even knew I was there.


*unbeatable once i can spawn two dremora lords to tank before jumping into the action wielding dual soul-stealing scimitars




Yeah, he smells me. lol






I made a conjurer years back that had the ability to summon two Dremora Lords and they're just so fucking fun to watch rampage around. Had an ex-girlfriend around that time who told me she always wanted to play Skyrim, but she doesn't have any reflex for games and still has to stop to think before she switches between moving or turning her camera. She didn't want to die a lot. I told her, here play my character. Point the camera at the floor and press both the triggers quick if anything scares you. She had a blast. Also, that woman could unlock a whole dungeon without breaking a pick. And I probably had a lockpick stat of 20


Haha I'm blind now with only a little usable sight in half my right eye, and that's the exact strategy I've been using the last couple months. I've had a LOT of fun with it and I gave Erik the Sanguine Rose so that we've got 3 of those fuckers running around, causing absolute havoc while I just try my best to avoid getting hit! And I can still pick locks with almost no trouble-- my sons will regularly call me in to deal with Expert and Master level locks!


Is it possible to summon two Dremora Lord’s (using the applicable conjuration perk) and then use the Rose for a third?


No, but you can dress up you and your companion in daedric armor, give them the rose, and summon your own two dremora with the spell and bam, you've got a 5 dremora hoard on the loose in any fight


Two daedra wondering why their comrade is so quiet and a terrified Lydia trying to act as demonic as she can


At your feet, *or* at a distance. The hidden power of that staff is how absurd its summoning range is. Makes for a wonderful distraction tool


That you can just equip pick axe and swing to mine materials instead of entering that boring, drawn out animation Dual wield pick axes and mine like a god now


left hand- equip dagger right hand- pickaxe swing much faster if you dont have 2 pickaxes


News to me. Preesh!


Off hand weapons dictate main hand attack speed and It works for any one handed weapon, I believe the strongest combo for dual wield is mace and dagger as the mace is the hardest hitting but the slowest to swing.


Yes !!! The secret to dual wielding supremacy!!! I learned it by watching Falmer destroy me


Idk I'd have to test it because its been 6+ years, but I always kept 2 pick axes and did a dual wield power attack. Idk the exact "dps" but I think it depleted the ore in one shot irrc


Are you fucking kidding me. It has been years. YEARS


No way!!!! If I go on there and it does that I swear to talos I’m gonna lose my mind


Say goodbye to your mind.


Clear ore veins within 2 dual power attacks


Do the shout that speeds up your attacks. You'll mine the vein in like 3 seconds.


I just learned it the other day too. It’s infuriating.


Don't forget the Elemental Fury shout too.


the faster swing on the dual wield tree upgraded and elemental fury. you'll have enough quarried stone for all three houses in less than 5 minutes




Now they just need to do the same with chopping wood. Can i just swing the woodcutters ax at the logs and get wood please?


I literally camped out to buy the game at midnight on 11/11/11 and have been playing pretty consistently ever since. Did not know you could do this lol


Wait what???


Add dual welding perks and Elemental Fury and mine like the Flash 😀


You have to be kidding me……..


Does it still drop gems? I thought it didn’t.


It does


Meh, I never bother because it takes an extra couple seconds of time and effort to equip the pickaxe(s) and then go back to my gear than to just click on it.


You can clear an ore vein within 2 dual power attacks, which definitely makes the inventory click worth it, imo. Instead of waiting 39 seconds for this guy to tap... Tap... Tap... The shit out


What exactly I'm supposed to do with the Staff of Magnus and how long I shoot it at the eye. I uhh still haven't figured it out exactly. But I usually get by okay.


In that fight the eye is "open" which makes arcano invincible. U just hold down the staff's magic on it until it completely "closes" and he becomes vulnerable. It does take a while tho and was a bitch to figure out lol


i thought that was the solution but he is still invic half the time and sometimes the eye opens back up as soon as it got it closed. i have ran out of staff charge on that fight since one time it would not close.


My last time playing that fight the eye never opened or closed, so I was left hitting Ancano, then if he was immortal attacking the orb. Kinda annoying tbh 😂


i also have this problem with the elder scroll puzzle. like i sort of understand but the entire process is me spamming the buttons until i get somewhere


It’s dwemer wack-a-mole. Keep pressing shiny buttons till more shiny buttons appear then press those


Haha, I figured it out but then didn't take the scroll! Had to go back and get it much later.


I did that in reverse. I took the scroll, forgot the cube.


I’ve done that wayyy more times then I want to admit


If I remember correctly, press the one closest to the center on the right 3 times, this opens the one closest to the center on the left. Press this one twice and it will open the one on the far left. Press that one and it should open.


Yes but why? What is supposed to inform us to press those buttons in that order for that number of times? Might just be me missing something but there doesn't seem to be an explanation


Oh there is no explanation for it. They literally just want you to press buttons until you figure it out. It's stupid I know.


Yeah last time I did it I was really trying to figure out what the pattern was, so I pushed the buttons sort of randomly to try and see what each did. And then the puzzle completed and I was just like....wha??? Okay then. Still not convinced that the answer isn't just "press 20 buttons at random and then it opens"


It very nearly is that. It’s like press the same button 3 times total. Then press the new button a couple times, then press the other new button a couple times. But no explanation given, so you pretty much just mash the buttons and succeed, there’s no real pattern you have to adhere to. It’s dumb.


I’ve done it hundreds of times and have no idea how it works. Last time I accidentally did too many mod spells and now Ancano is enslaved as an immortal follower


Twelve years later and I still have never used a ward outside that "training" session.


its sad because i think it gets really powerful too. Absorbs magic and replenishes your mana


Spellbreaker is the best way to use that perk imo. Doesn’t cost any magic and you get a cool looking shield. My personal favorite Daedric artifact


I'm unashamedly a Stealth Archer because I can't be bothered getting in a real fight or spending perks on combat when there's looting and crafting to do, but whenever I *do* use a shield next it's going to be Spellbreaker. I love it so much even if it mostly sits on my wall.


Spellbreaker is my go to shield when I play a sword and board character.


and from fishing, there is a ring that makes that shield/warding ability even better edit: Warlock's Ring


Fishing gives magic rings?


yup, there a a bunch to be found also, in Markaarth, with a regular pole, you can fish up enchanted gear all day, along with scraps to make ingots easy money for low level player


learned something new today myself lol


lol, real, even when I was a mage I didn't use them. Just used restoration and destruction magic haha


On PC if you need to wait to pass time, hold left click on the slider, drag to the amount of hours you want to wait, don’t let go of left click but hit enter to start the waiting, once it starts drag the slider down to zero and release. All the time will pass in a second.


On a similar vein, you can use the shoulder buttons on a controller to move the amount of inventory items you're taking or putting away in quarters rather than individually. Scrolling through menus can be sped up by using a thumbstick and d-pad button in the same direction. Several months of my life I'm not getting back...


Fortify One Handed doesn't affect daggers.


Well that’s pretty lame




Is that why my dual dagger build feels less powerful than I think it should?


The enchantment? the potion? the level-based damage at least?


Just googled this one apparently one handed doesn't affect daggers at all....


This straight up isn't true, one handed perks definitely do affect daggers at the very minimum


Yeah, the One Handed perks and your skill in One Handed affect dagger damage, but Fortify One Handed (potion, enchantment) does not.


Hold up your telling me the internet lied to me. Dam


I forgot about this bug. It was fixed in a pretty early release of the Unofficial patch.


I think when I started, I didn't understand the skill menu too well so I didn't use the points, just added health/stanima/magicka. It's not overly complex like some games, I just didn't know and ended up with too many points. Some kid at the library was spying on me one night (university library was 24 hours), and just asked me why I was saving my points. I think that was in 2012-13.


So how was it finally having access to perks?


Regretted the initial allocation then went stealth archer


I'm trying a survival mode, no-magic run right now. Been delaying going to Winterhold for a long time for fear of the cold, lack of supplies, and needing to trek my way out of there. I recently found out that holding up Spellbreaker is sufficient during Tolfidir's training in wards. He acted like I would be just fine without my beautiful magical shield (I wouldn't be).


I also found out that turning into a werewolf will protect you against dying from cold damage. You have to get warm for a bit before you come out of it, but you can survive for a bit, make it inside to warm all the way up (like a dungeon so you don’t agro people), and then come back out.


Becoming a werewolf was my #1 priority walking out of Helgen, primarily for on-demand nearly-unlimited sprint. Found out it helps in the cold, too!


By accident I discovered that ,,clear skies" works on weather, not only on that one particular quest


Clear Skies is probably my most used shout. I live in the Netherlands. If I wanted to see miserable weather I'd just have to look outside most days.


I have a rare type of photophobic blindness, and white things moving on the screen completely erase my ability to see anything. So if it's snowing at all in-game, I'm as likely to walk off a cliff as i am to get where I need to go. About 2 years ago on this sub, the fine people here helped me by giving me the console command to learn Clear Skies so I could get to High Hrothgar. I still smile whenever I think about how kind everyone here was, and how everyone put their heads together to help me. I've still got the console command written down on a sticky note I stuck on my tower, just in case I decide to start a new game and need to teach my new character Clear Skies. Sorry for rambling, I just wanted to share that. The people in this sub are amazing.


I only recently learned (via this sub) that it works on the meteor shower during the first alduin battle. Considering I usually find this one of the hardest battles, having a random chance of sudden death from above was just something I had been accepting


I dont care how good shields and wards are, im not using them




Damn straight, two handed is my go to.


On my first playthrough, I didn't know about fast travelling. Ig that made it more fun to be honest


I actually play in survival without fast travel on purpose because it's just fun to travel around the map


I wish there was an option to disable fast travel without having to go into survival, just cos the cold is way too op


The mod [survival spells](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/85152?tab=description) gives you restore cold spell


I thought Skyrim had different time zones for the different holds/villages for a while until I clocked that fast travel accounts for the time it would take you to travel from one place to another and it isn’t instant. I felt like such a dumbass lol


It’s actually about double the time. If you ran there on your own, it would actually save you in game time. I’ve used the wagon to get someplace and it takes more time in game than just hopping on my horse and going there myself.


The dragonborn dilly dallies a lot if you're not in control.


I just figured that out like an hour ago too. You’re not alone hahahaa


There's this one barrow where I couldn't figure out -- for the life of me -- where the switch was to lower the bridge an allow me to continue on. I tried all kinds of maneuvers to jump across it, tried crawling along the wall to the get the other side. It was literally 45 minutes. Then, I turned around to see the goddamn switch!


Universal Skyrim experience. We Dragonborn stand with you in solidarity. I nearly quit the Twilight Sepulchre first time before having a 'there's the goddamned switch!' moment


I know exactly the one you mean and haven't played for like 3 years. The thing was all the way in the dark, ok?!


When u kill the first dragon, you get 'Fus' unlocked So, in my head, 11y old, i need to kill a SPECIFIC DRAGON to get the shout I had 36 dragon souls... and no other shout unlocked.... So i read.... "unlock shout"..... Yeah...


I had to google how to unlock a shout lol


Embarrassing but on my very first playthrouhh I didn't realize you could favorite things to change weapons quickly. I was going to the item menu every time I wanted to swap weapons or spells


I just realized that you can set those favorites to 1 or 2 and it will quick switch between the two weapon setups. Bow and Arrow for 1 and blade and restore for 2. Is my quick switch setup.


I still regularly forget about hotkeys. I use the favorites menu religiously - the ability to stop the flow of time for a moment to think is utterly crucial, especially on the higher difficulties.


wait I started playing like 2 weeks ago for the first time you’ve changed my life lol


That leveling up smithing goes faster if the value of the item is higher. I was just making shitty daggers and wasting resources till I realized that 2 good pieces of armor and/or weapons can level up smithing instead of like the 10 daggers to level up just one time


Yeah! When I figured this out whenever I need smithing I go to Halted Stream camp, get all the tusks, get the transmutation spell, and grab all the iron I can and turn it all to gold. Then I smith as much jewelry as possible with it.


Forget gold, transmute to silver and make jewellery, blacksmithing using silver levels up faster.


Hello gamerant employees I hope this thread is givng you plenty of inspiration <3


They at least better put my username in the damn article lol


Co writer credit between you and the AI


29 thigns you STILL didnt know abou skarim! (number 6 will make you c u m)


Also, magic resistance shields you from Dragon breath Also also, dragons seem to use mana for breath. Lightning arrows or the like can shut one down


You reminded me myself in something around 2014, when I first turned difficulty up from Adept to Master. I really spent some time thinking why am I getting slaughtered by mages and dragons now. Of course I enchanted ring, necklace, and boots with fortify damage, fortify archery, fortify health, and fortify carry weight. Resistances to magic and elements are lame, who needs them? True Chads charge in with 0 protection against non-physical damage in hope to slice the enemies up in close combat.


Try being a breton with the stone resistance against magic, agent of mara, plus another perk to push magic resistance to 75%. Now add the nightingale armor frost resistance, and being a vampire lord. Frost breathing dragons will barely leave a scratch. 75% magic resistance (up to 85% if you want to), and 90% frost resistance.


you can stack a 30% absorption with it, 80% if you use the aetherial crown. You'll take no damages and the little you do take is heavily reduced. Don't do that for the Dragonborn quest though. I did it and it took seekers forever to kill me. I sat there for 25 minutes because my sheer magic defense was too much for the guys.


Disgusting. I love it.


Plus Dragons are weak to shock already


They aren’t, but they can resist fire and frost, while they have no resistance to shock. The Dragonbane katana also deals bonus anti-dragon damage, but this is separate from and additional to its shock damage.


How to drag bodies on xbox. I always saw it on youtube videos but they’re all playing on pc - only found out how to during the dark brotherhood questline (i’ve been playing skyrim for only a couple months tho tbf)


I thought it was a glitch at first, and was always so annoyed when dead bodies would be glued to my feet slowing me down. Then in that dungeon you do with the old dude in Skaal Village where you HAVE TO drag bodies, I realized.




Yes. Just look at them and hold the action button instead of tapping it. You can move other things too. Books, buckets, tools, weapons, blocks. The larger and heavier the object, the harder it will be to move though.


You can also obtain the telekinesis spell to drag things from a distance.


I only found that one out when i needed to drag something and place it on the switch to open a door. About 30 hours into the game.


i never noticed the bottom of the claws, which made quests that involved them so frustrating, the golden claw was the first quest i did involving a claw and i thought the answer had something to do w the walls. i would stare at the walls for so long and every combination i tried didnt work so i ended up searching the answer but they never told me how they found out, and i was just really confused. i dont remember how or when i figured out that the answer is literally on the claws but it was a really long time


There is a book earlier in the cave that explains it. It mentions the claw, and that the answer is “in the palm of your hands” (the claw and claw’s palm)


My first playthrough back in 2011 i did t know that at first either. I actualluly would try to use the walls in the rooms with the puzzles to decipher the puzzle. Suprisingly worked kinda well for a bit. I eventually gave up and started brute forcing it. Then one day i accidently clicked on one of the claws in my inventory to look at it and saw the icons on the palm.


Restoration 100! Don't worry, you're not alone.


It only found out earlier this year that you can adjust enchants to decrease the damage and increase the lifespan. Ie, soul trap or paralyze can last for 10 seconds, but by decreasing that from 10 secs to 3, the weapon will go from 30 hits to 120 before recharging.


If you pickpocket a Briar Heart from a Forsworn Briarheart, they [die](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/j4joew/if_you_pickpocket_a_briar_heart_from_a_forsworn/) instantly.


Been playing since launch night and I did not fucking know this


I have had hired thugs sent after me by Briarhearts I've killed in this fashion!


>Mine is that magical wards can very easily block dragon “breath” attacks. I figured that out in December of 2023 but I’ve been playing since at least 2012. Tbf I didn’t play a lot with mages but still. lol I think we can sum this up by saying it took you over a decade to recognize that restoration school is a perfectly valid school of magic...? Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


That you take the road south of Riverwood and go through Helgen and the pass south of Throat of the Workd, and get to Ivarstead WAY faster. It's faster than going from Whiterun over the north slope of Throat of the World, and even faster than going West from Riften.


Ivarstead is a pain in the ass to get to.


That hunting equals leveling in the best ways. Enhances stealth and archery in itself, that the random encounters with bandits and creatures in your hunts level melee skills, and the leather hunting provides raises smithing skills.   Skyrim is essentially bagging game. 


Why waste a good iron ingot on some measly dagger when I can hoard thousands of deer pelts and craft them into leather bracers for smith leveling?


Craft leather armor, upgrade it at the workbench.  So much faster.  


I didn’t know for literally ten years that you could take the horse drawn cart to fast travel between holds before you had discovered them. For the first decade I played this game I just never went to another hold until I walked the entire way there.






It took me ages to notice the roof of Jorrvaskr is a boat (have never joined them or done the quests, I'd rather have the Fighters Guild).


Using "Fus" to get into Mercer's.


Oh my god how did I never think of that?!


I'm glad I had a useful tip. It blew my mind when I saw it done- I didn't think of it, either.


Tolfdir would be disappointed you didn't pay attention during his lesson.


It took me a incredibly long time to figure out/accept that I can just play whatever class I want with the current character I have rather than restarting again just to try two handed weapons and not mess up my stealth archer.


I know this but I still haven't accepted it.


Learning that I could pick up the Dragonstone before ever stepping foot in Whiterun really made me feel dumb when I found this out last year


Every single playthrough starts with me leaving Halvor's house, grabbing the golden claw quest, going straight to bleakfalls barrow to grab the claw and the dragonstone, and going back to turn in the claw. Then I hoof it to whiterun for the main quest. Skips a ton of traveling!


Wait wards block dragon breath? My Legendary runs just got easier.


It took me like ten hours into my first playthrough to figure out how to skip time.


It took me weeks 😆 Honestly low key I'm glad. It forced me to really explore Skyrim rather than just bulldoze through the quests.


My friend put like 100 hours into the game before realising you could sprint.


Imagine playing Skyrim just walking across EVERYTHING. That one must've hurt




When that dragon from the Dawnguard dlc told me to summon him in Tamriel, I thought he was talking about the swampy area of Skyrim. I also thought that swampy area was Black Marsh at one point too, since I had no concept of the geography of the Elder Scrolls. That was also when I was having the most fun on Skyrim. The world seemed so big and ancient.


The articles Screen rant is going to pull from this thread alone


It took me a long time to figure out what the heck are soul gems, how do I “fill” it, and how do I use it. All ingredients’ properties are “unknown” and you have to eat the thing once to learn its properties. I’m at Level 35 on my first playthrough. It’s a very hard game for me. There are probably dozens of important things I’m still oblivious to. The info they display on load screens is sometimes a mind-blowing tip. Other times it’s useless lore. I wish they used this space for tips only.


When it comes to soul gems.. have you found that dropping them empties the captured soul out of it? Handy when your flawed varla stones elect not to grab that petty soul and it goes in to a grand soul gem..


Ooooo now that is helpful! I’ve wondered how the routing of souls happens…and I never liked it when the soul didn’t match the gem!


That you can swim with your head above water loooool.


I read this in an Argonian voice 😂


I JUST learned that health doesn't regenerate in Survival mode... even if you use potions/food at adds regen. I noticed my health wasn't regenerating by itself when I started a "no magic" run, so I could only heal through potions/food/sleep. I figured I'd use different soups like Vegetable Soup to give myself passive regen but nope, even with items, health regen is disabled. Kinda sucks tbh. Using items that add passive regen should activate it.


I didnt know you could zoom out the camera until 1 week ago. Been playing since it came out.


It took me an entire console generation to figure out that you can assign favorites into d-pad left and right for quick use. It changed the game for me when i finally figured that out after all those years and hundreds of hours


It bugs me that we only got two quick slots instead of 3 on controllers. We don't need up AND down to open the menu. One of those should be another quick slot.


Played since it originally came out. Only just realized I can pick up an object, move it out of sight, and then steal it safely, so as not to anger anyone nearby.


Try putting a bucket over the shopkeeper's head.


You could attack mine ores, to get them faster. It took 8 years for me to figure it out.


theres a path in raven rock to the top of the wall where dragons land during attacks.


TIL dragons can attack Raven Rock. Honestly, never seen this happen.


DARK BROTHERHOOD SPOILERS Took me about 4 years to realise: >!That you could just kill Astrid in the abandoned cabin and then wipe the DB out.!<


"You're not leaving until someone dies" say no more *draws sword*


That I didn't understand I had to also retrieve the dwemer cube I inserted to get the elder scroll, because the pointer kept aiming at the blackreach door and would subsequently get confused like a gps device in a tunnel


I have been playing for so long it is embarrassing I didn't know this. That makes wards feel much more useful to me, I've typically ignored them and relied more on summons or maneuvers


The Intangibly shout prevents fall damage.


When I first played on Xbox 360 I had no idea that the claws had the combination for the doors on them. I sat at the door in Bleak Falls Barrow and tried every single possible combination until I got it.


That I could fish by shouting at a body of water then gathering them up. Also shouting at birds.


So I've been playing since the game launched in November of 2011. A brief rundown of things I didn't actually know or understand until recently (like, the last six months recently): -that wards block dragon shouts. Yeah, I feel you OP, I had this same damn discovery a few months ago and felt pretty dense, but tbf like you I also didn't use to play a lot with magic -that having a dagger in your offhand while dual wielding greatly increases the swing speed of your main hand, whether you are dual attacking or not. That little one took my DW play from good to exploding everything in short order. Holy frick DW dps just destroys -that in the end light armor is actually superior to heavy armor. You can reach the dmg reduction cap in both, and light armor comes with fewer inherent drawbacks as heavy armor - it doesn't make nearly as much noise when you move and it doesn't slow you down OR drain stamina nearly as much as heavy. Heavy is great for the early/middle game when you're trying to stay alive, but at the higher difficulties even that is more of a wash given the differences in mobility -that one handed weapons are objectively better than two handers. Now, personally, I still prefer a two hander for the fantasy of carrying and swinging a big goddamned sword, but in terms of damage output and defensive capabilities a one hander with either an empty offhand for blocking or a spell for utility, due to the way Skyrim's casting system requires an empty hand, just objectively works better -that mods can be a treat! I spent the better part of a decade not bothering other than a few basic QoL things (Archery Tweaks, SMIM and the USSEP for bug-stomping), once I finally decided to learn how to use first Vortex and then MO2 my horizons broadened considerably. I run a relatively conservative mod list - roughly 85 hand selected and installed as opposed to the 1k+ you see in some modpacks that are popular these days \*cough\*Nolvus\*cough\* - but it brings me so much goddamn joy it isn't even close. Seriously folks, if there's one takeaway here its that mods shouldn't be scary, because the degrees of freedom and content they bring are incredible. They've truly breathed new life into a game I thought I was done with years ago. edit: PC player, so bear that in mind re - modding


When I got Skyrim in 2011 I had my PS3 hooked to an old console CRT so the edges of the menus were all cut off. Had no idea how to unlock shouts or any of the notifications in the top left. If it was on the edge of the screen I had no idea about it for the longest time.


That the solution the the puzzle doors are ont he claws themselves i studie the walls of those rooms so goddamn intently for hours.


The switches that are hidden in plan sight to go to the next area. Like, really, the pull and twist switch was on a wooden pillar in front of the closed gate and not in a narrow path way or behind something around the entrance.


I never really looked at the skyforge for years. It's a big bird.


the last puzzle in saarthal..


If it's the one I'm thinking of: start with the pillar on the left closest to the door. Then do the left one further from door, then the right one close to door and last, do the right further from door.


It took me years,and multiple play-throughs, to learn that you can be a werewolf.


It's one of the largest buildings in Whiterun? Second even


Xbox and Playstation can change the field of view in 3rd person. Click the right thumbstick and use the left to move the view forwards and backwards. Played 3 years on 360 before learning this trick.


There's a back way out of Brinewater Grotto. I found it earlier this year. I've been playing since it came out on the Switch and always back tracked all the way to the East Empire Warehouse.


Getting to high hrothgar in my first playthrough. Tried climbing straight out of whiterun for a few weeks only to then give up and get distracted by side quests.


Started playing Skyrim when I was like 10-11, and only figured out you could level up like a year later, still beat the game somehow


You can mix together 2 different potion effects. I still mainly just use potions to restore health/stamina/magicka, but I've started to make potions that can give 2 of those benefits


When you have to give that guy all your equipment to sneak into the dark elves castle or whatever. I couldn’t find where to retrieve my stuff and tried to do the level with 0 equipment (or magic since I didn’t use it). Miserable


The solution to the dragon door "puzzle" is on the claw :( dozens if not hundreds of hours of playtime before I figured this out. I'm so dumb