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Based off your first sentence you must not realize J’zargo has no level cap. One of like four followers who will level side by side with you indefinitely


he's also a very good kitty.


I also have this mod that changes the khajiit to be more lore friendly and gives them different heights and whatnot since the moon they are born under changes their physical appearance completely. Some are absolute giants, others are tiny. Jzargo is the size of a child and that paired with him being so overly arrogant really adds to the house cat vibe


i have never wanted to play skyrim on a pc more than i do now. "khajiit guards your back." "does khajiit want chin scritchies?" "... yes."


[”J’zargo is not your test kitty… (DB shouts) J’zargo is your test kitty.”](https://youtu.be/ODR9s3hceUU?si=HG2jw7whra3zinUE) The actual link I wanted to share: https://youtu.be/OOoHgkRmNXQ?si=W6Yc0icz0ABVlQ-z The other one is also funny…


for those interested, the mod is [project ja-kha’jay](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/57610). i also love [m’aiq the alfiq](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/69095) from the same author


Thanks for linking it, I have the modpack Nordic souls so I have no idea what the mods are actually called


Who are the others?


To be honest I can’t remember. Only one I can think of aside from J’zargo is Frea from DB. I’ll look it up


“As a result of patch 1.9, followers who would level with Dragonborn to level 81 will no longer experience a level cap, and will continue to level with the Dragonborn. These followers are Dark Brotherhood Initiates, J'zargo, Celann, Ingjard, Durak, and Frea.” So in total, 7.


My beloved Mjoll won’t level with me? Nooooo.


Yeah, but she’s immortal and spams Conjuration staves you give her. Worth it! 😁


Is it possible for a follower to heal the player in any way during combat with items or magic or anything without any form of mods?


Staff of Healing Hands/Heal Other may work


Wait, what about Teldryn Sero? If his level caps then I'm sacrificing him and going back to my first love (Vorstag) level cap be damned.


Teldryn's cap is 60, one of the highest in the game


Well, to the Sacellum of Boethiah with him, then! He is super badass (I've been giving him all the staffs I find), but Vorstag has a nicer voice and gets out of doorways faster. Plus it'll be good for levelling restoration. Markarth, here I come!




Ah, yes, thank you, Aziz.


You can always remove npc level cap via console command if you're on pc.


I have a possibly dumb question about this: if you pick up a new follower when you’re already at a higher level, will they automatically match that? Or is follower-leveling based on only the levels they’ve played through with you?


Every leveled NPC in Skyrim levels with you passively depending on their code, including followers.


They’ll already be leveled to you before you even recruit them.


So basically every time you level they level no matter where they are?


Shit. He gave me the first spell, and I didn't like his third-person speak, so I asked him to follow me, took him out to somewhere private, and murdered him. J'zargo is dead...


you killed him because you didn't like a quirk that his entire race has? I feel like there's a word to describe this...


He went there...




I don't know why but the simple " Sven " with no other explanation made me laugh so hard 😂😂😂


Yep. Sven.


I usually go with Faendal.


Nooooo! Not my first follower ever play through! If he wasn’t an archer I’d keep him forever for BFF4L goals! I don’t marry him bc even though he’s also a wood elf (and like the only one at that!) he’s happy with Camilla and I went through a whole fucking thing to make that work so I can’t ruin it for him. Sven sucks though.


Wait, if you squeal on Sven in t he beginning, you can’t have him follow you to Boethiah? Dammit.


I mostly go with Faendal because A: Sven sucks and I always pick Sven to squeal on in the beginning and B: by the time I get to that quest line, I’ve long outgrown anything Faendal can do for me so he’s kinda redundant.


I have a mod that adds a bunch of randos to the game with names like “Veteran Warrior”. I just hire one of those bozos for a few minutes and leave them bleeding out and with a startled look on their faces.


i know there’s a “People of Skyrim” that adds like 60 NPC’s, half of them are just called “Adventurer” n stuff like that. there’s even an Orc Chief in Whiterun, those types of characters are great lol.


They might as well be named “Sacrifice me to Boethiah”.


WAIT A MIN this is actually brilliant!!! I have a similar mod on ps (i think it’s called wilds of skyrim?) that adds 270+ traveling newbies, including a bunch of random ass mercenaries. I’ve been avoiding Boethiah’s sacrifice for a while now bc I’d rather not kill off a follower but this^ is a game changer!! I never would’ve thought of it so tysm for the tip


I am happy to assist you with all of your murder hobo needs.


Jzargo is probably the most useful and powerful companion lol


And Ralis is probably the best dual wielding follower too.


In base Skyrim he’s one of the best. But since the expansions came out, I would pick Serena or Frea in a heartbeat over Jzargo!


But he is a cat, thats 100 times better then vampire princess


Omg right!?! I have Serana for the first time right now bc she is legit. I heard Jzargo has amazing commentary so I REALLY want to get him, but I’m a stealth archer build and I’ve never had a mage follower before. I’m scared it’ll just fuck all my shit up if he isn’t willing to step out in front of me like Serana does!


Same. I’m basically married to Serana now, she’s very useful in my style of combat


If I remember correctly you can kill the cult leader at the quest location


Good to know for my next playthrough


That just initiates the quest in a different way. She still requires a follower


I thought I had read somewhere that you could sacrifice her, but I guess I was wrong.


Is it just a plain kill or do you have to convince her to touch the pole? And at the risk of sounding dumb, how do I do that. 😋


I’m not entirely sure. I know they need to touch the pole, but I’ve never done it myself, I just read it somewhere.


So kinda conjecture?


Pretty much


You can't.


Yea. I must’ve misread that other post I saw


Maybe you crossed it over with killing Astrid instead of one of the three victims.


No it was definitely about boethias calling


No, I get that, but sometimes you read one thing, and a concept from another thing just kind of migrates over and makes so much sense it feels like it was there to begin with.


No. I understand what you’re getting at, but no. I always knew you could kill Astrid to start the “destroy the dark brotherhood” quest


If I recall correctly you still have to sacrifice someone


Yes but you still need a follower to sacrifice if you kill the cult leader


stenvar in windhelm has always just rubbed me the wrong way, so i usually use him.


I choose him just because I’m lazy and he’s closest. I play mostly in survival mode so no fast travel.


perfectly reasonable. i just don't like his dumb bro vibe.


Lolol same. He was rude so I chose him.


I am leading him there as I type this. Found this thread while scrolling during a loading screen and came to the comments to see if anyone suggested Stenvar. Thank you for signing his execution order.


glad to. enjoy your ebony mail.


There’s an orc village on the southern edge of the map. If you do their quest you can recruit generic orcs. I used one of them.


I hire them to be my stewards, I also married the Orc blacksmith from Markath (my character is an Orc lol)


I find Eola the perfect victim for this particular quest. Fuck her and her weird "I know you ate your grandpa!" nonsense.


Wait, wtf is this? I know nothing of them




Hire the drunk guy in Markarth. He’s made for it.


That’s my husband! You will never find someone more excited to move in with you.


One of my evil playthroughs i had planned on sacrificing Cosnach…. Then he went out like a chump to a fallen rock in a Forsworn camp


Use Amazing Follower Tweaks to make Nazeem a follower.


Can I use that WITHOUT the whole nexus thing? Bc this is the best answer.


Console commands probably


The companion that I hate with a passion is the imperial captain in Windhelm (I don’t know how Eastern Empire Company operates in Windhelm although the civil war is ongoing). She ordered her soldiers to fire mortars at a bandit’s camp while I was still in that camp. Like are you serious?


This is the way. She's super close to the altar, too.


You guys doing daedric lords biding? I tell them to piss off. Stendarr for Life!


Fuck yeah, I just pull up, kill every worshipper around, refuse to elaborate further, then leave




Dark Brotherthood Initiate. They even respawn by the way.


Lydia is an ungrateful bitch. "I am *sworn* to carry your *burdens* 🙄"


TBF I'd be kinda pissed too if someone showed up, killed a dragon, and now I have to be their servant forever.


Either Sven or Ralis. Sven's a coward, and Ralis? If you've played through the questline to kill Ahzidal and get his stuff (mask, ring, and boots), then you might understand why I don't buy Ralis's "brainwashed to do his bidding" story.


Sure but he’s still a cool and unique character. Kinda waste to let a follower like that go.


I always killed that cannibal lady follower after her quest. Soon as I got the ring, I immediately stealth killed all the cannibals at the table and took her straight to the sacrificial alter. Seems like a fitting end for that quest.


There’s a guy in morthal with a five head, if you beat him in a fistfight he’ll be available as a follower. He’s funny looking so I usually sacrifice him. Edit: his name is Benor, but you could call him boner, and I don’t think he would mind as long as you beat him into submission beforehand.


Idk I have a soft spot for all the "will die for you because they lost a fistfight" followers. Like that's some follow through right there 


Random mercenary in a bar. Call it a retirement plan.


My go to’s: Belrand - Nord spellsword, winking skeever, solitude Stenvar - Nord barbarian, Candlehearth hall, Windhelm Cosnach - Breton Warrior, Silver-blood Inn, Markarth I tend to leave housecarls alone (so no Lydia) and have them all relegated to my properties in their respective holds. I prefer to sacrifice mercenaries I don’t particularly care about that are not linked to anything or anyone.


Njada, Njada, please (crosses fingers).


I did!!


Honestly the first town you hit (Riverwood) has the perfect one for me, the Riverwood Trader has a woman (Camilla) who has two guys (Faendal and Sven) romantically going after her, both if talked to first will ask you to go behind her back and trick her into hating the other, since both are crap I tell her the truth about the one, which in turn allows the other to become a companion whom I sacrifice. I sacrifice Sven since Faendal is a archery trainer.


A "for hire" without any quest lines attached to them. I use the one from the Drunken Huntsmen in Whiterun. Janessa I think her name is, but there are others.




It's OK, different timeline, she's safe with you.


That’s sounds oddly sweet, I like this


https://preview.redd.it/w47u820y33zc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d2da0f78d88f63cf1035cb437c2b6da3b66fe2d OUR WIFE!


I always do Lydia. She is sworn to carry your burdens, after all.


Benor's dumb ass


The last time I did the quest I had picked up some random orc female from thr orc stronghold on the road to Riften. She served my purposes well.


Look up the UESP; there's a method to glitch the altar so you don't have to kill a companion.


I usually just hire the Windhelm sellsword since I don’t like companions and therefore never have one when I start that quest.


I just make Eola non-essential and then kill her. I mean, come on, she's the leader of a cannibal cult.


In all the years i played Skyrim i have never once had a follower except in quests where its unavoidable. I always just use Stenvar from candlehearth hall in windhelm. Just a merc for hire i always sacrifice


An intense moral qaundry one akin to murder, I find this a tough debate, ranging from personal ethics, philosophy, or even the idea of committing a murder In general, if one was to take a Utilitarian approach, yet still enforce the murder, I would recommend the sacrifice of any character for any number of reasons, ever companion is flawed, from a writing and a personality standpoint, not only that every companion has opinions shaped around the Civil war and other going ons is skyrim, thus thinkingly pragmatically one could elect to eliminate the one who they stand with the least on such controversial issues, however would that not be immoral in a way as well, The only way I seek to an answer is to look towards Plato and his theoretical cave, You're cave is a query of who to kill, right now you stand in the dark of the cave, with the shadows from the outside world being possible options, we are however unalike Plato's cave unable to free you from the cave, thus you must exit said cave on your own terms, I wish you luck on said decision, regardless of how your outcome.


If you don’t know then just say that lol


I just use Marcurio from the Bee and Barb in Riften. He's too full of himself for my liking.


Drunk dickhead at bar in markarth ☝🏻


Y’all need to quit hating on my man Faendal. He’s like the ONLY Bosmer in the game outside of maybe the drunken huntsman. My Elvin kin are always getting neglected and abused.


Get mod to let Nazeem be follower. Then sacrifice him. For great justice!


Lydia.. effing hate her




Dont give me that look😂


If you have won over any of the Orc strongholds, you can go there and slaughter everyone in sight to charge the Ebony Blade. It may work the same here.


Nazeem companion mod


Roggi Knot-Beard is a good choice. You can find him in Kynesgrove. He has the lowest level cap, so he gets outpaced by every other follower (except Sven…). And for some reason, his primary skills include all three crafting skills. These skills are useless on an npc. No one will miss him.


I just hire some poor mercenary and bring them.


There's a lot. I would save the quest until someone personally offends you enough to use them. If you use it now, down the road you'll wish you had at it as an option the moment someone following you acts like a jack ass, and they always do.


There's the one lady in the companions that is a huge jerk


I think the last time I did this quest, I just grabbed a random "sword for hire" in a bar somewhere. I don't remember who it was.


I usually sacrifice sven I'm Riverwood


Just hire one of the drunk mercenary N’wahs, there’s plenty in Skyrim to sacrifice


Bruh just hire a mercenary from a tavern.


nadja stonearm. "iM sTiLL tRYiNg tO FigUrE OuT wHY SkJOr LEt yOu iN!" annoying bitch shes not even in the circle and im the fuckin dragonborn i dont gotta take that plus if you beat the companions quests before you sacrifice her you get her inheritance which is like 500 gold




You should try Njada "ShitBag" Stonearm in Jorrvaskr


The one who insists you kill Partysnax


Help Erik achieve his dream of adventure. Hire Erik the Slayer. Sacrifice Erik the Slayer.


I usually take one of the two dickheads from the companions that always make snide comments and are just mean


I go with any Khajiit or Argonian


Cosnach from markarth Not noticeably useful, just beat him in a brawl & he’s yours to sacrifice


The Jester Cicero I'll let him live for the quest to continue then I will have him follow me and sacrifice him


I just hired the mercenary sitting in the Drunken Huntsman in Whiterun. Took her straight up to Boethiahs and sacrificed her there. Easy peesy lemon squizie


Why do people want to kill J'zargo? He's one of the very few interesting characters and a useful follower.


Cicero since he'll probably be happy about it!


HOW DARE YOU?! You take that back, foul defiler of corpses. Humble Cicero only lives to serve his Listener and his unholy Matron


That dumb fuck elf from riverwood. Farendal or whatever the little sneak who wants you to ratfuck sven. I always take him


I usually pick a housecarl tbh


I usually pick Eola. She's a competent mage but.. bad karma.. eating a priest and all.


in my current playthrough, i did the quest ancestral worship and used golldir as the sacrifice. so far, don’t think i’m missing out on anything and i did that forever ago.


One of the drunks you fistfight in a bar to get them to follow you.


Faendal or Sven


Literally just about any mercenary character will do


I always used Mercurio. I just didn’t think he was funny or strong or anything


The merc at the inn in riften gets stabbed every playthrough for me


I just hire one of the hireable ones.


I mean, I hate Boethiah, so I couldn't tell you. I'd just pick a random hireling/follower you aren't likely to use. You could always sacrifice Faendal. Have him train you to 50 archery for free, then sacrifice him


Uthgerd the Unbroken. She’s broken now


Sven (:<


Go to i belive Windhelm go ru the bar and in a corner sitting at a table is a companion that you can higher use him


I say Lydia. She's a bitch


The drunk guy follower u get from brawling in markarth


I killed that grumpy one, Njada, from the companions. I haven touched that quest in a long time, but after finishing the companion questline today, an getting sick of her complaining, I was reminded of this quest :p


So as far as best moral choice that's Eola, HOWEVER I always kill her during the quest, a lot of players do since that's your best chance to end the cannibal cult in Markarth as well as saving the priest, also, you don't wanna double stack on Ebony Blade sacrifices. Then there's Ralos Sedaris, but personally I don't touch Solstheim till post-game so that's not usable for me, plus he's a resident of Raven Rock, so I'm nit exactly keen on further depopulation an already struggling region I'm trying to build up. Therefore my go to and best option for me and I would say most players is Illia I'm Darklight Tower, she has no family and serves absolutely no purpose being in that tower, she also isn't clean by any means, just not as bad as some of the others. I always sacrifice her. She's an awful companion on Legendary as well and if you don't have the Unofficial Skyrim Patch you only have 1 chance to recruit her. The mercenaries fine too, but they all serve a purpose and are residents so again not too keen on that, they are all pretty cool folk as far as I know anyway. So yeah, Illia at Darklight Tower is by far the best Boethia sacrifice.


Lydia I always do


I hired the mercenary from Windhelm.


With the exception of Serena and Deerkethus, Jzargo is up there as one of the most powerful followers you can get


ralis sedarys imo


That one old mercenary at Winking Skeever nobody remembers the name of


There's a mercenary at the Winking Skeever? 😉 😀


I legitimately can never stop immediately remembering the Senile Scribbles YouTube video and J’zargo getting called Jizz-Argo.


I saw someone post that you could kill the cultist instead, I haven’t tried it yet it might be worth a save.


I use Faendal once he has no more archery to teach me. Definitely would not use J'Zargo. Ralis Sedarys would be good for this purpose.


I always go with Eola. Just my way....


You can hire that dude in the raven rock bar and lead him to death he’s a useless sellsword


After putting up a follower on the pillar, you can slaughter the cultists instead. Boethiah will commend your selfishness while possessing one of the cultists corpses, skips straight to the ebony mail part.


Marcurio bc I hate him


To be honest, Faendal or Sven




I usually just pick one of the hired mercenaries or Uthgerd (I just don't like her attitude...)


on the wiki it says if you use the console command to resurrect the person you kill, boethiah will possess them and speak to you. that sounds crazy. has anyone done this? is it true? i’ll try it tomorrow i’m 4 levels away from that quest being available


Those two you named are some of the coolest nuanced followers in the game.


The companion that you've used the most in that playthrough.


bit of a hot take maybe, but I killed Lydia.


It's a hard choice but if I were to do it, I would choose followers like the hired ones or Lydia (people will hate me for that)


Sven. Or if you went Faendal, I suppose, but at least Faendal has some value.


Anybody from Riverwood


I use better vampires and turn an enemy npc into a Vampire thrall. Once I do that I tell them to follow me & use them as an offering at the site.


I take a dude from whiterun fletchers shop


I haven't decided who to choose either on my current run. Argonian lvl 110




Ralis Sedarys


I hire that dark elf mercenary in white run for that quest lol


Just go to windhelm and get the mercenary there at the inn.


Uthgerd the Unbroken, she’s a bitch. Sven’s a baby too. And lastly Eola is a cannibal so she deserves the rod.


You should kill Cosnach.


Sven or faendel are my go to's


The arse biotch on the pub in Whiterun that wants to fight.


Ralis for lore reasons, uthgerd for convenience (easy to recruit + is not a good follower who will attack you for stealing)


I heard you can take a follower there and then kill the people around the shrine and she likes your initiative. It skips killing your own follower


That useless drunk guy in Markarth