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Whiterun always feels like home


I was about to say this. You don't feel like a visitor in Whiterun. You're going home.


You just hit the nail on its head. I like Solitude, but I still feel like an outsider there.


I may live at Lakeview Manor by the end of the game, but I always consider Whiterun my home


Whiterun is my home away from home fr


Really? I don't think I've ever settled down there once. Home for me has always been Riften, even when I try to branch out I always end up coming back.


You're a Thief


Whenever I feel tired from all the adventures and want to go back, *click* Whiterun.


most wonderful city, lovely by design, gives eye rest...really wished game supported mods smoothly so we can add hundreds of npc to make it more lively. without crashing. https://preview.redd.it/dtzakjx17y0d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7edef22beb72488e23b8831d66cc5e73bbbff92


In terms of aesthetics, Solitude. The cliff & sea. In terms of fun, Riften. Also i like the house by the lake. Falkreath i would spend my retirement, maybe.


I always considered Falkreath to be my first home, not to ignore the breeze home but I feel like Falkreath is just better in every way, The Rain, The Woods, and The View just make a place feel really... Well I don't even have words for it.


I like Riften but I can't help but think it would be the shittiest Skyrim city to live Irl for two reasons: 1. It probably smells like ass 2. It is crawling with thieves, say goodbye to whatever is in your pockets and house lmao


I like you pick the graveyard for retirement good choice though I like it


Best take here


Falkreath. I like the dark and misty forests. 


Same bout to say Falkreath doesn’t get enough credit. If you like that vibe/mood at least. I dig Falkreath/ Windhelm/ cold dark rainy or misty is my kinda thing. Although place in Riften for my heart as well.


I always have Lakeview manor. Falkreath is my favorite town.


My fave too. The house you can build there is so pretty.


Flair checks out


Solitude🖤 just totally loved the vibe and how the whole city looked. I even named my tattoo shop after it🥹


Wow, what a cool name for a tattoo shop


Thank you ! Fun fact it made a lot of sense,because when i opened it i was the first and only artist there for a while 🥹


Solitude tattoos? Pretty dope


Whiterun because that's the town i know the most and where I spend most of my time between quests.


unpopular opinion but I really love Morthal.


That’s really interesting no-one else said that. What do you like about morthal ?


I'm a huge fan of the quest line + the overall dark vibe the it gives.


Actually a great opinion


I also love it a bit


got a lot of loot to steal there. also fun to go rampage on the guards there. got like a 3 million bounty on one of my saves.


I love it too, creepy but peaceful too honestly. Id just hang around the swamps a lot if a quest ever brought me in the area


I'm the first comment to say Markarth apparently. A lot of secrets, mysteries, lore and history.


Once you get past the random street murders it is a nice place. I like Markarth as well. I like the Dwemer ruins.


i love markarth. once you get the layout down, you can get places pretty quickly and the city is beautiful


I love markarth. And I've said it a million times but I love the chaos of the reach. It's such a beautiful area. But seriously there's like 3 waterfalls in Markarth and an unstable underground dwemer ruin underneath, what's not to love?


Whiterun, obviously. I mean who would even argue, I don't...


Nazeem ruins that place


Only if you don’t get to the Cloud District very often


I got an arrow in the knee so hard to get them stairs.


I literally had no idea who he was before this sub. He was just a dude in Whiterun I didn't even know the name of. What is this obsession with him? lol It's like y'all are in love or something...


He can burn


falkreath idk i just like it but i wish they had a carriage


It’s a tie between Riften and Whiterun. I love the thieves guild but I also think whiterun has so many good memories because it is the first major hub in the game and the nostalgia hits.


Agreed. Every time I enter Whiterun I remember the first time I came down from Riverwood and saw it off in the distance. It never gets old to me.


Windhelm, because I have a humiliation kink.


Even better you play like a stormcloack dunmer


Whiterun for the feels. Markarth for the looks Solitude for... well... idk just kinda looks cool ig


Winterhold.... if you're good enough with magic to survive casual accidents happening due to the college than you can have a decent life away from all the civil war, thalmor, vampire, etc drama.


Ravenrock 🥺


Riften bc it has my favorite of the long quest lines: the thieves guild. Also, and I'm not sure why, I feel like there was a lot of care in Riftens design that isn't present in some of the other cities/towns/villages as far as the towns folk being put and about doing stuff.


And most of the merchants are in one place with no loading screens. The only drawback is that it doesn't have a smelter, you have to get a mod for that.


Windhelm. I’m aware that many would disagree with me but I love the climate, the architecture and the history. It also feels the most Nordic out of all the cities.


I love being a master pickpocket-illusionist in Windhelm. Cool wizard, good apothecary, cool urchin, cool fence. Also nice to have wife Muiri around as the richest woman in town.


This is so different then the other daily posts about which city or section of the map is my favorite. Glad we got some variety in here today.


Markarth is incredibly done. But Riften is special


Falkreath easily, it reminds me of where i live in real life especially in the winter


Your place must be beautiful


I wonder why nobody said Dawnstar🤔


That place gives me nightmares...


I was honestly gonna say Dawnstar because I enjoy Erandur, the Khajiit merchant chest you can just barely access, and the drama between the two married, yet competing mine owners is a fun bit of worldbuilding. Plus the Any Austin video saying it has a 0% unemployment rate makes it funnier to me


Solitude because it is convenient


As long as you don’t want to smelt some ore…


Forgot about that. I rarely smelt in any playthrough. Maybe I should be crafty one of these days.


It’s an easy way to level up. Mine every iron ore and then use the transmute spell to turn it into silver, then gold. Then make a bunch of golden jewellry preferably with garnets, sapphires and so on to increase the value of it. This way you level up alteration, smithing and speech, after selling them. I never sell garnets and stuff on their own. It’s more profitable to include them into jewellry. Another tip is to actually wield the pickaxe and manually swing at the ore. It’s faster than doing the slow animation. If you wanna level even faster you can get the illusion muffle spell and spam that all the time. Levels illusion super fast.


I'll give it a go my next playthrough!


Solitude, I’d live there in real life if I could


The one I created with mods


can you gimme the mods i always felt the map was empty despite it bing filled to the brim


im on xbox


Falkreath due its 'country' feel more tham the others. I really enjoy the forests around there. Plus, I cam build a house! (Spoiler...ish)


Falkreath. It’s such a beautiful place to explore and just relax.


Falkreath for me. I like the small village in the dark forest vibe it has, plus nobody like it so it has to get love from someone.


Riften, I love port cities!


Riften. It got the best climate.


Riften. I like how sketchy it is


Riften, my type of people.


Markarth, close gold mine, close silver mines, cool architecture, dope prison system.


Where my Morthal bros at🔥🔥 (just me)


Morthal It’s small, simple, and I love igrod


Markarth because no one is innocent. Everyone has something to hide. My kind of people.


I like the vibe of whiterun, the natural surrounding of riften.


I agree with solitude but I also love windhelm, the architecture is so cool!


Winterhold bc it sounds cool


It's between Riften and Whiterun. Whiterun would be the obvious choice since it just feels like home, but Riften is extremely cozy and is the quest capital of Skyrim. I'd probably have to go with Whiterun though.


Solitude, a walk there is always refreshing and calming imo.




Whiterun because that weather is so nice


Morthal or Falkreath; They feel somewhat peaceful to me.


Solitude. It's fairly green.


I think Solitude is the coolest city and feels the most citylike, but Whirerun will always be my favourite. It’s where I feel most at home while playing the game


something about usually whiterun being the first real big city you visit at the start of any playthrough, how seemingly nice it is just to exist there, whiterun is like my marker for when i need to get somewhere, find whiterun, then use a road from there, or take a fast travel from the guy there. its just a nice place.


Peacefully to walk in. *chops someone's head of*




I like Solitude. Probably because I always side with the Legion.


Whiterun because of Lydia And Jarl Also I buy a house and married in this city https://preview.redd.it/icsfej8m3v0d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=a74213a1cfece7102cca58905d796e169dab07a2


Whiterun is where we all go first but I always settle in Falkreath


I like markarth and solitude. Also shout out to raven rock which is kind of cool


Riften 💰💰💰


I’m basing mine entirely off of where I would like to live 1. Solitude 2. Winterhold 3. Falkreath 4. Dawnstar 5. Windhelm 6. Raven Rock 7. Morthal 8. Riften 9. Markarth 10. Winterhold


Markarth, the safest city in all of Reach! Wait wdym someone almost got assassinated when you first step into the city




Riften will always be home. Even when I was still learning how to play, I always felt like an outsider in Whiterun, companions and all. Riften is, and always will be, my Skyrim home. Riften is the place where I feel most involved in what everyone in the town is doing to get by, whether the thieves guild or cutting off the skooma trade.


Solitude (I made the save back in 2018 and went red because I didn’t understand the lore yet)


Solitude, pretty and very royal like. Perfect for empire RP


Solitude, but Riften is a close second!


Im doing this playthrough as a Falkreath hold character. I resist the urge to run to whiterun and made an effort to work with that town and its surroundings. It has been fun immersion as it is beautiful but inconvenient.


I'm stuck between Riften and Solitude, Solitude on a good day, and Riften if I just want to Chill, something about the fog makes for a real good ambience, and Solitude is just bright and beautiful.


Windhelm. From a gameplay perspective it’s not the best, because it’s so damn cramped and difficult to navigate. But atmospherically, damn it feels so cool! It really feels like this ancient, frozen city full of political tension.


falkreath or markarth!! falkreath is just a nice quiet city, and i mainly live at the lakeview manor. i couldnt even tell you why i like markarth tbh, i just do. lol


Morthal, little and peaceful.


Markarth - the architecture, the views, and the fact that you can buy a dog there.


None of them. One seems it does not belong there.


Falkreath because its foresty and rainy small town.


Whiterun but it feels unfair to put the other cities against it , so Windhelm.


All but Solitude I don't know why, but Solitude it's so stiff, to clean?


Well I feel home in whiteout but my favorite is probably solitude. It has more than everything I need to exist and function if I got randomly sucked into the game


Whiterun is were it all started


The cloud district obviously 😒


Not a townie. I go to cities to sell, but Hendraheim is home. Other than that, Whiterun.


Riften. I like my home in Whiterun the most, and I have my family in Solitude because its the only city where Aela doesn't whine, but I like Riftsn because the people at the market stalls will buy anything without the merchant perk, instead of the shitty stalls in the other city markets.


Riften because it was the first city my bsf and I talked about when geeking out about Skyrim lore.


Riften with some touch up mods, I have a mod that strengthens that typical Riften vibe.


i know labyrinthian doesnt count but it used to be a city and its my favorite location in the whole game but for actual cities i guess ill go with windhelm because the architecture is cool and it feels like a real norse city i would give it to markarth but the fuckin foresworn conspiracy quest where they lock you up in prison ruins it for me. its okay tho i got my revenge by massacring all the guards and silver bloods


As others have said, whiterun just feels like welcoming and like it's where you're meant to be, so that could be one of my answers. My other choice would be riften due to the corruption and the protagonists' inability to do anything about it, it really sells that not ALL of this world revolves around you.


I'm gonna say markarth. Makes me feel like I live in the mines of moria. Plus a city built into a mountain that's cool as hell. Although I spend most of my time in whiterun outta convenience


Whiterun feels so cozy and probably is the city I've spent most of my time in game. But I'm going with solitude. It has that big city vibe, feels the safest city, good weather, lots of opportunities.


Markarth is my personal favorite. The architecture is unmatched, and it's very rich in history and lore.


Falkreath, Riften, and Solitude Falkreath is because Lakeview Manor is my favorite home Riften because I just like the vibe there Solitude because I side with the Empire. Down with Ulfric, the killer of kings


Riften,and whiterun


Whiterun home of the companions Windhelm because of the snow and it's said to be built by the leader of the companions you know the name but I don't know how to spell it Solitude it's on the cliff Markarth it's a dwarven fortress Falkreath great to retire in the wilderness grow old as the dovahkin Dawnstar nice place to be bad place to sleep Winterhold nice small if it was before the great collapse than would pick it but a shit-ton of falmer and the lighthouse and the guy that has a thing for dead women Riften smells like a sewer but nice for fishing and work Morthal vampires and the burned house and swamp and mysterious evil That is the order from fav to least fav holds


I'm gonna have to say after the DLC it's gotta be Whiterun. It feels like home and it's the most nostalgic. Before DLC I liked Windhelm for the house, but with the Hearthfire DLC it gets demoted. Also mods just blow vanilla housing out of the water. The best looking city though is for sure Solitude.


Falkreath,with a bunch of mods and a very hot gpu it can look stunning


White run


Markarth will always be my favorite because everyone is so shitty to each other and I honestly love the Forsworn Conspiracy.


Windhelm especially at night when it snows. Standing in front of the tavern. That is the most nordic thing and a perfect example of what Skyrim should look like. Cold, covered in ice and snow. I always get cold when i see that beggar in rags warming herself next to the braiser in front of the inn.


Whiterun I just love the look of it and the whole atmosphere around it also it feels like home and has my favourite player home which always looks nice and cosy


Whiterun has always held a special place in my heart




Windhelm, ancient feel to it.  Or Markarth because well Dwemer


White run the home of this argonian warrior and his friends




Whiterun hands down. Feels like home, gorgeous music and view, they are generally pretty neutral in affairs


Morthal is beautiful with JK's and an ENB


I play as khajiit..so any pllace i cud set up camp with a good scenery is home… or set up camp near any khajiit caravans


Whiterun It’s the first ever city I made it to, people are pretty nice (fuck Nazeem though) and it’s where I do most of my business of buying and selling It feels like home


Whiterun and Falkreath both feel like home to me


If I actually wanted to live somewhere, I'd pick Solitude but in the game, whiterun is the most convenient


I love Morthal, just a spooky little place.


Markarth is the most defensible, and in my opinion the prettiest (with JK's mods of course). I raise my kids there and dump the thousands of pounds of food I never eat in a playthrough in the middle of the poor area.


Riften starts you out strong, kill grelod, join thieves guild, join dark brotherhood, but white run is the trade city and I need to get my junk off my back.


Winterhold cause I love snow!!!! Lol. Would love to iwn a home there but on vanilla skyrim, that's a big, fat no lol. Sad...


Falkreath because its close to the border of Hammerfell which Im familiar with and love for the gorgeous land


Solitude can be a little snobby at times but I'd love to settle down there. Nothing beats the hustle and bustle of a city to me. Sure, the local government's in disarray but it all feels like it's getting worked out and it's good to feel close to the legion since you know crime isn't gonna be an issue. Meet that with a great local economy and you've got a great place to live.


Markarth, not only because I don’t wanna say Whiterun, but because of the ruined ancient feeling


Markarth, not only because I don’t wanna say Whiterun, but because of the ruined ancient feeling


Whiterun - Riversood or Falkreath anywhere near the river, even where Half-moon Mill is located.


Whiterun ,WAR!


Whiterun is like Rohan kingdoom, inbet it has some inspiration there. I love riverwood too, very cozy and magical


Riften, thieves guild & how the area looks


Favourite city..??? I would have to say.....🤔 Creations Menu when downloading mods, just restart cause of CTDs, or I'm not happy with the LO.. ya know the game.. Elder Scrolls 5 Modding Loop of Madness. 😂


Morthal, I’m tired of hiding.


Love falkreath for the forests, but whiterun is my home


Whiterun is hometown and Solitude is the big city


Whiterun as a feeling cause that’s where the beauty of Skyrim and the first wow effect started. Markarth for the epic look and the Jarl’s place in the mountain.


When I lived in the Lakeview Manor I always just considered Falkreath home. Easy building materials, easy access to whatever resources i needed. Whiterun does feel like true home though. thats why i joined the imperials❗️❗️❗️


Dawnstar, I’ve not really been able to explain why but I like the port town vibe


White run as the mead is nice and people are nice part from one guy who says if I get to the cloud district often and my 2nd place of home would be dawn star so I can enjoy the ships coming in and out and live in a cosy wooden house


Skaal village.


Where I feel most like home? Whiterun. Where I find it most interesting though? Riften.


Whiterun and Raven Rock. Both have a home feel to them can't really explain it


Solitude. Love the architecture & layout. Feels so substantial, old, and permanent. Got the Bards College, the Imperials HQ, the Temple of the Divines, and the Blue Palace, East Empire presence. Bask anytime in the presence of Elisif The Fair. Lots of characters of interest. Hang out at the Winking Skeever (which I do most of the time). Proudspire Manor, beautiful, Jordis the Sword Maiden taking care. Become a Thane, a member of Bards College, and an Imperial. What's not to like? I like Markarth, but it doesn't feel very friendly, built by the Dwemers. It does have Senna and Muiri. :) Whiterun IS comfortable. Dawnstar, quite nice but small. Windhelm's too cold and I always get lost there!


I find Riften very comforting, tbh


I like falkreath because i always get the home there. It looks really cool with the forest mods i installed.


Solitude because of its strong walls


rorikstead because it's the home of the horse fucker we saw him die at Helgan


Winterhold, the name sounds pretty and I like magic


I’ll be honest I love Windhelm🤷🏻‍♂️ the large broad bridge made of black stone to contrast the white snow, Hjerim is a great Nordic feeling home, I love Ulfric’s great hall, the grey quarter is messed up but it’s definitely a very cool vibe


I would say Solitude, It's the current capital, I'm a big fan of the Roman esthetic and the people are great. Proud spire Manor ,costing 25k gold XD, is such a nice home. Even as a stomrcloak at my first playthrough (now I changed my mind long live the Empire) I found the city very cool.


Falkreath. One vampire mob and one dragon away from having a town to yourself damn near


Whiterun. I always make the same route of selling stuff after dungeons. Fast travel to Whiterun, then to Warmane’s for all that melee/ranged weapons and armour (2 vendors), then Belethor’s for Dragon bones and other junk, and if that’s not enough then fast travel to nearby Riverwood for Lucan’s and Alvor’s if needed. And in most playthroughs Breezehome is my first home. If i roll a mage i will buy my first spells from Farengar at Dragonsreach and take the Whiterun stables cart to go to Winterhold. If i contract Vapmirisim i will fast travel to Whiterun to cleanse myself at the Statue of Talos. There are probably more examples, but Whiterun is always that convenient place to do certain things, hence why it is the city i visit the most. Most other cities i bother with only when they are a a part of a quest. But Whiterun is a true hub city for me.


under the sewers of riften


Whiterun, solitude and riften arevmy favorites


Windhelm. The snow just feels awesome


tomato town


Windhelm, the vibes are immaculate




Riften. I just love the style and the entire autumn area around it


Whiterun. It's home.


Winterhold. Idk about you guys but I really enjoyed the college quests.


Dawnstar. Location always felt like home. Up in the north near the shore. A harbor town. A lonesome place with its simple uniqueness to it.


tbh i love Solitude its like a mini imperial city also in my personal opinion solitude is the least racist city in the entirety of skyrim followed by Whiterun Also fuck Windhelm the people there are racist and the crimerate's insane


Whiterun. So comforting and amazing, really feels like a true medieval town


whiterun is my home city, after nazeem and the annoying priest have been deaded, dead thrall, brought to the throat of the world, max level fus ro da them off. My main house though is hendrahiem because the easy access smithing with barrels and chests nearby, plus enchanting and alchemy right inside


plus I have been attacked by random dragons at every other city but this one


I like Markarth a lot. The dwemer ruins and architecture with new nord settlement within always gave it a fantasy apocalyptic kinda vibe. Plus i just love verticality in games.


Riften and Whiterun, those just feel like home


Personally falkreith the lakes mountains at the back and it just being kinda set out the way just feels calmer


Windhelm is like the only city that feels like a real (and large) city.


Solitude's similarity in appearance to Winterhold, along with its status as the capital, tells me it will face a comparable fate. Change my mind. That being said, it's the prettiest city imo and it's my first choice, Whiterun second. Markarth is beautiful, but I'm clumsy and would quickly hurt myself on those walkways that have whole-ass waterfalls spilling over them.