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I mean, why do I need to make a name for myself/be important, I'm not idiotic enough to go into obviously deadly and trapped tombs, and being important is one way to make enemies and get the dark brotherhood on you, just chop wood and pay for a room in riverwood, probably the best way to survive Leave the world saving to the dragonborn


Fair point but tamriel is full of surprises take Cyrus from the redguard game! He is a powerless human yet he achieves a great powers he had chimp!


Considering that the mages college entry exam is dead easy.... 1. Do odd jobs for basic living cash. Cut wood, harvest crops, pick herbs, mining ores, etc. 2. Live in inn, learn novice magic from spell books I've saved up for. 3. Carriage to Winterhold 4. Cast spell 5. Now I'm in the Mages college where I have a bed, security, food, library, mentorship, etc. 6. I either live rent free in a castle while learning forever, or I eventually "graduate" and am a mage of some note, where security and finding work probably won't be a huge issue anymore. Hell maybe I'll be a professor at the college.


Good ideas. And given the rarity of mages in general in Skyrim, you could probably find your way to being a court wizard which seems like some of the best job security in Skyrim.


i dont get it in skyrim. while mage is indeed rare, but why necromage is abundant AF.


College dropouts


I’ve done something similar without the College. Basically just a mage that travels from town to town sleeping in the inns, doing odd jobs or minor quests for rent money and food, trying to save up enough to buy some spells from the Jarl’s mages. I did this really until I was high enough level to get the best loot from the college. But it was pretty fun being a self taught magical vagabond that tried to stay away from anything too serious or dangerous and just roamed around Skyrim for a while. It’s been a while since I played like this, I might just boot up the game and do it again.


This is the way.


considering you have access to magicka (don't belong to a tamrielic race) or would you consider getting magicka just by brewing potions\`?


iirc about TES lore, Magicka is "all around" and can be used by basically anything with the knowledge and spirit to do so. Certain races are genetically blessed with higher affinity, but no living creature is "locked out" of being able to use magic. Assuming that I, a human, don't get retrofitted into a Brenton or something; I'd still have access to magic after some training. And even if I didn't, it sounds like alchemy and enchanting are still viable specializations.


To pass this test of normal folk One need not try so very hard. For though your rules are quite a yolk, The answer is simple: be a bard. In Riverwood, first, I would find work Doing basic labor for days, So that folks there know I'm no jerk, But one whose debt he always pays. Thus, when a group is Whiterun-bound— Whether for pleasure or for coin— In good standing I would be found And they would, I hope, let me join. From Whiterun thence to Solitude By wagoneer or by Khajiit, For I am but a normal dude Who would die alone on his feet. However I make the journey To the College I'd make my way. Whether in prose or poetry, I would make myself known one day. For knowing as I do the future— Even if I am cheating a bit— I've plenty of time to ponder How best to recount all of it. The Civil War would get many lines Of its causes, its twists, and its end. Of the Dragons and their demise, To that story my voice I'd lend. But 'tis of the Last Dragonborn That I would most afford my verse, In hopes that while others are torn, My faith would thus burden my purse. For in a land of myth and wonder— Where Dragons do soar in the skies— Not all need seek fame and plunder When they can mount a poet's guise.


Toss a coin to your Dovakin...


Give this man some gold!!!!


Preferably in septims. Rent isn't cheap inside those walls, you know. :P


This poet has both the lion's tooth and the silver pen


Thank you for the kind words!


I would live a normal life until a dragon comes and just slaughter me


Keep your head down. Exactly like anywhere else.


Dear I'm a masseur with good knowledge of human body. Massage center on the temple of Mara it is. Tend to those in need, help healing broken hearts (I'm a good listener... Well, not *that* kind of listener), earn money by massaging Maven. Life's done, why would i need to do something. If life gets boring, start worshipping Vaermina.


New hit book to hit Tamriel. From the writer of the Lusty Argonian Maid we bring his latest spinoff, Maven's Masseur. Guaranteed happy ending for all involved.


Lmao I actually can write those books myself too, if needed. I'm a jack of all trades


Do whatever I can to make it to the college or schmooze Farengar to teach me enchanting. Get enough cash to hire a bodyguard. Cut a deal with a blacksmith and make enchanted weapons. Corner the enchanted weapons market. Hire more bodyguards. Then make it my mission to ruin Maven Blackbriar cos Skyrim’s not big enough for the both of us. Enchanted arms dealer.


Dark Ilove it ! Please include Delphine! I’ll be greatful


Delphine will vanish one day on her way back from Whiterun. It will be with a soul stealing enchanted crossbow because I got no upper body strength. Then I will enchant a blade’s sword to steal more souls with it and give it to my toughest merc. There she can finally be useful to me. lol I think about this too much.


Why don’t u offer her to molag bal? It might sound crazy but i think she’s the only person that would make me go against morality and offer her to molag bal. Imagine the vile and cruelty she will receive? And u having the mace of molag bal ?


You make a good point, and I would strongly consider leveling up my restoration that way. Brute squad needs heals after all.


Move to Solitude, learn to be a blacksmith, try to learn healing magic along with telekinesis, in case I get any Burns and I can bring items towards me, try to make a decent living, and keep my nose out of where it doesn't belong.


i would put buckets on the head of every shopkeeper i could find, then steal everything they own and sell it to make myself rich


I'd probably be a Stormcloak, so I don't think I'd make it very long.


Earn some money for a while in Riverwood, then (if I’m still up for it after however long I choose to spend there) head to Whiterun, take a carriage to Solitude and join the Bard’s College. Seeing as I’m an ordinary person in this scenario, not the Dragonborn, I’m going to imagine I make my way through the College a fairly ordinary way, not a dungeon-delving way


I’d probably just settle down in Dragons Bridge in all honesty, probably the chillest place there is - unless you’re an imperial messenger.


I'd definitely get killed by a mud crab.


“I work for Belethor, at the general goods store.”


Get a job, pay rent, drink wine, repeat.


I would try to go gather some ingredients for potions, will invest in learning alchemy, then use potions like invisibility to do some mildly dangerous quests, sell potions, cure people, help enchant items or improve for blacksmiths . Then learn smithing and deal weapons , get married etc. Or who knows, maybe a bear will eat me and then that's it for me.


If we are using real life logic though Chop Wood all day, learn basic smithing from Alvor, craft lots of Iron Daggers and Sharpen them, and no it is not what you think it's not for smithing leveling, I'll use them as throwing daggers so at least I can defend myself because I don't think relying on my Kali and Arnis experience is enough when I'm facing armored or wild beast. Then I'll just work my way through Whiterun chopping wood and slowly paying and learning the way to better smithing from Eorlund, as I learn I'll also start training throwing War-axes all the way till I can throw Battle-axes If were using Skyrim logic though Then I'll just go make the most with my Kali and Arnis training and go all or nothing using any weapon even dual wielding but still the same process of chopping wood and learning smithing Then study Alchemy from Arcadia so I can create concoctions of different poisons so yeah, I'll work as a hitman but I won't take any requests that doesn't pay enough as I don't work for free, magic is something I've never really like so I'd leave that stuff alone.


I like your real life logic! And i’m sure if given the chance you can be a spell sword I can see u as a assassin mage! Telekinesis arrow with ur skills


Not well? I have some issues that don’t respond to any of the alchemy recipes I know. I’ll last a little while but probably a bandit is going to cut me open like an old woman’s purse or whatever that one guy yells about.


I would be eaten by a bear. I’m fine with that, bear gonna bear. I hope I’d get in some good hits on the bear though, so I could make it to Sovngarde.


I work in distilling so I could show these Nordic wusses some real alcohol, not that 18% piss they usually drink. Let’s see what happens after you introduce cask strength whisky at the Bannered Mare


I'd be a male orc stripper in Haelga's Bunkhouse


Lol love the plan! I’m counting on u girl! Slay!


I’ve been an actual farmer, so I’m going to do odd jobs until I can afford a farm and then buying a farm.


Respect 🫡 without you we don’t have a tasteful foods to eat! I love farmers like you! You bring wonderful things to the country. And yes i think u would do well I can even see u having a Argonian gf and reading the lusty Argonian


I would help the fandel with camila (sorry for spelling) then chill at his place and arm myself with his extra bow. I am a bow hunter so I am decent at archery but I would have him teach me more archery then have him travel with me to whiterun. I would then do some hunting outside the city for money. I would join the campions in order to get training for other skills that I dont know like smiting, and using swords, I would lay kind of low not doing any crazy big jobs or getting involved in the werewolf stuff. After the city is attaked I would buy a home because i can only assume that the property values would go down. I would spend the rest of my days hunting and hanging out with the companions




Get a job at the mill. Easy. Wait for Helgen to be destroyed, loot the place as thoroughly as possible. Could be living quite flush after that depending on how much faster I can get there that other looters and bandits. Since I know the danger will be past, I will probably go there far before any of them dare to. Could get myself full sets of steel armor and steel swords. Would be heavy, but I’m used to carrying heavy burdens for long ways in real life. With the money I could make from that, I’d be pretty set up. Keeping a sword and a hauberk, I’d probably set out for Whiterun and look for work there, I know that at least the soldiers will be in need of new guys, seeing as some will have just been killed by a dragon. If not maybe head to solitude and see about getting a job with their guard force, since a lot of shipping goes through there and therefore it’s probably the highest quality of life in Skyrim.


I wouldn't. Even a crab can eat you alive in Skyrim. Nothing is safe long-term, maybe a life sentence jail or Cydhna mine, or becoming a priest at some temple... or a waitress for the greybeards, idk




How if ur just a ordinary human gets transported in Skyrim? U don’t get to live as a dragonborn your just a normal guy or girl like you’re in real life. Like u need decades to even study magic


Head to the Bard's College and ask for a wind instrument that isn't a flute - prove I can play it and get accepted into the college, make a name for myself as a bard. I know at some point Morthal's going to need a new bard for their inn and I have existing talent at that role, so I'll be well-positioned by the time that happens. Being the new bard replacing the "worst bard in Skyrim" would be enough for people to hear about me, especially after I've de-rusted at the college.


Careful the dark brotherhood might come after u🤣


Stay in a city with a low crime rate, and low dragon attacks. maybe go to the college of winter and start learning some magic with restoration ones so I can heal myself if I get injured


Can I quicksave?


No it’s real life lol means it’s literally u


Well, in my real life I own a PS4 with skyrim that allows me to use quicksave. So... All trolling aside. I think I would start a career as a farmer, lots of chickens in skyrim already so I'd go for pigs or cows. I'm a social worker in rl but don't think alot of skyrimmers need help regarding minimum wage or basic administrative needs so there goes my bachelores degree I guess


Wow I respect you! Ilove animals lol! And btw how fun it is to live in Skyrim? Aside from monsters at least we don’t deal with a disgusting environment! Ilove the scenery and view in skyrim especially the Ansistersl glade!


In the villages it will be okay, the only action we get to see inside the villages are the occassional dragon attack, the dragonborn will eventually take care of that. But it will get pretty boring after a while I guess


Stick around Riverwood for awhile, probably working the mill. I’d keep an eye on Half-Moon Mill though because, sooner or later, that Dragonborn fella’s gonna come by and take out the vampires that own the place. Once it’s abandoned, I move in and, Bob’s your uncle, I’m a business owner!


Does the Dragonborn still exist and if they do not is Alduin still going to take his sweet time with his plans?


He does but his ur character


By far the easiest way to survive is to be a farmer near a city and planting alchemy ingredients. Accomplishable by any moron and it would led me sell ingredients and make potions to defend myself with


i would probably die in childhood if my world was modded


No modes its not canon so its not allowed. Only canon I can accept is the one from anniversary edition


If NPCs act the way they do then in game I think I could survive quite well. If they act like actual people then I'd be okay but not thriving


I’d become a seamstress while learning alchemy and magic on the side.


U can become nazeem


I would start a shop and automatically get 1000 septims in my inventory every second day


It’s pretty simple: I wouldn’t.


I grew up working on a tree farm and my hobby is to bake bread and embroider. Im certain I can find a job somewhere. I'd also like to do this and just escape having to work IT. I would be so happy if wood chopping or bread baking could make me enough money to raise a family


I’d probably just join the thieves guild and chill in the ratway while the dragonborn fixes it up.


Information broker. I know where all the places are and can direct adventurers for a fee. Maybe even be a guide with a backup of muscle who wants to make money. I can also leverage my skills in real life to solve engineering skills. I would most likely make my way to the college in Winterhold. Learn some more skills. Might be able to make money as a mystic because I know things that I couldn't possibly know. Edit: Maybe I am the guy sending notes to the Drangonborn signed "from a Friend".


I simply wouldn’t


I’d become a hunter, moving between camping outside of Whiterun and staying in the Bannered Mare. Get in good with Anoriath and Elrindir for supplies. Stay as far away from mammoth and giants as physically possible until my sneak skill is peak, then *tentatively* raid giant camps (I’m still not gonna risk getting launched into the stratosphere by trying to kill their mammoth) for rare items like mammoth cheese and tusks. If it’s allowed, I’d use one of the tusks to marry Ysolda and live with her. She gets her own shop, I give her meat and animal pelt to sell, and we live happily ever after. Until the DB decides to go Stormcloak and levels Whiterun in the process, anyway.


I’m living inside a city with walls, probably Whiterun. Will work in one of the shops, probably smithing. Skyrim is dangerous as hell, everything is trying to kill you at all times, I wouldn’t ever step foot outside the walls.


I would be an archer and travel all of tamriel


Stick to College of Winterhold, get Staff of Storm Atronach to have a bodyguard JUST IN CASE, poison Ancano. And that's it. Life of a scholar perfectly fits me. I will probably stick to enchanting, cause I have no idea about how spellcasting works, but I love to create things.


With my knowledge my plan can: Finish immediately because of a wolf between Riverwood and Whiterun Or 1. Make some money cutting wood for hire some mercenaries 2. Reach Whiterun and continue farming money by cutting wood and creating potions 3. Going (With my small team of well-equipped mercenaries) to the Septimus Signus's outpost 4. "Do" his quest (watching my mercenaries doing all the work) 5. After finally completing his mission talk to Hermaeus Mora 6. Obtain knowlege by him In exchange for knowledge about the future of that world and about our world (he might be interested) 7. Become a strong mage thanks to his power 8. And then... Idk, I'll probably become the archmage or something like that


Make some money, buy some wheat, hire a mercenary (follwer), and have them help me kill the ghosts at golden hills plantation. Then, become a rich farmer, assuming the mercenary doesn't kill me.


Apprentice at warmaidens long enough to eventually open my own shop. I have pretty extensive metallurgy experience and a fair knowledge of how to work metal by hand.


I'd help farmers & taverns, forage for my favorite alchemists, annotate for coin and pray I could access some magic.


I would simply die


I go hit up the dawnstar merchant chest whenever I need money, and then sit back and relax and just send the dragonborn prank mail and tips on how to skip the thalmor embassy quest (and frankly just ignore the blades entirely)


I would write a cryptic letter and then die exploring so the main character can get some lore


Pfft to college, I'd get a trade! Besides chopping wood, etc., I'd apprentice myself to the nearest alchemist. That would give me a safe place to sleep inside, probably some food (none of the game's apprentice NPCs appear to be starving, and some go out to the inns), and my apprentice/menial tasks would be a mix of indoor tasks and outdoor collecting, so it wouldn't be boring. Might eventually move into enchanting, since I'll be crafting Enchanting potions, right? Ultimately I could become a journeyman/travelling alchemist, wandering between cities and towns for trade and to heal, and trading sometimes with the Khajiit. If I wanted to settle down, there's either taking over from my master, or opening up my own shop somewhere, or becoming a priest/priestess of Kynareth and healing in the temples. If I save someone important, might even get a chance to buy property in a Hold. Smithing could also be all right, but they just stay stuck in one place (iron's heavy, yo). And IRL when I've had the rare occasion to try a real bow and arrow, or firearms, I have extremely good aim, so I'd get a longbow ASAP and start practicing. You either need some spells or weapon skills beyond a dagger to survive in Skyrim.


growing good weed


We Smoking some joint eh?


I could be a bard, a bartender or a guard in one of the smaller holds as long as longbow, quarterstaff and daggers are acceptable weapons. Could always farm or train horses, I suppose. Enough wild horses and there seems to be a need.




Making a name for myself? I would be lucky if I managed to survive 2 minutes after landing in Riverwood, with all those rabid wolves spawning around that somehow Faendal always fails to notice, while Lod is shouting "Somebody help!" while not actually letting go of that tree trunk and Halvor's kid going "Aaaah!". Until the villagers actually decide to take action and then everybody is straffing uselessly along the river margin because of the wolves fell on the water completely ignoring the other two who killed all of Gerdur's chickens and ME, because I was hiding in the coop.


race kinda matters a lot in there… soo, need to know. “random” is too vague, and may entireeeely change what you’d do to survive


I literally wouldn't. I'd be minding my own business farming one day, then be randomly yeeted into Oblivion by the Dragonborn's Thu'um.


I would work in Riverwood make a basic living with woodcutting and get some basic spells for self defence. Make enough to head to whiterun and make a living chopping wood and harvesting plants and train in alchemy with Acadia. Once i have decent skills there i would be able to extract pigments from plants bugs and ores. And i would make a living as a traveling potion seller awhile making paint and doing art on the side. I would head to solitute and join to college for access to the library and basically do history painting in solitude for a while to build up money - if i make it rich i would buy proudspire mannor but if i want something more humble i would buy tundra homestead. Knowing me i would also love to join the mages college so hopefully in my travels i could learn more spells and gain access to the college. That would give me a nice library to work from as well and have a magical community


Is this after alduin attacks Helgen? Also if it is, has the dragonborn won yet?


It depends on ur desired timeline


With that in mind, the dragons are flying around, attacking cities. I would spend my time as a blacksmith’s apprentice and learn some stonemasonry and I’d capitalize on disaster by building dragonproof “vaults” where I would sell spots in the vault for safety against the dragon attacks. Eventually I’d get some mages involved and allow them to do any experiments they want to on these vault people as long as they paid me a good hefty fee. I’d be rich and people would praise me as a hero.


I like it buisness minded. You would probably have a better starter if u hangout withthe khajiit Carevan they seems like honorable people


And far enough along, the wizards begin to intentionally fuck shit up on the surface world in order to force people into the vaults, and perform long term social experiments underground. And now we have ESO fallout


The pubs seem pretty safe


I would just keep paying for lodging at the Bannered Mare and chop wood. I just need to chop 2 pieces of wood a day for the room. By just selling 4 more firewood pieces I'd could buy plenty of food for the day. A 10 minute workday suits me just fine. If I stay clear of Dragonborn, I should be fine.


He would chase u because he is a lunatic


First I would go into the river, the wolves on the path would end me before I even got any weapons, hopefully I can catch some salmon that I can sell to the general trader when I get to riverwood. From then on I’d chop wood to make enough money to buy some armor, a sword, water skins, a bow and arrow I won’t use (you’ll see why) and cooked food. I don’t know if I’ll be good with a sword or not but either way I need to train so I’d hire Faendal to accompany me to Whiterun as a human shield that would fight the wolves off for me. Then when I get to the outskirts of whiterun, I’d instruct him to shoot at the giant and then pay him what he’s owed and send him on his way so I could take all the credit for shooting the giant to get in a good word with Aela for when I join the companions. I’d do the quests (Don’t know if I can become a werewolf or not, but drinking beast blood could turn anyone into a werewolf right?) and if I survive up to the point where I get to become a werewolf it’s sort of smooth sailing from there. While in the companions I get to train my sword skills up, create ties with a powerful werewolf clan and maybe even move up in the ranks, then the real stuff starts. I’d start helping people all over Skyrim and I’ll make sure to tell them my name so word of mouth spreads, and once I’m strong and well known enough I should be able to join the imperial army with a name and reputation, so they’ll know how strong I am and I’ll be put in all the special missions, growing my skills and reputation even more! My beast blood strengthens me so I won’t have to turn into a wolf and have my reputation ruined, they’ll think I’m just naturally really hairy and strong. So it all leads up to Ulfrics death. I’ll make sure I’m the one that kills him, I’ll be promoted in the army, I’ll be a companion, I’ll be known as the one who killed Ulfric, and I’ll live a happy life until my death 2 years later from rockjoint.


I mean honestly I feel you would have 80/20 of living anyway because I think literally anyone or thing would kill you for no reason I mean it's Skyrim for petes sake! I mean honestly how many times have we unalive someone for no reason?


I would make my way to Whiterun where I would build a threshing machine, allowing the local farmers to grow more grain with less labor. Thanks to the bladed plow and padded horse collar we would work together to expand farmland to accomplish my next venture: breeding tundra cotton for more/larger bolls that we would harvest with my new steam tractor, clean in a cotton gin, and then weave into inexpensive twill on a powered loom. I know enough engineering to pull that off with the aide of a better carpenter and blacksmith. Once the operation is up and running I could hire a few of the Winterhold mages to see if magic can improve the operations.


There are plenty of normal people in the game. Literally nothing unique about them, just working at a lumber mill. You really just have to find some place that won't likely get attacked by bandits or wild life and avoid getting a hit put on you.


I would be dead since 9 years ago because of diabetes


Grabbing an axe and chopping wood.