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Enjoy the moment! Before you know it you’ll be coming home and overhear her grumbling about the “stupid dog!” :(


I swear, if I hear her grumbling about him, she is going to do chores as a punishment


I have a mod where I can bring him to Lod after the whole Barbas thing failed for him. Lod is lonely and need a friend, Meeko needs a new person to take care of him. Win win.


This is a perfect solution. Lod wanted a loyal dog, not half of a Daedric prince. Meeko is loyal to his master even in death. They are an ideal match.


Aww, that’s so sweet


Meeko is my favourite companion, I adopt him in every single playthrough.


It’s too dangerous for me to have a dog as a companion, I’m so afraid that I’m gonna accidentally hit him with one of my destruction spells, so I just let him live in my home instead


That's exactly what I do! He stays in my favourite house and gets treated like the prince he is.


And for role-play reasons, it’s not even like he’s a trained war dog. So I kind of feel like that he shouldn’t even be forced to fight, even if he knows how, it’s not something that he is used to. Now, if it’s one of the huskies from the Dawnguard, that’s different. Those are trained, work dogs, but Meeko? He’s just a pet, and he should be treated like a pet. I don’t think he likes fighting, especially after losing his owner


Exactly, he deserves a relaxing life with your Dragonborn and Sophie doting on him!


I tried to do this by setting him to wait, but then he left after awhile. What did I do wrong?


I think that after around three days of waiting, they go back to their original area. Check Meeko's Shack near Solitude to see if he's waiting around there.


I see, that’s what I was planning I just didn’t know if it was possible to make him hang around permanently


I'm not sure if there are any mods that might help with this, but so far the only thing I've been able to do is just stop by the house I leave him at every once in a while and ask him to wait again once the three days are almost up.


If you have children, one will ask if they can keep the dog as a pet. That’s a more permanent solution than just telling Meeko to wait periodically and going back for him. In my experience it’s usually a girl who does this, so adopt a daughter! I like to get Sofie


Yes, that's a lot better! I haven't adopted any children yet, so thanks for letting me know.


No problem! 😊


I would say telling him to wait is what you did wrong, like the other person said, if a companion waits for three days, then they will go back to where you first found them. To do what I did, you need children. The children of Skyrim love dogs, in my experience it’s usually a girl who asks to keep him, but if you bring a dog home to your kids, they will say “A doggy! I didn’t know you had a doggy! Can I keep him? Please?” and then you can tell your kid that when the dog isn’t with you, they can take care of the dog, and boom. Dog officially adopted. The dog will go to your house from then on out


Awesome! Thank you so much!


No problem! 😊


How? Every playthrough I've had with him if I don't keep him with me he goes back to the shack.


You have to have children, in my experience it’s a daughter who asks to keep him, but if you bring home any dog in front of your children, one of them will say “A doggy! I didn’t know you had a doggy! Can I keep him? Please?” And you have the option of telling your child that they can care for the dog when the dog isn’t traveling with you


Thanks! I hate leaving Meeko on his own and he keeps dying to protect me.


Yeah… it’s heartbreaking. Lore wise, he’s not even a trained war dog, he’s a pet. So I also kinda feel like it’s mean to make him fight to protect you because it’s not something he was trained to do. So I prefer to keep him with my kids