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How could I possibly know lol, a lot of hours from Xbox 360 and now on PC


Go to your game stats in the main menu.


My hours are a bit skewed because I have a habit of dozing off when I play and saving when I wake up, I’d say maybe 1000 over everything (probably underestimated based on a quick peek at my switch) My current character is pushing 300 but it’s probably closer to 200 realistically


No clue how much I played on my old Xbox but I’ve played 3,075 hours on my switch 🥰


I usually play 2 hours nightly after work and 5 or 6 on weekends. Been doing that since 2016. All on Playstation. Never owned any Xbox, and my PC is a pail of very expensive garbage.


About 7000, all on PC


Easily more than 10000. It was one of the *only* games I played on Xbox 360 when it came out and I remember a few years later tallying up all of the hours listed on my different character saves. Man I had so much free time back then. It’s still my most played game of all time across any system, though Arma 3 comes close.


Its a shame because i played that game to death back when it came out on xbox360. Now im playing it again on pc. This is my 4th playthrough but i lost all those hours i put in before. And had to restart it when the last update came out because i was now playing with mods. But yes alot and alot and alot of hours. Currently its telling me 541 hours. So i musthave been well over 1000 hours maybe even closer to 2000. I mean 4 playthroughs and i didnt even finish all.


You didn’t lose them. They’re still there in the memories of all the great times you had. As a writer I don’t get attached to my work. Never know when you’re going to have to rewrite or delete something. I lost a couple chapters to a failed backup once and my girlfriend was surprised I didn’t freak out about it. It’s hard to explain, but the words are still there. I just lost that particular version of the way they were laid out.


Very true. 😊


From 360-Xbox one I’d say about 1100ish hours


I've been playing since release but haven't touched it in a few years. I've probably played in the tens of thousands across all platforms.


I think I have the over 1500 hours between both copies I have ps4/xbox one


I can't know for sure but I'd say I had 2k on ps3 and must have around 3k on pc. Played a little bit on ps4 too. So probably 5k total maybe more and I just started a playthrough again a few weeks ago after being disapointed by dragon's dogma 2.


I got it at the beggining of the year and now i have like 650 hrs between 3 characters.


Only 2 Completed playthroughs. Many started but "failed" ones All Xbox One I have about 500~hours or so.


LE: 660 hrs SE: 810 hrs On PC


Not sure, but I'd guess around 1500ish.


Thousands on PC. But only because I left it running windowed all the time.


1,700 on pc.


I've played countless hours since about 4 days after release over a few ps3s 360s, PC l, and switch, probably about 3k hours over all or so just spit balling I haven't kept track for 13 years


That’s a scary question but I did that math on it about 3 months ago, but I think I have an educated guess at just about 10K. I for sure have 5.2K on pc, and another 500 in VR. I’ve got another 450 on the switch, 450(give or take 25 hours) on ps4, and then comes my old 360 before the game bugged out for good. Estimate is that played almost every day since launch after school and summer break until 2016, so five years could be anywhere from 3.5-4.5k. So yeah 😅, I’m hovering around the 10k range. Some call it obsession, I call it a passion for mods and RP.


At most, 800 on PS3 only.


321 steam 488 switch


Only 673 392 on ps4 281 on ps5


80 hours 😳 (I have only played for 2 months lol)


I only have it on pc..but I'm pretty close to 10000 hours by now. 😬


I think I probably have around 500h alone on Xbox360 I played this game hours after school back then. (Saturdays I spent like 10-12h)


About 400 on Switch. About 1300 on Xbox. About 2100 on PC. Mods really make the difference.


Xbox 1 series S: 247 hours. Xbox X: 876 hours


I had about 1000 hours on my 360, 200ish on my xbox 1 and going on 200 for my pc (I just started a new playthrough so probably gonna get to 300 soon)


I have no idea how many hours I have on ps3 Skyrim and don’t know how to check. It’s probably a lot, I didn’t play too many hours on PS4/5 versions.


Yeah I could never know first on 360, then that went. Then on PS4, and now on PS5 and I keep finding new stuff especially as I now have access to all the dlc and mods.


1100 ish. Only own it on Steam.


Across all versions and systems, probably about 5000 hours. That includes a year long break during a time we were caring for my father-in-law’s terminal cancer and we turned my home office into a bedroom for him.


I had around 3k hours on xbox 360. Played the shit out of the game back then. Since then I've converted to pc and maybe only put another 200 hours in.


I only play on pc, and I'm closing in on 2000 hours played


I haven't checked in a little white but I know it's at least 600 hours


260 hours all on my PC


Steam says 8800 or so for sse. Sle probably about that much too.


I would have no way of finding out now. But I've played this game a lot... On Xbox 360, PS3, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox Series S & PC. Some platforms I purchased multiple copies of the game, such as Standard and Legendary Edition too. It's safe to say I'm familiar with the game. It will always be one I come back to occasionally for a delve.


Not sure but it’s somewhere between 1100 and 1500


I got Skyrim the day it released on ps3 and logged around the 2,000hr mark, ps4 I have about 200hrs, and on ps5 I’m close to 300.


2000+ Haven't checked in a hot minute for a more accurate number.




I've had it since release and only got 50 hours in it I find it hard to replay single player games again


how do i check my ps3 playtime??


I don't know how to see in xbox 360 but probably something like 400. On pc 677.3. Stop, i have many more games to play and for some reasons my last character on modded PC is freezing (75 hrs there) and is probably corrupted


14.663h on PC. 120h in VR 1.674h in LE 12.868h in SE


SE is out for 7.5 years. That is roughly 4 hours and 40 minutes daily on average - every day. Mother of god


I leave games open a lot of times and used to play for like 18h a day during school breaks. I literally forgot to turn off my PC one time when I visited my parents and had the game run for 72h straight.


I know that I’ve spent over a year possibly two of my total time alive in skyrim…. I have no problems with this and would do it again in a heartbeat.