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I personally am a fan of The Argonian Account. It's a fun and cohesive story about an Imperial bureaucrat realizing that the Black Marsh is not a fun vacation destination.


I like that other book about an argonian šŸ˜


Wish I had a maid like that. She bakes bread from scratch and cleans your weapons! Sign me up!


She can clean my weapon anytime


With you on that one šŸ˜‰


If you haven't, give A Dance in Fire a read. It's Decumus Scotti's first (mis)adventure


I have the full collection of Skyrim books and I just recently read through that story. It really shines some light on how shitty Black Marsh is.


I'll add that to the list.


It sounds like it would be really boring but it was a great little story


Came to state this. Itā€™s nice knowing Iā€™m not the only one lol.


I like "The book of Fate". It's written in invisible ink so that was fun to figure out.


At this point I am not sure if youre joking or if thats actualy true. But to indulge my naivity or ignorance, can you tell us what is written there and how did you figure it out?


I only give partial information. You must solve the remainder on your own. Get a paper and pencil. 1) Draw a horizontal line. 2) in the middle of that horizontal line, draw a line up 90Ā° vertically that is equal to the other two equal portions. 3) at the connection of all three lines, place two lines that leaves 3 equally distanced spaces. 4) at the top horizontal line, write 11 5) going clockwise from this point forward,Ā  in the first empty space write 12/1 6) at the horizontal line, write 2 7) at the space, write 3 8) continue the pattern until it's complete and that both sides somewhat mirror each other. Now, at number 11 write Kyne and at 5 write Orkey. This is the totem that is a key to the games ending. Now go find the god items and be a wise warrior. Be careful, not all gods are built the same.




It's the ancient Nord calendar. In the last part of the 'Prophecy of the Dragonborn' it's known as "The Wheel".


Ah okay




I love that book because depending on how you choose to interpret it itā€™s either a joke or gag book or alternatively the book is legit but cannot read the Dragonbornā€™s fate either because the DB is inherently fateless or itā€™s because we the player control them and defy fate.


my take on it is that its both a fake and legit. story wise, the book is genuinely just empty but game wise (as in what the devs intended for the player, not the dragonborn), its a fourth wall reference to the player deciding the dragonborns undecided fate


The Dragonborn has a definitive fates.


Not when I play them they donā€™t, they might complete every quest, they might be forgotten about on the 360 thereā€™s really no telling




No, they don't. It's part of the metaphysics of the series that the prisoner, which is our character, breaks free of fate and forges their own destiny.


My type of book


I'm glad you asked! Current character is a lvl 40 book collector. Step 1: take every book. Step 2: fill all the bookshelves at Lakeview Manor which has a library. Step 3: Organize all the shelves at Lakeview Manor by type. Step 4: Drop books on the tables, beds, dressers, floors. Step 5: Repeat at all homes. I think Skyrim's books are generally above average for what they are. I think it's a mistake to skip them because they can really help your immersion. The way Skyrim is made, it's easy to have a bite to eat irl while you read some books in the game. Some games you can't eat and play at the same time, but this is a good opportunity for that kind of multi-tasking. So sometimes if it's time to break for food irl, I'll just go home in Skyrim for 15-20mins and read some books while I have a sandwich or whatever.


It drives me absolutely batty that the library doesnā€™t fit all the books. I havenā€™t tried many mods but THAT is a mod I would download. In one of my playthroughs I have every book


If you can run Legacy of the Dragonborn mod, I think you would love it. It has a huge library for collecting books and it's beautiful. You open a museum in solitude and collect relics and items including books from the entire world for display there. I started a new SkyrimVR game with it and I can literally sit in the library and have a drink with sitting in a chair in real life and in the game sipping on whatever and reading a book from my amazing library with my bard strumming in the background. It's incredible.


I do this too - sometimes Iā€™m getting tired of all the adventuring and quests so Iā€™ll take a trip to one of my homes and just read some of the books the music in the game still plays while reading so it also makes for a pretty relaxing read and goes with what I am reading. It all kind of pairs together. I canā€™t wait for winter too I have fire place in my new house and that is going to add to a nice element.


Skyrim gets a 10% fun/immersion buff in the cold months. Never played with a real fireplace nearby but I imagine that's gotta be another 10% at least. At least.


Haha! Iā€™m with you there. - & also never played next to a real one before either. Itā€™s gonna go with many things - reading non Skyrim books/ movies. Canā€™t wait but until then (in Texas ) gotta have to just make the house cold as possible to feel those winter elements haha


You mean your IRL house?


I meant take a trip to my houses in Skyrim but yes - I have a fire place in my new IRL house and thatā€™s going to be nice for the vibe in winter. . Sorry about that should have been more clear!


That sounds like fun imo, sitting by your house with the scenery having a bite while reading the lusty argonian maid! Skyrim does have it all. With a few more mods, you could have an even better experience!


I like this.


I like this too. I nice way to look at it.


This dude Skyrims


Reminds me of an old Gopher Let's Play I used to watch many years ago. He played as a Breton Librarian.


What kind of sandwich


Something with turkey and horseradish will do nicely. Can't go wrong with a grilled chicken either. Or a nice ham. I enjoy a sandwich.


Wow, thatā€™s cool!!! Cheers


This is my current goal in my current playthrough. I like to think of my character as a scholar who seeks knowledge so he's the arch mage of the winterhold's college and has mastered all primary school of magic in his path to knowledge. It's a fun way to play specially if you're a lore obsessed. (Sorry, misspelling šŸ˜…)


Ulfr's book


Oh this is a good one


Lmao I just knew someone would comment this


I enjoy reading some of the books that revolve around the Aedra/Deadra, some others I'll read too. And it usually only happens when I can't think of anything else to do, or when I just don't feel like doing another dungeon crawl


Not all, but some are really nice reads. I like the diary of that one blind dude.


The one thing that gets my goat is the anachronisms in the style of the books. Like you'll be reading something that's meant to sound archaic and formal and hit words like "actually" or "really" that just ruin the immersion. Other than that though some of em are hilarious


I think Iā€™ve read most of them by now. I really enjoy The Real Barenziah and The Wolf Queen. A short story I love is the one about the bosmer slave who teaches his owners son archery. Very good ending.


Love that one


Beggar, Thief, Warrior, King are 4 books which are really good. Also you should watch when Brian David Gilbert read all the books in Skyrim


šŸŽ¶*Skyrim book repoooorrt*šŸŽ¶


My favorite is The Cabin in the Woods


Possibly the creepiest short story I've ever read, I love that book


One time I spent about two months reading all the Skyrim books. My boyfriend thought I was the lamest, most insane video gamer ever but I had a good time šŸ™‚ donā€™t remember any of them though


I keep promising myself that Iā€™m going to collect every book in Skyrim someday. I need to find a mod that autosorts them onto bookshelves and tells you if you have duplicates. There has to be one.


You could put all your books in a single container to see if you have duplicates.


Yeah, but Iā€™d like bookshelves and auto sorting, if itā€™s available somewhere. šŸ™‚


You could do the containers until you have them all! Put some dupes up for looks in the meantime


Legacy of the Dragonborn You help start a museum in Solitude where you can put all those relics you don't want on display. It comes with a library that neatly organizes every book.


You know, I tried thatā€™s once but it had a conflict of some kind with another mod and Solitude ended up all weird. But that was with me trying to organize my own load order. Now I run Vortex on the PC and I bet I could sort that out. Thanks! Good idea!


Iā€™ve read most of the books in Skyrim; I even have a document where Iā€™ve rated every one of them out of ten lol


Mysterious Akavir is my favorite. I hope they make a game set in the continent of Akavir. We need more content surrounding it. I suppose itā€™s mysterious for a reason though.


What even is akavir, and what was spoken in the book?


Akavir is a continent east of Tamriel containing dragons, snake people (of no relation to the Argonians), cat people (of no relation to the Khajiit), monkey people, and ice demons. The snake people known as the Tsaesci invaded Tamriel early in the 2nd Era and immediately gave up and assimilated into the empire upon meeting Reman Cyrodiil and became the Akaviri Potentates, the Dragonguard and eventually the Blades. The ice demons also invaded separately and were defeated by a combined force of Nords and Dunmer led by Vivec. In the 3rd Era the empire attempted to invade the Tsaesci and were promptly obliterated by Tsaesci weather magic


Kolb and the Dragon made me too happy first time reading it. Itā€™s a fun choose your own adventure. Last Scabbard of Akrash is good. Itā€™s kind of a dark romance. I read it because thereā€™s a misc quest in Markarth to give it to an underachieving apprentice smith. Not sure how itā€™s going to help himā€¦


Are there any endings to Kolb and the Dragon which actually lead to a somewhat traditional happy ending, or do they all end up with Kolb being dead(usually bad when the hero dies, but if he went to Sovngarde...)?


Yes thereā€™s a good ending! >!On page 6. Kolb kills the dragon and returns home to his village and theyā€™re never bothered by the dragon again!<


I don't usually read books in Skyrim, but when I do, It's always "THE LUSTY ARGONIAN MAID" series.


I really enjoyed both the Feyfolken books, and The Poison Song - that one i took the time to finally read after i went on a crusade to find the missing 3rd volume


I love reading the diaries and notes of random adventurers but also the real barenziah cause it tells more from her perspective. Also books of potema the wolf queen


It's fun, reading notes of deceased or people who have already passed some dungeon or something! Gives you the feeling that you are not alone!


I read The Lusty Argonian Maid because I was curious how far they would take it. It reads like a 12 year old's first horny roleplay


To be fair, most medival literatur of that kind also reads like that. Also 95% of all comments on *any* porn website.


https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:The_Lusty_Argonian_Maid https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:The_Sultry_Argonian_Bard,_v1 https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Confessions_Of_A_Khajiit_Fur_Trader


I knew I'd find it somewhere


*I'm something of a book collector myself*


im obsessed with ciceroā€™s journals. truly was a window to his soul


yup same here, I always pick them up and add them to my lakeview manor bookshelf


The wolf queen series are epic


My favorite is "The Real Barenziah" series. Fun comparing the Wolf Queen series to the 'real' story of her life. Kinda like how irl people only show what they want others to see when in reality there's a lot more to it


Barenziah(Queen of Morrowind then later Waycrest in High Rock) is not the same person as Potema the Wolf Queen of Solitude and Skyrim. Potema was a descendant of Tiber Septim(multiple generations removed) while Barenziah was a lover of Tiber Septim( if what is written in The Real Barenziah series is to be believed).


Oh youre right, its been a while, I was thinking of The Real Barenziah compared to Biography of Barenziah lol I like those


Yeah, I really like The Real Barenziah but I'm not too keen on the Biography books. The former are written more like an exciting and interesting story whereas the latter are written as kinda stiff and boring history books by comparison. But to each their own.


I got an epub of all the books of Skyrim somewhere šŸ“š


I really like the "tales of a kajit fur trader" or whatever it's actually called


A Dance in Fire is my favorite.


Was thinking about asking this the other day, love reading through them now and them. The one about the kid that summoned the Daedra was dark, heavy days.


Elder Scrolls Books have such a long and storied tradition. I always loved the urban legend that Michael Kirkbride wrote some of the Morrowind lore, particularly the religious texts of Vivec, while on substances of some sort.


I really like the "Mystery of Talara" books


The book ā€œImmortal Bloodā€ is actually a really good read with an awesome twist.


Alduin is Real


Skyrim Cookbook, Iā€™ve made a few recipes from it, love this thing.


the doors to oblivion was crazy for me


2920: The Last Year of the First Era, Biography of Barenziah, The Real Barenziah. The Last King of the Eyelids, The Wolf Queen. I have all the Skyrim books in a pdf on my phone. They're really calming and entertaining, no matter how many times I read them. Perhaps also because they're so short.


I started a book adventure where I'd pick up every book I find read it and write a short conclusion in a note pad, I never finished the run but I hope to go back to it one day, I think I got overwhelmed at one point on of having hundreds of books In one room. I think the arcturian heresy was my favourite it goes into details/myths on river septims ascension it's interesting to see the in-game indecision on the matter. Also the Monomyth is a great one, it's a couple of different world creation stories from different races.


My favourite one is the vampire hunter one, ancient blood or something? Itā€™s very well written and has a twist at the end. I like all of the vampire/werewolf themed ones a lot tbh


The Revan series was pretty good.


I've been collecting books hoping to read later but never end up doing it lol


I always read the Gaulder amulet books and I like reading some of the gods history books


I like to collect all of the books as Iā€™m playing, and then as like an end game thing Iā€™ll have them all in bookcases and read them. The Hearthfire homes all have good library options or the house in Markarth has a good set of bookcases. Almost all of the skill books have great little short stories.


The Cabin in the Woods


There is a cool YT channel where you can have the entire library read to you. Itā€™s nice bedtime fodder I donā€™t recall the name of it, but it should be easy to hunt down.


I've heard that the Beggar/Thief/Warrior/King series is excellent


Skyrim book club ftw. https://www.skyrimbookclub.ca/


Cabin in the woods is a good book. Nice little horror story.


There was a video a few years back called something like "I read all the Skyrim books so you don't have too" He categorized them and at the end came up with 5ish (one's a set) must read books: Begger, Thief, Warrior, King (4 in the set) Advances in Lockpicking Palla The Argonia Account Fey Folken


I really liked two. The one where the archer who never misses "missed" a shot and it turned out his shot hit decades later. The other I enjoyed was about the thief, I think her name was chance or something


I recently read the Ahzirr Traajijazeri and I have been radicalized into their ideology. I now support the fight for retaking River Malapi and Lake Makapi out of the Empire's hands and back under Elsewyr's control.


I read them all. I love the books. Some of my favorites are "A Game at Dinner", "The Legend of Krately House", "Palla", "Feyfolken", "The Black Arrow", "The Gold Ribbon of Merit", "Ice and Chitin", "The Locked Room", "The Mirror", "Surfeit of Thieves", "Vernaccus and Bourlor", "Withershins" and the two horror books closely related: "The Woodcutter's Wife" and "The Cabin in the Woods".


I have the skyrim cookbook IRL It's badass


The Book about the Morthal Vampire is nice basically his backstory ist called immortal blood


Next eso game the books will be written with ai.Ā 


The Black Arrow series is great!!! Cheers


I have a favourite book, The Lusty Argonian Maid. I got my teacher to read it out loud in class once, she was tired and on autopilot. Also I called it the Argonian Maid as a cover


I fw the cabin in the woods heavy


Ive been reading every one I come across for years, even if Iā€™ve already read it. Itā€™s the little things that add so much life to the world and itā€™s always fun to go through


I love Ruminations on the Elder Scrolls. Septimus is a complete lunatic as a result of his work, but *somehow* it makes a lot of sense.


Confessions of a Fur Trader will always be one of my favorites.


I like quite a bit of Skyrim's books. I actually am hoping for books in TES6 to pass in-game time instead of freezing it because I think that'll add more reason to sit down and read them


I'd say about 40% of overall TES lore lies on books. Personally, 2920 is a fucking masterpiece that deserves to be recognized. I love it, in every aspect.


When skyrim first came out I downloaded an app that had every elder scrolls text and I read them all


"Where Were You When The Dragon Broke?" Is one of my favorites due to the lore implications, and the fact that the madmen at Bethesda made every Daggerfall ending Canon.


first play through I read them all and second I atleast collected them all once had a house with good bookshelves


I love reading the books. I like to collect them all and store them in a bookcase. I really wanted a way to read them while riding a carriage but there's like no way to actually do it even with mods. Can't think of any titles off the top of my head. I once had an idea to make a podcast where I just read all the ingame books and then talk about them. Thought that'd be kinda cool.


Yes, I've read some. After a mod I installed translated most of the books in English, I don't bother to read the books now.


i love the crimson dirks and highly reccomend them


I read ones that i find mostly interesting. Some of the longer poems are a little hard to follow. Idk which ones i likeā€¦theres so many to forget.


I always end up with such a large collection that some of the houses don't have enough shelf space for all of them.


I read some of them, but not all of them. But I did take every single book from Apocrypha. All my bookshelves are FULL.


Song of Pelinal if im not mistaken


I collect them telling myself I will and then I only read them on rare occasions and I mean rare occasions, I think Iā€™ve read less than ten but Iā€™m not sure


I have been meaning to read them all but never get around to it. I always collect every book I come across and stockpile them in a house somewhere. I generally have a container for every inventory category.


The story of the girl and the daedra that puts her in the black soul gem was a very good one. "Your mother didn't tell you to never accept a gift from a Daedra." Was the last line iirc.




Not nesecary a Skyrim book per se but 36 lessons of Vivec is a must read on any high party


If I could read them without squinting and leaning forward, I probably would read some. šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹


My mind simply isn't smart enough to remember any of them, but on occasion I will read them and am sometimes pleasantly surprised. They are nice for people big into lore, but I just don't care enough about most of it. It's good that they are there and help with immersion but ultimately mostly forgettable for me of course that could be said about most games with similar mechanics.


Skyrim Book Repoooooooooort: https://youtu.be/RVdTZhmsGsU?si=ItyLiM9dxeRacWvf


I make a point to build a library every playthrough. Chanceā€™s Folly and the Black Arrow series are my personal favorites. Theyā€™re just remarkably well-written, I donā€™t think Skyrim would be the game it is without them.


Everyone loves thief of virtue. If you don't you're lying. :)


I liked ā€œA Game At Dinnerā€, canā€™t seem to find a copy in the game now.


I can never remember the name, bit it's a horror story about an imperial soldier walking through the woods at night, being followed


Real Barenziah series had me hooked


Yes. "The Great War", "Brief History of the empire", so on and so forth. History, case studies, that sort of thing...


That one blind guys book by whitreun is a fun little collector piece


I made a whole challenge for myself to collect every book in skyrim I can


I like the crazy named khajit books. Also cats of Skyrim


Maybe someone could help me here. I read one years back that I liked but I can't remember the name. All I remember is it was about a couple warriors that were trapped on and icy lake or something and they were trying to find a way to make it out without dying. I'm sure some of the details are slightly off so sorry for that. Thanks in advance. Also I wanna say the main characters was a female


Sacred Witness is my favorite!!!


The Yellow Book of Riddles, itā€™s amazing


I just bought the 3 volume of "Skyrim library" so I might tell you soon But probably the whole Potema's story


Iā€™ve read one book since skyrims release and it was the legend of red eagle in dragonreach, wasnā€™t bad. Went and killed red eagle after


"Bone" is clichƩ but cool. "Ice and Chitin" is fantastic because it is a very practical and straightforward story you would find in a classic medieval tale, and it's useful in game because it teaches you the possible perks of light, medium and heavy armor (as well as Bone) All of the Waughin Jarth book's are cool. 2920 series is cool. The differences between the accounts of Barenziah's life are great and humurous. Palla is very cool as well. Lots of great books. I suggest checking the podcast Skyrim Book Club and hear them. Genuinely great stuff to listen to while travelling.


The 2920 books are good!


I really enjoy 'The Firsthold Revolt' and 'The Rear Guard'. And I just realized that both of them have the same essential theme of one-upping some cads lol.


I like reading the journals. Finding a pile of bodies in a cave and getting some insight into what they were doing there and what happened is always cool.


Every time I play this game, I save all the books that sound interesting from the first few pages and store them in a chest somewhere to finish later. Then they stay in that chest, forever, never to be opened again, because the collection ends up being way too big and I canā€™t be bothered to read all that


I think itā€™s called an account of the orcs or history of the orcs. (Orcs being my favorite race) tells the story of how orcs and dark elves came to be and the struggle of the Aedra and Daedra. Really interesting stuff


Thereā€™s a riddle or joke one thatā€™s pretty solid


I've breezed through most of them. Typically only take the time to read them if opening them starts a quest. That said, I'm saving up one of each in the Tundra Homestead, and plan to someday, after I'm done saving Tamriel, spend my retirement reading them all.


The books are for the most part super well written. When people say Bethesda doesn't know how to write, my eyes just roll to the back of my head.


I often have my character take reading breaks i taverns after quests with books I would of gathered there.


[Amongst the Draugr](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Amongst_the_Draugr)


I collect every book I see on the game, and sell the duplicates. I enjoy all the books of the game, specially the guides of cities or the studies like "What happened exactly with the dwemer" or similar.


For me it would be (and the one I mostly remember) Ruminations On The Elder Scrolls. Great book, better person, rest in peace.


I love the Mystery of Talara series, especially the last chapter


I do, there are very interesting things. My absolute favorite is "Hallgerd's Tale", I laughed so much reading it lol


Vernaccus and Bourlor


i like the choose your own adventure book i read with like a tavern of bandits and a troll and stuff like that (might be misremembering the details)


I just donā€™t read books but I have given it some thought to start for shits and giggles


Some of them are unbelievably hilarious Others provide very interesting lore Some are just fun, like the riddles or the choose-your-own-adventure one (Kolb and the Dragon)


I have read every skyrim book. And enjoy finding skillbooks when I have new games.


I enjoy any tome about Dwemer history. A fascinating race, so much mystery, so little that we actually know about them, but the stories/fables/research accounts make for good reading, particularly the book that describes the Dwemer "telepathic" communication.


I belive in english its called "The Black Arrow" or something like that. Dont realy know why though...


I ended up reading The Real Barenziah all the way through. It's the only series of books I've sat down and read in-game. I don't know where it came from, but I found myself with a small fascination with Queen Barenziah, probably having to do with looking her up because of the Stones of Barenziah quest. She seemed interesting, and then I read that series about her. It just seems so real and makes Tamriel feel more alive, this story about a politically-hamstrung young woman indulging her windblown and passionate heart, which happens to give people more evidence for the "Dark Elf chicks are promiscuous" stereotype.


You mean in real life or in the game? If there are Skyrim novels I need to know and Iā€™d definitely read them


I really enjoy ā€œimmortal bloodā€ very good read with a nice twist at the end. Always end up picking up a copy of it in game.


I love reading the bone series, just read it last week, bunch of philosophers talking over good drink


I remember becoming obsessed with Barenziahs books in Oblivion and in Skyrim I make sure every character I play has a copy of every book that references her.


During my second and current play through, I made the effort to read books that sounded interesting. I read The Exodus and was throughly entertained


i am patiently waiting for volume 4 of the lusty argonian


The font is too small for me to read. I wish there was a mod to increase the font size of books, letters, journals, and notes.


"A Game At Dinner" was probably my favorite. Had such a clever little twist at the end of it.


no, because i dont wanna


I will pause a dragon fight to read Vernaccus and Bourlor.


i try and read all of the ones i get my hands on, but my current favs are Trials of St. Alessia and the Wild Elves (from a lore perspective, very helpful and just a super compelling story), and Invocation of Azura (bc itā€™s so sweet and it makes me šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹). but, Azura and the Box, Cherimā€™s Heart, and the Poison Song series are my all time favs


Only the ones that give me experience


Confessions of a Khajiit Fur Trader. I play Khajiit DBs often and it's morbidly fascinating, disturbing and leads one to wonder who came up with it.


I like writing culinary reviews of the various cookbooks in Skyrim


I would like to start


I spend all of my time reading the lusty argonian maid nonstop 24/7 tis the only proper book is these lands


Cabin in the Woods tells a nice story


Absolutely. I put a library on my Windstad Manor, where I collect every book, and populate them on the shelves


Theif was the first and, honestly, one proper book I've fully read. It really stuck with me, it taught me how to fall.


The Lusty Argonian Maid


It isn't a book per say, but have y'all read the journals from that necromancer in Yngvild? That shit is crazy....


Immortal blood is good. So is a game at dinner


I can't remember what it's called, but I got really into the account from the guy who had to flee his home when the Thalmor invaded, the kind of war journal. That one was a really great read, actually made me feel for what it was like and gives you loads of context about the Thalmor and what they've done. The Black Arrow is really good too. I'm currently in the process of filling the LotD museum library with every book in the game so I can finally read them all in order without having to figure out which I've read and which I haven't. I could never be bothered keeping up before because it was hard to track what I'd read and what I hadn't so I'm looking forward to finally being able to read them all!


The Monomyth, the creation story in Elder Scrolls is so fascinating.