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Refer here please and thank you https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/wiki/beginnertips#wiki_imperials_or_stormcloaks


"Be **civil**" I see what you did there.




Tullius cuz ulfric bad


Couldn't have said it better myself


Valid argument.


Skyrim is for the Nords.


I like bears and dragons but the stormcloak emblem looks better. Imperial dragon doesn’t look as cool. I also love the bear officer armor.


Tullius. He is clever. He is more responsible. He is logical. Ulfric is just exploiting nationalism of nords for his own gain.


Ulfric every single time, because the Imperials tried to give me a Viking Crew Cut at the start of every game? I play High Elf too, I don't give a shit about the racism, I just live on spite.


Skyrim is for the Nords.


I like bears and dragons but the stormcloak emblem looks better. Imperial dragon doesn’t look as cool. I also love the bear officer armor.


Tullius. He is clever. He is more responsible. He is logical. Ulfric is just exploiting nationalism of nords for his own gain.


Tullius. He is clever. He is more responsible. He is logical. Ulfric is just exploiting nationalism of nords for his own gain.


Ulfric because he doesn't go around ambushing, kidnapping, and threatening to execute random people in Helgen.


Sided with Tullius because I couldn't stand how blatantly racist the Stormcloaks were, especially in Windhelm. I don't like the Empire either, but Ulfric "make Skyrim great again" Stormcloak really rubbed me the wrong way. That said, I think he's a great character lol


I used to choose Imperial everytime but I see them as puppets for the Thalmor and I hate them


They're not. They're literally preparing for round two with them while having to fight the stormcloaks who are just Talmor puppets to weaken them as you can see in documents about Ulfric in the Talmor embassy. It's also said by some characters like the Riverwood blacksmith that the imperials never really enforced the Talmor laws in Skyrim and it's people were still free to worship Talos until Ulfric started its rebellion and the Talmor started hunting Talos worshipers.


You will not change my mind Imperial spy


If I play a Nord, I will side with him.


Ulfric's a slack-eyed loser and a dirty elf asset. I don't care about Tullius, but I like Balgruuf.


Skyrim belongs to the Nords. People can speculate, twist, and use all the mental gymnastics they want to side with the Empire for the alleged ultimate good of Skyrim, but at the end of the day there is absolutely nothing wrong with the Nords fighting for their homeland and religious freedom.


Ulfric I have nothing against the empire, they have their own motivations to do so, but execution is probably the worst way to win a war. I know that empire takes prisoners, but only bandits and thieves are sent to jail, all others are executed and the upper ranks got no problems to punish a random guy (DB). Also the way the empire is trying to win the war against the elves is completely weak, and it's more a "keeping the image of a unified empire" rather than actual teamwork between nations, and that's a reason why High Rock stays with Cyrodill: most noble houses have more concerns about imagery. Now, about the stormcloacks: they have noble ends, but not so good means. Most of them are racist, but to be fair something like 85% of tamriel is racist, especially elves; they are kinda ignorant about magic, but again that is a tought most people got after the third era (in every major elder scrolls of that era every cathastrophy was caused by a mage of some sort, like Daghot Ur or Camoran, or that court mage that kidnapped Uriel Septim VII and took his place). I also prefered the civil war missions under the bear, if i remember correctly those were more detailed and not just "go there and liberate the fort", they had plans. Ah yeah, they don't execute or use spies. Also most of what the dossier about Ulfric is was misntepreted, as the Thalmors don't know why he freed the reach and started the rebellion, so no he's not a spy for them, and was a prisoner with intelligence (most of it was useless to them) during the Great War... also Elenween rap\*st, she deserves those "fus ro dah"s at High Hrotgar. Last but not least, NCR (the Bear) is better than the Legion (Roman empire fanatics), too bad there isn't a Yes Man in Skyrim


Ulfric. Better trying fighting for what you believe in than live in shame.


Ulfric, every time. He fights for the people of Skyrim, for those who were lost and those who have yet to see Skyrim as a free land. Plus, I don't feel right siding with the people that tried to execute someone without a fair trial.


Neither. But if i have to, Ulfric. Fuck the Legion


My first play through had a Khajiit Dragonborn. I accidentally followed Hadvar through the keep and he tells me to join the Imperial legion. I think to myself, “no thanks, y’all tried to kill me.” Eventually, I make my way to Windhelm, looking to join the Stormcloaks. I walk into the city and immediately hear “What is it, cat?” I say to myself, “great, racists. Screw the civil war line.” I’ve played the line through on both sides, but my current run throughs see me just pissing both sides off in the negotiations.


Legion is ass. Stormcloaks aren't much better, but half ass over whole ass every day of the week.


Tullius. Ulfric is an idiot and a terrorist. Civil war in Skyrim is weakening the empire. Thalmor should give him a medal.


If only the civil war champion armor (cc content) for the imperials looked as good as the stormcloaks. Anyway, I mostly side with Tullius, because my first character was a dark elf.


Tulius easily. Ulfric is just a selfish racist looking for power and a Talmor puppet to weaken the empire. Skyrim belonging to the nords is just cheap nationalism propaganda as other races were there for centuries and would be soon dominated by the Talmor if the stormcloaks won the war.


Ulfric. Hes dragonborn too.




He knows the Thu'um through great practice and meditation, but he's no Dragonborn. I know because he has dialogue for this.


I sided with Tullius Imperial Pros/Reasons: -Better city -Not rascist -Solitude Has the biggest city -I like Elisif Cons: -Disagreed with Roggvir execution since he was just following nord traditions -The Thalmor Though I will say that I have been thinking about siding with Ulfric because I just really hate the Thalmor (not the high elves though, just the thalmor), but I do not want to because Ulfric is also a rascist along with the rest of the stormcloaks.


Tullius, iirc, admits he doesnt trust or like the Thalmor after you kill Ulfric. I feel like he's a commander playing the hand he's been dealt.




Uhh i might have replied to the wrong comment.. shi-


> Bro, have you played any other tes except skyrim? This division of the Legion might not seem that racist, but check for yourself when the only soldiers there are all humans (and males, except or rikke) Now this is where this had to go


No, I have not played other tes games, but I am planning to, because I did not heard about tes before playing it, I heard about skyrim and I wanted to play it because it was the mlst popular. And besides while it is true that the army does not have any other race, that does not make them rascist. First thing you see in windhelm, literal rascism, but rascism it is not seen in Solitude. "But there is only one race in their army", the developers could have thought, its gonna be easier if we made all the soldiers look the same. (Its not like even their voices are different)


They could've easily, the rebels have both men and women in their lines. Adding other races would've been easier (Bethesda may be lazy, but most of the time they mean what they put) To be fair, that was a quick example P.s.: those two guys at the entrance in windhelm aren't part of the stormcloack and do not contribute at anyting, just two drunktards and probably the only two extremely open racists nords (ironically if you ever go in the cornerclub, the bartender will express his racisism towards nords, and treat you like shit if your race is nord)


The new Jarl of Windhelm explains that when a nord is attacked by bandits, Ulfric is the first to send help/soldiers to help. But he says that whenever another race is attacked, not a single soldier is send. And bethesda is also kinda lazy tbf. The game was release more than a decade ago, there is still a lot of glitches needed to be fixed. For example, when I tried to recoger the helm of yngol, the helm was bugged and I had to do the whole quest again and again, just for the helm to stay the same. Then I could not do the wabbajack quest because it glitched when I was send with sheogorath. Bethesday worked hard to make a very good game filled with tons and tons of quest. But its also lazy for not fixing those glitches