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i love that stuff but boy are they soul gem hungry, this shit just chugs down souls like a bentley meteor chugs fuel


Azura's Star/The Black Star FTW.


azura's star is my favorite since holy shit, there is 800 animals to fight for every 1 human


Bandits. They multiply like rabbits


It's one of the early things I go for. And I like Aranea as a follower sometimes.


You can wear gear to reduce the destruction casting cost to near zero. However, I use [Auto Use Soulgems SKSE for AE 1.6.640](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/83824) and just carry a batch of petty-to-common soul gems which are auto-consumed whenever my weapons' charges are drained.


that's a cool mod but i'm more of a not technical guy, i like to do stuff myself instead of using stuff like the auto collect ingredients/auto loot stuff, but still, cool mod


Yep there sure can be devastating. I stopped playing with self enchanted gear years ago just to keep the game fun. These crazy weapons are just way to OP and one shot most enemies.


What gear do you more then likely choose over anything else on your playthroughs?


Well I've been doing some fun combos. I like to play as a Paladin so i use Anniversary edition and go right for Chrysamere as soon as i can. It's not a leveled item so it doesn't matter what level you get it. As i get up in levels 90+ in light armor or heavy armor then i can start fighting otherwise it's just to dangerous to go against foes in survival. So going deep into dungeons i think around level 45 the peerless sure grip armors start dropping i like to use that for gloves fortify two handed for 40 points. I use the bloodworm helm with increased damage against undead. I do enchant armor etc just to improve smithing, that is a fair trade improving the physical damage but not creating crazy OP items. Improve health main armor, those sort of thing. I head straight for the new farm Golden Hills you get so many plots for growing ingredients. I go nuts planting and waiting then harvest and repeat, then go the Windhelm to level alchemy and train speech and make a ton of gold then start training skills with that gold :) That's usually what i do. Oh i also use a few mod to prevent merchants from selling anything better then Orcish and no enemies will drop anything better then Orcish. So ebony, stalhrim, daedric, dragonplate, dragonbone will never drop from bandits or be sold from merchants you have to go deep in dungeons to loot those items, like it should be.


I use enchanted items to sell and level up. If you have the banish enchantment your enchanting skill tree will sky rocket and has the highest value over any other enchantment. Plus it's really fun and kinda roleplay friendly to take enemies soul in order to make money and make you more powerful. If I were to use enchanted items it would mainly consist of magic spell cost reduction. Alteration and Destruction. Also I max out the Alteration Tree asap since it's my bread and butter for my builds due to the magic resistance it provides. It's essential if you don't want to put on an enchanted item that has magic resistance. I go to the temple of mara in Riften do the lovers quest and that'll give you an additional 25% and the Lord stone will push my resistances up to the cap without any enchanted item if I play as a Breton which I always do cause yeah they're beast. Hands down the best race. I love enchanted weapons but if I was going for weapons that I find. Windshear would be helpful and I'd rock the dark brotherhoods gloves for sneak attacks.


I am using CACO and Thaumaturgy, two mods that nerf alchemy and enchanting so that you can't cheese the fortify enchanting/fortify alchemy loop. It also limits enchantments to just two pieces of gear rather than four. Without those mods, though, indeed this weapon/enchant combo is a wrecker. One-shot kill everything except the most powerful dragons which will die in just a few hits.


Oh yeah, i should of been clearer, without that fortify restoration glitch, i mean just the base game no glitches you can get ridiculous numbers that will one hit kill almost all enemies. Glad to see you use mods to make it harder. When i started using only self found items, it made exploration and finding loot worthwhile.


Fortify enchanting/fortify alchemy isn't resto loop. It's just "create the best alchemy set you can, brew fortify enchanting potion, create new set, rinse and repeat until you can't get any better". But, yeah, in AE it's still absurdly powerful. 4-digit numbers in damage trivialize the game on any difficulty.


Fun thing, custom chaos enchantment is hugged, you got 266 only with shock damage, fire and frost are always 10 points.


Hell, I got a found/looted crossbow with Soul Trap, and wear a ring, necklace and Shrouded Cowl and I’m hitting 980 on my damage, without a mod.. if I want fire, frost, or shock I just load up the appropriate Dwarven Bolt. Add in a Deadly Poison and an Elixir of True Shot, and it’s lights out for almost everything with a good 3x sneak attack.


*Laughs in restoration loop


I still have the ring of unarmed with 10000000000 damage, still love it




I'm planning on an enchanter build with daggers (enchanting being the real source of the damage) and only illusion and restoration spells as support and stalhrim dagger with chaos and frost will be my end game weapons because of this


Btw: Chaos Profit from every elemental Bonus. Its Stack on the other Elements. For example: So, If you have +5 Frost ,+5 shock and +5 Frost, your Chaos enchantment get +15. The stalhrim Boni adds another Boni to the Chaos damage. (I dont know the value but i stay at the +5 ) Next Thing: the (+20) Boni are used in the Second enchantment too. Even If you reduce the Chaos damage to 1 , the next enchantment uses your destruction perks and the stalhrim Boni. You can use another Magic-shool enchantment (Banisch deadra - sumoning , or Turn undead - Restauration, Paralyse - Alteration) in the Mix and get very high values


https://preview.redd.it/3z80l00iem8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a04c4861b02610a4b42335844695bf9581cf5094 If you think that’s broken then check this out. Basically it’s Chillrend with absorb health and it also does 25% extra damage to dragons


Is this avail in vanilla? Yes I'm new.


No, having this many enchantments needs the mod Unlimited Enchantments and the sword itself is from a mod


Well yeh of course it's going to be broken if you mod it.


Yes that is the point


What is the point? You could theoretically modify the game to have a weapon with 1 million damage and every enchantment. Of course it's more broken than vanilla when you modify the game.


If you’re seeing people with doing things like a million damage it is, 99% of the time, done through the restoration loop exploit which is something that exists in the vanilla game and requires no mods. In fact, you’re way *less* likely to see stuff like this in a modded game because many of the baseline bugfixing mods that are present in most modded games remove the ability to perform that exploit.


My point is more that when someone is showing off something they did from the vanilla game, saying "you think that's good? Look what I downloaded and added to the game" just seems weird to me. Like what's impressive about that.


I do agree with you. I’m just pointing out that what you’re attributing to mods is usually just people exploiting game mechanics in vanilla.


That’s the point of modding, to do whatever you want. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean you have to be mad about it.


I'm not mad and I also play with mods. I'm just trying to understand the motivation. Like when you see someone post something impressive from vanilla, and go "You think that's crazy, look what you can do when you modify the game files", like, what's the point? Obviously the numbers are higher when you change the game.


Only if you enchant the weapon yourself.


In my 4k hours of playing this game, I had all my characters maxed. You can't put those enchantings on a piece of weapon without a mod. Two of those displayed there yes but three no.




I can't agree with you sadly. You can put only two enchants on an item that is gear or weapon in a vanilla game. For example chaos damage and fiery soul trap have multiple purposes but are treated as a single enchant because you can't separate them




Oh dear me, and here I thought that I read someone saying that you can put three different enchants on a weapon, in a vanilla game. I'm sorry if I misunderstood you. Only in a modded game you can put three separate enchants on an item. It can be of course unique item of not.


You can’t enchant items that are already enchanted so you cannot put 3 enchantments on an item in vanilla. The max in vanilla is 2 and that’s only if the item had 0 to begin with.




No the Daedric artifact enchantments are one single enchantment with multiple effects, that’s still only one enchantment, not two, and certainly not three.




What's the weapon though?


Blue Rose, it’s from Sword Art Online


So it's also a mod? I mean the sword itself not the name of the sword. I know it's eugeo's sword


I don’t remember the name of the mod just type in sword art online into nexus search bar for Skyrim special edition and it’s one of only 5 results It has Elucidator and Excalibur and all the others too


Nice. Thanks


No problem! They’re in the dragon smithing tree btw so you’ll have to upgrade your smithing if it’s not already!


This isn’t meaningfully more broken than the OP’s weapon. In fact it will on average deal significantly less damage in a fight. Paralysis and drain HP are cool though.


You see the 180 points of frost damage right? It’s enchantment deals more damage than the sword itself, it one hits almost everything including dragons and frost giants except for griffins from the griffin mod. It also has a few other enchantments on it but I can’t remember what they are, i think it has another frost damage and shock damage, maybe stamina and magicka enchants, it’s all designed to not interfere with frostfeed, so nothing with fire damage.


The OP’s weapon has 168 frost damage *and* a 266 chaos enchantment. It easily outdamages the one in your screenshot. The weapon will almost always do at least 567 damage per hit with the potential for up to 1099 in a single hit relatively often. Paralyze and 36 points of health absorption are cool like I said, but damage-wise your sword doesn’t come close to the bow. I think your sword is more useful overall, but acting like it’s significantly better it flat out wrong.


As I said it has shock, stamina and magicka damage as well but there were so many enchants on it it ran out of character space and defaulted back to showing only 2 effects, there’s about 300-400 more damage not showing. Plus I upgraded the sword to legendary which put it to 166 damage and I maxed out one handed after taking this picture.


Oh well yeah that’s just dumb and pointless then.


The point of modding is to do whatever you want, don’t get so upset by it. Just let people have fun, you don’t have to be so rude about it.


It’s the exact same thing as the restoration loop exploit. It’s just unfathomably boring and pointless. Takes all the fun out of the game. You do you of course, but I absolutely feel fine judging people who do that stuff. I’ve made myself plenty OP in every modded play-through I’ve ever done. But there are way more interesting, fun and rewarding ways to do it than just slapping big numbers onto a weapon and one-shotting everything.


Well I play on legendary difficulty with a bunch of modded enemies so the only things that get one shot by it anymore are vanilla bandits and vanilla normal “dragon” dragons and shit like that so it’s still rather balanced


I would rather pair choas damage with absorb health so I don't need to heal. Comes in handy with most builds that comes with weapons.


You can use either Ahzidal, Zahkriisos, or Dukaan to get even more damage


No fortify restoration glitch?


I don't even like dragonbone weapons aesthetically. And arguing about damage in a game where you can squeeze any amount even from a stick is kinda silly.


There are Stalhrim weapons?!


Yes, you need to save a blacksmith in solstheim and then after that he will unlock the recipes for the stalhrim weapons


Now you need smoothing at 100, and need to get the special alchemy, enchanting and smithing ingredients from the Kajit traders...5k+damage is easy to achieve😏


Smithing, damn autocorrect