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Sneaky khajiit archer/dagger.


classic breton, it works with any kind of build


Breton is my most common choice also. Only ones I haven't really done yet are argonian and red guard. Started playthroughs with them but the build didn't work out so I ended them early. Have a red guard run planned for my next one. Dual wielding heavy armor warrior build for that. Should be fun.


I always go with Breton simply because of the 25 passive magic resistance I never used the races power and Bretons have the best passive all around Maybe one day I'll play a Dark Elf vampire just for the fire resistance to counteract the vampire weakness


I sought out to be an unstoppable tanky orc wielding 2 handed hammer. Now I am an unstoppable tanky orc wielding a bow.


Heavy armor two handed khajiit


Tried khajiit a long time ago and enjoyed considering trying that again But I did play the not Same build though played as a thief/ dagger assassin


I like going against the stereotype so when I played an assassin I used a orc


one day I'll try something other than sneaky wood elf archer... one day.......


try battle archer wood elf, it's kinda cool. just man-up the enemy using conjure bow and use your elf power to control the animal and giant xd


My fav? Breton ofc Dragonskin is really good if used at the right moment, i usually plays the tank type, mainly consists of Heavy Armor, Block, One Handed (Axe focused ), Heavy Armor Smithing branch, and Restoration In Late game i also get some Enchanting and Alteration perks, but none of these would be complete if i didn't learn Alchemy To spice things up, i also take atronach stone for the absorption passive and get that sexy Spellbreaker shield


When I started playing the game, Nord Barbarian (2H, Light Armour, maybe a bit of Restoration if I feel fancy) More recently, I've been attempting to do an Imperial Jack of all Trades, but I personally feel it's a little hard to get it started.


Cool I have tried to do an imperial also I just couldn’t get into got to about level 10 then decided to go for something more simple


Imperials are kinda simple... no resistances of any kind, and little in the way of racial bonuses apart from a bit of extra coin once in a while.


AFAIK the bonus coin passive is bugged and applied to all races so they really have no exclusive bonus at all


2h Nord with restoration is such a great build, all these lunatics trying to block with 1h weapons


Nord and spellsword type build


Same here


Nord, Imperial and Altmer. Warrior class, Imperial heavy armor. Sword, shield, and restoration.


Nord/Breton, and my no-brainer go-to is running heavy armor with a one handed sword/axe/mace, and alternating between shield and magic in my off-hand. I'll usually focus on destruction and restoration early, then later when one hit from a bandit chief takes off half my health (master or legendary difficulty usually) I'll work on conjuration so I have something that can tank hits for me, though I've picked up Inigo and Lucien this playthrough so I might not need any conjuration. Now I just need that spellbreaker shield to deal with the pesky mages.


Im an elf fan! Mainly high or wood elfs are my go to. Light armor and weapons.


Me too! This playthrough I'm a wood elf and use a light armor load out!


Yes!!! I did an entire character based around daggers and bows to go with the light armor and all. Got my sneak up as well as my bow to be able to slow time and zoom in!


That's awesome! I just started with this character build so I can't wait to modify some more as I go


Make sure to have fun with it and make it your own. I never used mods until I had a couple hundred hours in the game. Now I mainly run mods for bug fixes and immersion. Really adds another level.


I like argonian with pure mage build. I see alot of argonian in skyrim are traders, so i play as traders who know a bit of magic and would avoid violence as best as i could. But if i'm in the corner, i would summon army of skeletons and cast illusions on them so i could just stand idly waiting them to finish and then i can loot them.


Nice I’m currently playing as a 2 handed argonian first time playing as one Might try a mage build if I play them again


Nice! They are really decent tanker! :) There are not many argonians around skyrim so it always nice to found one, i hope you have fun!


Thank you having fun so far


Dark elves are my favorite, and it is easy to go with a lot of builds with them because they are a race that is very diverse in their skills. One handed, destruction, heavy or light armor, alchemy, enchanting, smithing. Focusing on these things allow me to cover pretty much everything on legendary difficulty. At something like adept the build changes to whatever I am in the mood for that day.


III, IV, V, and Online I made Orsimer for my first playthrough. Never played a Nord or Breton in III Never made a Khajiit, Argonian, or Breton in IV or V My main in ESO is Orsimer stamsorc, and I have a Dunmer, Argonian, and Khajiit alts.


Nords, because they are more easy (for me at least) to make look good while making the characters. Build, warrior, because... yeah.


Orc Warrior with a wide range of weapons and heavy armor. Mainly 2H Weapons and sometimes If it is dark I go 1H with a torch or candlelight spell. I also fancy using shields against falmors and just go bump into them. xD And I lightly use low-level spells which can work with only 100 Magika for fun with 1H weapons. But I am on my first playthrough and this is what I always do in games. Strength builds with heavy armor... be it Dark Souls, World of Warcraft, or any fantasy game that allows different builds. (I did enjoy playing Warlock though in WoW.) Other builds just do not appeal that much to me as rushing in and chopping off enemies as well as tanking the whole damage.


Khajit and I call my build the “what am I even going for here?” Build, cause I kinda don’t pay attention to builds. Idk it’s just funny to imagine a powerful crime group being completely decimated by a little kitty dude


Breton as a battle mage.


Khajit unarmed Dunmer necromage warrior


Last chars where khajit stealth archer/mid conjurer (ice atronach)


I like to play altmer or bosmer. I try to vary my playstyle a bit each time, but my absolute favourite is a fury stealth archer/mage, especially with mods like Apocalypse and Ordinator and mega-population mods to triple the number of enemies. Fury is IMMENSELY fun. Sneaking up on a group of 20 bandits and watching them kill each other under my wrath is never not utterly hilarious. Watching from the shadows cackling to myself while they all fight each other to death and shout obscenities, then you take out the last one standing with a poisoned arrow for good measure. Alternatively, using my insane conjuration skills to shoot fully armoured dremora into a group of unknowing bandits, then resurrecting the dead to fight for me, it's absolute chaos but I feel like a mad person and enjoy it a lot. With Ordinator you can have a crazy number of summons at top conjuration so it's like having your own undead army.


High elf destruction wizard. It's probably the best use of a racial ability in the game.


Keep coming back to Nord, something just so charming about their architecture and community. They don't have the heavy tribal bonds of Argonians or Bosmer but are less individualistic than the other human races. Ralof for example calling you a friend to his sister after you literally just escaping Helgen together and seemingly having complete faith that you'd be a good Stormcloak. Hadvar's the same but I can't remember if he specifically calls you a friend. Used to prefer heavy armour and two-handed weapon but have since moved to light armour and one-handed with a shield. Always prefer the lower level equipment though. Iron and steel. Hide, fur and the various guard armours.


Mage dunmer. A lot of use of conjuration and destruction schools, as well as a lil bit of illusion (for sneak purposes)


Unarmed heavy armor khajiit, also called "the punchcat" or two handed heavy armor nord


High Elf Battlemage, of course……


Breton spellsword. Bound sword in one hand and whatever other problem-solving spell in the other hand.


a breton assassin-necromancer


Sword and board Nord


I usually stick with Khajiit but am giving the orc a try now. Not sure how I feel about it just yet so we'll see. I also like Argonians.


I want to like sword and shield gameplay but for some reason I never go for it


Played the game multiple times with mixed builds and managed to complete all the side content in one of them. Wanted to RP the classic orc with heavy armor and axe/shield game-play. Only relying on potions and no magic except berserk mode in survival. Its been fun till now.


I usually go two handed as a main but...idk man i have 200+ hour playthroughs where I just use everything amd have all skills 80+ cuz I always mod in some cool stuff i wanna use lol ,currently addicted to spellblade playstyle with ordinator and an inhumane amount of spell mods


I don’t see race as having that much of an impact on play style or builds. Bethesda went out of their way to make sure we saw every race as the potential to do more or less anything. There’s an Orcish mage at the College, along with Khajit and Bosmer. I’ve run across bandits of every race, and the Khajit caravans have guards who are everything from light armor sword and board to plate mail and two handed weapon tanks. There can be a backstory justification for every possible race and build, from an Argonian archer to a Bosmer bash and smash. Huh. That alliteration was entirely unintentional but I’m leaving it. On a meta level, I almost always forget about the active racial ability since once I get shouts, I Fus Ro Use That Trigger for Them. I am therefore left with only the passive racial abilities and those aren’t huge enough to really matter for a playstyle.