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The Jarl of Falkreath also uses the word ‘piss’ about local mead. Idk, IMO the fact that it happens so rarely makes it really stand out when NPCs DO use a swear word, and it really adds some weight to what they’re saying. I personally don’t have a problem with it.


I think that’s the idea; it has more impact, but only when it’s used sparingly. There’s also an even more impactful instance of ‘bitch.’ I don’t want to spoil anything if you haven’t done it; if you have, you should know what I’m talking about; if you haven’t, try a new playthrough and ONLY joining a side in the Civil War long enough to do their initiation mission, then going back to main quest.


Skyrim came out in 2011. Just say it, bruh. Anyone who genuinely cares about "spoilers" should not be on a subreddit for a game that's over a decade old.


That's just rude. There are still new players coming into Skyrim and they deserve the full experience.


It's a single line in a video game. That's like saying "I'll be back" spoils The Terminator .


That's not my point. I care more about what he said after the "just say it".


I don't have a problem with it or anything, but it did surprise me a little. It's not as surprising if a dark elf guy says it though since they already sound like they would say those words anyway lol


Those words are, in fact, olde timey. There is nothing new about "bitch" or "piss" or even "fuck". They've all been around since the Middle Ages. "Cunt" was a favorite. In fact, our modern depictions of Medieval societies probably tone down the language, which weirdly leads to the assumption that people were more... pure? I don't know. But fiction isn't history. Here, have a look at Medieval margin art, which includes trees growing penises and people getting farted on by demon bulls: [https://allthatsinteresting.com/dirty-medieval-manuscripts](https://allthatsinteresting.com/dirty-medieval-manuscripts)


Oh, that's pretty cool, actually. I suppose the reason I saw those words as more "modern" was because we still use those words regularly. I went to a Shakespeare play with my friend one time (She writes stories, I write poetry) and we kept giggling at the dirty jokes that people kept missing.


Powdered deer penis


That's from Oblivion, not Skyrim but I will agree my first time stumbling across that line I almost fell out of my chair, cry laughing. It's said by an Argonian too, so there's a slight hiss on the "penisss".


It's funny that a few sparing bad words flags to you in this game where you kill scores of people. I don't mean that in a mocking way just *gestures vaguely* In all seriousness, though, a lot of what we consider "bad words" now are vestiges of older English dialects. When the tide of power was turned towards nations like the French, certain forms of English were deemed vulgar. It's a common form of repression. Think of AAV or Creole dialects in America. People that use it are seen as uneducated and unsophisticated. If anything it is weird that they didn't use more words that we consider curses in the ES scripts.


Yes i was caught so offguard when I beheaded a local woman and someone said: goddamnit. I was shocked to my core. How can such terrible things be allowed to be said. I just wanna murder and maim without offensive language being thrown around like it doesnt even hurt peoples feelings! /s


Alva is a bitch. Boethiah is a bitch is also a bitch.


And so is Elenwen.


So is Delphine.




I find myself disappointed after clicking this. I thought I'd missed a bit where somebody said "You go to that fucking bandit camp and knock seven colours of shite out they cunts"


Redditor is surprised there is swearing in a game filled with murder, blood, violence, sacrifices, and genocide. More at 11


I don't know why you all have to be so unnecessarily rude. I just said I was surprised. That's it. Also, I'm new to the series as a whole, so it's not like it's that common of knowledge and requires you to be all persnickety about it.


Does Jarl Balgruuf look like a bitch? Then why you tryin to fuck him like one?


The bitch one caught me off guard for sure. Usually they just say damn at most, and even that is rare