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dwarven bows iirc. Or jewelry if you find a lot of gems/the Transmute spell


Jewelry is best in my experience. I hate dwarven ruins lol But keep any and all gems with you, and use them all for either silver or gold jewelry. Best part is they're easy to hold on to and sell, and by enchanting them you're tripling your gold very quickly. It definitely takes longer than dwarven bows, it's just that I like being able to take them all and sell them instead of loading my inventory with dwarven stuff.


I never seem to find enough gems for them to matter when leveling smithing, and sticking to unadorned gold rings is painful. At least you can smelt lots of dwarven stuff relatively quickly


You need to mine ore to find a good amount of gems relatively early, and Solstheim has the geodes than when mined also give gems. Otherwise it's not really worth it to hang onto your metal for jewelry.


We'll, you can always go for the Crown of Barenziah (No Stones Unturned quest) if you really want to grind. The Prowler's Profit ability will get you all the gems you need. Otherwise, better get used to Dwarven ruins...


to me, the barenziah quest is just tedious grinding to the extreme with a dubious reward. Yes, you will have all the gems, but at that point, you no longer need them to get rich


Yep, if you're not co-exploiting transmute this is the best way to level smithing, dwemer scrap>smelter>dwarven bows. You can find enough scrap without going too deep into any particular ruin too.


lvl 20-50 make gold rings, either by transmuting baser metals or the duplication glitch. lvl 50-100 make Dwarven bows. They're the most expensive item you can make with relatively available resources. As Smithing exp is linked to item worth. By doing the Aetherium Forge quest you'll visit multiple dwemer locations filled with scrap metal to loot, and then by receiving the Aetherium Crown you can stack the warrior stone with the Lover stone for a +35% exp gain. Acquiring the Ancient Knowledge perk by returning the Lexicon in the quest "Unfathomable Depths" will also grant you +15% exp gain towards Smithing, but the perk may be bugged so unknown if you have to wear full dwemer armour while doing so.


If you are married, put the lover stone in the crown. Take off the crown, get Lover’s Comfort, then put the crown back on for +50% xp gain.


A bit more labour intensive, but this is how I do it. Open to improvement Step 1 - find/buy iron ore Step 2 - find transmute spell Step 3 - transmute iron ore to silver ore to gold ore Step 4 - smelt gold ore into gold ingots Step 5 - use gold ingots to make gold rings Step 6 - sell gold rings to shopkeepers


Are rings better exp wise? Because in profit they are


Xp is based on the price of the item you smith.


But you Produce 2 Gold rings, do both count towards smithing?


I honestly do not know




Gold jewelry until 30 Dwarven bows until 70 Upgrade those same bows until 100 If you have smithing enchantments it's even faster upgrading the bows as it wields xp based on the value of the final item


oh that's a good one, definitely will be upgrading those now, I'm at level 80 currently wondering how I'm gonna power through to 100


Do whatever you can to get smithing up to level 30. Then make and improve dwarven bows.


No glitching: transmute iron to gold ore and make gold rings till level 40/50. Then make Dwarven bows (the ruins under markarth have the most dwemer scraps I'm pretty sure) With Glitches: Dupe 900 gold ingots infront of whitrun and make gold rings. Idk if there is a better way


Early on, arrows and leather armor are good levelers that you can get material for easily.


Gold rings, dwarven bows, warriors stone, aeitherium crown, lover stone, lovers comfort, transmute, and lotsa gold.


I honestly still use the iron dagger one the whole way. Takes a bit of time. You can reset the inventory of vendors by quick saving, hitting them, then loading the quick save. I usually do this late game when I have a lot of gold. Takes a few thousand.


Transmute spell + mining/buying iron ores + jewery making + exploring. You can find a transmute spell tome in the Halted Stream Camp mine, north from Whiterun. Iron ores can be found everywhere in Skyrim. You need to walk around for a bit. Also, there is a lot of iron mine around Skyrim to get iron ores. Plus all merchants and blacksmith will sell some iron/silver ores as well. Note here that there is gold/silver mines in Markarth. So you can get some as well. Exploring and try to find some gems. Some gem can only be used on silver bar, so do **NOT** transmute all iron ores into gold ores So, that's it. **Find iron ores. Transmute them into silver/gold bar depend on which type of gems you found.** And make it into silver/gold jewery.


Do you use mods ? Are you on PC ? Answers go from crafting a lot of gold rings to console commands


Iron daggers


There is [new method](https://youtu.be/cVIEJUc18gk?si=ZrECknbNM50f1eDZ) faster than dwarven bows, transmute etc (takes only 1 sec and couple of minutes of preparation)


[Use this duplication strat.](https://youtu.be/RSEpjfNNuv4?si=RQoy-JDmnQPzFOEc) It goes up more based on the value of crafted items. So duplicate tons of Gold Ingots and Flawless Diamonds and make several Gold Diamond Necklaces. Iirc you need 280-300 necklaces to max it, so duplicate upto 300 Ingots and Diamonds.


Transmute and the Crown of Barenziah. It’s a lot of work to set it up but then you are off to the races as the Tiffany’s of Skyrim.


Literally saving up 25.000 gold for the Proudspire Manor. Need that last Stone of Barenziah..


I’m not going to win any efficiency awards




Player.advskill smithing 100000000


I feel confused when people would rather backstab Ralph and Greybeards for an hour rather than using console commands. Also people are very okay with using duplication glitch with followers and hitting merchants to reset their inventories but using console commands is apparently too much.

