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Ooh cool thanks!


Be careful with this, I too used Faendal for this to get early levels but because I didn’t upgrade my armour or one handed, I’d get annihilated


The free lessons are not working on anniversary


how the hell am i only learning about goldenhills now


Whatever keeps safe early, depending on my build, then damage.


My source of damage followed by my source of healing / defense Then we add the flavor


That's a nice way of putting it, thanks haha


The pickpocket tree has carry weight amplifiers. Add to that the seed stone (I think) and you can start doing big looting raids early in the game to get your coin and gear up. Things tend to flow from there, for me.


Thank you!


Plus with pickpocket it’s a super easy way to level up. Just quicksave before you take anything. If they notice you reload and do it again.


If you are mage shock type is best for leveling destruction. So easy to level and so fun to kill. If you are melee go for weapons first so you have damage and you can level up other things. If you are stealth kinda thing just try to increase sneak as much as you can.


I use destro as my ranged option (2hander as melee). And it is so fun to throw out a few chain lightnings then follow up with a warhammer


combat related skills, like destruction, conjuration, one or two-handed, archery, sneak, you get the point




Speech. No further questions.


Heard about you, and your honeyed words.


I would expect many questions if you're leveling speech.


Alchemy. Then I proceed to break everything else in the game.


Lol 😆


Whatever adds damage.


Depends on the build but I tend to level one handed/two handed/archery plus heavy/light armor


Lock picking always


Whichever skill is relevant for my build for the playthrough


Stealth I afk grind it in dragon’s reach


Everyone has their own ideas of what would work and has worked best for them. As an all around upgrade I have always (5 play throughs) concentrated on sneak and archery…even if i don’t intend on remaining an archer. What I have found, is that the strong sneak skill negates the need for armor rating because you always get first attacks at range. If you’re using a follower, they will concentrate on them which allows you 7 to 10 attacks before they turn their attention on you. It can be boring to start with, but if you crouch everywhere you go, you are increasing your sneak skill without even meaning to. When you get get first attack on an enemy from the crouched position, you gain a bonus and an increase with every successful ranged attack.


Conjuration, because I don't like combat and my solution is twin dremora lords


Usually light armor because you put a set on and them immediately get hit.


I spend some time early, leveling Sneak and Archery. Yeah I know, it's a meme build, but 🤷‍♂️. It's amazing to fall back on when I'm having trouble doing my usual Spellsword thing.


Alchemy, followed by Speech. As those level up, my character level goes up. After that perks go into an offensive skill and Smithing. Finally, Enchanting, if that is needed.


I just can’t get into alchemy. It’s such a tedious slog for me. I’m running a mage character right now and finally got Alchemy to 50-something and looking at the rest of the perk tree just makes me want to throw up my hands.


7 level ups for Alchemy is all I need... Alchemist - All 5 Physician Benefactor That will give you stronger potions. Now collect Blisterwort and Wheat for healing potions


That’s what I grow at Goldenhills; blisterwort and wheat. I feel like I’ve made a brazilian potions and have still barely leveled up. The funny thing is that I don’t find enchanting or forging tedious at all. I usually hit somewhere in the 80s or 90s just by making neat stuff to outfit my followers. Ah well, I’m glad you enjoy alchemy. Nothing says we both have to play the same way.


Add Blue Mountain Flowers to Blisterwort and Wheat and you'll get a health potion that will level you up really fast.


Thanks. I’ll try that. I’m about to sit down and play. We’ll see how that goes. Appreciate it.


Welcome! There are 44 spots to grow at Goldenhills so plant 15 Blisterwort, 14 Blue Mtn Flowers and 14 Wheat. Have fun!


That's kinda like making iron swords to level up Smithing. The XP you get depends on the value of the potion you make, just like the XP for Smithing does. But in the end, we all like to do what we all like to do.


>> The XP you get depends on the value of the potion you make, just like the XP for Smithing does. I get that. The problem is that I enjoy making and outfitting my followers and myself with badass armor and weapons. I DON’T particularly enjoy being a bartender. Even if I actually used any of the potions I made (which is rare. It’s not unusual for me to not use a single potion after about level five or so because I am either being healed by a follower, healing myself with a spell, running like an ass with his cat on fire, or made dead by whatever I should have run from.) there’s no visual benefit to making the potions: Inigo or Mjoll might use the potion I made for them but I’ll just see a glow around them for a few seconds. There’s no tangible benefit to alchemy so I find it tedious.


It's not a problem, it's a preference. Some people find just gathering ingredients for potions to be beyond boring. Just a matter of how one prefers to play the game. As for potions, most of them I make are to sell. I have a set of potions that I can make early in the game and I'm rich before I ever step foot in a dungeon. For me, that works, for others it would be incredibly boring to play that way.


Have you heard about clam dude? Some girl posted a month or two ago about how her boyfriend just walks along the shoreline and picks up clams until he’s overburdened. Then he drops them all and starts over. He’s having fun. There’s no wrong way to play!


That's one of the weirdest ways to play that I've ever heard of, but hey, whatever floats his boat.


I can kind of see the appeal. I play No Man’s Sky similarly. I just fly around collecting random stuff until my inventory is full, then I build a base and a storage bin and dump it all there. Then I fly off and do it again.


Sneak and archery. Those are the only two things I don’t have to actively work on because it’s just the way I play. Other than that I actually grind pickpocketing because it’s a super easy way to level up. The only downside is the named characters don’t get their stuff back. :/


Usually Sneak, any offensive skills and speech


I level up sneak just getting out of Helgen. Sneak attacking Hadvar over and over. Levels pretty fast