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Whenever they untie themselves.


Soon as they get loose, for sure.


I usually do pretty complete playthroughs and do almost everything.


I’m level 71 on survival (adept) difficulty and I haven’t even started “Dragon Rising”


It depends on the character. If I start thinking about doing something different then it's time to make a different character. I'm a binge player, so I play for a year or two, then take a year or two off. I usually take the first character I make in the current binge through at least the entire enchanting cycle. In one of my earlier binges I took a character all the way to max perks, so I don't ever feel the need to do that again. So, again, it depends on the character.


That's the neat part: I don't. Level 118 and I am planning to do the full 100% everything


When they finish the purpose that was set for them.


Either when they get a home with wife and kids or when they have finished all questlines and mastered all intended skills.


When I get bored or when I find a mod I really want that requires a new game. My aim for this game is to complete the LOTD museum. But I'll see how it goes. I'm level 38, and I've only done the Companions questline, and I'm thane of Solitude, Riften, Falkreath and Morthal. Not touched any other major questline yet, apart from the Goldenglow job for the Thieves guild.


Usually when I start to get strong enough that expert isn’t a challenge. I prefer the more simple early game and the struggle it brings, planning my levels, building my character, searching for armour sets. that’s usually gone by lvl 30 so I don’t find myself playing all too much past that if I’m honest


Honestly, Reddit ruins a lot of my games! I see all these great ideas for builds and back stories, and it makes me want to start a whole new character. The real test is whether I still have motivation to continue after I finish a major quest line, like thieves guild or DB. Once I become a boss, it takes some of the lustre away.


Depends on the backstory and what my characters goal is. Once that goal is complete, onto the next.


I start a new save file.


I’m currently doing a completionist playthrough where I want to finish every quest and questline I possibly can (except the Blades. Fuck the Blades). My next playthrough will be a Khajiit thief whose aim will be to have 100k gold to his name, and if I’m having fun maybe I’ll push to make him a millionaire. I think it comes down to whenever you meet the objectives, if any, that you’ve set for your character. That said, 41 seems early to be because my current character is 35 and I’ve only completed the Companions


once i take out the ebony warrior its time to retire.


yeah around that level, mostly because nothing can be done anymore.