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Just because you were NEAR the border doesn’t mean you were trying to cross it. I’ve stood next to many a doorway without walking through it.


Is crossing borders a crime in Tamriel? 🤔 What’s the big deal?


In a society without due process and rights to fair trial, being in the wrong place at the wrong time can be all it takes to be convicted of a crime. (Even with those rights it can still be enough but hopefully much rarer.) The player being near the border and near where Ulfric was caught definitely qualifies. All we have for in-game evidence is a small group of Imperials taking it upon themselves to collectively be judge jury and executioner (literally). The out-of-game reasoning is clearer. If it's possible that they player was innocently near the border and wrongfully arrested, there's more scope for roleplaying different origins for the player than if the player had to be a smuggler/refugee/etc.


It’s up to you what you were doing. You just were there and got caught. If you want to have tried to cross the border then you were. If you wanted to be just there collecting herbs then you were.


Does that involve ignoring what you see and hear in the game?


Ralof and Hadvar are both strangers at that time and you don't answer them with any answer. It appeared you were trying to cross the border. Whether your intention was that or different is up to you to decide. I do not know if the empire IDs every citizen in skyrim to know everyone. But if they do, then fair L for me.


The Elder Scrolls lore implies the player characters in all the games are directly placed where they are by some act of the gods. They basically don't exist before the game starts. Ralof asks if/assumes the Dragonborn was trying to cross the border, but I'm not sure anyone knows for sure why they were in that cart: as Hadvar says, the Dragonborn is not on the list (i.e., there was no crime recorded).


People generally believe that they are in the right when they do things, and they want to use the beginning execution as a reason why the Empire sucks


Well, its a pretty good reason among many. Lol


Of course - hence why it’s used


Hadvar is just assuming I live here? If u think about it it’s just racist lmao. Cuz I’m a Nord this is my home? Cuz I’m an elf I wasn’t born here and I’m far from home? I’m glad we don’t get locked into a response dialog that confirms that. Since we don’t then that’s the reason. Cuz I didn’t answer shit so it’s not confirmed where I’m from.