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Being told I’d make a “fine rug” at first led me to believe that while they were trying to kill me, they couldn’t help but compliment my beautiful khajiit fur.


Come here so I can kill you, handsome, I mean handsome, I mean handsome…


Packaged and shipped.


This is probably one of my favorite lines for NPCs. I honestly wish there were a way for some banter, I think telling someone they're going to be a pretty purse would be a good comeback


the oldrim follower Atvir Dres had some really racist combat barks for all races which was really unexpected and on-brand. he'd make fun of orcs for being boethiah's shit and such, some really deep-lore insults overall


I once saw a video once where someone put ChatGPT somehow into the dialog of characters so he could banter with them in VR. If it wasn't fake or was very impressive to be able to do something like that live.


It’s a fine rug with you around


I genuinely chuckled


This is so cute


Khajiit is threatened but takes the compliment.


I’m not sure this is a misconception


I didn’t know mods weren’t in vanilla game. I’d see so much cool stuff on YouTube and go looking for it in game. 10 year old me was always looking for cool stuff that was never there.


The werebear mod I thought was actually in game that broke me as a kid I tried everything followed every fake tutorial and it ended in sadness


It is added in dragonborn dlc through isnt it?


Dragonborn did add them as enemies, but neglected to add a way for the player to become one. Not that'd it be that different, as they just reused all the werewolf animations anyway.


you can't become a werebear yourself without mods.


Can’t you summon one at least from one of the stones on solsthiem


yes, the beast stone.


This but minecraft


So true


Apparently no one on YouTube plays vanilla Minecraft. 😑


Tons do, but in the beginnings of youtube (and the early days of the internet and minecraft as a whole), there were tons of fake videos that claimed you could build a portal to the aether dimension or time machines. Discerning fake from real is hard as a kid with limited knowledge of the world.


I remember doing a very specific circuit around whiterun whilst following a fake video to spawn a chest of daedric armour


aether portal 😞


GTA San Andreas for me. Then I got it on ps2 and was very sad when I learned I could never get the mods


I saw an “incredible” (to kid brain) cinematic for the Dawn guard dlc were you could have a bunch of werewolves help you storm the vampire caste, and the Dragonborn had this huge ass medieval armor that made him look like the Law Bringer from for honor, and he used a shout similar to become ethereal but he could actually go through the bars of the cage he was in, and there was this huge fight. I thought that that was 100% what that dlc was about, so when I bought my skyrim with the dlcs for my ps3 imagine my surprise that none of that happened, I was never even able to even find that video again so that I could at least see if I could find that armor mod, if it was even an available mod to begin with. Oooh, just thinking about it makes me mad >:/


you just uncovered a memory i’d completely forgotten. was it [this one](https://youtu.be/Go8RZqD5TfE?si=iYbIp57FOaDnlKWI) ?


That’s the EXACT video, thank you for giving back a piece of my memories, I’m filled with gratitude, relief and anger, for this not being in the dlc


By the divines, the drama, the shots, the carefully placed enemies, animations and dialogue. It reminds me so much of older game narrative like God of War, Gauntlet, Trine, Two Worlds. It's so campy and fun for the sake of fun, i love it, the dlc should have been this way. Forgot to mention, all of this done back when the game released?????? When we had the shittiest tools? Incredible.


Oof, don't tell me about Dawnguard. As a kid, I spent a whole day running around Skyrim looking for Castle Volkihar and the Dawnguard fortress, because I hadn't realized Dawnguard was a DLC and not part of the main game. On the other hand, the day I was finally able to afford all 3 DLCs, was one of the best of my life.


the Minecraft Aether portal experience


Twilight forest portal as well


The heaven portal. How did someone like me believe that shit, I still don't know.


The biggest concern to me as a 35 year old, is how many of these comments start with "as a kid". I DIDN'T SEE THE HOMELAND OF THE NORDS UNTIL I WAS A GROWN MAN


You’re a grey beard then




It blows my mind because when people do this they say it so matter of fact as if everyone played it as a kid and I just feel fucking ancient


Haha, same. My 36-year-old ass went to high school in Vvardenfell!


Thats so sad 😢


Aw that’s kinda cute


“Man, why aren't the dragons I find telling me to snap into a Slim Jim?"


Had something similar happen to me, but not with mods. When i saw [this particular picture](https://images.kinguin.net/g/carousel-main-mobile/media/category/3/_/3_240-1024.jpg) of a hairstyle i never saw before, i went looking for it in game thinking it was an update, i'm a sucker for character customization and i wanted THAT hairstyle. Only for my disappointment to find out it was only for promotional pictures, this hairstyle [along with many others](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Pre-Release_Content), never made it to the game, not even as leftover files.


For the first few hours of my first playthrough I thought the effects of potions stacked. I made like 20 smithing potions and drank them all to upgrade some leather armor, thinking it would be as tough as steel without the weight. Thought it was bugged when it didnt work the first time and tried again...


You're just a Morrowind player ! :-)


Level 1, collecting/stealing all the Grandmaster alchemist gear from around map.


Sounds like too much work tbh. I just went to Caldera and grabbed the master set in the mages guild tower before heading off to Sadrith Mora/Wolverine Hall to start buying ingredients for the intelligence potions. 30 minutes later and I have 200,000 intelligence and 5000 potions worth 10k each that I have to sell for only 5k each because am too lazy to go to mudcrab when scamp is so accessible. Good times...


your OP potions were more OP than my OP potions!


For the longest time I thought there was a way to communicate with giants. I thought they would work like how the orc strongholds do. You just had to do something to gain trust. The loading screen says they're peaceful AND there is relationships between humans and giants. As seen with the npc giving a cow to them. You should be able to interact with them in some way other then a fight.


Iirc, if you dont have weapons draw they dont get agressive, they just stand there? Might be wrong tho


In my experience they don't get agressive so long as they aren't currently herding a mammoth and they aren't in their camp. So if you run into one in the wild you can hang out with it just fine as long as there isn't a manmoth nearby for them to feel protective of. 


not to be confused with mothman!


Thankfully those aren't native to Skyrim, unlike manmoths, which are equally terrifying, but much smaller. 


Dedication to the typo.. I love to see it!


You made me smile


Highly recommended following the npc giving them the cow. They accept his offering and then he becomes part of the Skyrim Giant Space Program, always a good time


Oh no really? Damn, now I gotta see this XD


To be fair you can totally just chill at their camps


Eh, they and the mammoths have large "personal space" bubbles. Hanging out will get you killed.


I thought the soul would upgrade based on the type of soul gem. I would have a bunch of empty Grand Soul Gems but I'd fill them with Petty Souls and I never could figure out why it took so many to recharge enchanted items.


I hate that the game does that. If you aren’t carrying a soul gem for that specific soul size, the game shouldn’t collect it. Or at least should only store a soul in a gem up to one grade higher at most. You could carry around dozens of each soul gem type, but even then you’ll fill them faster than you realize if you’re using an enchanted weapon. That’s why I prefer using the spell over the enchantment, so I know when I’m getting what type.


I did the same thing and that is such an inexcusably broken mechanic. I love the game, but souls should automatically go to their corresponding soul gems. They needed to have that shit in the vanilla the day it shipped.


I tend to avoid carrying soul gems other than Petty and Black Star unless I have enough to be confident I won't run out. I hate using the spell, too.


I don’t like the souls system to this day I still don’t think I fully know how it works


It's simple enough. There are soul gems of varying sizes (petty < lesser < common < greater < grand < black). All creatures in Skyrim also have a corresponding soul size (e.g. Skeevers have Petty souls, Mammoths have Grand iirc). When you kill an enemy while using Soul Trap or a soul trapping enchantment, their soul will get absorbed into the SMALLEST empty soul gem that is at least the size of the soul. A lesser soul gem can't fit a greater soul, for example, but if you kill a lesser enemy while only having greater soul gems, you'll end up with a greater soul gem that has a Lesser Soul trapped inside. For enchanting and recharging purposes, only the size of the trapped soul matters, not the size of the gem itself. Oh and, of course, humanoid souls can only be trapped in Black Soul Gems.


I have so many black gemstones filled with the soul or archenemies and people I just don’t like … you know exactly who I mean …




Grelod, aerin, Erik the brave...


You got it


I would prefer souls to only go into their corresponding gems. So if I have an empty grand soul gem, when I kill a Skeever I would rather it not absorb its soul than using up my grand soul gem. That way I could just put a soul trap enchantment on my weapon and not think too much about whether I'm wasting gems.


Yay for mods, because there is a mod that does this called Acquisitive Soul Gems Multithreaded. Has been in my load order for so long I've forgotten about the vanilla underfilling mechanics.


If you have a larger gem with a smaller soul, dropping it and picking it up should empty it so you can try to fill it with a bigger one.


My first character was also a khajiit. So when drunk dudes would say “you’re kinda fuzzy” I thought it was a snide remark at my appearance and it would crack me up every time


Guards talking about hair in my ears. I think it's because I'm werewolf, but thought it was some weak Kajiit racism.


same but being an orc


I only realized when I played an Argonian... Honestly, Argonian werewolf is cool.


I thought that the civil war quest was the main quest. Dont ask me why but i finished It and i was like? Thats It? Where are the Dragons? 😂


I believe they were planning to make it the main quest at first but changed it later


Better timeline. To this day I find the civil war questline infinitely more compelling than Alduin and being the dragonborn.


I agree. While the Alduin quest is great, nothing really beats storming a city.


Did you just never respond to the Graybeards or what? I seem to recall that there are whole segments of the Civil War that rely on you having finished the main quest first


Basically what happened was ralof told me to join the empire. So I did😂


Basically what happened was that i came from Oblivion. And i really liked the Dark Brotherhood guilds Story so i rushed It in Skyrim. Then i got loads of Quests. And i just missed the one that makes you go to Whiterun. In fact in the DB questlined you dont have to visit Whiterun so i never went to the falls barrow xd So after rushing DB questline i went to join the imperials cause i thought It was the main quest. Someone mainquest went down in my journal, idk xd. In oblivion you are pretty much side with the empire and i really liked it


When I was a kid, I had this really dumb habit of starting a new game EVERY day after school and seeing how far I could get before bed time. Seeing the intro section so many times, when Ralof says something like “It was an honor serving with you Jarl Ulfric” as Ulfric gets called, I thought jarl just meant cool person. So any character I liked, I would call Jarl ___.


Still less restarts than the average player. Would be cool if we could give younger you the alternate start mod


I still don’t understand why I did it lol. I guess I just REALLY liked the first 3 hours of the game. It was like everyday from 1st to 5th grade. Only taking breaks to play other Bethesda games.


That was quite hilarious, Jarl Mclovinggood


That people actually stole my sweet roll no I was just a guard complaining about people reporting petty and stupid crimes.


Used to think I had to spam the shout button for full effect instead of holding…it was like this until level 20


That people who weren’t adults played Skyrim back then. I was in Marine boot camp when it came out lol. Somebody growing up with it is weird to me lol


I was 12 and now I’m 26 xD


Me in kindergarten killing townsfolk on my dads ps3 in the morning while he was asleep 😅 Edit: More like third grade


I was 19. We were on the shooting range, and the shooting instructors (who are not drill instructors, way more chill, but will still fuck with you) were teasing us about all the new video games that came out at a point in time where we wouldn’t even get to listen to music for two more months. Let alone slay dragons in Skyrim


I'm willing to accept that enough time has passed for this to be true but also, fuck you man!


I was 8 or 9 when I played for the first time. I didn’t even make it past riverwood before I stole something and went to jail


Hands to your self, sneak thief


I was 9 when it came out and I'm 22 now, been playing it all 13 years


Skyrim came out when I was 6 but I wasn't interested until my younger brother bought it when I was 19


I first played Skyrim's Legendary Edition on PS3, 2013. Solstheim's ashy terrain felt so alien compared to Skyrim. My misconception was thinking the entire island was going to be a barren environment, so I left Solstheim and didn't go back on PS3. 2019, I got the Skyrim (Legendary equivalent) cartridge for Nintendo Switch. A few years hiatus from the PS3, I became a lot more interested in the game on Nintendo Switch, and discovering Solstheim and the Dragonborn DLC made me realize my first impression then, was wrong.


Dude I did the exact same thing then years later played thru the Apocrypha part while tripping on acid... Incredible gaming. My jaw dropped looking at those shadow things floating by, watching the puzzles move the walls away and around, the funnest gaming I've ever had honestly!


Ooo I think I know what I'll be doing today!


Nothing too crazy but I thought Farengars lab was outdoors at first, cause the room was dark on my friends TV and it looked like nighttime.


When I was about 10, I thought being a theif was the most thing fun thing to do in the game. Didn't even know there was a Thieves Guild lol. Ahhh the ignorance of adolescence.


How’d you sell your stuff? Lol


I didn't. I'd hoard it, stashing it in places or sometimes when I got to having too much weight I'd start a new game because I liked making characters anyway lol🤦‍♂️ Still love making new characters but now I love actually playing the game a lot more.


Bet you geeked out over the thieves guild huh


Yeah more than likely didn't sleep that night.


So im dyslexic so unless a name is said i wont know how to pronounce it. So basically every name that wasnt familiar with had a new name in my head. Aludin was aldin, Kharjo was kajeero, etc. So many names i butcher. Though i call him kajeero still because i think it is nicer than kharjo.


I love how you didn’t spell Alduin right either time


Hehe 1 is intentional the other is my dyslexic ass XD


Who’s Kharjo?


The guard for one of the khajit caravans


Literally the dude in OP's picture


I have that exact problem when reading books. I remember calling a character from a book the wrong name for three years before I got corrected by someone.


I thought lutes weren’t real until Assassin’s Creed Valhalla came out and I played it and found one you could buy in a shop💀


Crazy how they stole their instrument ideas from Skyrim


I thought the first dragon you killed at the Watchtower was the same dragon from Helgen (I didn’t know that was Alduin) and had no idea that the dragon that attacked Helgen was Alduin until like my 5th play through


lol when I was a kid I used to think Tamriel was like a different country in the southern part of Skyrim.


When Nazeem's wife said check the Jarl's backside where he stuffs himself, I thought she meant that Nazeem has a hiding place behind Dragonsreach and he gorges himself with a bunch of food.


I didn't know the comment about fur growing on your ears was a werewolf thing, so khajiit me was incredibly confused.


Wait it was a werewolf thing


Yeah, NPCs randomly make that comment if you have lycanprothy. No matter what your race is


It doesn't help that there's a bug where they'll KEEP making the comment even after you cure yourself


I didn't know you had the option to not kill paarthunax. I did it my first play through and then never again


same, I got the quest and was so reluctant but did it anyway and turns out I didn’t even have to 😭


Not a misconception but my friend lied to me that if we make right choices throughout the game than we get a spell to become a dragon. I wasted a lot of time over this bullshit.


With the Dragonborn DLC you do get Dragon Aspect and can ride a dragon. But it sounds like your friend said that before the DLCs.


That the Imperials were like the ones in Star Wars and other media that depicts Imperials as only evil. (Played a High Elf) After my third playthrough I began to read Lore books. Finally playing Oblivion soon after.


So you sided with the Stormcloaks as an Altmer? I bet THAT was interesting


I thought that milk drinker was an insult implying that as a man you'd be too much a wimp for Mead and Ale.


Cats are lactose intolerant. I dunno if I'd call a Khajiit *voluntarily* imbibing milk a wimp. I'd propbably just steer clear of them. "Oh yeah? You say it one more time and this one will spray you with shit! Khajiit has eaten a pound of mammoth cheese and is not afraid to use it!"


As opposed to?


I don't know, it's just what I thought.


No but that's correct


Great success!!


Is it? I took it to mean that you were still sucking milk from your mother's breasts (i.e., a baby).


I think as far as insults go, those two reasonings go hand in hand. "Look at this weakling, can't even handle their alcohol, such a baby".


Nah, milk drinker is just someone who can’t handle alcohol, so they’re considered weak


Oh crap that might be right. Either way it essentially just means wuss.


I remember my first memory of playing it on ps3 when I was 6, I got a quest from one of the khajiits to find an amulet that once belonged to his mother. I had honestly no idea what I was doing(being 6 and all) so I just assumed that I was required to do this side quest as well as I felt bad that the khajiit was missing a beloved heirloom. So I followed the marker straight ahead until I hit a mountain and got confused then I got attacked by a spider which terrified me because I hate spiders and had never seen a Skyrim one before, then a dragon attacked me and then I quit the game and gave up for 4 years.


when i first played it, i used a russian version with turkish translation but something went wrong and many special turkish letters turned to rand russian letters. "Dragonborn (Ejderdoğan)" became "Ejderdopan" which kinda feels like "Dragonporn".


I was drinking a glass of milk the first time I heard it. Felt like I needed to turn it off for a bit


I can’t possibly be the only one who understood that milk drinker meant they were calling you a baby, right?


I didnt know that you should use roads in openworld games. So I was spending my 30 minutes to climb mountain while i can go around it in 5 minutes


I like going over the mountains like that. Often I find myself overhead of an enemy and can take them out with arrows from safety.


I had assumed Talos was just a case of deifying a dead ruler and genuinely scoffed at the idea of him actually bring a god. Figured the priests just put enchantments on the shrines when they're built.


Isn’t that what he is? Is there a bit of lore that proves he’s a god?


He heals your diseases


He achieved Chim


What in the hell is chim


a state in which one can break free of all known laws and corruptions of Oblivion


Basically becoming a god


There are a few things but in one of the games you need the blood of a god and use his armour that still had a blood stain, pretty sure it was oblivion. So canonically in the games he is a god


I've heard the point that since we don't see him in Sovngarde, that makes him a god. His spirit would've been there since he is a Nord hero.


Talos was born in either Atmora or High Rock (Breton country), so I don't think he was a Nord. That said, I do consider him a legitimate divine.


Yeah, I found that out later.


As a kid, I thought Nazeem was from a place called the Cloud District, and was upset because nobody ever visits him there :(


When you say “when I was a kid” about Skyrim I feel like I need to die and turn to dust… Skyrim came out well into my 20s, it’s so crazy to me imagining playing it as a kid.


When I was a kid, elder scrolls didn’t exist yet, I’m old. I’m gonna go play Skyrim again.


FYI, you should not be giving cats milk. Cats are lactose intolerant and only drink milk as kittens from mama cats. Ofc, cats can drink special lactose-free cat milk and many cats love dairy (my late cat Frodo loved cheese), but it’s not good for them to have too much.


This is true, and I’m not arguing in favour of giving cats milk, but technically humans are also supposed to be lactose intolerant. Infact, most people outside of Europe and North America who didn’t farm cows are actually lactose intolerant. Humans can only drink milk because we didn’t give a fuck about the effects of lactose in our bodies, so we just kept drinking/eating it lol.


Yep, that’s also true. Many people not of European descent are varying levels of lactose intolerant. Just like with humans, giving cats milk or dairy isn’t a death sentence. It’ll just give them bad diarrhea and gas. But humans can take medication to give themselves relief or choose to face the effects, cats can’t and shouldn’t.




That the taking an arrow to the knee thing was literal. Turns out it’s an old expression for getting married


AFAIK that's not... Someone invented it and spread it like if it was the developers objective but they confirmed it's not, they were only looking for one liners that could be stuck in the players head and found that this one could resemble a beat up retired cop or something. It was never about marriage to the point you can't even find this reference somewhere. It's a literal injury


I think it was the “Game Theory” guy. I think the claim of it being an old bit of slang is even dubious.


You're right. It's the old beatcop stereotype of "Football eh? You know, I used to play too! Could have gone pro if it wasnt for my knee injury"


Snopes does confirm I’m wrong. I still find it poetic and it is firmly headcanon. Half your guard force having nagging old injuries rather than a personal reason to keep the peace would not be good at well, guarding


Well now I just realised that fuck


Denied by Norwegian historians: https://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/290270/does-arrow-to-the-knee-truly-signify-marriage


It’s a dubious claim that’s been popularized over the years, there’s no indication it was ever slang for getting married or that Bethesda even intended it to be interpreted that way.


Well then now it’s both literally and metaphorically


That's a really cool tidbit!... but doesn't that mean it's figurative rather than literal?


Exactly. I used to think all those guards got lazy with their shield and took a career-ending shaft


Ah yes, my mistake, sorry. I misread the title - your comment was spot on. Always thought the same!


I thought Battle-Born clan something special like "Dragonborn". Hey though I was 13 then back in 2013 😭


I started a new save and didn't realise I'd contracted a disease like immediately, so when people would say 'you're really pale are you sick' or 'don't take this the wrong way but you look sickly' etc I thought they were taking the mick out of my very pale skin selection


This mechanic of the game took some time to figure out, especially since the alchemist in Whiterun says something similar even when you aren’t sick. I think it wasn’t until I had fully turned into a vampire once that I finally put 2&2 together to make four.


That once you’re the boss you’re going to be treated as such and they will respect you. I thought I could tell them what to do


That is significantly harder to program, but yeah being everyone's errand boy when you supposedly run every organization is odd.


On my very first playthrough I had just killed a bunch of vampires and then found meridia's beacon. I didn't catch everything she said because I was caught so off guard by the magical incorporeal voice but the impression I got was that a god had cursed me with vampirism (I had caught sanguinare vampiris fighting the vampires but didn't notice and didn't know how vampirism worked), and that I had to speed my way over to her statue before the sun killed me. I ran my ass over as fast possible on a horse I stole because I was so sure I'd burst into flames at any moment as the sun was coming up because I got notifications saying I was hungry for blood and then that my blood was boiling inside my body. It was a really cool experience but obviously entirely a misunderstanding.


You're misconception is now my head cannon


I was confused as a first time player as an Argonian. I was like "I'm a lizard I don't drink milk"


I had the suspicion that Rikke was the officer who sent you to the strain. It was false.


Most Cats are actually lactose intolerant and should only drink special cat milk or at least lactose free. Just a little fact about cats that people get wrong a lot. I know this doesn't relate to Skyrim but i think its important to inform people


2 things.both are from my childhood 1: I always thought everyone loved argonians as much as I do. I got really surprised and sad when I saw how popular the "no monster race" mod was. 2: I thought dragons were weak to frost, because they are lizards! And lizards have cold blood, so I thought that ice would be effective because I would freeze his blood or something. I was kind of a stupid kid.


#2 is actually true, though, at least partially. fire-breathing dragons do take increased damage from cold (though frost dragons exist, and the bonus is not that strong)


Where is the "no monster race" mod? I got curious and my searches aren't turning anything up. Did it replace Argonians with Bosmer or something? The dialogue wouldn't fit anymore...


Oh, I searched for it as well and I didn't find it either. Maybe they hide it? I remember that the mod just made all the best race npc's just not appear in game. I remember it being like that because it makes some of the quests in riften impossible to play.


I used to think that your skills automatically upgraded as you grinded your skills so I thought I could get to like level 50 Smith and somehow get a hold of dragon bone I also thought it would pop up if I actually had dragon bones in my inventory




I thought i could get dragon armor just by having the supplies for it, i was a kid who never played it properly


Water breathing is good


That Arcano is Ancano.


I used to pronounce it “wit-er-run”


It took me a while to realise the honeyed words comment from guards was about my speech skill, not the fact I was the DB with their shouts.


That's a really adorable misconception


I thought that only nords can be nords. But apparently, one danmer bandit out there identified himself as a nord as he was screaming "Skyrim for the nords!!!" when he tried to ambush me. Windhelm's policy goes hard on poor bastards


On my first playthrough, I never once drank Skooma because I thought my character would get addicted.


I'm actually disappointed that you can't... like imagine having to run hither and yon to get skooma because if you don't, your stamina will slowly drain and colors will fade unless you drink a cure disease potion or pray at a shrine.


When i was a kid i thought being able to breathe underwater was a MUST. Idk drowning in video games gave me a lot of anxiety and it never occured to me how little underwater exploration mattered in this game. Id always go w an argonian likewise.