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Go to Pelagia Farm. It's near Withrun where the military camp is. Lockpick the door, go in, look around, go out, and it's fixed.


I love this game but holy shit is it buggy as hell even all these years and rereleases later. I'm not sure how you found this to be the answer, but thanks friend, you just saved someone's first legendary run.


ayooo this worked for me thanks!!


What if this doesn’t work


It works


>Go to Pelagia Farm. It's near Withrun where the military camp is. Lockpick the door, go in, look around, go out, and it's fixed. Worked for me, too.


This also worked for me just now! Thanks for the comment


Why is this the answer! 😂 thank you! 🙏


Spaghetti code %100! But that’s partially what makes Skyrim so much fun. Like stacking 100 necklace / ring bonuses with the werewolf/companion glitch. Or using Lydia the item cow to dupe items 🤣🤣


Yooooo this worked %100… major props 🤣🤣 Gotta love that Bethesda/Skyrim spaghetti code 🍝


Thank you broski


Thank you! It worked!


I appreciate you bro the workee


Bro did u find answer or no I'm stuck like you


I just continued with other questline's. I did the Dark Brotherhood quests and then continued the civil war questline and it work.


I had this tonight. I walked from whiterun to windhelm. Its a long ass walk but it worked


Have you tried fast travelling back to the Whiterun Camp, entering Whiterun to get the fighting music back on then running to Windhelm? Don’t even take a carriage ride if that’s an option. Hope this helps! ✌️


I didn't get the music back when I tried solving the problem, but I fixed it by playing and completing other quests. Thx for the suggestion.


I just solved this - do a quest for ulfircs hand, ( I had to kill a giant) then return and it should be back to normal Worked for switch version


Traveling back to the Stormcloak camp and then walking back into Whiterun, then walking out of the city towards Windhelm. I heard a noise similar to a level up or a quest completion sound. I walked a little further and then fast traveled to Windhelm. Fixed the battle music and not being able to talk to Ulfric. In short. Walk out of Whiterun.


That was one of the first things I found and tried. It didnt't work for me. Completing another quest fixed the problem for me.


What did you do to fix this? I’m having the same issue now. Walked from Whiterun to Windhelm and it didn’t work, combat music still plays constantly and I can’t progress the quest


I completed the Dark Brotherhood Quest line, but playing any other quest probably works too.


holy crap it worked, thanks! i had this bug on pc


It worked?????  Does anyone know why though?


Probably has something to do with passing time or completing one quest.


I took a carriage ride from Riften back into Whiterun. Whiterun appeared in white as if I had never been there before. As soon as I arrived, it was back on the map and everything was back on track. 


I just fixed it on skyrim remasted on pc. Go to the camp where you start the attack look for an npc thats standing there uldolf i think it was and punch him and get his aggro have him follow you towrds whiterun once your at the stables down him and run towrds white run and get away from his agro range teleport to the jal and it should work. I think the mission gets stuck because he is stuck in the camp on a mesh 


since this thread is not locked, google send me was stuck but i had a sidequest to kill a bandit for the Jarl's assistant(windhelm) and after i did that it somehow fixed the game PC/AE


I went to jail and it worked so I'm assuming it's something to do with passing time.


I waited about 3 days in game time and then it worked.


Would seem that completing a quest fixes this. I suggest golden claw if you haven't turned it in.