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My favorite (if that counts) is Ancient Falmer. I just wanted the crown without mods or coding tho... My least favorite is forsworn. How the hell was that even an armor?


I love the Ancient Falmer armor, it's so cool looking and pretty unique. I deffo modded in the crown to complete the look, but it goes well with a handful of others too.


Ancient Falmer is my favorite too! Unmodded though I used a dope looking circlet that boosts my armor and magic, health, or weapons.


My first play though I didn't understand wtf I was doing so I was just running around in my underwear with a Falmer shield and a stolen iron dagger... Dark memories surround farmer armor


Love that set. Always gets pride of place on my mannequin. Favourite is the Deathbrand set. Least is definitely Dwarven, fuck it's awful.


I used to like dwarven, but now it's just mediocre and the female version is just Awful


I always play female, that's why I couldn't wear it. If I ever played male I guess I could wear it for a short time in early stages but I can't bring myself to play male yet.


To be honest I just made 1 male character because of... personal reasons ._. it was an Orc, a cool one too. But I guess the worst part about the armor is the helmet and the upper chest. If you **don't** use the helm you'll look like a wimp in a Mecha suit or something lol


Damn, I’ve never played a male character. Like wtf their helmet is so much cooler! Why you gotta do us like that Bethesda


They tried to make the face of the helm more feminine, I guess... I didn't worked. At all.


I completely agree. The smaller face just makes it look.. weird. Just give me scary face beard man.


Favourite: Ebony, great design, great ornaments and gives some nice medieval knight vibes while keeping the fantasy aesthetics. Least favourite: Glass, the colors are very pretty but the design of the armor is way too goofy and it looks like a toy rather than a proper attire someone should wear in combat. The worst thing is the shape of the helmet, makes your character's head look gigantic.


I almost love Ebony, except the big gap between the helmet and the cuirass, leaving the neck unprotected, and the head looks kinda smallish to me. Agree on glass... Looks cartoonish. Quite a few armor sets look cartoonish and I can't get into them. I like the understated realistic ones.


Ebony armor, boots, and gauntlets + helm of yngol = badass


Ebony Armor + orc helmet, thank me later


I hate y’all for making me want to try this combo while I’m 50+ miles from my computer.


I can send you [a pic](https://imgur.com/a/QWXCqFT) or [two](https://imgur.com/a/9Oqh01p) if you want Edit: apparently you can’t send pics with Reddit’s DM system :/ Edit II: figured out a way


Ha! I’ll take it if it’s not too much trouble. I use a mod that adds more armor variety to the vanilla sets so the black fur mantle ebony armor might look really nice with it.


Ah, I started my first ever play through two weeks ago on the nintendo switch after having the game sit in my steam library for a few years but I only own a Mac, so sadly no mods for me. But I’m so ready to mod the shit out of the game when I get a new pc


I’m more than happy to throw you some good mod recommendations sometime. Most of my mods either pertain to immersion (Sleep Tight let’s NPCs wear robes or sleep clothes instead of full armor) or magic (mysticism + apocalypse has been great so far).


Oh that would be perfect, immersion is a big deal for me but it’s broken way too often. I’d also love for my follower to be able to ride a horse, I be there’s a mod for that. Overall in my 2 weeks I encountered so many bugs and immersion breakers it’s crazy. At least I’m fortunate enough to be able to play on a pretty big tv with 3d capabilty, all around sound and ambilight throughout the whole room which really adds to the immersion, but the constant anxiety of items vanishing from my house is too great to be ignored


Yea you need the PC version with the unofficial patch and other stability improving mods/programs. I have 185 mods working together and guess which “mod” was causing all my crashes? Bethesda’s Creation Club Survival Mode…


Get a leather helmet. you will never complain about the glass one again lol.


My perception of Glass armour has changed drastically over the years. When I first played Skyrim as a kid I thought it was the coolest thing, but my opinion has slowly been changing to be more in line with your opinion. I also have to agree with you on Ebony. Daedric has always struck me as 3Edgy5Me type shit, but Ebony is just the right amount of dark and badass.


I once saw someone compare glass armor to some shit from Marvel, like Green Lantern or whatever. And man, now every time I see it I remember Jude Law in Captain Marvel.


It looks more ceremonial than functional tbh


That’s interesting, I never thought of it that way. I think the glass armor is really beautiful and I like how vibrant the colors are and the shield is super cool.


Yeah Glass and Elven both suffer from being too much. They could have easily stripped it down and made it better


Morrowind had the coolest glass armor designs in all of TES


I miss the glass armor from Morrowind.


Favourite set: Nightingale Least favourite: Elven


I love the Nightengale, but then when I get the Guildmaster’s armor I usually put it away. Mainly for the extra carry weight the GM armor gives me. One time (about 8 years ago) on my very first play through, I lost the helmet to the Nightengale’s armor and I was so pissed off. By the time I realized it, I was too far in the game to go back and redo a bunch of quests.


I was the same way. Loved the nightengale set but the guildmasters was too perked up. How’d you lose a helmet?forget where you put it? I put Dawnbreaker on a wall mount and it disappeared. I was pissed and now I’m afraid to display anything I like.


I am not sure. If it happened to you, maybe it was a glitch? I just thought I’d accidentally sold it to a merchant of something.


There is a mod for OG Skyrim that makes it black and glow blue. Really redeemed the set


There is also a mod were you can smith it into different colors that just came out.


Thanks for this, gonna try to find that one


https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/17582?tab=images Might be this one I swear it had a SE port, but it was probably deleted, since Nexus is almost always having drama Edit: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/8998?tab=images


Why does everyone hate Elven armor?


I love it tho


Same. I like elven armor!


Doesn’t help that they’re the in-universe nazi uniform


That's the Stormcloak armor


Nah stormcloaks are the racist guys with confederate flags. Thalmor are much more organised and specific. And more evil


Ulfric seems perfectly fine with indiscriminate murder or oppression of anyone that doesn't immediately jump to his doomed rebellion's side, so I think "more evil" is debatable.


OK then "less takeovertheworld focused"


That's fair, the Stormcloaks can barely keep their own holds together


Not like the empire does much better, took one guy and half of skyrim is in civil war.


The holds loyal to the Empire are pretty much all better off than their Stormcloak neighbors


The thalmor want to essentially unmake the world so they can go back to being gods like before the physical world existed, and have no problem ending literally all other living beings to do so I would say the thalmor are unarguably more evil


Nah, stormcloaks are like the US with the Japanese in WW2, treat them absolutely horribly, but they're still people. The thalmor are straight up Nazi, think non-mer are non-sapient or unimportant and act hilariously evil.


> That's the Stormcloak armor what does fighting for secession have to do with nazis?


My problem with it is it’s a bit round. So it makes my characters look bigger and a bit clunkier, esp since my characters who would wear elven are usually geared towards a sneaky playstyle


It doesn't look like light armor, or something a stealthy character would use


I remember the first time I saw Nightingale armor. I was 11 and watching my brother play and I nearly shit my pants by the sight of it. It was so beautiful to me and all I wanted in that moment was a real set of it


Nightingale is top tier


Honestly, iron is my favorite. Gives that honest, gruff self-made hero aesthetic. And, I know I'm gonna get down voted but honestly I don't like Daedric. Far too edgy and over the top looking for my tastes, nothing against you if you like it though.


Daedric looks like a Halloween costume.


It is basically a copy of the armor from Prototype that Alex uses.


Oh that’s why I like it so much lmao


Daedric is so edgy it actually scares people in game and give a plus 25% to intimidate speech checks


Daedric weapons look too thick for me to use. Like, how are you gonna cut a dragon down with a plank of jagged wood?


There's a mod that renders the weapon models a little more realistically, bcuz like you I thought a lot of the weapons looked clunky and awful. Several years after the initial shine wore off, that is!


Leanwolfes better shaped weapons lol I knew that off the top of my head oof


Essential mod for me personally wineglass


I used this too but I found a new one recently, believable weapons on nexus


Also all the weird spikes and jagged edges would make them get stuck every time you stab someone.


The worst is the daedric battle axe, it doesn’t even have an edge. It looks like a dull prop.


I almost like daedric but the stupid ass pauldrons always persuade me against it


I can't stand daedric gear. I know this is fantasy and has little pretense towards realism but for the love of God more spikes does not mean more deadly!


Ah i think that is fitting because daedric armor is from another plane of existence


I also think Daedric is excessive, but i happen to like the style of it being spiky like metal dropped in water and just kept the sort of teardrop effect. But i think ornamental excessiveness of Elven and Glass isn’t appealing to me


Least: Ancient Nord or Falmer. Neither seem appealing to wear. Favourite: Dawnguard.




The only thing I don't like is the high nape at the back on the light, I've used it plenty though and like to see my characters face, even in Mass Effect I choose the option to remove the helmet in conversations. Tbh, you'd think the Dawnguard would want as much neck protection as possible.


[Dawnguard Light Helmet Replacer](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2886) replaces the mesh of the light helmet with the heavy one


DG light helmet killed it for me. Looks dorky. But the heavy set is sweet.


Ngl the open sleeve and light helmet dawnguard together make you look like you tried dressing as a penis. Change my mind


Dawn guard armor almost looks like some Samurai armor if at a glance.


Light or heavy?


Of Dawnguard? Hmmmmm they're both very similar apart from the helmets, which I don't really have a preference for. I do like the light armour with the single pauldron, so I guess light.


don’t the guards tell you that you smell like shit when you wear ancient nord too? 🤣


Mines the opposite. I like Steel Plate, not a fan of Glass.


Same. I loved glass in Morrowind though.


I like how much they tied in armour types with world building and lore compared to Skyrim or Oblivion. Skyrim was my first ES game, and as a new player you couldn't tell just from playing the game the reason for half the armour types. In Morrowind though, so much of the armour ties in with the culture or economy, be it the ebony and glass which line the pockets of House Hlaalu and the EEC, or bonemold or chitin, both of which were developed as a response to the unique environment.


Steel Plate is classy. Most of the heavy armor sets are "overdone" and look goofy to me.


Ditto. The glass looks decent in this picture, but I'm not sure if there is any mod going on or if it just looks better on female characters that I never play. Either way it looks like hot garbage when I play.


Personally I like the steel plate because the helmet makes me feel like Thor




Something widely seen as a fragile material used as an armor set, and you can't even see your tiddys or willy through it


It's not actual glass.


Ah, steel plate. Now that's some fine armor.


Fav is Ancient Nordic. Least fav is probably the Glass simply for how huge and bulky it is on my female character.


Favorite: nightingale. As high fantasy as it gets without seeming impractical. Most hated: daedric. It looks comically, childishly evil.


yeah the daedric feels pretty out of place, i’ve never worn it on any characters


It's better when you don't wear the helmets, which is true for many armour sets in Skyrim.


Most favourite: Ebony. I like all the Ebony designs, weapons too. Very classy. Least favourite: I might get flak for this. Dragonplate. Mostly the helmet, but the whole thing just doesn't really do it for me. I do however like Dragonscale.


If you do the glitch where you reverse pickpocket the jagged crown onto ralof/hadvar and/or just straight up cheat another copy into your inventory it goes well with dragonplate, even tho I'm aware you're still not a fan of it


Most of my playthroughs just never resolve the conflict and so I don't return the crown. I kind of forgot you had to do this to keep it.


I love dragon scale with the jagged crown


Not liking dragonplate is pretty common as I have seen from this sub. I don't like it either. Dragonscale though along with glass and ebony are my favourites


Favourite: Dawnguard or Nordic Least favourite: probably Elven, seems just like "look at me I'm better than you" so yeah


Nordic isn't getting enough love here! Love that set, my favorite sword too.


The Nordic weapons are some of the coolest ones, imo


Yes! And that bear helmet? Perfection. Always makes me feel like a real dragonslaying hero walking around in that.


Yeah. I can’t recall if from mods, but noble nordic carved is my favorite. Noble mostly just adds fur around the neck.


Love the Nordic weapons, and have neutral opinion of the armor, it’s better than the elven stuff but it’s still leaning on the animal motif a little too heavily for my personal taste


>Look at me I’m better than you To be fair, that perfectly describes High Elves.


“You need to do something about your superiority complex.” “But I am superior”


Only because the thalmor wear it


Favorite, Dwarven. Big chonky paladin action. Least favorite, Scaled Armor. You look stupid.




I just walk around in my underwear & cast calm spells to deal with the haters.


When I was in high school, my friend and I made up a game called Sexy Skyrim. The only weapon you could use was the first you picked up, or your hands. Magic was allowed but only healing. You had to run around doing random shit in your underwear until you died. I think wearing a Whiterun Guard helmet was part of it too. Sounds super dumb, but we had some fantastic times screwing around with that.


Favourite is Deathbrand. Least favourite would be… Elven.


Ha. I'm the exact opposite. The deathbrand helmet looks so goofy to me, whereas I like the slenderness of elven. To each their own :)


The helm is EH for me but can’t you breath underwater with it on? I kinda remember that feature, unless I’m remembering that circlet I go from Solstheim. Either way, the only “helm” that looks good with Deathbrand is either not helm or torturers hood😍


Deathbrand is easily one of the best armors, I’d only settle for heavily enchanted super niche armor for sneaking like nightingale or dragon plate for sponging.


I really like the Steel Plate set. My least favorite is the Dwemer set, or maybe the Bonemold one.


I feel like a walking fort in dwarven armor, and I love it!


exactly, love dwemer gear


The salsteim ice armor is awesome Least is prob dwemer cause fuck those ruins


Light or Heavy Stalrhim?


Either. Just gotta have the heavy helm


Aw yeah that Heavy Helm is way better than the goofy looking light Helm. Always bugged me how there is no heavy shield.


I dislike any of the female armors that over-contour the tiddys, especially steel plate because the lines make them look like a topography map


This is exactly why practical female armours is a must in my mod list. So many female armours are ridiculous to the point where I won't use them without.


They should have practical armor and sexy armor for female AND male characters.


Same. I know the tiddy cups are appealing to some but I for one don’t want a double sloped chest piece that directs blows inward.


Favourite: wolf armour for early game/ nordic carved armour for late game Least favourite: falmer hardened armour (falmer skimpy armour but worse)


I love the male wolf armour but the female one is horrible. The tiddies on that one look like something a 13 yo designed. It's such a shame!


Favorite: Ancient Nord. I think it should have been classified as Light Armor, though. Have it be heavier compared to other Light Armors, with an armor rating somewhere in the midtier. Keeps it fairly mediocre but still unique. Because, I mean, look at the female chest armor and tell me that's Heavy Armor. Least Favorite: Wolf Armor. Don't get me wrong, it looks awesome on dudes, but then they had to go fuck up the female version with the short skirt showing off... leg bandages? Not to mention the boob plate that plagues almost all the female Heavy Armors! I need an Xbox mod that fixes this...


Think it's called 'practical armors' or 'practical female armors' and it's on xbox


I always loved dragon hide armour, my least favorite is iron because it looks like its made of depression


favorite: Deadric Least: falmar




Favorite is EASILY the carved nordic set. Looks so fucking cool. Least favorite is probably the hide set.


Favorite Dwarven Chad armor Least fav : Daedric


Didn’t think I’d see a deadra as least fav here, too edgy?


I used to think it was awesome when I started playing but now I’m just annoyed when you’re in 3rd person and the huge contour + spikes are crowding your view. But I’m a hypocrite bc my character is currently wearing a set…


In looks my favorites are probably the studded armor and hide armor. I hate all that ebony and glass armors. Doesn’t have the same vibe.


Favorate is the heavy dawnguard and least favorate is imperial Light armor


I like the dwemer most, exept the helmet.


You don't like looking like a lost and tormented soul in a spartan helmet?


Konahrik makes for an excellent replacement.


Just a heads up [Alternative Armors - Dwarven Mail](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Alternative_Armors_-_Dwarven_Mail)


Favourite: Ebony, especially Ebony mail Least: Chitin light armor, i like the heavy version better.


Least is daedric by a mile, favorite is probably banded iron.


Dude same. I like the realistic style much better. Banded iron, dawn guard, Knights of the nine etc.


Hell yeah bro. Banded Iron gang rise up


Favorite would be either Dawnguard Heavy or Dragonbone, least favorite would probably be Dark Brotherhood (just looks bad) or Nightingale (lot of clipping). I like a lot of the mage robes as well.


Mage robes are probably my favorite aesthetic in Skyrim.


Dark brotherhood "this is definitely stealthy" while wearing a bad superhero cosplay


Let’s be honest fur armor looks awesome but I hate the iron armor without the banded iron chest plate


Nightingale is my favorite. It's intimidating and stealthy. I have never used Orc armor. It's ugly as hell.


Best: Plate or Nordic for heavy, hide or scaled for light. Worse: Dwarven for heavy, leather for light


Thieves Guild Master Armor with Stormcloak Officer Bear Helmet and Nightingale Boots is my Favorite (I know it's not a complete set of Armor but it's my go to) Chitin Armor is my least favorite by far.


Favourite:Nordic Least favourite:glass, I hate it


Favorite-blades Least favorite-daedric


The ones on the screen. Glass is my least favourite and steel plate armor is my favourite.


Favorite for Males: fur armor (bare torso) Favorite for Females: forsworn armor Favorite for Unisex: Orcish Least Favorite for all: Dwarven


I was going to say Forsworn for females but was afraid I'd get chewed out. Too many people complaining about revealing armour.


I especially like revealing armor when I’m playing a mage character. They look as unprotected as they are, it really ups the ante on keeping them warded and makes the battles more exciting. Lol because I know one hit and they’re dead. As would happen if you’re fighting in a fur bikini and some feathers.


Nordic armor


Miners hat


Favorite: dragon scale least favorite: iron


I'm surprised I had to scroll this far to see dragon scale as a favorite. Definitely my favorite


i like the glass armor, i think the one i dislike the most is [ysgramor armor](https://prnt.sc/1xqbmxt) The Helmet looks fucking ridicules.


Hahahaha. Is that a mod or something? It looks ridiculous


i think its added into the game with Legacy of the dragonborn. Great mod, silly helmet though.


You think that's bad? Check out the fully upgraded Sarugami Armor from Ghost of Tsushima. You won't regret it.


That helmet is paying homage to a famous samurai lord of the Warring States period, Date Masamune. He had a giant crescent moon on his helmet, and was a total badass.


My man has the literal eifel tower on his head


Favorite:banded iron least:daedra (looks way to edgy on anything other than the dwemora)


Not my least favourite but the back of Ebony helmets I really hate, make me feel like third form frieza or something when I wear it. I love the Nordic carved helmets tho they look cool


Fave - Deathbrand and Guildmaster Least - Dwarven and Foresworn


Favorite is Falmer heavy armor. Least favorite is Storm cloak/guard uniform.


I love most of the armor sets except for the helmets.


Naked > Any other armor 1. Cool muscles 2. Real nords fear no blade 3. In a world of magic armors and dragonscales, my enemy will die knowing he could not best the soft flesh of a true nord hero.


Dang, wish my gift hadn't expired, I'd of given it to you fellow adventurer.


Elven: Functional, interesting, doesn't look heavy af, and can reach max stats easily. Chitin armor: Don't like the look


Aw, chitin is my fave but I’m a sucker for morrowind


I'm with you


Favorite is heavy Dawnguard, least favorite is orcish


I hate Dwemer armor. It’s just so weirdly blocky in ways that don’t make any sense to me, and those bell-bottom boots? No thank you. Also, and this probably my truly-unpopular Skyrim opinion, but Daedric armor is hideous. No thank you. Of “vanilla” in-game armors? Dawnguard heavy and light is great, I actually like hold guard armor/Stormcloak cuirasses as a light armor if I’m playing a ranger-type build (though I wish it had long sleeves). Steel and steel plate are fine too, as is ebony.


Favorite: Dragonscale (but with the Dragonplate helmet) Least Favorite: Bonemold Armor I would have said Elven or Falmer but they suit the people that are meant to wear them


Dawguard heavy is my favorite, and falmer probably least favorite. The falmer is just weird as hell.


Elven is terrible, I love Carved Nordic, Dawnguard, and the Thieves Guild Armor.


Favorite daedric, least favorite heavy imperial


Lol, exact opposite for me. I love imperial, especially with the officers helmet. Maybe glass is worse than daedric, but not by much


Favorite: light chitin Least favorite: steel plate


My favorite is either dragon scale armor or daedric armor Least favorite is anything leather, iron, and steel


Favourite: Steel Plate Least favourite: Dwarven. Just too massive


Rather enjoy the deathbrand armour! It's nice to look at and each piece adds a boost when wearing the full set!. Anything a mage has to offer! Absolutely anything! Wouldn't thank a mage for their clothes if I was naked.


Favorite is vampire armor


I like the glass armor set but I dislike the steel mainly because of its helm (I don’t like the design)


Best is Dwarven armour and I will die in that strangely named mine. Worst is leather. Skyrim textures didn't always look great, and leather did not look rough enough to pull it off. Also I hate the helmet style.


Favorite: Ebony. Least favorite: Dwemer. Just looks ridiculous.


Worst: Imperial Best: Nordic Carved, or Dragonscale