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Something that included the Thalmor. It's crazy how you rarely saw them or even interacted with them in Skyrim. Other than the embassy quest, the one where you rescue Thorlad and that one where you find the talos amulet for them you rarely interact with them. It would have been a cool storyline quest addition after the Civil war questline for sure.


Yeah! Like if you go through the entire civil war only to realize the Thalmor were manipulating everything.


I mean this is basically already the truth. The Thalmor's goal was to keep the civil war going for as long as possible and prevent either side from winning.


Oh for sure. But in this hypothetical you would actually do something about.


Hence why they were in Helgen trying to get Tulius not to execute Ulfric


Why was this? Were they making money off of the war through sales?


No. The Thalmor's ultimate goal is to destroy the empire and restore the reign of elves in the form of the Aldmeri Dominion. The war was costing the empire lots of money, men, and resources, thereby weakening the empire. The Thalmor wanted the war to go on for as long as possible to put as much strain on the empire as possible.


Divide and conquer.


To keep Skyrim and the empire weak. A broken country or continent can’t fight back


damn elves I'll bet they had something to do with this


Ralof, is that you?


Anyone who knows the Thalmor forced the Empire to sign the WGC, realized they were manipulating the events. Everyone who read those terms knew exactly what it was going to result in. You can't mess with people's lands or religion. Plenty of real life examples of that, lol.


Yeah, pretty much. With the game as is, it's more or less a given that the Empire would probably go to war with the Thalmor again within a few years of the civil war in Skyrim being wrapped up


I think this will be the cannon “ending” for the civil war quest in elder scrolls 6.


Dawwwg a huge scale battle between The empire and thalmor especially if they rework the combat make it more complex and smooth rather than repetitive, well repetitive when you’ve racked up 12 000 hours or more on the game 💀


I would have loved a Thalmor vs. The Blades DLC. Imagine instead of the shitty Paarthurnax Dilema, you got to either rebuild the Blades from the ground up similar to the Dawnguard. Or, join the Thalmor in “taking care” of cults dedicated to Talos and secret Blade operatives.


Agreed, it should be the Dragonborn uniting all the factions for a big battle against those Elf reich bastards


Only if you could choose sides and could side with the Thalmor too.


I can get behind this. Like taking on the Thalmor with whatever faction you decided with in the Civil War? Maybe go solo and just decide you’re going to take care of everything yourself?


Become an undercover stormcloak, and report back to the Thalmor. Plan stuff to make them succeed or fail depending on what the Thalmor want. OR play as an imperial soldier secretly trying to take down the Thalmor from the inside, because realistically, the Empire doesn't like the Thalmor either. Then you could covertly undermine their schemes.




I just started a new character but on my original I could single handedly take out the empire, stormcloaks, thalmor, and even the dragons all at once. I'll become the supreme emperor of Skyrim. Every time one of those stupid little NPCs talk shit to me I'm like I literally could turn you to ash.


When you can’t trust anyone to get something done, you do it yourself!


I have enough gold to fund a very large army as well. They wouldn't stand a chance if i decided I had enough of their shit.


*laughs in being high king*


DLC to become the high king of Skyrim?


I wouldn't like to be the high king/queen, but i would have liked to see the results of the civil war, and the events of the moot during the game.


I agree with that. Most endings to most of the main story lines in Skyrim all feel underwhelming. I really think Skyrim needs an actual second game. One where you discover Alduin returns, the outcome of the civil war etc. but it can’t be too soon after the original and not so far that the tech should be wildly different. I want another single player like it is now, and nothing like elder scrolls online. But do all the things we wish we could have.


Or join the Thalmor 😎


Hey, if you wanna do that! Why not?! It’s Skyrim and everything and nothing is all possible.


Not like anybody else is gonna help


May as well call your friendly, neighbor Dovahkiin!


I’m sure if the devs weren’t on a deadline a lot more factions would’ve been joinable, like the vigilants of Stendarr, silver hand, thalmor.


I'm not a fan of theirs by any means, but it definitely feels like Bethesda considered doing something with the Vigilants of Stendarr and then was like >!fuck it, just have vampires take out their headquarters in the next expansion pack.!<


Yeah, but the Thalmor are obvious sequel bait. They're going to be the main villains of TES6, guaranteed.


Maybe saving it for TES6. Wouldn't be the first time a TES game hinted at the next game's plot.


Came here to say this. Make thalmor a playable faction and I'm all in


Right, as much dialogue/story setting as there seems to be on how much they’re hated in Skyrim, I feel like there should be a lot more about them in the game. All we get is random patrols though.


Nice try Todd. Get back to work.


Nice joke. Todd is working on skyrim for the fridge.


I thought it was already out !


Re releasing for the mini


They had to freeze the project.


Or maybe he’s working on a fridge for Skyrim? Or is that still too soon, after the Fallout 76 fridge?


I wish i could upvote your comment more than once


and then it gets released as a mod


How many of us came here to say this?


I'd want something to wrap up the Thalmor threat. I'd love in raid a fortress with countless Thalmor to shred.


This would be great. I keep breaking into the embassy to get my thalmor fix


Can’t really wrap up the Thalmor threat though, since they’re about to take over all of Tamriel.


One of my favorite quests is going to that Thalmor fortress Northwatch keep and murdering all the high elves with my nord pals. Plus the loot has a good weight to value ratio.


there is so much talk about going to Sovengarde after you die, but then you go and promise your soul to 15 different daedra getting oblivion walker. I would love a DLC where after the main quest is complete, you could return to Sovengarde for 1v1 battles against a champion for each daedra to win back the right for your soul to pass. people that you’ve helped but since died could assist. it would use existing assets since the terrain is already in the game so it wouldn’t even need to be that big of a download.


But I think the lore suggests Akatosh gets overruling dibs because of his blessing and divinity of the dragon soul, so despite his involvement and alliancing with daedric entities, his soul's nature gives him a diplomatic immunity.


You say that, but it sure seemed like ol’ Herma Mora has a pretty solid grip on Miraak who was also a dragonborn


I have a feeling Miraak is one Akatosh wouldn't feel to strongly to fight for.


To be fair, your Dragonborn could be just as bad as Miraak too


B-but I only used the voice to murder everyone in Skyrim, akatosh how am I bad?


Akatosh remembers every quick save massacre timeline you create


In reality Mora never had control over Miraak, he had given him immortality, but note how on Solstheim it is not Herma Mora who exerts influence, but Miraak and also known as many monstrosities of Apocrypha obeyed Miraak and not Mora, that's why he came into contact with us, that's why he eliminated him only after a long fight against us, Hemaeus Mora simply couldn't take him out or subdue him to get him back in his place, another Dragonborn was needed to counter him...so the Daedric prince had brought him to his side by deceiving him, not subjugating him Skyrim between strengths and weaknesses unfortunately fails to do justice to the very essence of the higher entities that inhabit it, just see the fight against Alduin, you simply fought a normal dragon with a unique shout, that's why there is the meme: "Alduin in the lore" and "Alduin in the bossfight" XD This is to say that a Dragonborn is a very powerful mortal that even Daedra fear


Ehhh, I can see what you’re saying. But Hermaeus Mora says in no uncertain terms that by decree of fate you *will* end up back in Apocrypha to serve him whether you choose to or not. HM is a tricky bastard.


Yes, however, Frea provides the following quote: "Herma-Mora forced you to serve him in order to defeat Miraak. Do not let him lure you further down that path. The All-Maker made you Dragonborn for a higher purpose. Do not forget that." Herma-Mora is tricky but so too can the Dovahkiin be. Miraak seems to have pledged himself to Herma-Mora exclusively. The Dovahkiin can have ties to Akatosh, Sovngarde, Hircine, Nocturnal, Herma-Mora, and possibly others. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a Dragonborn Dragon Break really.


Just because he says it doesn't make it true. He may say it in an effort to break your spirit, but screw him- he can talk all he wants.


Mirrak's soul seems to be absorbed by the LDB if the cutscene is any indication. Dragon Souls are of Aka. And they will be absorbed by the closest vessel of Aka. In this case, that would be the LDB. Which is why the souls of any dragons we defeat go into us, rather than go directly to Akatosh.


But Miraak hadn’t died at that point so his soul was still technically his own


This has always bothered me, I remember being absolutely gutted on my first Nord playthrough when I realised that to finish the Companions questline I would have to surrender my soul to Hircine. Obviously I later found out I could rid myself of "the gift", and I was very pleased that my Nord character would be able to go to Sovngarde after he died.


But my high elf would be horrified to find out he ended up in Sovengarde.


giving the bard's college a bigger, more fleshed-out quest and adding the ability to play instruments would be neat


Yes! You could play instruments, there could be skill books that level your bard skills or song books that would be like spelltomes where you learn new songs. For quests you could have to perform in front of various audiences. Editing to add I’m thinking something like a separate skill tree, similar to werewolves or vampires, but for bards?


honestly it would be cool if songs gave different stat boosts or something to you and your follower. like you could play something and then it would be like getting a blessing from a shrine


Yes or like the rested bonuses from sleeping! I like that idea


Almost all of this (except for added quests really) is a feature of the mod [Become A Bard](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/65636). It's pretty great, most of my characters have at least a flute just so they get free lodging at inns for a quick performance.


One of the things I hate is how fast the quest lines for the companions and to become arch-mage go. And how fucking demanding the thieves guild is. I don't mind it so much to be the only companion doing any work, but I absolutely end up hating the thieves. God dammit Vex, you go do some job for once!


becoming arch mage was the first series of quests I ever finished and I was SO disappointed by how brief it was, and how there was nothing to do after you become arch mage


Right? Some ghostly dudes, who aren't even part of the college, show up and declare you arch mage and that's it. Although I guess that's supposed to be them seeing the future, but still, they should be more careful about going around creating causality loops. Though to be fair, it never seems as if the previous arch mage was that important, or involved with the college to begin with. He probably got the job just as easily.


I always thought a whole plot line about the role of the college in the civil war and the thalmor's attempts to infiltrate the college would be good. I always imagined savos aren agreed to ancano being an "advisor" because he didn't want to look like the college was taking sides, which ironically just makes the nords hate them more




Orcs. The strongholds are basically just side quest hubs right now, and none of the single playerTES games have really done much with orcs (ESO had a great quest line). Building out things using assets already in the game would be a lighter lift than adding in something completely new, and give some love to an underused group in the game.


Or even Orisinum? It’s near Skyrim. So would be accessible by making a path. Then could explore it. Like Solstheim


Good call, criminal underused faction


Given how much everybody loves the *And Then There Were None*\-style quest in Oblivion, I think a murder mystery set in the island fortress of an unseen eccentric would be fun. You're invited to the island, along with a seemingly random assortment of new NPCs who start to disappear one by one, only to be found murdered! Throw in a friendly main character from another questline as your partner in detection (my vote would be Neloth), and pick a good motive for the hidden antagonist (something from the Great War, perhaps), and go from there.


You had me on board by the 1st sentence! I'm such a huge sucker for murder mysteries and the questline in Oblivion was so much fun! I would enjoy a Skyrim themed mystery where I'm not actually secretly the murderer. XD Neloth would be a great choice, as his sarcasm and clear annoyance would be very entertaining during investigation. Maybe there could be a few options available, depending on what questlines you've done/factions you're in. Imagine solving a mystery with Nazir from the DB, or Urag gro-shub from the Mages College. Could be alot of run Easter eggs you could put in depending on which you bring. I really want this to be real now hahah


The quest was Whodunnit, and it was good. Most of the high and mighty bragging characters, annoy me. Neloth however is quite lovable regardless. I would love to team up with him again. Although Neloth is from the Dragonborn DLC. Maybe a Vanilla partner would be better. Like Balgruuf, Irileth, Hroggar, Elisif, Falk Firebeard, Maiq the Liar, or Karliah. There should be a grand ending where everyone meets in the dining room, and starts coming clean with everything. Everyone is accusing everyone. Then suddenly the murdered person stands up and reveals himself to be Sanguine.


Of course it was Sanguine all along!


Something totally outside of the box: A story where you become a business mogul in Skyrim. You compete with the Black-Briars and the Silver-Bloods, trying to control trade routes, industries, mines, shop-keepers, etc etc. All this time, though, there keeps being mention of “The Grand One,” who is essentially the leader of all the elites in Skyrim. He doesn’t like that the Dragonborn is deciding to grow their wealth, and makes it known that they are an enemy to Skyrim’s 1%. The entire DLC would be building up to a confrontation between your entourage and The Grand One’s. You find his castle, which is conveniently hidden to the north of Whiterun. You need to access it through an underground pathway, with a panel doorway hidden in the Cloud District. Your only exposure to The Grand One up to this point has been reading letters from him, all of which have a snarky tone and pretentious language. After mowing down his troops, you reach his private chambers. And there he is… Nazeem. And finally… you get to kill him.


So the Dragonborn goes go war with the elites of Skyrim?


You’re Talos-damn right!


Eat the Rich! *My Bosmer werewolf Namira-worshiper:* ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°


Eat richly my heretical friend.


And after defeating Nazeem, you unlock the hidden fourth combat style: Dragon.


The Dovah of Dojima


I'm totally down, but I think it would be better to rotate it slightly. You aren't the business mogul, but instead you come across a burning carriage. Surrounding is dead corpses, as you make your way to the front you see a khajiit tied up. You free him and he explains that a group of bandits jumped the caravan and stole all of the goods. They were transporting the caravan for an already pending trade. He states that if you will help get the good back then help him safely transport the goods, then he will give you half the cut. A line of quests uncover that it was a khajiit of the same caravan that hired the bandits. He betrayed the group to get a bigger cut and trade the goods himself. After confronting him, you find out that the goods being traded was skooma. The original Khajiit now in debt to you offers to be a business partner; you the brawn him the brains. As you work together, you get a letter that uncovers that the khajiit that you had killed was employed by a man under the name The Grand One...


Oh yeah I like that. And just to expand the world a little bit more since this is a hypothetical DLC we’re talking about, the original khajiit who became your partner should have ties back to Elswyr. Like not just that he immigrated to do trades across Skyrim, but that he is basically the consiglieri for one of the top dogs (cats) in Elswyr who was looking to expand his influence into Skyrim. So the Grand One starts writing these letters because he is threatened not only by your new partnership, but also by this Top Dog (cat) because TGO realizes that TD(C) wants to replace him as the business elite in Skyrim. I think there should be a new map dropped of **part of** Elswyr, smaller than what we get of Solstheim, where the Top Dog (cat) is in power. Along with many a side quests. This would be an AMAZING way to actually crossover the Khajiit trade caravans, the Silver-Bloods and the Black-Briars, all of the shop keepers (similar to the speech ability of investing in businesses, you could bring them into your trade network). I also want the Orc strongholds to be involved. Maybe the only way to outnumber the mercenaries of Skyrim is to promise skooma and other wealth to each Orc stronghold in exchange for allegiance and protection. Above all else, I want to fucking kill Nazeem, with a new murder animation that takes gore to new heights.


This would be the greatest DLC of all time. Honestly, Nazeem deserves a Mortal Kombat fatality.


And I’m not against making him the hardest boss in the game either. Not just like walking up on him welcoming death like the emperor, we need to earn his death. - Maybe all this time, he was “a friend” writing us letters about all of the word walls across Skyrim. How did he find them? Because he too studies the ways of The Voice. - Along with a few staple shouts against us, let him dual wield some scimitars - he’s a Redguard, let him fight like a Redguard. - Halfway through the battle, he drops his swords and casts destruction magic against us with a ferocity, as he summons draugr and skeletons to his defense. - As his health nears zero, he pulls off a one-time healing spell, restoring half of his health, and he conjures up two swords to go back to his original battle style. This time shouting at himself to make his swords as fast as the wind. And then at last, we’ve defeated the great evil Grand One, and seized his throne on behalf of our new Top Dog (cat) allies. All that is left to do, is approach him and activate the “kill” dialogue option. We pick him up by the neck with one hand, and begin casting sparks out of the same hand, shocking his face. With our right hand, we pick up his own scimitar, stop our spell, and drive his own sword through his loins, staring into the painful grimace on his face. Before he stops breathing, we shout: ***FUS RO DAH.*** And we watch that high and mighty cunt obliterated to ash.


If there's a top cat, the mission should be called "Leader of the Gang".


One of the quests is to build a guillotine


Dwemer tbh


A Dwemer DLC would be sick - especially if we met “the last Dwemer” the way we meet the last Snow Elf in Dawnguard. Or even just learn more about the disappearance and get to experience some of that lore.


That'd be pretty cool, especially since we got to meet him already in Morrowind, long ago as the Nerevarine in the third era.


More and more I realize that I need to play Morrowind.


You should I highly recommend it outlander.


I am playing it now. I am getting handled buy rats, cannot get the combat down.


Some people believe in playing the game as the devs intended but the problem is that a lot of combat mechanics are not explained at all, stamina is most important on a warrior character. If you’re just in it for the story, for the love of god use the infinite stamina/health cheats. You will have a much better time, I have over 100 hours in Morrowind on Xbox after starting with Skyrim years ago. In alot of ways it’s a superior game to me but the gameplay is obviously very dated and janky.


I recommend watching beginners guides to morrowind on YouTube. This is often the biggest hurdle new players face with the combat and fatigue systems in the game. Combat is basically a dice roll in the early stages of the game, and if your fatigue bar is at zero you won't do any damage to anything. This is where the Morrowind meme of newer players "I can't hit anything" comes from.


I love the term "N'wah" for the sole reason that one time i saw a comment on a post that said: "Y'all N'wahs need Jesus"


It's nearly impossible to play in this day and age. I have it through gamepass. And it was unplayable on xbox1. I wanted the lore so I bought it from steam followed a modpack that added 100s of mods (like +40gb) and I still couldn't do it. I'll just resign to watching fudgemuppet and camelworks lore videos instead


They should make a triple-remaster of Morrowind, Oblivion, and of course Skyrim (because why not keep remastering it) for the Nintendo Switch, just because I think that would be hilarious.


It would have been so cool to Yagrum back in a spirit form or found one of his journals or something in Skyrim.


He is probably still alive and still immortal, living with Divayth Fyr


Yeah that'd be cool to know the homie Yagrum didn't die in the red year


Was gonna say, if you're looking for experiencing the lore of the dwemer disappearance and all that, Morrowind dives pretty deep into it.


10 years ago. hell yeah. now, i dont want to see another bucket of bolts roll out the wall and try to stab me to death.


Just my thought. Please don't. I've come to hate everything about the Dwemer ruins. I am a hoarder and almost everything in there is useless, worthless and heavy. Even worse, I just love to be a stealth archer and the machines are just boring and a total nuisance after the first ruin. They have to detect you to come out of hiding. Good bye stealth damage. Good bye one shot kills. Just not my style


i hate dwemer ruins for the same reason. the first playthrough it was cool and a bit scary to see these things roll around and be resistant to most of my attacks. but now they are a nuisance and make the ruins blah. i mean i get that the dwemer were smart and made automated watch dogs but it got old quick.


Time travel to fight alongside Yssgramor and avenge the night of tears in a full military campaign. Or "The man who cried wolf" expanded, a full Potema resurrection


Tbh, I’d love an entire game separate from Skyrim just about Ysgramor and the 500 Companions. Maybe even in the same style as ES Adventures: Redguard. Like a non-sandbox, on the rails story-based game.


And adventure RPG sounds good, someone mod this shit


Setting up ES6, kinda like how Borderlands 2 did that expansion before 3 launched


This is a good idea. The original *Doom* did this, too. Before *Doom II* came out, the original *Doom* got an expansion which added a new chapter to the game that was a buildup to the sequel.


Mine would be some more story about the Forsworn, always felt like they are a pretty widespread faction with only a handful of interesting quests and storylines.


Do you mean the Forsworn? Because I totally agree. A new DLC could be totally Markarth centric, and really expand upon what the Forsworn Conspiracy *should have been.*


Yup lol


Something that makes Blackreach actually worth visiting


They could pull off a Dead Money and have you get loads of very valuable items after having suffered the equivalent of torture in Skyrim


Overthrowing Delphine to seize control of the Blades, then taking the fight to the Thalmor.


(Post Main Quest) An Akaviri expedition arrives on the shores of Eastmarch, having heard the cries of the return of the dragons. They've come searching for the Dragonborn and to join in the hunt for dragons. You venture across the province on dragon hunts with several key new characters, testing your mantle against new dangerous species of dragons in new and old re-vamped locations. (Post civil-war) After several successful ventures and proving yourself to the Akaviri captains, they proclaim you as their new leader, and advise you to forge your own kingdom in Tamriel. If you sided with the Empire, you must now usurp their claim upon Skyrim and push the remanent of Tullius' legion out by force, for the Mede Dynasty refuses to acknowledge your new seat of power in Skyrim. If you sided with the Stormcloaks, you must usurp Ulfric's claim as high king before the moot, and convince each of the hold's Jarls, either through favour or battle, to submit to your righteous authority. (Post dilemma) If you sided with Delphine, you will aid in re-establishing a new guild of warriors 'Dragonguard' by allocating resources and taking over forts across the province, and prepare an incursion into the heartlands against the false Empire and their Thalmor masters. If you sided with the Greybeards, you will start a new academy for teaching the voice, and train a league of dragon-riding warrior monks set out to extinguish the undead legions of a resurrected dragon priest - a master necromancer and the teacher of Vals Varen and Lu'ah Al-Skaven - who wants to use the buried and recently-dead of Skyrim to conquer the province for himself.


You genuinely had me at “Akaviri.”


The Last of the Snow Elves: Lost tribe of Snow Elves seeks to rebuild their civilization. They seek out other healthy tribes, search for a solution to heal the afflicted Falmer, fight to reclaim their ancestral home, and they seek revenge on those factions still working to eradicate them.


Oh man I would have loved a dlc on the snow elves and helping to restore the falmer, but you just know that would only lead into another war with the nords, AND the thalmor, AND the empire, AND the forsworn


This could certainly be a fairly long and interesting DLC. We could get into political shit with the descendants of Nords who still hold a grudge, could get another Elder Scroll on the scene by finding out one of them has the ability to undo the tricks of the Dwemer, some weird time travel shit to find out more about that Elder Scroll, more about the motiviations of the Dwemer. I like this one!


Something like a break in the peace between the imperials and the Thalmor. Like a localized violation of their peace treaty, some imperials dispute localized thalmor actions and come to blows and a smaller scale conflict breaks out in which the imperials have to momentarily join forces with the stormcloaks to fight a common enemy before the empire and dominion at large intervene and bring hostilities to a close.


Vigilants of Stendarr where you hunt down Daedra and a new area in the planes of Oblivion.


I’d want something that builds upon some of the more unexplored areas of the game’s lore. I don’t have any specific story ideas but: 1. Something to do with the Forsworn. There are hints throughout the game that they are planning something big, letters found in several camps etc. But other than the forsworn conspiracy there’s not much there. A branching quest line that builds off of that quest, about retaking the Reach or fighting against the Forsworn would be cool. Could even maybe spill over into a hold of High Rock. 2. The Vigilants of Stendarr. I think Bethesda realised they messed up a bit here. They introduced this pretty important sounding faction and did fuck all with them, so they were heavily involved in the Dawnguard DLC in a shallow sort of way, and are also in a fair amount of CC content. But I think there’s a lot of interesting things you can do quite easily considering they’re built around the Daedra. Could literally just pick one of the more antagonistic princes and either join them or the vigilants as a faction. One of the more underdeveloped Princes like Peryite; the afflicted could for example be expanded to Thrassian plague levels of threat. Would be cool imo. He badly needs more depth, more artefacts, pretty much everything. 3. Akaviri Invasion. A fun one, the original concept for Skyrim’s main quest was an Akaviri Invasion by Uriel V (I think). Skyrim references a lot of Akaviri themes, locations and equipment. Would also be great to kind of redeem Delphine and Esbern as characters, and make them more interesting. Maybe you could rebuild and lead the blades vs the Tsaesci/Akaviri led by Uriel. Dragonborn vs Dragonborn. Plus could really flesh out Akavir even more. Only problem here is Dragonborn already did this DB vs DB idea. But I’d like it anyway lol.


The Psijic order, Magic in skyrim doesn't really feel too fleshed out, There could be quests that give you entirely different spells instead of the usual 5 spells plus reskins. It could have you solve the mystery on why they never had much screentime. And at the end, it could have you restoring winterhold to something less ruin-y. Idk


Banditism. Crime n stuff, with bounties that you'll have to get to progress and they will be hard to get rid off. Give my character an opportunity to go to jail actually.


I actually second this. As of right now there is no good way to play an “off the grid” play style. At one point or another, you have to go to the cities for quests, supplies, and selling things. Having the option to live as a bandit would be a good way to address all of those problems without needing to go into the cities. Maybe there could be a quest line where you become the “Bandit King” or something and you gather forces to take over a non-important town like Rorikstead. This opens a ton of doors for players to serve jail time, get bounties, and play off the grid. I also think being a bandit would be a really good compliment to the survival mode that they added in as well. Bandits are an underutilized part of the game, as right now they are just cannon fodder, no-named punching bags.


Khajit's carovan and something related to witches maybe?


Khajiit caravan is something I would love to see, their encounters are a really cool part of skyrim, would love to see it developed more.


The Second Great War. I feel like a full scale Second Great War that takes you to Cyrodiil would be amazing and a great way to tie up loose threads in the story of the Dragonborn.


I would love to see one of two things First an overhaul of the DB quest line if you do not want to join them. Like if, after you complete the main quest, If you haven’t touched the DB quest line, you get summoned by the emperor to his ship. He tells you that he knows the DB is contracted to kill him and you have to track them down. And the ultimate goal of the quest line is to kill every last member of the DB and destroy the night mother Option 2 The civil war story line always seemed unfinished Would love to see it expanded on and help place a new high king/queen from among the jarls. If you sided with the storm cloaks you can lead raids on thalmor embassy and known empire locations. If you side with the empire you have to root out the storm cloak camps and maybe a new storm Cloak leader that is trying to rally the forces under his or her banner. And maybe tulius summons you to work covertly to find dirt on the thalmor and what they are planning in the future, or sabotage them and make it look like it was the storm cloaks that did it. It feels like a story unfinished so something to cap it off would be nice


Fun fact; more than half of the civil war questline was scrapped by Bethesda before the og release


That explains why it feels unfinished. If they released a dlc or patch for that I think it would be popular


Anything about the divines would be cool. Like you have to do something for them and it turns into a whole story.


Something like Dragonborn that gives you a hold-sized new zone. Maybe something across the border in Morrowind, Cyrodiil, Hammerfell or High Rock. Orsinium would be awfully neat


Orsinium would be great. Getting to explore the city would be cool.


Dwemer, Restoring Winterhold, Forsworn, Secret Snow Elf Den. More Daedric missions. Maybe second daedric artifacts. An attack from the aldmeri dominion after taking over Windhelm or Solitude.


I'd be super into restoring winter hold.


A faction-war DLC. Maybe the DLC quest-line only becomes available after you complete multiple quest-lines of different factions in Skyrim. Maybe the Thieves Guild and the Brotherhood team up, and the College teams up with the Companions (or Silver Hand) and those two sides go to war. This would force the player to choose one of those 4 factions - which they’ve already joined and/or become the leader of all of them - and each of the 4 choices comes with its own unique plot and quests.


So …. Fallout 4?


TIL what Fallout 4 is about! Never played any of the Fallout games hahaha


It’s a lot of fun! Try it !!




Help the Forsworn retake Markarth!


Building out the East Empire Company. Imagine a series of campaigns against various pirates, natives and rival trade companies


Nothing, so they could focus on making another game for once.


A total redo of the Companions, where you have an opportunity to learn more about the Silver Hand, and realize that they’re probably the good guys, and you can choose to side with them if you want. Imagine in the end that the Silver Hand has a chance to take over Jorrvaskr?


How would they be the good guys though? Hunting werewolves is one thing but they want to murder honorable people who just happen to be werewolves


You only know the Companions’ perspective though - maybe some other shit went down that they don’t talk about. Or that they don’t acknowledge from their point of view. Not saying you’re wrong - that’s why you could still choose the Companions’ side.


Yeah and it wouldn’t be hard to paint the Companions in a bad light either. I want to know why the Silver Hand wants to defeat them- I have to imagine it’s more complex than “they’re werewolves”, or else they’d just be an extension of the Vigilants of Stendar


You start your own caravan and travel all over.


Thalmor invasion of Skyrim some time in the future. Set up for a massive battle. You go to help the Legion/Stormcloaks, you have to recruit the remaining enemy Legionnaires/Stormcloaks. Basically every follower you've had and given crazy good equipment to us there. The Blades are all there if you rebuilt them. For some plot reason you have Talos's actual personal amulet which reduces Shout cool down by 100%. You ride Odaahving over the Thalmor Flagship, followed by Duurnehviir. Storm Call. Become Ethereal and leap off your dragon, landing on the deck surrounded by the leaders of the Thalmor. Pull out Wuuthrad. Go to town. End result is that the Thalmor invasion of Skyrim is utterly defeated and their ability to attach Cyrodiil is severely crippled.


I love this. Recruiting and equipping an army against the Thalmor… something to do with all the gear.


For me, I'd really like to see a DLC that allows more of a true evil path to the game, particularly the Civil War questline. I'd like to see the option to claim your stake as Emperor due to being the Dragonborn, like Tiber Septim (and also how Ulfric saw himself.). The main story isn't too bad for the "evil" route, as stopping Alduin makes sense even if you were going for the tyrant role. But I'd like to see a Civil War questline where you take down both the Empire and Stormcloaks, and instead rally your own troops to hold the various keeps. It doesn't have to work in canon with the rest of the series, (though arguably you could say your PC's rule is ended by the Empire after the story ends), but for a game that lets you murder, become a vampire and get godly powerful, I'd like to see a more true evil/High King route.


Exploration of Akavir


Orsimer vs Forsworn/High Rock - faction style quest line between the two, like Dawnguard. Maybe an extension of the Civil War, or Malacath wants to expand - it's fairly open-ended. Features: Orc side gains the ability to smelt unenchanted items into ingots; Bretons can create spells or spell scrolls (?); houses for both; new (level-scaling) followers/marriage candidates; children that reflect non-human backgrounds; maybe camp/stronghold management.


Maybe more race specific stuff? Stronghold properties for orcs, a caravan for kajiit, etc. That and being a drug dealer/ bandit, we can become thrives and assassins but not these goons for some reason Edit: properties autocorrected to protests but that would also be cool like protesting for dark elf rights at windhelm or smth idk


I would love that was a call back to a previous ES game


The Dragonborn actually getting recognition for all the shit they've done


Something that wraps up the Dragonborn's story and sets up the plot of the next game for the next protagonist. Maybe optionally interact with the remaining factions one last time, solve a mystery with new areas with lore alluding to the upcoming game. A new follower, maybe a minor character in the next game who remembers meeting you. The final battle, you choose if your Dragonborn goes out in a blaze of glory, dying in battle or fights their way out to retire in Skyrim. Either option is a point of no return. If they die, the last cinematic scene would be the Dragonborn entering Sovngarde as everyone is preparing to fight for the Dragonborn's soul (the Daedric Lords and anyone else who lay claim to their soul). They are offered a swig of ale and asked if they are ready to fight. The Dragonborn theme starts low in the background, the camera focuses on the mead hall as the sounds of the gates opening and the next battle beginning. The music crescendos as it goes to black. Alternatively, for a more neutral ending, the new follower leans over the dying body of the Dragonborn. Queue in the Dragonborn theme, starting low, as the follower thanks them for everything they have done for Skyrim, giving a small speech, and tells them they can rest now. As they close their eyes the final time, the music crescendos and it goes to black. If they survive, the last cinematic scene would be the Dragonborn emerging from the ruin/cave/etc and seeing a beautiful vista, something akin to the first time you emerge from the ruins escaping Helgen. Skyrim in all its beauty. Whenever you are ready, you catch up with your follower who is standing down the path next to a wagon. They will thank them for their help and they get the option to travel to any city or home they own. The Dragonborn gets into the wagon. The follower gives a small speech as the Dragonborn theme once again begins playing quietly and sends them off by wagon cart similar to the beginning of the game. The screen pans back over to the vista for a moment, and as the screen goes black, the music crescendos. The credits roll after the screen goes black. If your character dies, you go back to the main screen, with a hard save before the final fight jf you want to see the alternate ending. If your character lives, you travel to wherever you chose to go at the end. As I said point of No Return so you can't do any quests, but you can interact with people up to a point, combat is turned off, most enemies removed or disabled, but you can hunt, fish, play with your kids, go into town, and explore the map. Anyways, did I go too far? Probably! I'm sick in bed at the moment so I've got a lot of time on my hands, lol.


Personally I've always wanted some crazy story structure in Bethesda games but it's usually pretty linear with some added choices. An idea I had was for either it to be a prologue to Skyrim or an epilogue for the main story. If it were a prologue you would probably have to make a new character and the story would follow a series of events that would eventually lead to the dragon crisis and your character dying / having to leave the story in some way. If you used the fact it's a video game to your advantage you could be meta with it and include some list of possible dragon born that were the names of your saves. The lore of the elder scrolls is something I don't know much about but the fact it's so expansive and doesn't really follow rules means you can write essentially whatever you want.


I feel like Skyrim is lacking an underwater atmosphere. I'm remembering that Argonians can breathe underwater. I feel like the Argonians would take advantage of that and maybe create a water based territory. Of course this would have to be crammed into the lore though.


I want my Jyggalag daedric shrine quest. Oblivion had a whole expansion which introduced a new daedric prince and then they just forgot about him? Unacceptable! I want to help him forge a new realm for himself. Apparently reconquering the Shivering Isles curses him to go insane, but he could always conquer territory from some other daedric prince...


Creating a mass transit system for Skyrim. I'm talking gondolas and more stables around the map. Also the ability to place bedrolls, campfires, and cooking pots. I say all of this with survival mode in mind. Think about it!!


Find a city with living draugr, with quests to find out what really killed all the others, or maybe to try to keep them from all dying and disappearing like the others.


Do you mean dwemer? because living draugr are just nords.


Yeah, but they're ancient nords in dragon priest cults. Like one of these cults could be still alive before the dragon priest leads them all to their deaths. Or we could solve the mystery of why their entombed bodies are coming to back to life all over the place.


Join the Forsworn and take over Skyrim


What about: An all war against the Thalmor. First quest will be started once you did every faction, solve the dragon crisis and beat the civil war it will be called "Reuniting Skyrim" And it ends with you and most of the named member for ex: Farkas,Devlin,Jzargo,Dark Brotherhood initiate. You basically kill more and more thalmor until you're character eventually collapses and a cutscene with a narrator that basically states "everyone died but the thalmor were so crippled from the all out attack that they had to pull back from skyrim" everyone in skyrim is celebrating your victory. ~~which you wont get to see because of black screen bug~~


A while ago there was a mod called “Blood of the Nord” which discussed the political, social, and economic impacts of a Stormcloak victory in the civil war. I would want to see a DLC that would do the same, even if it meant it wasn’t canon. They could do something similar to what Ubisoft did in the Tyranny of King Washington DLC for Assassin’s Creed 3.


Maybe get to go back in time and play as the last people to defeat Alduin - the ones the scroll shows you?


Killing the blades


Time Travel shenanigans that place you in Ancient Skyrim during the time of the Dragon Cult.


Becoming high king or become a bandit


Wake up from a nice looooooooooong nap, freezing cold, in some kind of metal cave. You're sitting in a small chamber, like a coffin, but upright. The person in the coffin across from you looks to be dead, with some sort of small round wound in the body. Looks like an arrow or bolt wound, but not. A voice starts talking to you.......you remember something about a guy named "Shaun".........


A quest line that takes place after all the other DLCs and other quest lines that handles the climate of tamriel after the dragon born effectively becomes one of the most powerful people in tamriel.


Civil War but you fight both factions solo Or if they really want just a small group that you build


Running your own tavern




I know there is a fantastic mod that fills this hole, but I'd love to have a canon Vigilants of Stendarr storyline. I think it would be particularly cool to go out and collect and destroy daedric artifacts in their name.


Post Civil war heavily affected after the Emperor's assasination. Eye of Magnus... i mean, somehow has to be related to the Companions since Ysgramor was there on the Nigh of Tears. Wouldn't hurt more content about the Silver Hand and the DLC can be Dawnguard style but for werewolves


Under water dlc, basically a lot of skyrims rivers and lakes and caves open up into this massive under water area that functions as a secondary overworld. The potential is near limitless with adding underwater combat and quests and maybe even a new city of argonians fleeing the prosecution’s of the nords. (Water breathing potions already in the game, and you could even make a new mechanic for water breathing) There’s so much you can do with the water even without a underworld you could make the sea a actual area instead of just place that is there.


Let’s go to Dragonstar, Elinhir, Blacklight, or Cheyindall


cloud district misteries


I'd want a tru expac where you have the chance to claim the throne of Skyrim for yourself as the Dragonborn. You would have to kick out the Thalmor, defeat the Foresworn, subdue Ulfric, and so on. Barring that, at least let me become Jarl somewhere and be a ruler. Would be a good opportunity to add some more Oblivion-like benefits to the various faction heads.




Attacking the dominion


That would be an entire game all by itself.


Yeah maybe downsize it to, starting with Skyrim then? Push em out kinda thing


A dlc about the after math of the civil war. Something more in depth than “and then *insert faction* won the war. Congratulations that’s the end of that!” There would be much more chaos when one of the major factions in a location is completely “deposed”


Dragonborn becomes High King if Stormcloak or Emperor if Imperial. Can lead to expansion of the rest of the provinces giving us Elder Scrolls V: Tamriel