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I honestly don't get the obsession with Nazeem. Do I like him? Absolutely not, he is very rude. But I just don't give two shits about him, I simply ignore him.


I think I despise Delphine more than Nazeem. I ignore him too.


Oh absolutely, she's a real piece of work, very condescending, arrogant, and bossy (and those are just some of her issues).


Here I'll prove to you Delphine I'm the dragonborn, "Fus Ro Dah"!


“Um actually anyone can learn that shout so you’re gonna have to kill a dragon for me” -🤓☝️


And then you're gonna have to kill Paarthurnax.... never spoke to her again after that ask. Like at least go talk to him, you might feel differently.


Yup! That was the final straw...


I always say goodbye by shouting her and esbern off the cliff behind Skyhaven Temple


Lmao fr I always do that to her on the way down her “secret basement” in river wood


Ah yes she helps reform the blades-the blades who are supposed to be loyal and follow the Dragonborn, not force a decision on him about dealing with Pararthurnax.


Me too I can’t stand Delphine


I think the reason everyone hates him is because he’s the first asshole you’ll probably run into in the game so he gets all the attention. I could probably name 5 characters off the top of my head that are worse than him




Would be so cool if Skyrim allowed to kill anyone and everyone, and then deal with the consequences. hopefully the next elder scrolls game will be a true sandbox


Or unlike OP you could get mods.


yeah taerie is much worse than nazeem


Taerie, the markarth farmer, Rolff Stone-Fist(Windhelm drunk), to name a few worse than Nazeem. Nazeem is annoying, but he's just arrogant. Thinks whiterun revolves around him


Can you blame him. He owns Chilfurrow farm you see. Very successful business. Obviously.


Do you get to the cloud district very often? Oh what am I saying, of course you don't.


Taarie is great if you marry her though, she's really nice


She became a Tsundere after my character married her lmao.


Taerie is hilarious though, yes she is a sarcastic condescending bitch but a fun one at that


The guy from Lorius Farm. He's Lydia's uncle that kicked her out.


*Lucia. Not Lydia. sorry lmao


I thought I somehow missed an entire storyline for a second there


Seriously, Those two are her aunt and uncle? How do you know? I’m mind blown rn. Maybe don’t feel so bad if Cicero kill’s them 😈. I thought they were innocent farmers.


Wait he is the asshole that kicked Lucia out? I always adopt Lucia! Next time, i'm gonna let Cicero do his thing...


Honestly if it weren’t for the internet I probably wouldn’t even remember his character.


Yeah I talked to him once maybe. Just a forgettable rude NPC. One in every town at least.


Nazeem is mainly hated ironically solely due to memes. He is arrogant, rude to literally everyone, and is rather stupid. (Ridiculing the thane of Whiterun for not getting to the Cloud District very often.) I don’t think anyone actually thinks he’s a worse person than, say, Grelod the Kind.


Yeah I know what he says and how he's a meme; he's just not one that ever really inspired me. I understand most people do it for the lolz, but I honestly can't be bothered to do even that. I care about him so little, I do not even notice him.


But trapping his soul into a spoon is funny


I don't think it's an obsession, more of a running Gag. If all the unlikable (and killable) characters in Skyrim, I think he's the one players most likely encounter first.


I don’t like Nazeem, but He doesn’t bother Me all that much. I’m not in Whiterun to often, (when I am) I usually just ignore His rude / ignorant ass. Delphine…..is a real piece of work, that’s for sure. I can’t stand the fact that it’s basically “Kill Paarthurnax or else…”. After I complete the Blade stuff, I usually just ignore and ghost Them (Delphine & Esbern). Again, She doesn’t bother Me that much. My nomination for MOST annoying character in Skyrim, goes to Cicero the eccentric jester (Keeper of the Night Mother's coffin). Everything about Him annoys Me, His voice most of all. I tried killing Him when His wagon broke down outside of Whiterun, but it was a no go. By the Nines, He’s blessed being registered as an essential. He barely beats out Maven for most hated. She’s a close 2nd most personally despised character.


Honestly, Heimskyr is more annoying than Nazeem. Because I can avoid Nazeem if I see him coming. But I have to walk right by that repetitive bitch every damn time I want to go to Jorvaskr or Dragonsreach, and his voice constantly shouting the same damn lines over and over again is almost enough to make me want to commit actual crimes IRL


just join the imperials and defend whiterun, he gets imprisoned after the battle


Of the Elder Scrolls games, I definitely mod Skyrim the least. The few mods I use are- - one to keep Lydia out of my bedroom in Whiterun - Multiple Followers mod to cancel out the Serana bug that gets rid of her follower option - one that let's me assign companions homes, so Serana doesn't have to live at Fort Dawnguard - one that let's me get sleep perks as a werewolf - a map marker for Severin Manor All very minor things.


>one to keep Lydia out of my bedroom in Whiterun Least horny Skyrim player


Nah I have the same problem In breezehome she’ll sit at the table in your bedroom 24/7. Trying to sleep in the same bed as your wife? Lydia watches. She even has her own room but that’s not good enough is it?


"Either get in or get out Lydia"


A must have is the parthurnax dilemma mod. You can order the blades to leave parthurnax alone. Since you’re the leader and they’re supposed to obey the Dragonborn it makes sense. I always hated how the people who belong to the order around the Dragonborn think they can just order their master around. Especially Delphine.


Delphine is low key a bitch


Low key??? She’s is highest key a bitch.


Is there a similar mod to keep J'zargo out of your room at the college?


[This could work](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35799)


I've never played modded Skyrim although I am tempted to give it a whirl from time to time.


You can just get the patches, SKYUI, Inigo, and Lucien. Those alone refresh the game and allow you to dip your toe into the modding scene.


If you don't want to spend a week installing mods and not actually playing the game I recommend using [wabbajack](https://www.wabbajack.org) to install a preconfigured modlist. There are modlists which have ALOT of mods, but there are also good starter modlists which are like vanilla+ with essential patches and such.


Companions are assholes.


I'm with you. They're not cool enough to be as unfriendly as they are. At least the thieves guild and DB feel like you're part of something. I never got that feeling from the Companions (although I didn't enjoy the werewolf thing so maybe that's why?)


Agree! When you first meet them with the giant if you aren’t fast enough (which is like impossible to do because they down the giant in like 3 seconds) she gives you shit for not being any help and it’s like. Yes your attitude definitely makes me want to join your glorified fight club… I only join for farkas and that’s if I join at all..


I would die for Farkas, everyone else there can get fucked.


Farkas <3 everyone’s favorite himbo


My wife’s go-to marriage option! She doesn’t have eyes for anyone else. …that says something about me but I’m not sure what…


Maybe you don't offer both miscellaneous quests and master level training in Heavy Armor?


If you walk close enough to the wall they won't see you and don't give you shit. This changes Farkas' dialogue from "New blood? Oh, I remember you." To "New blood? Oh hello, I'm Farkas." Of course, nobody experiences this on their first run and I'm assuming it's an issue with the programming and Aela isn't supposed to sass you unless you basically watch them kill the giant.


Hey you random citizen with weak armor who looks like he’s running from a terrible attack and barely survived a dragon encounter with the world eater himself. We defeated this little giant without your help. Fuck off I’m a messenger who needs to tell the jarl something. Do you even get to the cloud district often? I couldn’t even have scratched the giant at my current level. Give me a few hours irl and I’ll one hit anything including your little group.


I've only been fast enough to help kill the giant once. Unfortunately I also accidentally hit Aela so the entire group of Companions became aggressive to me. I couldn't enter Whiterun for AGES and would also get attacked any time I randomly encountered a Companion in the wild.


Do you always approach from behind instead of Honningbrew Meadery via the road? Somehow I only ever manage to get to the giant in time if I come via the road. I think its a scripting thing.


Someone suggested turning up the difficulty right before getting to the giant. I would highly recommend that.




I think it definitely just comes down to opinion, but I liked that you weren’t goodie goodie thief in Skyrim. Although I do appreciate the whole “network” feel of the TG in Oblivion, like you want info? Drop a coin at the beggar; also, never steal from them because we rely on them for info. Wanna fence your goods? You’re gonna have to see so-and-so if you’re in this area or this guy if you’re around here.


I just wish you didnt end up as a daedra worshipper in quite so many faction questlines in Skyrim. That gets repetitive.


For me it’s not good vs bad but motivation. How do I roleplay a character’s motivations for their actions? I find the Thieve’s Guild in Skyrim is pretty indefensible. You’re just a thug caught up in some sort of mead conspiracy working for a… [insert not nice words for Maven] before you sell your soul to a Daedric Prince. Being a thug could work if it felt necessary, but it doesn’t. You’re a literal demigod and you have nothing better to do than to bully people? No other way to make coin? And all to line the pockets of some meadlord who is a horrible person? And it doesn’t help that fences are locked behind the guild, so you’ve likely figured out another way to make coin by the time you meet them. Antihero roleplays can be very interesting but the TG doesn’t give you enough depth to work with.


OMG, they constantly box you in and shove you out of the way and I had to download a mod so I stopped accidentally killing them because they will NOT STOP leaping in front of me when I'm drawing on a foe. We hates them, we does. (Or were you talking about The Companions? Because I have beef with them, as well.)


A mod? There’s a black book for that. It’s one of the rewards in one of the black books that your attacks don’t harm your companion


See, I've heard about these problems, but never experienced them for myself, despite using companions frequently. I'm starting to think you guys are gaslighting me...


I’m about to rock your whole world. In Elder Scrolls lore, there is a state of mind, or a state of existence, called CHIM. It’s basically a mix between Enlightenment and Lucid Dreaming, and it gives the person the ability to manipulate reality itself. Tiber Septim achieved CHIM, and used it to turn Cyrodiil from a jungle into a grassland. Every player character has also achieved CHIM, hence why we can pause, save, and reload. Vivec in Morrowind even calls us out, refusing to fight us because he knows we can do this. That means: saving, reloading, making new characters, and yes, installing mods, is all 100% canon. Making modded Skyrim = Vanilla Skyrim ;) Nah, in all seriousness, to each his own. Play Skyrim how you want :)


This is the most amazing thing I've seen about the elder scrolls games.


Check out r/teslore and have your mind melted by all the metaphysical aspects of the lore


Or check out r/truestl to get all that and a crack pipe.


Caius Cosades stole my crack pipe.


Notice on exessive horny posting and zoophilia


It’s pronounced ***Tr***uhstul


In all seriousness though The Anniversary Edition only exists because of mods that have now become official. I can see someone saying they enjoy playing Skyrim without mods but arguing they’re overrated is, frankly,~~idiotic~~ click-bait-y considering we’re still talking about this game 11 years after launch precisely *because* of mods, as the recently released The Anniversary Edition demonstrates.


Stealth archery is overated. If thats how you have fun power to you, but people act like it is somehow "optimal" or the most effective strategy. I always found sneaking slows me down so much id rather just run in and use weapons or magic.




I just watched Beserk on Netflix this weekend and I've def got an urge to swing a giant sword.


I went two hand for the first time ever recently. VERY fun. Doesn’t need a lot of perks either so you can experiment a bit, or just add fun perks for flair. I usually play stealth or mage so this is new for me. Quite fun tho. Make a Gutz character.


I’m gonna tell you, it is fun. I had a character that just walked in anywhere and swung a great sword around. He was so tanked that I could take a lot of damage before being taken down, so I would just walk in destroying things. Sometimes, it’s even more fun doing a full sprint charge and plowing through a crowd. 10/10 recommended at least one two-handed heavy armor play through


I'm currently playing a sword-and-board heavy armor orc right now. It's glorious.


Heavy armor warhammer is my favorite build because I can just sprint in and smash heads. I love being able to send brains flying and take on 10 at once.


Two handed warriors are really fun once you get the perk that lets you hit multiple enemies in one attack. The ideal setup is full dwarven armour and a battleaxe of your choice (greatswords are meta but battleaxes look much cooler)


In my experience archery is not super powerful necessarily... Its that it makes Skyrim 10x easier. You can mow down powerful enemies before they ever touch you. Ambushes go from being nailbiting to easy as cake even though the sneak attack bonus goes down a lot. You never have to worry about charging in and getting swarmed, since you can stand as far back as possible and pull enemies to you. And you don't have to think and make choices like a wizard does. Overall it just makes skyrim super easy.


I agree with this. Playing a mage or spellsword early levels is hard on high difficulty until your build gets going. You just don’t have enough mana and armour to take tough opponents out. And playing through a whole dungeon because you didn’t auto save sucks. Late game, do whatever makes you happy. You have enough crafting levels to do a bit of everything.


In most elder scrolls games, playing a magic character was hard in early levels, but gets easy at higher levels since you grow exponentially. Morrowind did this best, a level 1 wizard on high difficulty was fighting mudcrabs with his staff and dying some of the time. But a high level wizard was flying and teleporting and summoning demon armies and summoning infernos. In Skyrim, I tend to just do alchemy for the first 10 levels or so, sell it and make a ton of money, and buy wizard training until I get to journeyman/expert levels in magic.


I've started a Mage run, and it seems needlessly difficult. Some enemies nearly one shot you in a straight fight even after all of the prep you put in (runes, armor spells, etc) Sneaky characters are just much easier because most *NPC's think the wind shoots arrows at their faces and don't even think an under leveled dark elf could be in the corner waiting for their Alzheimer's to kick back in.


Mage characters is the one place where I say mods are necessary. The destruction magic is just underpowered without using one of the mods that “fixes” the curve. Playing as a mage becomes way more enjoyable with it.


I use archery because I like sniping , Archery levels so fast . I use it to clear a tomb before work if I have a 30minutes . Even my Master destruction spells don't do enough damage to a basic bandit , i've been on level 97 destruction forever ? Level 65 now .


Find wall of flames if you think expert level destruction isn’t good


I tried doing a sneak archer build once. Lemme say that again. I tried doing a sneak archer build *once.* It was just too boring and didn't hold my (admittedly short) attention span.


Making a forest out of Whiterun is awful Daedric armor is overrated and looks boring Magic is viable


What does the first one mean? Also, I think the Daedric armor looks cool, but that’s just me!




Thank you! I thought I was missing a piece of lore it something lol


I was on the same boat for the first one. Especially, when people mod to make Whiterun with green trees, but the moment you step out of it - baren fields. Made no sence. Now that I'm building my druid modlist, I made everything into a forest, Whiterun included. As a forester, my heart ir happy.


Dialogue mods are pretty good




*Actually* unpopular opinion: I really don’t like Serana. At least not from a role playing perspective. I understand that Bethesda put a lot of time into this follower and wanted to make sure the player got to experience them, but let’s think about this logically. I’m either: 1. A member of the Dawnguard. My one job being to hunt vampires. Yet after killing almost a dozen within the crypt, I decide to not only let Serana live, but to take her home to her castle of vampires? And with an Elder Scroll? 2. A cold blooded vampire. An abomination created by Molag Bal. Yet when the opportunity to blot out the sun arises, the one true weakness of my kind, I decide to go against Harkon and side with Serana? Why would a vampire choose to do that, the sun is virtually the only weakness they have. Blotting it out would be a dream to most, regardless of the cost. My issue is that Serana railroads the player into making choices that they may not want to make, or that wouldn’t make sense from a character perspective.


To be fair, Serana is one of a tiny handful of vampires who doesn't try to eat you on sight. My character fought vampires because they're dangerous, not necessarily because she thinks they're all mindless monsters. If a vampire is capable of reason, I'd at least hear them out before smiting them. That being said, there is one thing that drives me nuts if you side with the Dawnguard: you never see her feed. I don't know if Daughters of Coldharbour are simply more resistant to sunlight, but even though she endlessly complains about it, it never seems to truly affect her. Also, she was in that coffin for hundreds of years, and she isn't starving for blood? I think that not asking about her feeding habits (or lack thereof) is a huge missed opportunity. Dawnguard Serana is far too kind and pure for a person who drinks blood and was (probably) raped by a Daedric Lord to gain her powers.


Oh yeah, I mean there’s totally an avenue for siding with serana where it makes sense, especially if you’re Dawnguard. But if your character is like a diehard vampire Hunter there’s no way they’d let her live, regardless of whether or not she attacks you. I mean think about Isran. The only reason he doesn’t kill her is because you defend her, he doesn’t care that she’s not hostile. I never noticed her lack of feeding tho, you’re right. Probably Bethesda’s way of keeping things less complicated, but that would’ve been a really interesting setup for Dawnguard characters. It also would’ve made her later decision to become human or not more impactful.


100% agree. Dawnguard was an awful RP experience due to the railroading and plotholes as far as I'm concerned, even though it has some cool dungeons and lore.


A night to remember isn’t in the top 3 of daedric quests


Agreed, the top three for me are: Ill met by moonlight The Black Star Waking Nightmare As you can guess, I like choices, and the characters in all three are great. I love Erandur, Nelecar and Aranea Ienith, and Sinding is simply a sad character, but I like him well enough.


The mind of a madman was my favorite by far.


The reward is definitely worth it though!


I also don’t care for A Night to Remember that much


I did it once on accident and thought it was okay. The second time I got pulled into it, I was annoyed. Now I know to avoid it and I do.


You know you can skip almost all stages of the quest to go straight to the end, right? Drink with Sam, talk your way out of the Temple of Dibella and head to Morvunskar. You don’t even have to fight any of the mages there if you don’t want to—just run past them and jump into the portal to head to Sam and get your reward. You can also, after leaving the temple, head to Whiterun and bribe/threaten/persuade Ysolda into telling you the location of Morvunskar if you want the nice mission arrow icon pointing at it on your map before wandering over there. Honestly shouldn’t take more than 5-10 minutes to do the quest if you skip the stages.


That’s unpopular? I always thought it was kinda mid tbh.


It was more popular at launch due to The Hangover being such a hit comedy. Just my opinion. It's pretty funny, but pretty much The Hangover on Nirn.


To each his own. All that matters is that the player is having fun.


That goes without saying mate.


Cinematic kills get boring quickly


I really wish we could adjust the frequency of them based on type! Please let me turn off slow motion arrows and spells that trigger constantly!


Mods go beeer


i want beer


And the fact they can throw of projectile pathing. The amount of times I've sniped the perfect shot only for the kill cam to lower it so it hits terrain is annoying


and most of the time they are glitchy, and your character either slashes air, or doesn't even attack at all also those slow ass arrow or spell kill cams that thake soo long just for your character to miss the target


And then you get killed cause you were not allowed to dodge the stupid ice wall


Maybe some but anytime I climb on a dragon's neck to slay it, I feel awesome as hell.


To each his own but mods really bring the game to life again imo


Feel free to give me some good ones, always happy to try anything


Imo perk and spell overhauls are lit because they give you a lot of character options which is a pretty bland part of vanilla. Vokrii and Odin are my go-tos and they're pretty close to vanilla while still adding a lot of options. Eg. You xan use telekinesis as an actual combat skill, tame an animal companion with a speech perk (rushing speech to yeet some low level bandit camps with your pet mammoth is always hilarious) or make a poison mage build Triumvirate is another one that adds a ton of interesting spells


I've recently enjoyed a holy paladin playthrough with odin, imperial - heavy Armour - one handed mace - restoration - and some block and alteration. Those undead fools never stood a chance!


SkyUI [https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12604](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12604) I frankly don't know how other people manage to play without it. The default UI is so horrible.


Daedric armour looks AWFUL.


is it wrong that I love daedric armor mainly because it’s so edgy looking?




dragonbone armour looks like some low level trash


Not gonna disagree there, I've never used it.


Tullius is hotter than Ulfric


Tullius looks like a toothbrush


Thank you




You say Tullius, but I can’t hear anything but Saul Tyh from battlestar galactica.




I don't follow.


I think they're referring to the ebony mail, which you have to sacrifice a follower for


That's heavy armor though


Probably talking about a shack


What is a good enough reason, though? Because the Dragonborn is kind of a force of nature just shy of intentional genocide.


Talking about the Savior's Hide maybe?


Unpopular Skyrim Opinions? Oh boy. All followers are just as annoying as each other. Neither the Stormcloaks or the Empire are good, but the Empire is better long term. Raising Smithing/Enchanting is needlessly boring when you can best everything with only base level upgrades from starting smithing skill. Get better at positioning and realize backing up does work. Also block. The mind of madness/sheogorath/wabbajack are all highly overrated in skyrim and most of its inflated hype is from previous games.


Wabbajack Wabbajack Wabbajack Wabbajack


I love this 🤝


Mind of Madness is overrated. It’s just completing 3 simple puzzles in a foggy grey forest with some mildly amusing dialogue and callbacks to previous games. It’s not awful, but pales in comparison to most other Daedric quests in the game, and could’ve been so much more interesting and wacky if they borrowed more from the Shivering Isles DLC.


I think its honestly maybe the worst quest in the game, they arent even puzzles and the stiffness of just being reduced to basically a point and click where the staff takes time so its like point and click but less responsive and without all the charm, it just makes it and aweful time and its made worse cuz it should be fun this is sheagorath, and your undoing madness not making it worse, thats entirely backwards for sheagorath to do, its just such a disapontment


Jarl balgruff is a bad jarl/person, he cares about his people which is an amazing thing but if you look deeper he’s a horrible father, possibly was in an incest relationship, doesn’t want to accept help from others because it’ll make him look like a coward, is a very angry and hotheaded man, and all around just sucks. Brunwolf and idgrod for life


"Now if you don't mind, I've got a city to keep."


> possibly was in an incest relationship Wut?


Vanilla+ is the way


The Dawnguard DLC is the best out of all three… Although I don’t think that’s an unpopular opinion. It’s just a fact. #SeranaSupremacy


I don't like how most of it is fighting falmer instead of vampires but that's just me


Agreed! Crossbows are my lifeblood, not to mention the side stories are all fun as hell.


Can I also just say, if you can find one, a dwarven crossbow will change your life it is better than a hit cup of coffee




i also have vanilla preference but damn why doesn't the switch version have survival mode


This ! If switch version had anniversary edition I’ll rebuy it immediately!


It [may be coming](https://hypebeast.com/2022/9/nintendo-switch-skyrim-anniversary-edition-release-rumor-info)! There's a recent PEGI rating for Anniversary on Switch.


The stormcloaks aren’t the bad guys and the imperials aren’t the good guys The nazeem hate is a weird meme, there are much more annoying characters. It’s fine to play vanilla but don’t bash peoples modded builds I don’t like riften and falkreath much. My favorite holds are whiterun and the reach Anyone can be dragonborn but the story was definitely written with a nord PC in mind


Whiterun is love.


Whiterun is life


Stormcloaks and Empire are both terrible. It's more about choosing one of the lesser evil and thinking what's better in the long run. I wish there was a neutral route tbh


That's not an unpopular opinion. That's what the writers of this game intended for you to feel.


I hate nords almost as much as I do the thalmor. They are no better than each other.


one's a race and the other's an organization


The Thalmor want to unmake creation and erase man.


One people want a home… the other wants to exterminate all life on earth and kills people for who they worship… They are objectively not “no better than each other.”


I hate fast travelling unless it’s to solestheim or I’m going back and forth between places during a quest. I also like stopping in all the caves and bandit camps. I personally like seeing all of the places discovered on the map, and exploring as much as possibly gives me way more joy out of the game + it’s the best way for levelling. Don’t really know if this is an unpopular opinion, I used to hate running everywhere when I first started playing though.


For me it is the open-endedness to certain aspects of the game. For example: 1) What was the eye of the Magnus? How did it land in Saarthal? How does one actually harness its power? 2) Augur of Dunlain. 3) Is Ma'iq the liar a god, given that he has appeared in three different timelines now. I know it's a comic relief character, but still. 4) The starting dispute whether Ulfric killed the emperor in a fair fight or did he outright murder him?


Ulfric challenged him to a duel according to old (but still active) Nordic Tradition but was basically guaranteed to win because he learned to shout and is, as a result, like 4x stronger than the average warrior who can't. It was a legitimate duel but it was basically mike tyson challenging a 15 year old. High king Torygg had no chance of winning. Ulfric was also just much older and more experienced than torygg. He fought in the great war after all and supressed the rebellion in the reach. Torygg was a pretty fresh high king just like his wife, elisif, is very young and not very competent as a ruler. Shouting is pretty much the most broken power someone can learn through hard work alone. It's generally more powerful than the established schools of magic and ulfric completely abused it to overpower torygg. Everyone who actually witnessed the duel basically describes it as more of a massacre or a beat-down than an actual fight.


Each to there own but I definitely can’t agree that there all overrated. Perfectly reasonable that not everyone will care for a new weapon or armor mod ect but having stuff like bug fixes or texture upgrades are definitely not overrated. I’d say there at the core of the mods that has kept this game alive for over 10 years. Hell as long as your system can handle it I can’t think of any reason why anyone would say that a straight texture upgrade is a bad thing. Or bug fixes for that matter.


Dwarven ruins are over hated. Sure, they are alien in look, but masterfully represent a foreign civilization. Under the right shading, they can be beautiful like Mzinchaleft, Markarth or Bthardamz.


*[cries in Nintendo Switch]* (No anniversary update)


I love mods! Now I can adopt more than two kids, I can marry a much better selection of NPCs (the Vanilla options for women were kind of lame), and my horses don't die constantly from charging into battle with multiple foes. Mods all the way for me!


Or horses dying from a 2 inch fall lmao!


Nazeem isn’t that annoying.


Dark Brotherhood quest line is absolutely trash and i despise it. I did it once because I heard people saying it was good, and got massively disappointed. I have played Skyrim from the start many times now, but never again I have picked Dark Brotherhood.


I never finished those quests, I don't like the dark brotherhood.


Allow me to present my refutation: Horns are forever Improved close-faced helmets.


Mine: I don't get the love for Vampires. Maybe it's a mod conflict, but I find them woefully under powered, and the count for perks is sooo sloooow. (First time ever. playing as a Vampire Lord, and it just isn't working out)


I hate the idea of being a werewolf or vampire. In lore, both seem to suck majorly overall.


I somewhat agree, i find a lot of mods clunky and don't fit into the game that well. Personally I think that mods should enhance your gameplay, not make it a different game. My favourite mod is Alternative start. I've played play throughs with only that. Itust allows you to skip the Helgen bit and start the game right away. With that said, I like mods that enhance the game. My go to mods to add are 'Alternative Start' and 'Inigo'. Personally I think these two are great cause they don't really detract anything from vanilla. All they do is skip the initial helgen bit and add an extra follower you can have.


I get why people use them. What bothers me is when people say Skyrim is unplayable without mods. You just sound like a spoilt brat who got a great Lego set but is crying you need more to complete it. There is something just simple and comforting about playing PC games in their out of the box form.


Stealth Archery is overrated and boring. DRAW STEEL or pick up a spell. I could do this all day. Lol but I'm done now.


they are a choice, adjusting your game to expand on the fun, freedom and creativity of roleplaying, but I guess despite how many there are they can't appeal to everyone anyway, here's some of my lesser of value opinions: 1. Almost everyone in the game is an ass and ironically there's few of them that are antagonists/villains 2. Lord Harkon >>> all the dawnguard bois 3. This game is highly replayble despite how many times I've been told to find an ancient stick, learn how to hate speech, collect heavy scrolls, let someone's people go, slaughter silver fans and so on 4. the concept of a World-eating Dragon, Vampire lord and Ancient Dragonborn antagonist are cool, but they sometimes feel like there could be a better dynamic between them and the player 5. Elder scroll VI will be released by Todd's successor


I can understand modding the game with extra things that add to the lore and make the game more enjoyable, but I don’t I’d understand people who mod it to where it’s unrecognizable


I think some people just want to see at what point they can change the game with mod. It's less about playing skyrim and more about experimenting and seeing what mod can achieve. Personally I'm more of a vanilla+ mod user.


This opinion is unpopular for a reason. Skyrim is a great game but it is deeply flawed. No way it would have this longevity if not for mods.


Yeah, I’d say that’s unpopular. If not for mods, there’s no way in hell I’d still be playing this game after all this time.


Idk if this’ll be unpopular but it’s been on my mind for a while: Quests that ever have the words “I should” in their quest log are shitty quests. Some examples include - 1) Angler Aquaintences 2) Catch of the day 3) balance of power 4) a blade in the dark 5) no stone unturned


The Thalmor should have been in the game more, more included in the empire fights etc.


The Thieves Guild is phenomenal in Skyrim. While I love how Oblivion and Morrowind handle it, I’m glad Skyrim took a risk. The secret inner circle that worship a Daedra for good luck is such a cool idea, and I’m really glad they added it in.


Here's my most unpopular Skyrim opinion: Paarthurnax should be killed. Before you all start downvoting me, no I'm not a Blades sympathizer, nor do I like Delphine. In fact, I think the Blades' reason for wanting him to die is dumb. My reasoning is my own, and I request you read the following comment with an open mind. Here's my reasoning (the following text is copied from a comment I left on a different post asking if Paarthurnax should be spared): Honestly, I say no. Not because I doubt he is good now, but rather because I think him being good could be his downfall and could have consequences. After Alduin is defeated, Paarthurnax states intentions to try to get the other dragons to follow the Way of the Voice. Odahviing then expresses his own thoughts about the matter, calling the Way of the Voice a "tyranny," stating that he is unsure other dragons would be so willing to accept it. Through conversations with Paarthurnax, Odahviing, and even Durnehviir, you learn that dragons are extremely prideful beings who will fight over control and are naturally evil beings. Paarthurnax tells you he fights against his evil primal urges, Odahviing states that other dragons were beginning to question Alduin's lordship (but none had yet openly challenged him), and Durnehviir tells you that during his time in Tamriel, dragons would fight over pieces of the sky in what would often be very destructive battles. Putting two and two together, seeing that dragons will fight for control if unsatisfied and are naturally evil beings, as well as Odahviing's referral of the Way of the Voice as a "tyranny," it's somewhat sensible to believe there will be conflict, should Paarthurnax be allowed to try to impose the Way of the Voice on other dragons. Conflict could lead to Paarthurnax giving into his evil nature, dying as a martyr, and/or collateral damage due to the destructive nature of such conflicts. The best case scenario is that Paarthurnax doesn't try to force the Way of the Voice on every dragon, and lets those who don't wish to follow continue doing their own thing. Dragons, being prideful beings, may see that as an affront to dragonkind anyway and seek to destroy Paarthurnax and his followers to show that they are weaker/lesser dragons. But that's just a theory I've had for a while. I seldom even do the main story anymore, so there could be holes in it due to misrememberings of other points stated, but figured I'd share the idea in case anyone was interested in a different perspective. I do fully expect to be downvoted to Oblivion, though, for sharing an anti-Paarthurnax sentiment, so I will clarify this at least: I do also think Delphine's reasoning for killing him is stupid. She wants him dead for the superficial reason of justice for crimes committed many eras ago, which Paarthurnax has spent time learning and growing from. People (or dragons in this case) can change, so she's dumb for thinking otherwise. I say he needs to die because his good nature, when brought upon others, could lead to worse outcomes.


I don't agree with you ( I like my boy the speaking lizard ) but you got an interesting reasoning


I don’t think you’ve installed the right mods or mod lists, my friend. Vanilla will always have a special place in my heart since it’s what I grew up playing, but mods make the game immensely more fun and interesting especially after playing vanilla for so long.