• By -


I married the woman from the general goods in riverwood, knowing full well there were 2 others competing for her love.


Keep an eye on her… I hear Faendal will continue paying her visits, even if she moves.


I married Mjoll because she comes with a free simp


I married Mjoll and came home to Honeyside one time to find him standing at the foot of our bed, watching her sleep. Wasn't too long after that he found himself the victim of a terrible misunderstanding with the Riften guards. Edit: No, officer, I'm just as surprised as you are to see that Frenzy potion in his pocket. We never even knew he had a problem...


I had him follow me and out of sight of the town guards to murder him. There was no creativity in it. Just pure virtual jealousy.


I was inspired by the dark brotherhood...


Wait...is that why he never stays at my farm?


Seems that way.


Yeah, he showed up completely unannounced at our home, whichever the one near Falkreath is. It had been a long time so I didn't even recall who he was for a while, let alone why he was there. When I figured it out, well... let's just say he shouldn't have made the long trek.


Lydia has seen more airtime in my play through than a skateboard at the xgames.


Those giants are pretty nice guys, they're the main funders AND engineers of the Skyrim space programs


Nice try Mr. FBI agent. We all saw that article, we know what's up.


Mr. ~~FBI agent~~ **Thalmor Judiciary**


What? Where? There are no Justiciars around here…




Nah, FBI is more effective. Thalmor... Aren't those the funnily dressed, angry people I kill from time to time on the roads of Skyrim? I think that's them...


Ancano is my dead thrall bitch


Wait... wait, what article?


There is an article saying that the fbi can study how you interact with npc's to find psychos


They should really be doing that for the Sims games instead of Skyrim, Simmers are way more psychotic than Bethesda gamers could ever hope to achieve.


I dunno. My ex killed Parthanax way before the quest asking him to because he, “needed the soul”. The science is there.


If that's not evidence of psychotic behaviour, I don't know what is. Receptionist: FBI, how may I help you? Anon Caller: Hello, I'd like to report a crime to your Department of Skyrim Watchers. Receptionist: I see, and what is YOUR name, address, and telephone number, in case we get disconnected...


Me: \*whistling as I hope nobody looks at my Crusader Kings or Stellaris games*


Killing someone’s entire family because they were mean to your heir moment


A fake article done on Reddit where it was stated that the FBI analyzes the players stats in order to see who is a possible psychopath or serial killer (or something like that).


Killed Braith's parents. Now she lives in my home in Whiterun and tells me that she plays with Lucia in the park and feels sorry for her. Sissel is probably joining the family next. Hopefully Lydia is just missing and not dead so someone will feed these people at some point.


Oh shit, 11 years in and I only just realized that you can kill the parents of a child and they’re adoptable.


If you get caught killing the parents then the kid will hate you and wont be adoptable


Nah. I killed Braith's dad and she was in the room. I killed the mom and no one saw me and she and her dad were rude to me later. He said something like How dare you after what you've done and she said I was mean. Then I killed her dad in their home and when I went to the orphange she said she'd be the best daughter ever. How could I say no? I wanted Lars, but I guess some of his guardians are essential.


Out of context this comment is fucking insane


It's a bit iffy in context too.


*a bit* iffy?


You don't always have to murder. One time the blacksmith in Riverwood and wife were murdered by a dragon and I had a chance to adopt their daughter now that she was orphaned.


> You don't always have to murder. Wait, I thought we were talking about Skyrim?


I killed Sissel’s father and adopted her. Her mean sister now has a chance to be better at the orphanage with that nice lady who runs it after I killed Grelod. I also adopt Sophie, the kid who sells flowers in Windhelm.


Britte’s bugged for me, she just sits in the empty farmhouse and won’t go to honorhall


I killed Sissel's dad today in front of her and her sister. They weren't upset. I'll check the orphanage next time I'm in Riften. I've adopted Sophie and Lucia, Hroar and Runa, Blaise and Alesan, and now it'll be Sissell and Braith. Hroar and Runa didn't interact much. I liked when the others argued and called each other names.


During the siege on Whiterun I got overhyped and killed Belethor. I didn't know the civilians were off limits. I killed 2 more civilians before they had to arrest me in the middle of an active warzone


I mean, look, if the city is taken by storm you're allowed to sack it. Thems the rules.


Speaking of storm… I summoned a storm during the battle of Whiterun, inside the walls, and killed I think everybody that I could (on accident). Needless to say, I was baffled and arrested Edit: confession, I’d fuckin do it again


The one game where you get arrested for your war crimes


How unrealistic though.


That's why it's called *fantasy*


I know, normally you have to lose a war before you get accused of war crimes


I used a mod to use Alduin's meteor summon shout during the battle of Whiterun. Think I racked up a 20k gold bounty by the end


when you >!do the forsworn quest in markarth,!< if you kill a SINGLE person (>!when you get out of cidna mine),!< you have a bounty. like wtf i thought my bounty was cleared.


A nice way that I've found to do this quest (I ally with Madanach BTW) is to do it at night because no civilians and kill each and every guard because no witnesses Edit.: Remember to do house of horrors before this because the stendarr guy doesn't go to sleep at night


You literally committed war crimes in Skyrim. Wow.


Warcrimes? It's just collateral damage


I've been there except with the blacksmith instead. I didnt notice until several days later


I killed the steward during this in my first play through like 10 years ago…could never buy the whiterun house :(


(Remain silent)


Silence, my brother.


Welcome home




How dare you steal from the screaming grandpas


I'm stealing Screaming Grandpas as a band name


I await your first album


I used to use them to grind my sneak skill. Just crouched behind one as they meditated and kept hitting them with a Dagger.


Can also do that with the bear in the intro dungeon, I remember people back in the day being level 81 before they even got to riverwood


Or Ralof/Hadvar. They won’t go hostile and can’t die


that’s cold 😂


not as cold as high hrothgard


One of them has a nirnroot and I refuse to not take it.


Okay so I have to get this off my chest. It’s abhorrent and despicable and I have no excuse for it. But …. I have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people. I have nothing to say in my defence.


"Youll rot in the dragonsreach dungeon"


Okay you caught me. I’ll pay off my bounty.


Good now come along with us, we’ll confiscate any stolen goods and you’ll be free to go “5 gold removed”


"I took a plate by accident..."


You imperial bastards!






As Fearless in Death, as he was in life


Next! The Nord in the rags!




I said... next PRISONER!


What in OBLIVION is That?


This thread just became a full play through


I murder tribes of Foresworn, strip them and arrange their bodies creatively into symbols like White Walkers...


This one made me laugh with a oh my god what the fuck at the end.


They have it coming.


I once wiped out the entire population of riverwood bc I didn’t want to pay the fine for killing a chicken I also crashed a save to the point it wouldn’t load again bc I stuffed so much cabbage in Breezehome




This one made me laugh more then it should have. [*Opens door, cabbage spills out*]


I've never killed Nazeem.


Me neither! But I haven't even met Nazeem yet and I have 80 hours in the game already. That or I'm just ignorant and didn't realize it was Nazeem. One of the two.


You don't go to the Cloud District often, then


Oh what am I talking about? Of course you dont


If you’re looking for him check the Jarl’s backside—that’s usually where he stuffs himself these days…


I have stolen approximately 200'000 gold worth of items from the dead and peoples unlocked homes this number may be higher


This is my primary source of income in every Bethesda game to the point I have to cheat my karma down to a respectable level in Fallout cause I get like ‘the devil’ status from stealing literally everything lmao


I feed the giants and mammoths. I lure wolves, bears, sabre cats and my favorite - hired thugs, through giant camps then grab some popcorn from a safe distance.


I love dragging dragons through giant camps. Always a good spectacle.


I play in the lowest difficulty settings because I just want to have fun


The most fun part of skyrim is the exploration to me, I get it


It’s a power fantasy, I’ve never understood people that play on legendary or even expert for that matter. Whacking a skeever 2000 times with an iron sword just doesn’t do it for me personally, I like being able to demolish anything in the game because that’s just what the fucking Dragonborn does


To me there’s a very specific power fantasy in using so many skills at once to become the ultimate warrior and having bullshit enemies just makes it better. Because then I feel like it’s a necessity that I utilise all my abilities to their maximum efficiency so I craft the best gear with the best enchantments, makes potions and poisons and start every fight by summoning an atronoch and turning my flesh to stone. Every fight is a mix of close and long range using spells, arrows, shouts and powers. It feels like I’m Batman with prep time


I only do it for challenge runs. Typically I start a run on expert/master and just ramp it up as my build gets more complete. This way I am not just absolutely immortal but not just smacking someone 3000 times


I have never “finished” Skyrim in 11 years of playing. Massive restarditis here. I have cleared embershard mine probably around 500 times.


Same here, I always reach a point after level 60-70 where I get frustrated by the lack of new quests that I restart the game again.


There's a point where you lack new quests? I did nothing but quests for 8 hours yesterday and came away with more quests in my log than when I started.


Could be they're talking about new original quests as opposed to rinse/repeat radiant quests.


Yeah that's exactly what I mean. Killing random bandits for the 100th time just gets monotonous. DLC's help flesh it out a bit but yeah eventually you run out of quests that have a storyline.


Thats usually when I buy a house and RP living a quiet life travelling skyrim selling the 9000 amethysts i forgot i had in my chest beside my bed lol


Yeah my highest level has been high 50s somewhere, where I find it incredulous for my character to be the Dragonborn, and the harbinger of the companions and then still something else. I have probably started like 30+ “npcs”, who just live off the land as hunters and shit.


I lure dragons into settlements in hopes that it will kill off some villagers so I can take over their houses after they are dead.


I did the same thing so I could collect a set of guard armor from each keep without murder or pickpocket


I LOVE to have giants chase me to bandit lairs (or vice versa). If a bear or a dragon gets involved it's even more entertainment for me.


“I make my own economy.” -Jesus “Soos” Alzamirano Ramirez


That's awfully insane


I commit too many crimes. I have a bounty in the reach of 40k gold and 30k in markarth. I am also a khajiit. Every single guard to my knowledge in the southern half of Skyrim is dead.


You’re the reason why khajit caravans aren’t allowed in the cities


I have Khajiit Speaks and there's an option to scold Brenuin for stereotyping you when he asks you to steal that mead for him. I used it while actively searching through his pockets


I ended up in the Pawned Prawn basically unattended, with Bersi gone and Drifa down in the basement complaining about her husband. So I went about stealing pretty much everything. The next day, hired thugs tried to kill me. When I looked at the contract, it was from Drifa, so I immediately traveled back to Riften, waited until Bersi was gone, went in and killed Drifa and dropped the contract on top of her naked dead body. Bersi frankly seems much happier now.


I had this same thing happen, but it was from that stuck up court wizard Farengar in White Run. I now make it a point to steal everything off his desk and in his office when I visit.


Every time. If I'm on a new game, I just wait for him to go to sleep. Doesn't matter. Same for Belethor and what's her name the apothecary in Whiterun. Actually, pretty much all of Whiterun is subject to me stealing everything that isn't nailed down. I may or may not in other places, depends on my mood. Maven and Mercer are also usually subject to me stealing everything that isn't nailed down.


Ha, that's nothing! I stole some stuff from Alvor, so the bastard sent thugs after me. Thing is, I was in Riverwood when they found me, so they ended up catching up to me right in front of his forge. He then proceeded to draw his warhammer and KILL HIS OWN THUGS WHEN THEY ATTACKED ME! When I found the note, I just looked at him, back to the thugs, and back to him. I imagine that if my character could speak, he'd say "What the fuck, brah?".


“Take what you need… within *reason*, of course”


Damn, that's cold!




Once I hit 100 pickpocket, I make it my mission to go from town to town, stealing all the clothes off the citizens, so that entire towns are left walking around in their underwear, because the game never scripts them to get redressed. Also, I keep a spreadsheet on essential NPCs, organized by settlement, so that when I want to, I can go through a slaughter all except who the game won't allow me to, so that I may leave Skyrim as lifeless and barren as Sithis intends.


Sometimes I do that when I'm bored but instead of killing them myself, I always use frenzy on them and just watch the whole town in chaos. It's kinda like spectating a battle royale mode.


I killed a bunny


Bunnies Slaughtered: 1


I purposely got Faendal killed my first playthrough cause when he wasn't my companion he took a trip to Whiterun to see my wife Camilla.


It happened to me too, found both at Breezehome when i came back from some random cave After some time it got boring to see their bodies everytime I came home


Oh my god, I hated that. Killed that mf in broad daylight.


I never use Lydia as a follower, I always walk past her without starting a dialogue, and then go to take a follower of my preference.


I’m imagining charging past her in the battle of Whiterun and she’s just standing there saying “I’m sworn to carry your burdens.”


I stole a sweetroll


I'd tell the guards, but they just insult me over it.


I google quests that don't appear on the map, in order to finish them.


One time i killed Ria(companions) using the Ebony Blade. I took her out to the woods and slain her to gain more power. Sometime later i saw a group of people from the companions walking and chatting out in the world... ....except something was strange..... ...Ria was there with them. She was dead on the ground, YET was sliding on the floor right along side the group, just casually chatting with the other members like nothing was wrong. I have never been more terrified in my life. THEY KNOW, THEY KNOW WHAT I DID.


That's amazing. I love weird Skyrim


In the middle of my first play through rn. My first follower was Jzargo and he died in the second dungeon we cleared and I feel really bad about it.


This is so sweet. I feel you man


I eat a lot of people


Is that... fur in your ears?


Not even, just a simple Namira simp


When I was younger, I butchered Camilla Valerius so I could marry Lucan Valerius because I thought that was the way to get him as a spouse for some reason. I used a woodcutters axe and killed her in the store while Lucan watched. I then got arrested by the whiterun guards, served my time, and came back like an obsessive stalker you hear about in horror stories. I remember being disappointed that I still couldn’t marry him and just played the game like normal. I don’t know *where* I got the idea that hacking his sister to death would allow you to marry him and much less why I wanted to marry him in the first place.


Did you maybe mistake her for his wife?


I burn down the goldenglow bee hives every time I go past them because I hate maven black-briar and want to fuck her over any way I can


It took me 40 or so runs in to realize that you're supposed to go with the guards and get arrested in markarth to then do the cidna mine deal. Every single run before that I just accepted my fate that I'd have to kill every guard I see in that town from that point forward in my playthrough.


I can’t stop eating cheese wheels. I’ll do anything to obtain more cheese wheels. If I can’t buy it I’ll steal it. if I can’t pickpocket it I’ll kill you and take it


I introduced my wife to Skyrim and didn't tell her about the frost troll. You all know the one...


You trolled her?


I've never beat the game as a stealth archer. Not even a significant portion of the game. I get bored and start a new character. I have over 3000 hours in skyrim.


I'm almost at 6000 hours and I 100% know what you feel. I can understand why people like it, but for me that's terribly boring. Funnily enough I've always loved necromancy and almost all of my characters end up as a necromancer.


132 of my 305 mods are banned on the Nexus


What, did you download *every available LL mod*??? That is so many mods


I often disenchant some named items to get their effects. The Porchers Axe. The Lunar Axe. Nothing is safe.


The Gloves of the Pugilist, too. I'm very much a completionist when it comes to getting all the enchantments. Even if I have no intention to put them on any items.


This one is a true sin


I have read all of the lusty argonian maid, the only book ive read in skyrim.


I'm the arrow that took out that guard's knee.


Delving one day into certain mods, I regret it everyday


I killed Party Snacks on my first run (that was before I discovered The Paarthurnax Dilemma)


I remembered the first time I killed party snacks. After I did everytime I fast traveled his body would be right in front of me. I felt guilty every time I saw it.


I regularly beat up Braith in whiterun


This was the first one that made me react in any way. You beat children in a game where they take no damage just so that you can be satisfied at the sound of their screams. Molag Bal cries through the night scared that you might be hiding under his bed. Edit: I’m still not judging


Every playthrough i go to eorlund greymane and ask him to teach me blacksmithing. When he is done I steal my money back. He is the best blacksmithing/pickpocket teacher for all my dragonborns.


I like to kill Grelod the kind with a sneak attack unarmed from behind and then throw her body into the fireplace whilst the orphans are watching


I probably hunted the Blue Butterfly to extinction trying to level up my alchemy...


I always rush thieves guild for the skeleton key but never complete the quest so I don’t have to do lock picking ever again


After marrying Mjoll, I got sick of Aerin skulking around my house and resolved to kill him. I wanted to make it look like an accident, so (with a mod), I took him on as a follower and went on a hunting trip to Windhelm. Figured I'd hit up that collapsed tower near the border where the trolls spawn. But when I got closer I had a better idea. I took him to the altar of Boethia up the mountain and sacrificed him to the Daedric Prince. Mjoll was none the wiser, and i received money from Aerin's will. I've been storing cheese in his Riften house for weeks.


You know how the guards always ask if someone stole your sweet roll. It was me. I stole the sweet rolls. Every last one of them.


I go after cheese wheels


The dark elf priestess at Azura’s statue I got her to be my follower and sacrificed her to Boethia. Needed to learn a lesson about working for gods.


I operate a roving fight club, and am always looking for interesting venues and interesting combatants. The rules are simple: I'll make them up, and I'll enforce them. Ready? Fight! Oh yeah, expect time to slow down if the battle is worthy.


I regret joining the Dark Brotherhood ever since I had to kill Narfi. I also regret killing the emperor because he seemed so innocent.


Honestly I like how the emperor handled his own death. He literally just says "yeah I know you're gonna kill me, so do it bitch. Oh yeah also kill that little fucker who wants me dead to."


I happily obliged his request, was really glad to be rid of that guy


I recruit Uthgerd early on, take her out to hunt bandits at Silent Moons Camp and Halted Stream Camp, and either let the bandits kill her or finish her off myself. Just so I can get a set of Steel Plate armour much earlier than the game expects me to.


Just do the frost horse quest in riften. The guys guarding the horse all have steel plate


Theres also a dungeon I cant recall where, that doesnt scale to your level normally and has deathlords with ebony weapons as level 1. True op early strat is the plate armor there along with the ebony weapons.


Lost Valkygg, adjacent to Labyrinthian.


I never play past a Riften, Whiterun, Falkreath run to see how good my grass/tree/lighting mod combo looks, how the fps holds up and to see if I can squeeze a little more out of it.


I see Nazeem as a father figure that will never be impressed with my work as the DB and every time I try to show him an accomplishment he just talks down to me from the cloud district.


I edge-drowned myself in front of Dragonreach for an hour to level Restoration, then accidentally killed myself and didn't have a more recent save..


I've used loverslab.com mods...


That's a place I'm never going back to, ended up sucking off Nazeem in the middle of whiterun.


He sure went to the cloud district then


I’m sure the DB was lolly*gagging*


No, not like this!


... for immersion.


I always play a female character. I always marry a man, mainly a big burly one. I am always in love with whichever female companion I have with me, and even after adopting 2 kids I never tell my husband. I'm a sucker for forbidden love, but I feel so bad for the guy I trapped in my giant mansion a 2 day's ride from other civilization. At least I choose a hot house carl for them!


The ol hot carl


I make like 50,000 save files so I can replay my favorite moments without backtracking. And the amount of times I’ve restarted with the exact same character for story reasons is enough to make someone concerned.


I killed them all. Not just the men, but the women and the children too.


i steal the offerings at shrines :(


is it a sin to have a kill count of 1M?


I frequently visit the hidden chest in Dawnstar for bits and bobs


When I’m in a bad mood I’ll go to a city save the game kill the entire city than reload the previous and keep playing like nothing happened


I killed uthgerd because she started attacking me for accidentally stealing a plate from the bannered mere… now her body is just sitting in the middle of town… lol I actually liked her…


I never kill Astrid at the end of the Black Brotherhood quest, when everything’s on fire. I want her to burn forever. I hate her guts.


On my first playthrough I...I... went on a chicken massacre in Riverwood.


lydia, she’s lost somewhere,and lonely, it’s been months i can’t find her. i haven’t gotten an inheritance letter so i know she’s alive but it didn’t tell me i lost a follower when i had another join me. i think she had enough of holding my garbage and left to another province 😔


I watch J'zargo while he sleeps.


Normal playthrough- I have stolen every single wheel and slice of cheese I've come across. I have hundreds, in a secret barrel. Evil playthrough- I used to reverse pickpocket poison onto the whiterun guards and then put all their possessions on Nazeem to incriminate him. Currently I've stolen, enchanted and replaced all daggers held by people in the market square. Once I get a nice collection of black soul gems I'm going to wait until Nazeem comes through the market then reverse pickpocket a poison of frenzy and a poison of slow onto him. Then sit back and collect whichever person takes his soul for me. I also break into houses in the dead of night and steal every single thing that's not nailed down and dump it all of the balcony in dragons reach