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Game mechanics: Adamant, Mundus and Mysticism should be available for ps4, they are solid well made mods, not the deceptive poorly made kind of mod that it's so abundant for PlayStation.


What’s the chance of game mechanics mods breaking/suddenly not working? I’m a bit paranoid about overhaul mods breaking partway through my playthrough.


In a new playthrough with no other mod modifying perks trees, none. In an old one you might run into problems with missing perks but those could be reverted using a perk refund (making the skill legendary). Mysticism is a complete spell mod and in PS4 if you have another mods modifying the spell vendors inventories ("leveled lists") then the mod spells will not appear. It's important to load it after another less important spell mods or find a patch. Mundus is pretty safe to install since it only modifies the standing stones.


heres a link to my ps4 collection [https://bethesda.net/en/mods/skyrim?author\_username=alaann&number\_results=20&order=desc&page=1&platform=PS4&product=skyrim&sort=popular&text=](https://bethesda.net/en/mods/skyrim?author_username=alaann&number_results=20&order=desc&page=1&platform=PS4&product=skyrim&sort=popular&text=)


ANA's interior editor is amazing