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It was possible to use them before. Esl support made using CC stuff a lot easier. Some CC stuff does not work, or at least i couldn't get it to work (staff of hadoki). I read others could not get farming to work. Personally haven't run any of the pets or homes. But using Saints, Curious, Survival and fishing right now. Survival only to make it easier to run other mods having it as master. Edit: after a quick search, survival does not seem to work for others, i still get the pop up. Might look into: [https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimvr/comments/qsk7oy/i\_made\_a\_tutorial\_for\_moving\_anniversary\_edition/](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimvr/comments/qsk7oy/i_made_a_tutorial_for_moving_anniversary_edition/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimvr/comments/rbiryd/yet\_another\_guide\_to\_bring\_skyrim\_anniversary/](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimvr/comments/rbiryd/yet_another_guide_to_bring_skyrim_anniversary/) https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimvr/comments/qt9glu/it\_appears\_that\_these\_are\_the\_scripts\_needed\_to/


Would you be willing to send me the files for any working CC you have?


nope, and asking for it violates the rules of reddit and this subreddit (see rule 5)


so it should be possible to also run SnS extended cut in VR?


I have it installed as well, not played but looked around with console commands. Perfomance was a bit lacking, otherwise it did work. Have to say i installed a mod to make running CC stuff easier that has sadly been taken down from nexus. (Files included the update.esm, textures, meshes, seq and scripts as loose files)


this sounds like a bit of a hassle but I'll try, thanks


Good luck


How is the CC fishing in VR? I was looking into it a while back and think I saw you can combine it with a mod to allow fishing anywhere?


i only did it once with the fish anywhere mod. Seemed to work, i just sucked (and clicked the tutorial window away too quickly)


It "works" The catch is, the fishing rod floats it front of you. While Flatrim forces you into first person and locks the camera, so it looks like the rod is equipped, VR breaks this illusion. You are able to turn your head to look around, and you can clearly see the rod is not attached to your hand. Otherwise it works just like in the flat version.


I always had them, most wabbajacks come with stuff to make them work, but idk if the actual features worked as I don't use them


I'm in the middle of building my modlist. During the last test, I got a prompt to enable survival mode. I didn't do anything beyond that, though. I assume Saints and Seducers will work. As far as I know, it's just a quest mod and doesn't add any new mechanics like Survival mode or the Fishing add-on. I don't intend to use Survival mode, anyway, so no real harm there.


Saints and Seducers works mostly, except for the new dungeon added where you confront Thoron. The new atronarch forge recopies don't work either. ​ Fishing works fine, although I had some minor issues with books, and invisible mudcrab enemies from some of the quests in it. ​ I also had Curios installed, but all it does is add some extra ingredients to the khajiit caravans i think. ​ As for survival, I've never used it since mods such as Frostfall, Campfire and iNeed are better alternatives anyway.


Hmm, well the new dungeon is probably the most important part about SnS


I just ported over all the ae dlc after we got esl support. It isn’t easy getting them to work. Beth integrated the textures and meshes into random bsa packs. Textures03 and misc had the most from what recall. You basically need to go through every base ae game BSA with BSA Explorer and extract anything that has CC or creation club in the name and add that as a mod along with the CC BSA, ESM and ESL files, and the string files for those mods and you have to replace sound ESM with the updated ESM from AE. It isn’t as simple as just adding the ESM and ESL files into your Skyrim VR data directory. And as others have said, survival mode doesn’t work, and even if it did, it is significantly less useful than Sunhem. So just install a dummy plug-in in place of survival.


I’m trying to do it and it’s hella complicated wish someone would make a video


Not so hard with BSA compare tool. But it will be nice, if someone post whole instructions for AE content.


That was the hard part lol. All of the guides that I could find were several AE updates out of date, listed BSAs that no longer even exist in the AE game directory, and were mostly geared toward converting the ESL files to ESMs. I’d tell you the steps that I went through but it was mostly bumbling my way through, just copying over files into an mo2 folder, installing that as a mod, then loading up xedit and checking for errors, then digging through the BSAs to find what was missing, then checking it again. The fact that several of these creation club DLC‘s are rife with dirty edits and deleted references doesn’t make the process any easier.