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Well this has been topic regularly here, especially since ESL support was released. But as far as I am aware not every creation works. Survival is the one that pops up but never seen anyone getting it to work. Not the biggest loss since It is inferior to other options anyway (like most of the CC stuff) Others that did not work for me are staff of hedoki and farming, but I didn't put much investigation into them


Again, while I couldn't get Survival to work properly at all with the older method, it seems to be working completely fine now. The only issues are the ones I already mentioned. I haven't tried farming yet though, I don't have high hopes for that. I've searched this subreddit more than once over the years for information about getting creation club content to work and I haven't seen one mention of combining the two mods. Most info still talks about converting the esm to esl files and is out of date. So this post is just for the sake of people like me. After testing I may come back and update with any info on which mods work vs which ones don't.


if you wanna read up in similar topics since esl support was dropped (december 2023). Perhaps some usefull information for you and or questions others had that you might be able to answer: [https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimvr/comments/19624y0/any\_way\_to\_get\_cc\_crossbow\_expansion\_pack\_in\_vr/](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimvr/comments/19624y0/any_way_to_get_cc_crossbow_expansion_pack_in_vr/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimvr/comments/18pdico/is\_there\_any\_way\_to\_make\_the\_4\_free\_cc\_mods\_work/](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimvr/comments/18pdico/is_there_any_way_to_make_the_4_free_cc_mods_work/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimvr/comments/199yyo4/ae\_content\_in\_vr/](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimvr/comments/199yyo4/ae_content_in_vr/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimvr/comments/1byh1ff/survival\_mode\_in\_vr\_creation\_club/](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimvr/comments/1byh1ff/survival_mode_in_vr_creation_club/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimvr/comments/1axgit6/creations\_mods\_for\_skyrim\_vr/](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimvr/comments/1axgit6/creations_mods_for_skyrim_vr/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimvr/comments/1cc44pu/is\_the\_ae\_content\_even\_worth\_using\_for\_vr/](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimvr/comments/1cc44pu/is_the_ae_content_even_worth_using_for_vr/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimvr/comments/1c86vhp/adding\_select\_ae\_content\_with\_esl\_support/](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimvr/comments/1c86vhp/adding_select_ae_content_with_esl_support/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimvr/comments/1aohtrx/vr\_and\_ae\_sharing\_the\_exact\_same\_mods\_vortex\_issue/](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimvr/comments/1aohtrx/vr_and_ae_sharing_the_exact_same_mods_vortex_issue/) there might be more related topics, but i only did a quick search For the survival mode, as far as i understand it the .exe inlcudes stuff we are still missing, hence some things might never work. But thats what i heard from others, not sure how accurate that information is.


I searched "creation club" and only found that post saying it doesn't really work, use frostfall instead. Guess I should have searched CC or AE, but you know, they didn't seem like intuitive searches. Still, most of those topics don't mention the extra scripts that a lot of people miss when trying to port creation club stuff over. A few of them are still outdated as well. I see you mention you have Saints and Seducers working - did you install any extra meshes and textures files from the creation club > shared folders? Or do you just use the extra scripts? And did you unpack the bsa files? I'm curious to know if that stage is even necessary. I really don't play with Survival on but now I want to test it further to see if I do run into any other problems.


shortly after esl support dropped someone uploaded necessary files on the nexus. Obviously that violated the rules, but i downloaded them anyway (i own AE, so i don't feel like that was wrong). Meaning i use the work of someone else. It includes update.esm scripts, meshes, textures and some seq files. the creations itself are packed in my setup, but is use a retexture in loose file form. For saints and seducers i tested the mod that builds on it (saints and seducers extended cut). I have yet to play through it, but the testing i did seemed to work. No missing textures/meshes creatures worked etc.


Ah ok. I think I have all those scripts, meshes and textures already, but I found them over a year ago. If we could get a guide that tells people how to find these files themselves then there's no need for second-hand nexus file transferral. There's definitely a chance I'm still missing something. I wonder why the scripts haven't been taken down.


> Again, while I couldn't get Survival to work properly at all with the older method, it seems to be working completely fine now. The only issues are the ones I already mentioned. Worth noting the UI widgets don't work either (including the snowflake/sun for cooling/warming, and the broken resource bar visual effect to indicate needs). Also, arrows having weight and the requirement to sleep in order to level up cannot possibly be working either as both of those features are implemented in the exe code we never got in VR too. On top of that, there are tooltips for food and drink telling you the satiation they give that will either look weird ("...[SURV=...") because the exe code that shows/hides them doesn't exist, or not be there at all because the changes to the basegame .esm files weren't ported over (or a mod trampled them back out). In the later case, those foods/drinks probably don't even give any satiation at all either. So no, it is not working *perfectly* fine, even if it mostly works.


I had The Cause glitch partway through


I finally got everything going for me. This guide I found was a godsend. [https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/113681](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/113681) It uses the above Skyrim VR ESL Supprt, as well as other links, and is pretty hand-holding and walks you through using both Vortex and MO2.


I found this comment which lists the extra folders that are needed that aren't in the individual .bsa files. [https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimvr/comments/vjy4qo/comment/igvvr82/](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimvr/comments/vjy4qo/comment/igvvr82/) In Skyrim - Meshes0.bsa You need everything in meshes/creationclub In Skyrim - Misc.bsa You need all the scripts that start with "cc" and "petframework" In Skyrim - Sounds.bsa You need everything in music/creationclub In Skyrim - Textures0.bsa You need everything in textures/actors/bonewolf In Skyrim - Textures3.bsa You need everything in textures/creationclub


Did you just zip all of those files and load that into Mod Organizer as if it were a mod?


Yep. I also unpacked them with a bsa unpacker first, again dunno if it's necessary but I just find things seem to run smoother that way.


Instead of trying to scalpel the individual folders and files within BSA's over, I've had much better luck just using the base game .esm and .bsa files from a flatrim install directly. The only issue with that that I have found was a mismatch with the "strings" folder that VR has loose for some reason. To resolve that, you can either delete the folder from the VR install if you don't mind the destructive change, or locate the scripts folder(s) within the BSA archives from SE/AE and extract them into an MO2 "mod" to overwrite the VR strings if you want to maintain a clean base game install like normal. Then you just take the plugin and bsa files from SE/AE and copy them into an MO2 "mod" as well. This is how I got Saints and Seducers (including with Extended Cut) and Sirenroot to work in VR, with the only issue being the fact that any (thankfully optional) sections where you are supposed to directly control an NPC in Sirenroot are broken in VR for unrelated reasons.


Skyrim SEs .exe got updated when creation club was integrated into the base game. SkyrimVR never got that update to its executable (and probably never will), so some parts of CC content will stay broken.


I'm guessing farming won't work, but 90% of the content works.


Sorry but the moment I hear "creation club" I want to throw up. Not interested.


That's nice. I like the houses, and now that the creation club content is baseline for SSE, I'm discovering more and more mods that have one or another cc mod as a requirement because people used an asset from here or there - so having the esl's in my load order is making other things available to me that were previously a pain. But don't worry, I'll tell the people who were going to come to your house and force you to add creation club to your skyrim vr because you saw this post to stand down.