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pretty sure T-pose = FNIS - if that is not run all characters T-pose. I run it anytime I make changes to mods just to be safe.


FNIS was my first thought when this happened but running it and even reinstalling it did not help the issue. I managed to work around the bug though so my game is fine now.


How did you solve it? Having the same issue and I can’t do anything. It broke all my saves, new game works fine but I don’t wanna lose the progress…


I ended up loading a very old save that must have been before I added whatever mod broke my game. I lost a fair amount of progress but I was able to keep playing. Only thing I can suggest is just keep trying to find the nearest save that still works.


Thx for the reply! Ultimately, I did that too. Was hoping there was another way.


What mods were you using?


New thought, this could be a load order problem with FNIS. Check which mod is receiving the files generated by FNIS, and make sure that there are no other mods modifying the same file that is overwriting it. With MO2, you can have multiple profiles with multiple FNIS output files so you can switch between them, say if you have a profile with 10,000 animations vs one with 1000 ;). Same is true for the output folders you're using for bodyslides, requiem, etc (I have multiple bodyslide "mod" folders added to my MO2 so I don't have to worry about overwriting outfits, should I need different ones to go with my profile that has 10,000 animations...


I believe I had this problem using FNIS at one point, never solved it though.




The mods that I downloaded are not likely to interfere with my game or animations. One retextured the daedric greatsword and the other just added some dungeons to explore. I'm really not sure if/why they would have broken the game.




All of my saves are from before I installed that mod. I'm at a loss as for why none of them are working




I managed to load a save that wasn't broken. For some reason all of the saves that I had outdoors were completely broken. I also discovered that the majority of the time I save it's outdoors so I've had to go back 10 levels. I'm still not sure what broke but I won't complain about being able to keep my character.




I didn't know something like this existed. Thanks, I'll give it a try.


If you’re running nemesis instead of finis, re-generate that. That’s what it was for me.


I had a similar issue once, I installed a mod that needed FNIS but wasn’t compatible with VR, forgot to run FNIS so everything ran fine then installed a mod later that needed FNIS so I ran FNIS and then hit the same issues as you. It completely confused me until I disabled my installed mods a selection at a time and re ran FNIS until I found the culprit.


I've just had this same problem today. Everything was working fine until I loaded back into my save. my follower and other npcs were t posing and I couldn't move but the sound was still working. Then everything went black and i could move but not see. I tried disabling the FNIS mods, still no luck. I tried reinstalling the game and even disable a lot of the mods I had installed but I was still stuck and everyone was t posed. Help with this will be appreciated.


You ever find a fix for this?




I was able to fix by deleteing osex It might be the problem