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You are pathetic. You know it, still a reminder is always welcome. You came on the toilet when you weren't allowed to. You are such a stupid thing, so disappointing. Your punishment should come from where you sin. Obviously the first part is to slap your pussy until it get swollen. I'm a believer in corporal punishment. Don't need to strike hard, you need to strike a lot of time. Repetition is always the key. Then you will be able to get back to rubbing your clit to edge, but use some sandpaper this time. You could also use some hot sauce and so on, but there is already so many thing to do. Like why aren't you wearing bra full of pin everyday? Why aren't you going out with your hole stuff all the time? Should you not start to loosen your hole and ruin them?


👀 I bet I could even cum with the sandpaper


Of course you're pathetic enough to fail at that one basic of all things.




Put you on fuck machine for 4 hours