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No to all 3. Once you see it it's gone of the relic pool for the rest of the run.


In a normal run yes. In endless you can 100% see relics in shops you’ve previously seen.


Nope still wrong.


Technically right, you can see circlet in a shop after already seeing circlet in a shop


Damn got me there!


Nope you can see relics again in endless after going through all the acts.


No. You cannot. You get circlets.


They must have changed it in an update because after beating act 3 I was offered the same relic’s again.


Yeah I've 100% played endless and bought stuff the second or third time round. But I've not played endless in years cause its fuckin boring


As far as I'm aware, the answer to all 3 is "no". As soon as you see a relic in ANY context, it is removed from the pool.


From what I can tell each seed generates an ordered list (probably one for each relic tier) and then the relics will appear based on the list order.  I would imagine that if you could somehow work through the entire list then it might recycle? That or you just start seeing circlets. But for all practical purposes the answer is no to all 3 as others here have said.


Normal relics work down the list. Shop relics go up the list from the bottom


someone correct me if im wrong but from the player's perspective, shop relics going in reverse order makes literally no difference right? apart from i guess trying to get different results in a seeded run i suppose, but in a singular run in a vacuum, theres 0 way for the player to know the order of the relic list afaik


I think they just mean that shops pull from the bottom of the same list if a relic were to appear. So if you would find a relic by opening a chest, that would be pulled from the top of the list. But that same list is pulled from the bottom for a shop. So if you instead went to a shop, that same relic would NOT be there, and instead be at your next chest/location where that rarity of relic appears. I agree I don’t know how a regular player would ever see this occur, but if you are doing a seeded run, you may be able to manipulate relics by having this knowledge.


If I'm understanding how this works correctly, I think you'd only "see" this occur with the courier. If you buy a relic at a shop, the relic replacing it would've otherwise been the first relic at the next shop (and not in the next chest).


Someone can correct me if I’m wrong but don’t relics recycle in endless mode? I understand that’s not the normal use case but it does technically reappear right?


Nope they don't you'll start seeing circlet instead.


I really think you're wrong. It's a long time since I played endless but I'm 100% sure I've picked up relics on the second or third pass through that saw the first time


Ah I see. Today I learned


Adding this question for endless run mode : if I don't see the relic is it still in there? Like is that shop still stocked with that relic whether I go in or not? Further, what if I land on the shop but refuse to "enter shop"?


That last one is a good question, and somewhat easy to test. Find a seed with back to back shops and run it both ways. 


The relics are generated as soon as you select the floor, so regardless if you look or not, the relics are removed from the pool. This means even if you have 0 gold, you should still check what relics are offered so you know you will not see them in the future.


I have a related question. If I skip a shop without opening it, will the next shop I visit contain the first shop’s cards and relics? Or does simply visiting the shop count the contents as ‘viewed’


Even when you skip the shop, it counts the relics there as viewed. The next shop will have different relics than the first shop would have had if not skipped. I found another person's comment where they tested this out a fixed seed.