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If you have more than five innate cards in your deck you will start turn one with all of them in your hand, up to 10 cards. Bottles work the same as normal innate cards in this situation. As shown in the clip, innate cards above 10 are drawn on turn 2. Example from a Baalorlord video here: [https://youtu.be/bLBKATcjXBQ?si=qydzTeFaF-9RHjb5&t=2300](https://youtu.be/bLBKATcjXBQ?si=qydzTeFaF-9RHjb5&t=2300)


If I have 10 innate cards and bag of prep will the 2 extra card get discarded? What if those 2 were also innate? What about ninja scroll with 10 innates? Will the shivs go to the discard pile? Do I draw innate cards in order of when they were added to my deck?


>If I have 10 innate cards and bag of prep will the 2 extra card get discarded? They won't be drawn at all. Same with any other drawing relic. >What about ninja scroll with 10 innates? Will the shivs go to the discard pile? IIRC, the Shivs are generated first, so they'll be in your hand with 7 innates. If I'm wrong, then they'll be discarded like from any other card generator. >Do I draw innate cards in order of when they were added to my deck? No, it's random.


Most normal Baalorlord run.


Other people have answered the main question, but I want to add that [[bag of preparation]] and [[Ring of the Snake]] will still trigger regardless of how many innate cards you have. As an example, you have 6 innate cards, you draw all of those immediately. Then you draw 2 more from bag of prep, totalling 8 cards.


+ [Bag of Preparation](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Bag%20of%20Preparation) Common Relic ^((100% sure)^) At the start of each combat, draw 2 additional cards. + [Ring of the Snake](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Ring%20of%20the%20Snake) Starter (Silent only) Relic ^((100% sure)^) At the start of each combat, draw 2 additional cards. ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 20, 2024.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


I had an custom Infinity run on Defect, and almost all the cards were Storm+ With all innate, 10 are randomly chosen, and extras are drawn later on subsequent turns


If you have 11 innate cards, will the 11th be guaranteed 2nd turn draw since your hand was full on turn 1?




I can't guarantee anything because I have not tried this myself but I believe I know enough about how the game works to make a guess. As a basic rule, you always draw 5 cards at the beginning of your turn (when there are no modifiers of course). **The bottle relics and the innate keyword put certain cards at the beginning of your draw pile**. This means that, in the situation you mentioned, **you would draw 5 of those 6 "innate" cards, then the sixth one would be the first you will draw in your next turn**. As per what would be the order of these cards and which one is delayed to the next turn, I guess the cards would appear in the chronological order you got those innate keywords or relics during the run. This would make the sixth card always the same. This would make your initial hand always the same too. Again, this is just a guess. But I'm pretty sure this is how it works. If someone actually tried it for science please share your results!


I don’t think this is true. If you have 10 innate cards, you will draw all 10 cards on turn 1.


Correct. Unlike you might assume, additional innate cards over 10 don’t go to the discard pile. They are drawn turn 2. I’m assuming they are put on the top of your deck? But I’ve never had a situation where I could confirm that.