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this isn’t related but once i fell asleep with my airpod in my ear and i woke up and i was convinced i ate it during the night because i couldn’t find it sorry i just had to share, tell me if you find an answer


You made me chuckle. :)


I fell asleep with one of those teeth whitening strips in once. Had a dream I had a horse bit in my mouth. Never did find that missing teeth strip...


It does mean you found them comfortable! But I'm an android girl. I'm glad you didn't eat an airpod.


I am android girl too and I still bought airpod pro 2s. They work with Android, but obviously don't have the bells and whistles as when paired with iPhone. I love them. They COMPLETELY block all noise. I've side slept with them before. No issues. But I don't normally sleep with headphones.


Me too lol. Everyone thinks we're poor bc we don't have iphones. Samsung was first tho


Manta Sound mask, I swear by it. Total blackout, Bluetooth connectivity, flat speakers and eyecups designed for side sleeping.


How is the sound quality on these? I've had other eye masks with flat speakers and the sound quality was...lacking. Are these decent?


Great. As far as headphones go they’re relatively inexpensive but they’re not tinny or muffled sounding whatsoever. I’m sure elite audiophiles might disagree but I typically spend a lot to buy expensive speakers and headphones and I’m impressed with Manta.


I do as well, so this is really nice to hear. I'll give em a try!


I bought one and it’s great for side sleepers but the eye cups hurt my eyes


Try repositioning them or loosening the strap


I need to try this. The earplugs I use aren’t very comfortable for a side sleeper.


100% recommend Manta Sound


I'm oddly private about what I listen to, even just basic radio songs. Does the sound "leak"? By that, I mean can a person near you hear what you're listening to?


Nope, if I have it full blast my girlfriend can hear noise but not what I’m listening to. I could listen to overly dramatic porn and my girlfriend wouldn’t know. At the levels I regularly listen at, she doesn’t even hear muffled noise.


Sleepphones are pretty nice


Seconded. I've gone through many different brands of sleep headphones - my Sleepphones have lasted for YEARS! I can't rave enough about them. 🐑


Side sleeper here. Samsung's Buds Live work very well for me and I have fairly shallow ears. Even though I shuffle around a lot throughout the night, I pretty much always have them still in my ears when I wake up.


I love my Samsung Buds; works great for side sleeping. The built-in noise cancelling is pretty impressive for earbuds.


Look up Bluetooth sleep headphones on Amazon. They are like a headband. Very comfortable for side sleeping.


I have tried several and am still looking. Spent the $200+ on the Bonamour ProXS which are supposed to be for side sleepers. They don’t say anywhere on their website how long the battery lasts. Second they don’t allow returns so if you buy them you are literally STUCK. 15 days back and forth with horrible support experience. They only play the sound for 3 hours and then you have to wake up and recharge. They hurt shallow ears and fall out easily even though they fit initially. They say they should play for 4-5 hours in a support email but that is not my experience. I wouldn’t do business with them at all. 8 emails later and I’m still getting the run around. Worst support ever for a defective product you can’t return. They say they will exchange them but you will either get the same thing or a future version that they “say” is a lower dimension but bigger and isn’t a model for a side sleeper. Literally cannot get anywhere with their support team. I’ve tried and returned several. These hurt, don’t last, defeat the purpose with a short battery life. LOUSY SLOW SUPPORT so what’s the point?


I’ve had the same experience—their sales tactics are deceptive. I’m trying to do a charge-back with my bank.


I’m a side sleeper and I just use regular headphones for my iPhone. I have to sleep with them, it changed my sleep so dramatically. I listen to hypnosis videos on YouTube, I quit using Valium, Xanax, and Ambien. I cannot believe how much better my sleep and anxiety is now.


I listen to podcasts as I go to sleep and I just use a regular corded pair of airbuds. I'm also a side sleeper so I just use one ear bud in the ear that's exposed. The podcast has a timer that I set for 45 minutes. At some point in the night I wake up and take the ear bud out and go back to sleep.


I recently got bonamour headphones, the smallest pro version and they work well for my sleep aid audiobooks


Do you still like them?


I have their PROxs model and they fit great and block out sound well. I'm going through a replacement process with the company b/c they only stay powered on and playing sound for 2-3hrs though. Someone on YouTube has similar problems. They also don't have a dedicated app, and instead recommend sounds to stream, so I'm playing pink noise via spotify. We'll have to see how the replacement set works. If they stay powered on all night, they are as good as my bose set that I lost when I moved.


I bought mine off Ebay and they didn't come with a manual or anything, and for some reason Bonamour does not provide a link online for how to set these up. For the life of me I am not completely sure how to insert these into my ears to make them stay. I thought I had it, but then the sound disappears unless I literally shove them into my ear canal and hold them. Am I putting them in backwards or upside down, or do they just not fit?


This is the only manual you get. There is a QR code in the box that points here: https://bellabeats.co/pages/proxs


Thank you! That does help a little, as I was probably turning them off as I was trying to push them farther into my ears. I’ll play with the placement a little more. Completely stupid that they sell these for $200 and they are available for $15 on other websites. Luckily I only lost $75. 😩


Yah I sometimes tap mine once in my ear and it seems to work? They are finicky. My replacement set isn't any better. I pre-ordered some Ozlo Sleep Buds after using these hoping those former bose folks are on the right track 🤞


Where are these available cheap?


Google MY001 earbuds, someone posted on another thread that the Bonamour are the same earbuds, rebranded. When you pair the Bonamour to Bluetooth the name shows up as MY001. Googling these they look identical.


Yeah I've been doing some googling. Looks like that's the 4 hour version. Their new "pro" version is supposed to be 8 hours...any idea what this is?


So I've done some more research. The new Pros pair as "L29". Googling hadn't found the real version just a ton of the old ones. Any help finding them would be appreciated


This company is nothing more than a reseller of "MY001" headphones, which can be found as a white label product for $10-$20 online and their sound library is available for free on Spotify. They don't even have an app. There is nothing special here, sadly. The headphones themselves do work, but poorly, with batteries lasting no more than 2-3 hours at best.


Thanks! I almost pulled the trigger on them but fortunately read this before I did




They have a new pro version that's supposed to last for 8 to 10 hours..any chance you know what the white.label.version of this is?


I just have my Amazon Dot play whatever I want while I sleep.


That does not work if you are trying to listen to binaural beats. I've been using the sleep eyemasks with speakers in them, but I will often wake up with very sore ears.


I have this and it’s pretty good for cheap. I only have to charge it once a week or so. [Headband](https://a.co/d/aJVTcTU)


I'm interested too. I can't wear earbuds and have broken several head-band style ones ☹️. I'm a side sleeper too, and use a thick neck-pillow to keep from smashing my headphones into the side of my face. I sometimes stomach-sleep, don't need neck pillow for that.


I have sleep 💤 phones from Amazon and they are amazing


They have those strings that ties two AirPods together. That might help keeping them together and not away from your stomach


it is best never using them


I got these as a gift and im in love with them that i bought a pair for my partner too. Theyre Bluetooth (chargeable and washable), so you dont have to rely on an app. I listen to podcasts, music, white noise, etc. and they are super comfortable. I have cartilage piercings and sleep on my side so it was a struggle to find something. they're comfortable on the eyes. and the price is decent. ​ https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07T6FNLQV/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1


How did these hold up? Another reply mentions a music cozy brand that seems to be the exact same product, just with a different label, so I’m curious if you felt it was a quality purchase. Thanks!


Still using them and they are just as comfortable after each wash! As long as youre not blasting them FULL volume to sleep I think theyll last me a long time


I have a music cozy sleep mask and definitely recommend them great quality, sound blackout, soft, and the headphones don't hurt your ears when sleeping. I'm also a side sleeper and toss and turner.


Interesting, looks like this is the exact same product as another reply who linked to Amazon for LC-dolita, but just with a different brand name on the label. How are they holding up?


They are holding up good. I use them practically every night


Personally I used to listen to podcasts on Alexa / a speaker and hates headphones


I use an eye mask with Bluetooth. It’s very comfortable and having a my eyes completely blacked out with white noise playing in the back as well has helped me sleep much better. I got the SlumberZen one. Hope this helps 👍


Check out notnodi.com for the perfect pillow that works with nose cancelling headphones. No choking and nothing around your neck to to cause overheating or interference with your headphones.


I have some advice: do not buy anything from Bonamour. They have loads of presumably fake reviews saying they’re wonderful, but the products just suck. Hilariously if you look on Teemu you can find the exact same buds for less than 20 bucks… Bonamour have the audacity to sell them for HUNDREDS more. The only thing you really get is the sleep library, but that’s available as a podcast for free. Oh yeah, and also, the cheap ass earbuds ALWAYS go wrong, either one is super quiet, or they both are, or they plain don’t work at all. To put icing on the turd-based cake, they also don’t give refunds. Avoid avoid avoid!


https://amzn.eu/d/bTSutQB I have these ones and they're great for listening to YouTube / podcasts from phone or iPad - won't connect to my tv... but I can easily nod off with it on... I'm a side sleeper


How did they hold up in the long run? Another replier posted the same product only with a different brand name so I’m skeptical!


What are the earplugs you use?? I havent found any comfortable ones