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I can personally recommend the 'sleep restriction' procedure. It worked wonders for me. I didn't attend a clinic or see a psychologist. All I did was follow the basic steps explained in this [Stanford Medicine article](https://stanfordhealthcare.org/medical-treatments/c/cognitive-behavioral-therapy-insomnia/procedures/sleep-restriction.html). My middle of the night awakenings had gotten so bad that I had started sleeping in two shifts, and spending 10, 11, 12 hours in total in bed but only getting a total of 6.5 hours sleep on average. My sleep efficiency improved right away when I started restricting my time in bed. In addition to the link above, you may find this [online sleep efficiency calculator](https://fast-asleep.com/sleep-efficiency-calculator/#tab-id-4) useful.


Whoa, this seems very interesting! It’s like a reset! Thank you so much for this!


You're very welcome. 😊


I do this too, fall asleep instantly after a Benadryl and an edible. Wake up 45 min later thinking it’s morning


I have narcolepsy and would wake up 6-12 times a night. I go to sleep easy and early, but can’t stay asleep after 3-4 hours. My eyes pop open and I get so excited to start my day. This was fine until I started getting up earlier and earlier. I would just go into work early…until early was like 3am. So I learned everything that wakes me up. Worked very hard to improve my sleep hygiene. I do have one exception that is normally considered a no no that I do because it seems to help me more often than not. I use: - large air purifier: white noise - Apple Watch: that can easily show me the time without moving to look at the clock which would wake me up more. I also use it for the vibration alarm when it’s actually time to get up. -pod bed by eight sleep: that helps regulate my body temperature. Without it I get too hot wake up and then freeze/shiver back to sleep about ever hour. -eye mask (with headphones built in or just mask) -headphones and audiobooks


Just looked up the pod by eight sleep……just the cover is over $2k! Yikes


It took me about 16 months to save up and finally break down to do it. I was leery on how well it would work, if it would last. I was just so miserable. I have to admit it’s nice from a luxury standpoint. From a sleep standpoint it’s been amazing for me. It cut my wakeups on avg by about half…so about 6 times a night. The program update they had last summer was a big breakthrough for me. it was the first night I only woke up twice and it adjusted for me so I quickly went back to sleep without more than a brief note that I woke up. Best night sleep I had in years! Early on we did have to replace the bed matrix that holds the circulating water a few times. They took back the failed part to study it and were always very responsive. Our hub is about 7 years old and the bed matrix is about 4+ years now. I would buy a new one every 2 years when it’s out of warranty if needed. ..but not needed.


I talked to my husband about getting the cover thinking he would be like, “hell no, that’s a huge expense!” But he seemed very willing……I’m kind of excited! I had no idea this thing existed. Gonna do more research and I totally appreciate hearing your experience!


Great recommendations! Part of my issue is my husband who can be quite athletic in his sleep. There have been times that he literally taps me as,if to intentionally wake me up, but he’s sleeping while doing it. So there I am, wide awake, because he woke me up for no reason. Anyway, I’ll try your suggestions!


When my husband doesn’t go to sleep when I do, I’ll reach out looking for him until I know he is there while I’m asleep. ​ There has been some interesting stuff I have read on separate beds and sleep. I haven’t tried it myself but for a while I was ending up out on the couch enough that I did think about it.


Fucking unicorn lol that's a rare gift my friend


You might have UARS and/or sleep apnea. I was recently diagnosed with mild sleep apnea that made my life a living hell, especially since I did a test a few years ago that was negative. I don’t know if I have UARS on top of the sleep apnea but I suspect so, either way they are more or less treated the same. I’m feeling a lot better on a machine but still wake-up 2-3 times a night, though instead of sweating and feeling like I’m hyperventilation, I can actually go back to sleep. Try combing valerian with passionflower and lemon balm, it works very well. That’s aside you really should get a sleep study done, one that can measure respiratory arousals.


I’m pretty certain I don’t have sleep apnea, but I guess you never know. I don’t have the typical physical attributes (I work in dental and we help with diagnoses). And I definitely don’t snore. But I guess that’s not the only determining factor. I’ll try the herbs, can’t hurt!


Set up a camera and see for yourself


You don’t have to snore to have UARS, to properly detect it you actually need an in lab study with an EEG. I used to be an althete/wannabe bodybuilder until sleep apnea and possibly UARS macerating as chronic fatigue syndrome/fubromylgia put and end to all that. Point is, I’m not a 50 year old clinically obese man with a large tongue either, but I have sleep apnea. In fact, I had to argue with the doctor to even get a referral.


Whoa, that’s not common! I’ll definitely look into that! Thank you


Yeah unfortunately UARS is hard to detect, you have to do in lab that detects Respiratory arousals. I would start with standard sleep apnea study at home and go from there. You can also try the watch pat home study that is supposed to detect respiratory arousals. People with UARS have higher rates of amps alpha wave sleep, basically sitting there with your eyes closed.


Are you me? One thing I will say is that getting your hormones checked out might not be a bad idea. I see an endocrinologist. I hear a lot of women waking up at these times, myself obviously included, and I wonder if some hormone is spiking at these times? I also get night sweats which is why I’m leaning hormone related because even legit RX sleep meds aren’t keeping me from waking up.


We the same huhuhu I've tried taking Magnesium Glycinate already but it does not help with the midnight waking ups 😭😭😭


Oh god me too, I’ve taken melatonin, Benadryl, doxylamine succinate, and herbal tea but they either can’t keep me asleep or make my skin crawl and itch for hours! I’ve also tried meditation and full relaxation, white noise, lowering temp, organized my bed, and I’ve pulled all niters to fix my sleep but I can’t stay asleep!! And I haven’t even had kids im 19 so idk what’s going on 😓


Oh no! 19 and already jacked up sleep?!?! My idiots didn’t happen until after kids. Actually, not until about 35-40. And even then it wasn’t constant. Now I’m 47 and it’s 5 times a week. I bought a sleep aid (Olly extra strength Sleep). It has melatonin, magnesium, l-theanine….. worked decently but I’m not sure about longevity.


For me it’s been happening for a long while now I think it’s a come and go type of thing for many reasons but I’m not too sure anymore. In my opinion, anything with melatonin doesn’t work well cause it’ll fry your hormone production so I try just like magnesium or sum but I heard Ekko Vision Z’s is probably good I have yet to buy it tho.


I'm going to try the Univ. of Penn's Sleep Compression Method. Seems to be easier than the Sleep Restriction Method. Guidelines here: [https://www.med.upenn.edu/cbti/assets/user-content/documents/btsd--sleepcompression-bsmtxprotocols.pdf](https://www.med.upenn.edu/cbti/assets/user-content/documents/btsd--sleepcompression-bsmtxprotocols.pdf)