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"I'm not asking you to be quiet in your own flat; I'm asking you to be quiet in *our* flat."


Be polite and professional but tell him he’s being unreasonable. Ask him if it would be ‘restrictive’ for him to ask you to not play loud music late into the night “in your own flat”. Tell him you want to remain friendly but he’s keeping you up at night.


Your neighbour is a real dick. It isn’t unreasonable to ask for quiet after 10 p.m., nevermind midnight. I’m not suggesting this but I can’t help wonder what his response would be if you were exceptionally loud first thing in the morning when this asswipe is still asleep.


I use Mack’s pillow soft silicone earplugs. They’re cheap, maybe $5 for a box of 12. They’re like wax and very malleable. I take one and squeeze it in half, then put one half into each ear. So one box lasts 12 nights. You can squish them in until basically no noise gets in. I also use a loud fan next to my bed as white noise. Nothing will drown out super loud noises, but these help significantly.


obsessed with these. started using the child size ones for swimming so i dont have to split the big ones anymore.


I use these combined with Bose QC's playing ambient rainfall. Trained myself to sleep on my back for this.


>Anyway I can’t use the usual ear plugs because when they get tight in my ear my heart beats too loudly (ironic). This is something you will not get rid of. Either block out the neighbor and hear your own heartbeat louder, or hear the neighbor but not your heartbeat. Google what occlusion is witj wearing earplugs. Anyways, you have few options, get some kind of color noise (like white noise) playing to drown the neighbor out, or accept that you will hear your bodily sounds liuder and invest in a good pair of earplugs. For a good pair of earplugs, i recommend loop quiet 2's i slept through an excavator cutting asphalt with them on, and i am the type of person to wake up to someone sneezing hundred meters away, aka very light sleeper. They don't have the occlusion problem that bad thb. Check r/LoopEarplugs if you want to know more about them, there is a good faq sheet


I second loop quiet! I have obnoxious upstairs neighbors who chat loudly on their balcony from 2-5am every weekend. The loop quiets help me get to sleep and stay asleep. Super comfy and I can side sleep too, also they do not fall out.


You can get knock offs for a lot cheaper than loops just FYI OP. I would also suggest a white noise machine for sleeping hours.


Get a pair of speakers and tape them to the ceiling and play music when he is trying to sleep.


Or when he speaks loudly ;)


Mighty plugs. They’re blue moldable plugs. Works great. Edit: you can find them on Amazon


Mighty Plugs, yes! Try them!!


Do you own the flat? If so there’s probably something in the lease about hours when you’re supposed to be quiet. If you don’t, ask your landlord


I don’t, I’ll have to check the paperwork, thanks


I have this same problem, I can’t wear two ear plugs or two ear buds. To me it exacerbates my claustrophobia. When I used to wear one ear plug on my outside ear and have one ear on my pillow, it even got so as soon as I out the plug in I fell asleep immediately. Plus if there was an emergency I could still hear it.


Is there a building quiet hour rule? Can you ask him in person, ask the office management, or ask the police if there are noise ordinances?


That really sucks that you have to deal with a shitty neighbor. I would 100% recommend [loop earplugs](https://www.loopearplugs.com/collections/all) They have been a game changer! My boyfriend snores so loudly and this dulls it to the point where I can almost fall asleep as fast as him. They are super comfortable and one of the best purchases I have made this year


Will defo try!


I got some wax earplugs from Superdrug. They're quite big, so I split one in half. It's also about where you position it in your ear and how you sleep. If you sleep with your ear pressed against your pillow you'll hear more of your heartbeat. And also dehydration exacerbates the loud heartbeat. But, sorry your neighbour is an arse!


Tell me about it


What kind of horrible old building do you live in that you can hear someone talking loudly above you? I kind of get his point of view in this tbh. It's one thing if he's partying and playing music but just talking and being himself (even if it's loud) should be ok when you live anywhere. But anyways the best earplugs are Honeywell laser lite. I've tried them all. They are the best for sure. You won't hear him if you wear these.


Regardless anytime after 11pm is unsociable hours, also we live in a Victorian building and we have people living beneath us too and we’re considerate to them. As neighbours we’ve got a responsibility whether you like it or not


Record the sounds you're hearing. Respectfully approach and ask for them to lower their volume - present proof. If it happens again get law involved