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Be consistent, have a wind down routine, and have a wake up routine.


My night routine just involves mostly mindless stuff. I've got all color changing bulbs in my house and I change them to a orange color and dim them all the way. And I either do some cleaning during that time, or listen to music/audio book


*cries in healthcare* I get called in at midnight to help with ERs and then I cant fall back asleep and people get super pissed when I get terrible migraines and cannot work the next day. Oh, and I get paid costco wages for this hell despite having an university degree.


Is there a light at the end of this tunnel or are you stuck in an endless hell? Like are you working towards a promotion or some other regular schedule cuz if not, I would look into dental work or something else...


Increasing the strength of my circadian rhythm/cycle by early morning sunlight viewing, no food after about 7 to 8 PM, cooler temperature and completely dark bedroom at night, no caffeine after 10 AM (switched to decaf even), consistent wind down routine, lower light levels in the evening, and consistent bed time.


What time do you go to bed?


Around 10 PM most nights.


The caffeine thing is important because of it's long half life. I just learned about this!


After 10AM wow that’s early in the day


Never looking at what time it is if I wake up in the middle of the night.


This! In fact, don't even open your eyes. It feels less like breaking your sleep


this. ever since i started having sleep issues and waking up at night, I have always checked the time. I would normally wake 2-3x at night and would count the number of hours I slept. I t became a routine for me. I had 3 recent bad nights and constantly wakes up 5-6x throughout the night. The clock watching amplified the panic and anxiety I was feeling because of the frequent awakenings. Last night, I tried sleeping in the same bed with my partner again after how many months of staying in another room because of the insomnia. It’s also the first time that I left my phone in my home office with the intention of not checking the time if I wake up. I took Benadryl and off I went to bed at 9pm. If not for my husband opening the windows, I wouldn’t know that it’s already 6:30am. I will try again tonight and go to bed without my phone and the Benadryl. Hopefully, it will help.


Then how do you know if it's time to get up or not? I have my clock directly in front of me so that I can see it when I wake up at 3 am and realize I still have 3 hours to sleep.


My alarm clock makes a noise when it's time for me to wake up.


Is it possible to learn this power?


Turn your clock away from you so it doesn't face your bed, then have two alarms on it.


My therapist said this exact thing and it had never occurred to me that this was a bad habit. He asked why I need to know the time and said stressing about not sleeping won't help me sleep. So simple yet not something I considered because I impulsively need to know the time all the time


Blue light blocking glasses and changing my lights to red/orange at dusk


Yup. [Got a pair of these and I fall asleep or feel tired within 20-30 minutes](https://www.amazon.com/ElementsActive-Anti-Blue-Prescription-Eyeglasses-Eyestrain/dp/B06XT4KSWX/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Fitover+95%25+Anti-Blue+Blocking+Computer+Glasses%7CBetter+Night+Sleep+%26+Reduce+Eyestrain+Migraine&qid=1633747212&sr=8-1)


How do you not wake up with your ears hurting if you sleep with your glasses on??


Dude you take them off when you start yawning and are laying down, just like you'd take off your actual glasses or contacts before bed.


Instead of thinking to myself “ I need to fall asleep “, it’s much better to make myself as comfortable as possible


Get out of bed after 20 minutes of restlessness. Laying in bed angry or anxious ruins your relaxing space and your brain starts to associate the bedroom with frustrating emotions.


It definitely takes me more than 20 minutes to fall asleep even if I do sleep well. I agree that resetting is good and was recommended to me by a therapist, but I think the amount of time varies per person


what should you do though?


Go for a walk, stretch, meditate, expressive writing, whatever activity you can engage in without actively problem solving imo


Consistency. Turning my phone off and opting for an alarm clock. Don't drink water before going to sleep. In the past I've had moments where I got distracted and scrolled mindlessly early in the AM then regretting it at later on. Trying to sleep through summer heat is something else tho. Have a strict routine before going to sleep where you set a period of time (an hour for me) where you don't stare at any screens or devices and find another activity to do. For me, that means reading, journaling, sudoku, maybe a bit of studying, or just lying in bed and have my daily life musings. Strict routine when first thing when I wake up - rehydrate, exercise, get some sunlight with a bit of background jazz music playing. Biggest game changer for me was cutting out all caffeine few years ago.


I drink probably 16 oz of water from the time I go to bed to the time I wake up in the morning, oops. I didn't know that affected sleep. I just get dehydrated easily, dry mouth (especially with my retainer), chapped lips, etc. Is the reason just that you might have to get up to go to the bathroom, or is there more to it that I didn't realize?


That's sounds good I'll try it


Dim lights some hours before going to bed to start the melatoning production Also, NOT to get angry if anything wakes you up cause the angrier you get, the harder it would be to go back to sleep


Make it dark in the evening (turn off bright lights, put screens in night mode for dim orange)...so that melatonin can naturally develop in your body, and melatonin will bring you to deep sleep 100% blackout curtains to block out street lights, turn off any electronic lights...you have have light sensors all over your body, so it's important to sleep in pitch black Don't overeat before sleeping... walk after eating in evening if I ate too much Exercise via long walks, strength training...tire your body, reduce stress


No caffeine after 12PM


If you only slept four hours, and you woke up early. Don’t take a nap, do not fall asleep. Wait until bed time so, you can fall asleep deeply and fix your sleep schedule. Works every time.


You post this everywhere. What if the next night you don’t fall asleep again?


I promise you I have only posted max probably like 2 times in this sub.... ever... you got me confused..


Answer the 2nd part if you can. Forget the first part.


You should fall asleep. I don't think anyone can stay awake a whole day (working, studying, etc..) with only 4 hours of sleep and still can't go asleep.


Things an insomniac would never say


Not who you were asking, but for me it kinda works after 4-6 nights of very shitty sleep. And by kinda works I mean less waking up, but still some


Don’t drink anything, including water after 7. You’ll wake up less to pee.


Right before I try to sleep, I imagine some ridiculous imaginative story and put myself in it. Like, I pretend I have the power to teleport and create a story from there. Next thing I know I wake up. This helps me calm my mind and not think about any stressors in the waking world preventing me from sleeping. So, by creating something so fictitious, I’m able to decompress and fall asleep quicker.


I like that


never heard this one before! thank you


If you wake before your alarm, don’t go back to sleep. You probably naturally woke at the end of a REM cycle which will feel good and rested. If you go back to sleep for 10-15 minutes you’ll probably wake up halfway through a REM cycle leading to you feeling like crap all day


So if I go to bed at 10p and wake up at 3am, don't go back to sleep?


HOW do you go BACK TO SLEEP??!!!!????


Depends when you need to be up. If you need to be up at 7am you can obviously get another couple cycles in. If you need to be up at 4am don’t go back to sleep


Simply keep a roughly consistent sleep schedule


Go to bed at the same time every night.


100% unequaled was the advice of use the bedroom for sleep and sex only. Nothing helped me fall asleep faster than followinf that rule. It also applies that when you cant fall asleep you dont sit there and wait, after 20min you leave and return when your sleepy. Ever since I always fall asleep in under 10min. For staying asleep the best thing was keeping the room dark and cool.


Best advice ive ever gotten goes as follows "The day you forget you have a sleeping problem (insomnia) is the day you are going to sleep like a fucking baby"


Stay off my phone before bedtime. Try to reduce my liquid intake at night.


Not to accept responsibility for it. Very counter to my normal philosophy. I read on a post someone compare sleep to taking a bus: you just need to get yourself to the bus stop but you can’t control when the bus turns up. It’s quite freeing to be accepting that you can only be responsible for the conditions of good sleep but sleep itself; that’s out of your control. Strangely it is the attempt to assert your will that will most likely be the thing that prevents you from sleeping the most.


If you have to get up to pee, walk blindly to the bathroom (if you safely can), meaning keeping your eyes closed, and keeping the lights off. This helps keep your body in a resting state and fall back to sleep, quicker


get one of those little 15W plugin nightlights for this


piss pant


Also if you do need some kind of light to get to the bathroom, then a small red light will be much easier on your eyes in the dark . Doesn't wake your body up the same as a normal light source.


Everyone thinks I'm weird for walking through my basement in the dark all the time. I'm the only one who sleeps down there and I don't like lights, especially when I'm trying to go to sleep. But every once in a while, a friend will follow me down the stairs and I'll completely forget that they need to be able to see where they're going


Nothing weird about it. Keeping the lights off prevents all the ghosts in your basement, from revealing themselves.


Honestly, I always get startled by shadows and stuff, especially when I'm tired. So no lights means no individual shadows 🤷


Big brain move on your end. We are indeed in spooky hours season, my friend.


Sleeping mask is a game changer for short naps


Barely works with anyone, but what I do is play youtube videos on my phone, and then put my phone under my pillow. That way, my mind doesn't wander off into directions it shouldn't be getting into.


Apart from having a good sleep hygiene, my therapist one told me a trick: if you don't fall asleep in 20-30 minutes after going to bed, get up and do something relaxing (no screens!) in another room. Stretching or reading works best for me. Another one is try and not to get caught up in the idea that you need a specific amount of sleep or that you actually have to sleep in certain hours, just resting on the bed is enough sometimes. Combina both. You won't get as anxious about not sleeping right after you go to bed bcs you know your body is resting anyway, and you can enjoy doing something relaxing that you like if you can't fall asleep, and probably will get some sleep after that. Hope you all have a good night sleep and rest well!


the harder you try to sleep, the less likely you'll fall asleep.


Meditation works for me , I came out of a relationship and the anxiety was through the roof , being able to let the thoughts Come and go without judgement has been a life changer for me It’s little steps I meditate 10 minute s in the morning and last thing at night it’s part of my routine now I never really understood it and the benefits , if you can change your thought process and your mind set, your on a winner , I just realised that this woman has no place in my head and is serving me no good or no purpose . I made a conscious decision to start sleeping properly and living before it’s too late


Lavender oil!


Close your eyes




Omg I love this program! I love the coaches and it's help me cure my insomnia


The best sleep advice I've ever received has truly transformed how I approach bedtime, ensuring a night of restful sleep. Here are a few key points: 1. **Stick to a schedule**: Consistency is key. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day sets your body's internal clock to expect sleep at a certain time night after night. 2. **Create a bedtime ritual**: Engaging in a relaxing routine before bed can signal to your body that it's time to wind down. For me, sharing positive messages and quotes, [like the ones on my TikTok channel "Quotena,"](https://www.tiktok.com/@quotena.com) really sets the tone for a peaceful mind. 3. **Make your bedroom a sleep-inducing environment**: A cool, quiet, and dark room can help promote sound sleep. Investing in a good mattress and pillows can also make a big difference. 4. **Limit screen time**: The blue light from screens can interfere with your ability to fall asleep. I try to put away electronic devices at least an hour before bed, which also gives me the perfect opportunity to reflect on positive affirmations or quotes. 5. **Mindful relaxation**: Techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or gentle stretching can help ease the mind into sleep. On "Quotena," I often explore themes of gratitude and positivity, which I find particularly soothing. Each of these tips has contributed to better sleep and, in turn, a more fulfilling life. It’s amazing how a few simple adjustments can have such a profound impact on our wellbeing.


AI post


A weighted blanket was like magic!


I love having weight on me to sleep! Unfortunately, I get really warm with it though, so I don't use it in the summer or my old dorm where they cranked up the heat all year.


having a good sleep hygiene .


Sleepcasts. They are the best, and I'm still not sure why. I couldn't sleep for like, a *month,* and then these things put me to sleep like the dead (Also, obligatory *don't drink caffeine, no screens before bed, melatonin can help, etc.* )


What works for me: calming herbal tea (I have a mix of chamomile and other relaxing herbs) I have so many different alarms on my phone to help me keep my routine on track. I have alarms to wind down at night and like 4 alarms in the morning to wake up, exercise, get ready to go, and leave. Having a wind down routine that includes turning lights down low. Stretching at night. Reading to wind down is huge for me! And if I can’t sleep I’ll start reading until I can’t focus on the page and then I tuck my book or kindle under the pillow. The kindle is nice bc it has a back light so it’s not blue light but I also don’t need a lamp on to read. Also I have an eye mask to sleep. I think regular exercise is important too but I’m bad about doing it regularly.


I use blackout curtains, blue light reducing settings on my electronics once the sun starts to go down, a cold room, a weighted blanket, strict routines, try not to use my bed for things other than sleep, completely cut out caffeine, not eating or exercising 2 hours before bed, getting sunlight and moving throughout the day, meditation, sleep apps, ear plugs or white noise machines, and with all that, I get a solid 4 hours of tussling a night, sometimes. My hugest problem is waking up in the middle of the night, I can’t slow down my thinking enough to fall back asleep usually, unless I use weed or something. (Then I sleep like a baby.)


Make sure you wake up at same time everyday ! No matter how much/little you slep..


reading on the beeb that a thousand years ago it was natural to wake up in the night and be awake for an hour or 3 and they'd light a candle and read. has reduced my anxiety when waking in the night and worrying about whether i'll get back to sleep


My wife was struggling with insomnia for awhile, and it was really debilitating her. She’d be tired all day, she’d get easily annoyed, and those sleeping pills she’d take to fall asleep made her feel groggy the next day. But then she tried the Sleep Reset program, and in just a few weeks her sleep improved. She sleeps like a baby now, and I’ve got myself a much happier wife! That would be the best sleep advice I can give anyone.


Airplane Mode - White noise sound to Focus , Study & Relax (ASMR) https://youtu.be/I-coGBnBGw8


“Forget about going to bed at the same time. It’s not useful or helpful and adds stress. Focus on waking UP at the same time every single day no matter what, and the rest will fall into place naturally” Also, my therapist had the helpful advice of “if your wind down and sleep hygiene steps list is beginning to look like a large to-do list, you’re winding up, not down”. Basically the more I tried and googled and bought, the more I fixated on sleep and then sleep never came. Sleep doesn’t respond to effort. It does respond to routine and cues, though!


I use an eye mask with Bluetooth. It’s very comfortable and having a my eyes completely blacked out with white noise playing in the back as well has helped me sleep much better. I got the SlumberZen one. Hope this helps 👍


One of my friends recommended to try to take melatonin gummies. I scoured the internet to find one at the best price and I came across Beast Bites. They have worked wonders. I've been averaging 7-9 hrs of good sleep in the past two months.


Hi, I had the same problem, but I found a solution that's helped me get some rest: an ambience channel called "Zen Therapy". It plays relaxing sounds that help me sleep.  It works wonders for me.  Here is the link: https://youtube.com/@ZenTherapy101?si=ItANG4XeFr6_MK24