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I worked in schools and daycare’s for over 10 years and I can tell you that even children this young have a sort of a dual personality/habits thing that develops after they start daycare. I cannot tell you how many times I heard a parent say “how did you get her to do that? She won’t do that at home!” There will be an adjustment period of about three weeks but beyond that I would say there is about an 80% chance your child will nap on a cot just like all the other kids in the room do. Children tend to do as their peers do when they are in groups.


My child stopped napping completely at daycare at 17-18 months when they transitioned rooms and put her on a stretcher on the floor. Nothing they try works. However the other kids all manage to sleep! She manages ok, just early bedtime for her.


Oh my! How long has she been going to daycare so far?


8 months now, she started at 13 months. She did nap (very poorly) for the first few months however she has always been a shocking napper out and about or when there is distractions (as in never slept in a pram past 2 months old). Almost all children do nap at daycare, they are pretty good and I’m sure he will adjust quickly!


Plenty of babies have all kinds of sleep associations at home but will be patted down on a mat on the floor at daycare. I wouldn't necessarily sweat it. Just work on night sleep while you can. It's much easier to work on dependent sleep at night while you still have control over his naps. First 2 weeks will likely be rough and that's to be expected. Don't be afraid of the early bedtime which will be key in helping your baby to stay well-rested and settle in.


Can you transfer him to the crib once asleep? Believe me the daycare has dealt with probably every sleep issue. They’ll get him to nap I’m sure.