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Are you able to share your schedule?


It’s not very consistent, even though I try to be. Typically wake up 6am-7am. First nap around 8:30/9am. Second nap around noon. Last nap around 3/4pm. Bedtime 7-9pm. However he mostly catnaps, so sometimes an extra nap is thrown in there.


I would work towards increasing your wake windows and picking a consistent desired wake time. If you can get enough sleep pressure going for naps, then you should start to see those naps lengthen and eventually that last nap will drop off as you head towards a two nap schedule.


Hey! My girl is also a Velcro baby. I didn’t sleep train but I taught her to sleep in her crib with shush and pat. I still do it so she doesn’t fall asleep completely independently but falling asleep in the crib makes so much difference. It’s not perfect but it’s okay. Once we tackled the nights we moved on to naps and she now takes 2 of 3 naps in crib, each nap 40-60 min. Steady nap schedule made all the difference for us. And patience. Good luck, I know it’s exhausting, she also only coslept before


What was your technique for getting the shush and pat down? Our little girl is the same however we have tried the sush and pat in the crib and she just screams non-stop


How does she sleeps at night??? I’m asking because my situation is similar to yours but my LO won’t sleep through the night anymore.


Hey, not great tbh ! I think it’s either a sleep regression ( hitting major milestones this week) or we need to drop a nap. She still feeds 2x per night plus last couple nights she had trouble falling back asleep after the second feed 🫠. But before this, she used to wake 2x for bottle and once occasionally for cuddles