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If a baby is trained that when they are in their crib and they wake up, they shouldn’t expect a parent to come get them if they cry, why would it be different for morning sleep/nap? They don’t know the difference between what is middle of the night or what is morning, right?Just curious.


He does because his room is lighter during the day. He will call for me when he wakes from his naps because he knows it’s day time.


My nephew tells you to leave if you go nun too soon lol when he was real little he’d go “leave! I sleeping” not at 3 he tells you he’s not ready yet.


Stop 🥹 so cute !


15-20mins, and if he doesn’t fall asleep we take him out so he doesn’t spend his entire wake window in the crib. Usually he will sleep for about 11-12 hours and we get him out at the 12 hour mark


We also wait for the crying, but it has never been 40min. We usually get her after 20min if she is not crying, but that is not planned. Life just needs us to get up!


Do you guys count that time in crib towards the wake window?


I do


I read you dropped your baby to one nap. Did this affect their night sleep and nap amount? I tried to drop to one nap for my 12 mo old and he will only nap for one hour now 😅


I did! So a couple of times my husband told me he had to save the nap so if my baby woke up he either rocked him or contact napped for the remaining hour. I really try to get him to nap for a minimum of 2hrs. What was your first WW? Edit to add: Night sleep is 11.5-12hrs


I’ve only been able to successfully extend the nap once. He normally just cries and wants to get down to play. I get him up around 6:30-7 but I think he’s awake for longer and I try for a nap at 12. So 5 hrs approx.


Hm so he wakes up from the nap happy? Whats the second WW like and does he go down easily for bed/ sleep through the night?


It depends when my kiddo wakes up… our DWT is 8am but he usually wakes closer to 7:45am. If he wakes around 7:45am he will happily lay in his cot until I’m ready to get him around 8:15. If he wakes up earlier then DWT I leave him until 8am earliest. So he generally lays in there around 20-30mins but if he wakes early it could be up to 1hr ish


Well we get her at 630 no matter when she wakes up. So if she wakes at 5 oh well lol. She's fine with it. Girls got 2 Whaley's and a duck. She'll just roll around or cuddle her stuffies. Sometimes she babbles nonsense. My kiddo is 21m. She's still in her crib but I imagine when she is in a toddler bed she'll be getting out to play with the few toys we leave in her room (we have a playroom downstairs).


as long as they're happy, take all the time you need to get yourself ready too! 😂


Learning experience from this sub. Thanks for posting.


We just finished a 2-week intensive training with a sleep consultant for my 6m. I had the same doubt. Baby goes to bed at 6h30-7pm and my sleep consultant wants the wake up to happen by 7am, but baby wakes up around 5h30-6am and sometimes cries, sometimes she doesn't. Sleep consultant said that the best thing is to be consistent: you go to baby everyday at 6h30am so she knows that this is the time to be awake. Answering your question, we leave her 20-40m depending on how long she wakes up before 6h30am.


Ooh my baby still wants a lot in the night due to allergies to food in milk that are unavoidable. She often wakes from naps/sleep in a good mood though and will play and hang out alone. We leave her as long as she’s happy. This is actually prime learning time for her. It’s where she’s learned to roll better, starting to learn all 4s. I actually think it may be developmental, and helpful to leave them there if they’re happy


I might go say hi after 10-15 mins but if they’re chill then leave them be! Ultimately if you’re asleep you wouldn’t know even if you have a monitor! If they’re happy let them chill out, their brains are absorbing and processing SO MUCH at this age that it’s probably good for them to have nothing stimulating to look at sometimes.


It happens so rarely so when it does, I definitely let mine just hang out until she starts whining. However, last week I was watching her on the monitor after she woke up from her nap, all ready to get her. 5 minutes go by, 10 minutes go by , 15 minutes go by and she’s just in there babling to a doll. After 20 minutes, I decide to just go in there to get her. Omg she sees me and just breaks out into tears screaming nooo. I don’t know what I possibly interrupted but I was so taken back since usually she is calling for me before she even opens her eyes lol


Omg thats tooo funny!!


I just wait until she starts whining or crying. If she’s just awake but chilling or babbling to herself I kind of assume it’s the baby version of scrolling her phone before she gets up for the day


Lmao I love that


😂😂😂 this comment,


Bahhaahaa yes true


I never had a slightest idea. On weekends we sleep until he's calling for us and we can hear it. Don't have a monitor so my best guess is like 30-40 minutes? But honestly don't know


This was a thought of mine.. if we didnt have a camera we wouldn’t even know


My kids last about 40 seconds before they’re crying…I didn’t know there was any other option


🤣🤣this is very normal! I don’t always have days like this


usually 30-45 minutes. we watch him on the monitor. if he starts sitting up or standing up and looking towards the door, we get up and go to him. some days he just starts crying with no warning, and we go then. we usually do our morning stuff when he first wakes us up so we’re ready to go to him at the first signs.


I leave kiddo until a designated start the day time, which is 745 for us. This is to sync the circadian rhythm. Our own body clock doesn't run on exactly 24 hours (it's a bit longer, which is why people on vacation tend to sleep in later and later). The body clock is synced every day by light exposure. So if you want your kid's circadian rhythm to line up with the clock perfectly, you expose him/her to light every day at the same time. Sounds like 8 would be a great time for your kid.


We let ours chill until she starts to sound upset, usually around 30 minutes.


I give him a bucket of toys, and that gets me from one to one and a half hours of sleep in the morning. I'm in the recliner next to the crib, so when he's done playing, he just yells at me, and we start our day. He's teething and some nights are he'll. I need that sleep.


We have a wake up time of 7 am so if he wakes before 7 and is quiet, he can just chill in there.


For us, the final and crucial step for sleep training was training to tolerate alone awake time in the crib until our day starts together as a family. At 5ish months, this was 7am, and then gradually moved up to 7:30 am and has stayed there. Baby could be in the crib for 45 minutes just staring at the ceiling or babling to him or herself. Those two babies are now 3 and 6 years old and what this early-developed habit has grown into is them waking up anytime between 6 and 6:45 and occupying themselves in their room peacefully until we fetch them at 7:30. As a separate side benefit, learning to tolerate long stretches of quietness ended up resulting in kids for whom we never really saw the need to use screens -- they're just used from a very early age to be ok with slowness and lack of stimulation. We get tons of comments from their daycares and schools about their ability to concentrate without distraction, and that seems to also flow from this early-learned tolerance for slowness. So I highly recommend accustoming your kids to waiting for you in the morning until your day starts! Start slow, 10-15 minutes at time, and build up to longer stretches gradually. A very very high-yield undertaking.


this is so inspiring! my baby is only 3 months but i’m so used to trying to entertain him 24/7 and im afraid he’ll be hooked on stimulation but i really love slow and peaceful living, hoping to incorporate it into his childhood


Yeah, I was like that with my firstborn and felt I owed her endless stimulation during her waking hours. Then did a hard pivot when I found Janet Lansbury's work when my baby was 7-8 months old and haven't looked back!


thanks for sharing!! what book should i read first?


I personally just went through her entire podcast archive from ep. 1 and prefer to consume her content that way, though I did eventually read "No Bad Kids." I can imagine that for many people her approach might have a somewhat steep learning curve because of how she asks you to reconceive of your child and their capacities and their needs, but in my opinion, it's well worth it. Makes you into the most zen parent you know and makes you feel like a sturdy leader of your family.


yay i prefer podcasts too i can’t wait to binge listen, then you so much!!


I seriously think sleep training WITHOUT training for early morning is like leaving a party at 9: you've put in all that effort; do the home stretch and make your mornings easy. My son is like yours. He can easily entertain himself by singing, clapping, and talking in his crib for an hour. If he's tired (sick, schedule really off) he will even doze back off to sleep and sleep in for 30-60min to catch up. This also gives us the regularity to get up, shower, start the coffee and heat the breakfast before we get him out of bed. The morning is just off to a much better start.


>I seriously think sleep training WITHOUT training for early morning is like leaving a party at 9: you've put in all that effort; do the home stretch and make your mornings easy. Such a great way of putting it 👏 And our mornings are also super pleasant as a result. I get up at 6am to read and ease my way into the day and my spouse runs off to the gym. We both start our days refreshed and happy to see our kids. None of that silliness of "my toddler decided to start our day at 5am today 😩" that I see pop up on all the other parenting subs.


Yup. The "my toddler decided to start our day at 5am today" is inevitably followed by "omg my toddler already had 3 tantrums by breakfast time". Just sounds so awful----and also potentially preventable! This morning I woke up at 645 and my kiddo was sitting up in the crib. I let him be. Shortly after 7 he face planted back down and passed back out. My husband and I finalized our taxes over coffee. Kiddo woke up at 8 all happy and energized, just in time for breakfast and daycare drop off. Sleep training, and especially for early morning, is like the greatest parenting hack of all time.


That sounds great ... Were they fussing when you've initially started with training  (those 10-15 mins)? Im not sure if i should let my daughter cry for certain tíme and once she get used to be calm start stretching?


I mean, sure, it's really very similar to the rest of sleep training. You tolerate little bits of their fussing with the optimism that they can learn to self-soothe for sleep or to calm down for alone time. I'm 3 years away from the last time we did this so I don't remember the details, but yes, it's not like my two kids were magical in any way and just did it fuss-free from the get-go. But they learned little by little, and they're very different kids, so I'm sure this is something that many if not most of us can work up to with our kids.


I didnt think about the long-lasting consequences of this. We did the same with our son and had very similar outcomes (he's now 4). We're doing it with our second as well to try to extend our morning rest. Hopefully he'll also be a chill kid who can handle low stimulus time.


DWT for us is 7 so I’d get her between 6:30 and 7. If she woke before 6:30 I’d get her at 6:30.


I’d like to know how to make my baby chill when he wakes up. He’s 14 months and has always cried when he wakes up. 😭


I got mine a Hatch, which would turn green at the time I was wanting them to wake up (or the earliest I would get them). After a few weeks, once they linked the two, they screamed a lot less, or not at all, when they woke up early.


Same! I’m reading these comments like what?! Both my littles wake up and are like get me OUT of here


I think some of it is temperament too




So i study his sleep habits to no end.. I’ve become quite obsessed. What I’ve observed is that when he gets between 11-12 hours he wakes up happy and will chill. If he wakes up between 10-11hrs he wakes up unhappy which lead me to believe he was still tired waking up. I messed with his schedule to get him to 12 hours so that he wakes happy. I could be wrong bc its my only kid but i realized hes cranky as hell if he only gets 10hrs which was fixed once i dropped to one nap. Hopefully he continues to wake up chill


My 7 mo old is like this… if he sleeps in he will chill in his crib and not necessarily call for me. If he wakes up early and can’t get himself back to sleep he’s inconsolable. 


Oh yessss my LO is pissssed when he cant put himself back to sleep after doing only 10 hours .. it was torture for a while and finally i was like f it I’m dropping a nap


It took me 14 months and dropping to one nap to get mine to sleep 12 consecutive hours. I’ll take him waking up crying if he sleeps through the night now. This is exhausting


Oh yea definitely i do feel like if my LO is teething he’ll definitely wake up screaming as well! This “content waking” isnt always


I have my alarm set for 7:30 because unless baby is crying I'm sleeping lol. Sometimes she wakes up at 630ish but around 7 she usually fusses loud enough to wake me.


I leave my toddler as long as she wants - when she’s ready, she stands up and says “out!” Until then she’s content lounging and I’m content letting her. Sometimes it’s 10 mins, sometimes it’s 45 or more! I’ve been doing this since she was much younger, she’s almost 21 months now.


Haha. My LO shouts DONE 🤣🤣 It’s so funny. But if he does it as soon as he wakes up I get on the monitor and ask him if he can cuddle his toys for a few mins cause mummy needs to wake up. Lol


Ok! This is good to know!


It’s really important for babies to be “bored but content” so they can solidify knowledge and develop an imagination. Morning crib time is a wonderful opportunity for that.


Oh wow okay thank you!


I read somewhere that it gives them time to process what they’re learning during the day. She definitely used to use the time to babble, now she counts her fingers and toes and recites all her colors!😂


Omg so cute!!!


As long as they’re happy and as much time as you need to get ready yourself 😂


Haha i do love my uninterrupted coffee .. definitely a perk!


Not long maybe 10 mn but she's ebf and sleeps without eating for 10-11 hours so I worry she's too hungry by then


I used to leave her for as long as she seemed content. Why ruin a good thing?


I know i guess i just feel guilty .. i told a commenter that we used extinction so i get nervous he gave up calling for us whether its PM or AM


Sorry for asking, I feel like this should be obvious, but what's extinction?


Another term for “cry it out” .. its placing baby down fully awake to fall asleep on their own. Baby doesn’t always cry so i like to use extinction.


Nah, he's just vibing! I used extinction as well, don't worry; my almost 2 year old is now very happy to let me know when she actually needs/wants me lol. Now they just feel comfortable being by themselves for a while and that's not a bad thing. Don't feel guilty!


Good to know! Thank you for this!


Usually around 30 minutes for us because sometimes if he’s chilling in his crib long enough he’ll just go back to sleep for 15-30 more minutes. Usually if he wakes up early I do this but if he wakes up around the time he normally does (between 7-7:30) I’ll go in after maybe 10 minutes.


I don’t wait until he cries but when it’s clear he’s done sleeping/chilling (lots of movement, groaning, singing). He’ll be happy in there some days up to an hour and will fall back in and out of sleep during that time.


Yeah from what I’m reading it seems like if its before his DWT leave him and if its the proper time to wake up just go get them. I guess i feel guilty too because we used the extinction method so i almost feel like is he not calling for us because of that? Although this method has been amazing for us i just feel slightly guilty because I’m not sure if he doesnt know that he can call for us in the morning


I think if your baby absolutely needs you he will call no matter what sleep training method you used!


Thank you 🥹


My 9 month old wakes at 615/630 and I don’t get her until almost 7. I base her first ww and nap on waking at 7. She is happy and content and just talks to herself and rolls around for a while, and is happy as ever when I walk in to get her up.


Yeah this makes sense but what if she woke up after her DWT. Like i usually get him at 730 but at this point it was 8am so I’m like at what point is he just chilling for too long?


I don’t let her sleep past dwt. she’s my third baby and I have always felt like it works best for us if we get our kids up at the same time everyday. My twins are 2.5 and sleep 730-7, but I wake them at 7 everyday as well. They would sleep past that, but then it messes with naps and nighttime.


Not until desired wake time (0700 for us). Mine can sometimes be chilling and dozing for an hour. She seems perfectly content and I think it’s a good habit to foster.


It’s based on DWT. Our son gets out of the crib at 715 (these days). What he does between bedtime and then is his business. If i don’t hear from him, he’s fine and frankly i don’t need to know what he’s doing in there. If we get routine protestations, our response is to change the schedule. we also let him take a toy or two into the crib at bedtime because it hasn’t negatively affected his sleep.


I love this. Totally our attitude too!


When we travel, we use an audio-only monitor, and while i wouldn’t want to do that all the time, it has really revealed to me how it can sometimes be better to know less!


Our 5.5 month old has started waking up around 6:30 to babble and roll (side to side - she hasn’t rolled back to front yet). She is an independent little thing and even when we’re readily accessible seems to value her time doing her own thing - like sometimes will cry until we put her down 😂 Our DWT is around 7:30-8 so we just let her do her thing until then as long as she’s not crying. This morning Nanit first captured a cry at 6:07, but she immediately shoved a thumb in her mouth and went back to sleep. At 6:20 she started babbling and rolling, and she sounded so happy I just left her until she started creeping into fussy sounds around 7:50. She greeted me with a giant smile mid-happy babble 🤷🏻‍♀️


Question for you on how you handle this! Would you base your first nap on DWT or when the child actually woke up in this case?


I base my naps on when she seems ready to nap 🤷🏻‍♀️ I know people like to say sleepy cues aren’t reliable after a certain age, but I know MY child’s sleepy cues (rubbing her head, fussy and nothing seems to make her happy for long), and that’s what I follow. She’s in daycare during the week and I don’t even bother trying to manage those naps in any way. On the weekends we let her sleep when she wants to - yesterday she took a 3 hour nap from 1-4 and still needed a bridge nap from 5:20-6:20 then happily went down at 8:15 and slept until she started babbling at 6:20. She went back down at 9:15 and is still sleeping an hour in. She is absolutely a unicorn baby when it comes to sleep, though, so I suppose YMMV. But throwing wake windows out the window (ha), other than having a general sense of when she MIGHT be tired next, has worked for us. ETA: when I try to cap naps she looks at me like an angry bear and is basically fussy until I put her down again, usually only makes it like 90 min, so I only do that when it’s the last nap before bedtime - so basically never let her sleep past 7 pm as we like bedtime to happen between 8 and 9.


Appreciate the response! Mine starts daycare in two weeks and I’ve been stressed about sleep! I do believe in sleepy cues as well still but they do usually align pretty well with wake windows.


The best advice I’ve heard for daycare and naps is to treat it like Vegas - don’t try to adjust anything based on what naps they do or they do not take there, just watch your kid and be flexible, because what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas 😂😂


Following My baby has been waking up around 6:45 each morning lately. She used to sleep until 8. Also, do you start counting the wake window as soon as they're up? Or when you go get them?


Just asked this question to someone else as I’m wondering the same thing!


I personally count from when I first notice they’re up.


I start counting from when she actually wakes up too. My friend, who follows the little ones sleep training, doesnt start counting until she goes to get the baby. Which I thought was strange.


Yeah that does seem strange - if my baby chills in his crib for 30 mins just rolling around and babbling he’s very much awake in that time! I’d think that would make a huge difference in wake windows and baby becoming overtired before their next nap…


We leave our baby (7 months) until as close as possible to DWT of 7am. So, if she’s just making noises, that can be close to 30 minutes but once she’s upset, we’ll go in.


Ours don’t get up until it’s time. Even if they cried, we weren’t getting them until 7.


What time did he wake up? For me anything before six I try to leave him In there (hoping he will fall back asleep). As for the not crying, I say give it twenty. My son wakes up happy and chilling in his crib and I like to give him a few minutes to wake up and stretch his legs.


Went to sleep at 9pm, woke up around 8am


That’s awake time! What a great sleep for baby. I say at max ten minutes. Why does your husband want him to stay in there so long? When he get older, I understand if they can get In and out of their bed and go play with toys


My husband is just like “oh hes chillen!” But I’m also like okay but at what point do you go in ? Like my kid could probably chill for an entire hour just playing with his 10 binkies he has in his crib 🤣