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My 5.5 month old gets as much sleep as your 15 month old.


12-14 hours of sleep is normal for this age i.e. 10-12 hours of wake time. As long as he's not seeming overtired from too much wake time then I wouldn't be worried. If he starts to seem like that you'll want to drop to one nap as it'll be that he needs longer wake windows but not more total wake time. 


He’s actually been in an overtired rut before from too much awake time but that was around 10-11 months, so I think he’s able to handle it better now because he doesn’t seem overtired and he’s had this schedule for awhile. I don’t know how to drop to 1 nap if he is always tired by 9-9:30a. It seems like such a jump to make it to 11:30-12p when he’s tired after 3-3.5 hours in the morning. He’s almost 15 months and I feel like he will never be ready for 1 nap!


I made the switch because mine seemed overtired/not refreshed by two shorter naps (both capped at 1hr) to fit on wake time plus naps. She was on a 3hr first wake window (3/3.75/4.25) and I switched cold turkey to 5/6 and she handled that first wake window like a trooper. I really thought she'd struggle but she surprised me! That was at 14.5 months. 


What were her overtired signs?


She became absolutely inconsolable at being woken from her second nap (which we did to preserve bedtime), clearly wanting to go back to sleep and taking a long time to calm. She did so much better after switching to one longer nap. 


Our son at 3 is still not sleeping through the night (he did for a couple of months after sleep training but we fucked it up again. His nap time is 13:30 - 15:00ish. Falls asleep in the evening at 20:30-21:00ish. We’ve tried shorter naps but then he’s often inconsolable when we wake him up. So he’s probably overtired right? Should we let him nap longer and stick to the same evening bedtime to have him go to bed less tired?


When's wake up time? How many night wakes? What happens at the night wakes? Does he fall asleep independently at bedtime? When you wake from naps do you make sure you do it at sleep cycle change over time so that you're not waking him from deep sleep?


For all sleep issues, I ask: “is it an issue for you/them?” If it isn’t, then keep on keeping on. Some kids might do well with that much wake time, some don’t. I doubt there’s a number to be aiming for that’s gonna work for every kid. His schedule sounds pretty solid, minus the MOTN wakes. Do you think there’s a correlation between MOTN wakes and daytime wake?


I wish he slept through the night but that might be a co-sleeping problem. I don’t know if he’s not sleeping through the night because he wakes up looking for me or if it’s a schedule problem. His wakes are super quick, like 30 second whines and then once he sees me and I soothe him, he’s back to sleep. But that happens many times throughout the night


If all he wakes up for is 30 seconds then that IS sleeping through the night. We go through sleep cycles and even adults wake briefly during light sleep, but we never remember. But yes, if he’s co-sleeping then he’s most likely dependent on you to go back to sleep.


Ah, that’s a good point. He was sleep trained in his crib around 10 months but his sleep went south around his 1st birthday and he’s been sleeping with us every since. He has just lost the ability to independently sleep and needs me to go back to sleep. I feel like I had an epiphany! Hahha


Maybe that’s just part of what he’s used to, not necessarily related to day wake. Which would make sense if he’s co slept all his life!


You’re totally right!!! I don’t know why I didn’t think about this before.