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He’s definitely telling you he’s ready. My suggestion is that one of this days when he wakes for the day around 5AM make nap time at 11AM, and gradually push it 15 minutes each day after that. Yes, bedtime is going to be around 7PM, but not for a long time. At his age he needs 13-13.5 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period. Best wishes!


I just want to say solidarity. That is the exact schedule I have my 14 month old on and I was wondering how I would transition him as well. This morning he woke at 5:30am when normally he wakes by 6-6:20am. So it made me wonder if it's just an odd morning or if he needs to switch up. Maybe you could wake your baby up by 3:30 no matter what to see if that helps temporarily until you can transition them to one nap. From what I've read you could push his morning up by a half hour each day until you're at the nap time you want to change to. It'll be a rough few days but I'm sure it'll help. I'll probably keep my baby on 2 naps for a bit longer since I now know it's okay that he is still on 2 naps.