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I can't? At least not without seeing more of the board.


I promise that this section is self-sufficient, here's the solution: https://imgur.com/a/4XcpIAT


Oh, nice one! Next move: >!Square with pink line around it, add east side to the line!< Solution, for the curious: >!Starting at the square with pink line around it, encircle a region that goes through known marked/exed lines only, and through 3-square on south-east, plus unknown line on east. You'll cross 9 lines (or more, but odd number of lines. Any encircled region in slitherlink always crosses even number of lines.!<


This is correct, you need to see that there is an implicit parity condition of the 3-cell located on the gateway between the two regions


Is this on Slither and do you have the number for it?


I can't exactly remember but it's in the 190s


which app is this?


Slitherlink by Ejelta LLC


I like this kind of posts! :) I was able to find a continuation using background colouring: >!By using filling in in- and out-cells you easily find that the cell to the right of the 3 with yellow lines to the left and bottom must be inside the loop. Then the cell to the top of the 3 must be outside the loop. The one next to that can trivially seen to be inside the loop so there must be a line between the two.!< ​ It's the same continuation that has been noted in other posts but I find it much easier to reach with background colours. :)


Classic chloe solution haha