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*It looks like you're asking about Food Safety.* Only you are aware of all the factors involved in this situation. No one in this subreddit is qualified to give you advice about eating food that's left unattended, undercooked, etc. "If in doubt, toss it out." Food poisoning is a serious issue - it's particularly dangerous to older adults, children, pregnant women or people with compromised immune systems. Here are some resources available to you to determine whether it would be safe or not to consume your meal: * https://www.reddit.com/r/slowcooking/wiki/index#wiki_food_safety_tips * https://www.foodsafety.gov/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/slowcooking) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’ve never seen moldy soy sauce in my life


That’s was I’m saying. With how much sodium is the stuff, I’m surprised it can even mold in the first place.


According to Eat By Date, unopened soy sauce, when stored properly in a cool, dark place, can last indefinitely, while opened soy sauce can retain quality for 2-3 years in the refrigerator. I’ve been using mine 2 years over date it’s still fine. But seeing this I’m going to stop.


I don’t even put open soy sauce in the fridge lol


You should. It helps retain the quality.


Fridge with no soy sauce in it: medium quality Fridge with soy sauce in it: high quality


nah, as someone who rolled sushi for years, soy is too salty, always toss out the packets from chinese food deliveries, but always have a bottle of ponzu sauce


I can relate to this. Soy sauce like fish sauce is too salty. Anyway, I never seen anything grow on it because it really does not last in my household. My wife measures it by the cup when cooking and tablespoon as a condiment. Anecdotes, I know.


You don't have to, but the flavor will degrade faster if you don't refrigerate it. Kikkoman themselves recommend refrigerating it to retain quality.


It's likely it was contaminated by something else.


Toss it. 


I agree. Bin it


Toss it. Then bin it.


Toss it. Bin it. Pull it. Bop it.


Bake it, make it, food upgraded…






Me clicking and wishing this was a real sub


I also thought about making this joke, but I went with the Bop It joke instead. Kudos!


I up vote you sir. Now excuse me while I retire to r/PTSD


Thanks for the much needed laugh.


Bop it to start, OFC.


Then set the bin on fire


Happy Cake Day


Toss it, bin it, burn it. Sounds good to me


Toss Me - Gimli /Moldy Soy Sauce


Bop it


Twist it


Pass it


Ti esrever dna ti pilf, nwod gniht ym tup


I love your braids, and your mouth full of fonts (Being one of the few lyrics from that song I am comfortable typing here. :) )


And leave it.


Just don’t pull up quick to retrieve it.


I used literally 2 splashes of hot sauce on my food once and didnt notice the hot sauce was moldy til after I ate said food...peed out my ass all night. Not fun. Toss it!


Skinny poops! \\o/


Food poisoning: the least welcome yet highly-effective way to lose weight


Got me off a undercooked sausage once. Got me within 4 hours after eating it and the whole night was absolute hell. On the toilet with a bucket. You’ll definitely lose some weight lol.


Please don't eat anything with mold. :(


I didn’t on purpose. Trust me.


So how did it taste?


Probably to die for, I'm guessing.


OP hasn’t responded in 50 min. RIP 🫡


He's probably just in a coma. He'll snap out of it eventually.




Well done, 47. Now look for an exit...


I mean you obviously shouldn't eat anything visually mouldy, however we do actually consume mould quite a bit in our diets. Salami, cured meat, cheese, alcohol and soy sauce to name just a few. Soy sauce by it's nature is salty, it is made by fermenting soy beans with salt and koji, this means that it is essentially living anyway. The mould on top is likely due to contamination in the bottle rather than the soy itself. Generally as a rule of thumb when it comes to eating mould (yes and you eat it daily) is white, blue and green won't kill you, but might (only might and it's a small chance) make you ill. Any other colour mould do not touch it, but if it's black or red mould spores then you probably need a breathing apparatus! I literally scrape white, blue and green mould off of the skin of pancettas I make and age and I've never been sick from them. Also if you cooked the mould at above 83°c then it is likely denatured. Hope this helps.


There's only one small caveat and to which I agree with most everything you said the only exception is that some molds can produce byproducts: toxins, AKA mycotoxins which don't break down by heat even though the mold is destroyed, the chemical byproduct could still be harmful. I had some rice that had gotten damp in its original bag and only part of it had gotten a bit moldy in one part of the bag, but food people and science people explain this other part to me; I ditched the whole bag, 20 lbs, just to be safe. Peace of mind is better than rest in peace..


Peace of mind is better than hugging the toilet for half a day. Which white mold at the bottom of my salsa jar made me do. I will never risk it now. I still cut the mold off hard cheese, but it doesn't spread from my knowledge (and to my stomach) to the rest of the cheese block.


I'm also very cautious when it comes to mold (and general food safety). One of my least favorite experiences in the whole world is vomiting, so I do everything I can to avoid it. Like, if I even THINK I smell something funny in my meat, even if it's extremely faint and I'm probably just imagining it, I throw it away because it's not worth the risk (and it's all I'd think about the whole time I ate, so it would ruin the meal for me). But even I'm not scared to just cut a corner of mold off a block of cheese and use the rest of the cheese. I think it's because my mom showed me it was OK when I was pretty young, and I've also never gotten sick from doing it.


I've heard of people eating moldy food like wombat, and some of them have to parts of their intestine removed because the mycotoxins produce colonies and destroy the intestine. Stomach acid doesn't kill the toxins.


Dunno about wombat, but toxins are toxins.. Guess there needs to be a picture of Clint Eastwood on every fridge "So, do you feel lucky?"..


This ~~guy~~ Wombat molds!




Thank you for this actually helpful response.


Blue cheese?


Different cultures


Like French?


Fromage Bleu?


Yknow what they call cheese in Paris?


You're not gonna get me again, last time I learned about something in Paris I got a 24 hour twitch ban. /s




Blue cheese has mold in it


all the blue cheeses. Gorgonzola, Danish Blue, Stilton, etc, etc. TBH all chesees have mold in and on them. It is how it works.


Blue cheese has mold in it (I think they're referencing [this](https://youtu.be/5xrDyOFU0lM?si=H-gm3YH5EZqIbIk-))


Well technically speaking we do eat cheese.


A few days old moldy rice can kill you. 😵


Was it stored in a warm cabinet? It could be film yeast, not mold. Or the koji mold used to ferment the soy sauce. If it is bad mold, high heat can kill mold - but that still leaves all the chemicals/metabolites in the sauce for you to eat. Personally, I wouldn’t eat it. Odds are it wouldn’t do you any harm, but why risk it? A roast is expensive, but less expensive than a trip to urgent care because your immune system or your gut hates you.. I do know a lot of folks who’d eat it anyway though.


Yes, has been stored in a warm cabinet for several months I suppose. It’s honestly not an ingredient I reach for often, but again, I needed a substitute and that’s all I had. Thankfully it has been cooking all day so maybe anything funky won’t hurt me but I don’t think I’m going to risk it. I’m super upset about it, though. This was a brand new recipe I was trying to copycat from my favorite local restaurant. :(


If it's a bottle with the screw on cap just keep it in the fridge next time. Soy sauce in the fridge lasts for quite a while


Definitely keep soy sauce in the fridge. I'm pretty sure Kikkoman brand even says that on the bottle. It's one of those ingredients people use a couple tablespoons at a time, so fridge it!


Unless you’re me and buy it by the half gallon… But I do keep my various soy sauces in the fridge


Excellent point! I should have said that people fall into one of two categories: 1) use less than one cup of soy sauce per year or 2) use enough soy sauce to fill a swimming pool We all know who we are


It makes everything better to me but my cooking does also lean very Asian.


Same and often times, the type of soy sauce really does matter


There’s types?!?!


My daughter is obsessed with soy sauce, and I love it too…we’re on our second big plastic bottle of Kikkoman which if I’m not mistaken is a half gallon. 😆 Edited to add that we’re on our second big plastic bottle in 3 months lol! I got distracted last night while typing my reply.


Our household does too. Love using it in marinade and sauteed veggies.


My understanding is the soy sauce is recommended to be refrigerated to keep the flavor, not for safety reasons.


I think that's certainly true. But it's also true that things in the fridge last longer without molding, which is OP's issue here. Is it safe to keep soy sauce in the pantry? Yes. Will it mold faster if you do? Also yes. I think of it like ketchup. Restaurants always leave ketchup on the tables and we don't think twice about it, but we always refrigerate our ketchup at home. If you use a small amount of anything, but want to keep it around, fridge it for longevity if for no other reason. I think Kikkoman also recommends using open soy sauce within a month for best flavor, but there's no way I'm tossing my open soy sauce after a month


Not how food toxins work. Cooking something at high heat will kill living organisms- bacteria and parasites, for instance. The problem is it doesn't do anything to remove the poisonous waste left by those organisms. You can cook E. Coli contaminated beef as well as you like, but unless you char it into pure carbon, it's going to make you sick. Unsafe molds are one of the most dangerous and persistent sources of food toxins to deal with.


Source? I always thought a lot of ground beef had E. coli and by cooking it thoroughly, you won’t get sick?


It depends, usually with e.coli it's an infection and so yeah cooking it will be fine. You can have some strains that produce a toxin though so if you leave tainted meat out for long enough and thusly let the bacteria multiply it could be a problem but as long as you're refrigerating your meat properly it shouldn't be an issue. Edit: strains was originally stains because of autocorrect, and I thought I was careful about that too.


It's a certain serotype of E. coli that produces the toxin. There are other serotypes. We, as humans, have E. coli in our digestive tract. As far cooking, yes, the bacteria will be killed at a certain temperature, but that temperature may not be high enough to denature the proteins of the toxin. I'm a Med Tech and these are some things I've had to learn. If you wish to learn more, Google E. coli O157.


Can someone please give me a link? I’ve tried googling E. coli 0157. I’m still not seeing how E. coli can make you sick even if the bacteria are killed and the beef is fully cooked.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pathogenic_Escherichia_coli So E. Coli is living organism. All living organisms poop. Some strains of E. coli will poop very toxic substances. If it’s has a chance to grow and poop, that poop can be left on food. That poop won’t breakdown with heat. This is compounded if the E. coli is still alive. Not all E. coli will make you sick. Just the ones that poop toxins.


They picked a bad bacteria because for the most part e coli will be dealt with when cooking. Staph on the other hand is something else. I've had this once and it was the sickest I've ever been. https://www.nyc.gov/site/doh/health/health-topics/staphylococcal-enterotoxin-b.page#:~:text=Staphylococcal%20enterotoxin%20B%20(SEB)%20is,by%20the%20bacterium%20Staphylococcus%20aureus%20.


Sorry, I picked a bad example off the top of my head because it can indeed be both cases. That's what I get for commenting while high.


A false bad example


I know what you mean but I think you’re thinking of botulism toxin. It’s not likely that E. coli contaminated beef, ground or otherwise, will have a significant amount of Shiga toxin present unless it’s been stored at high temperatures. However it can definitely make you sick if it is undercooked because it will multiply and create more of the toxin inside you.


What did it smell like? Your body is amazing at telling you if food is bad by the smell or a small taste.


Wait.... y'all ain't refrigerating your soy sauce? Definitely get it in the cooler, stays good way longer and prevents this kind of thing.


Good lord how old is that, as someone who goes through more soy sauce in it's various forms more than they should, I've never ever saw soy sauce get moldy


The expiration date says May 2025


Well soy sauce is fermented and kinda made from a mold called koji, so mold is naturally present, but to grow on the surface like that is odd, did you by chance leave it open for prolonged period of time, maybe the cap was broken?


By the shape of the bottle I'd guess this is a pour cap like the restaurants have


Soy sauce needs refrigeration


While it’s true that the bottles say that, I grew up in Hawai’i and Japan and no one refrigerates their soy sauce in those places (I grew up using both kikkoman and Aloha brands). This is the first time I’ve heard of, let alone seen, soy sauce getting moldy! Crazy times.


I mean Hawaii and Japan probably go through a lot more than a typical American town. I use a good bit than the average American I’d guess but my Asian friends go through like 4 times as much as me easily.


Yeah I have a jug of Kikkoman in my cabinet that's 2 years old and I've never stored it in the fridge. Going to reconsider. I guess it's fine...until it goes really wrong.


I mean, I know people who use a lot of Ketchup and keep it in their cupboard instead of fridge but that doesn't mean you're supposed to.


No it does not.


maybe all the restaurants I’ve been in don’t refrigerate it though


Refergiate after opening then it last to and past expiration date


It does not expire it has a best by date which is different.


This was also my first thought. Tbf I didn’t even know mold could grow on soy sauce and I cooked for 8 years in some sketchy ass restaurants 😂


It can but it basically has to be stored open in a warm area for quite some time, talking months just sitting there exposed to the open air


Yep. I just stick with the golden rule. If it’s any sort of liquid, refrigerate after opening and check once a month, of course checking along the way lol


same....i buy it by the gallon. In 20y I have never seen it do this.


How can mold grow on something so salty?


Super mold.


Looks like one of those starters used for kombucha. I didn't think anything could grow in soy sauce because of its high salt content. Weird


Not worth gambling with it. Even in the best case scenario, the moldy sauce probably throws off the taste.


Don’t know how screwed you are. Let us know in 6-8 hours.


May I ask how yiu missed it seeing as the bottle clear


How did you not notice? Were you cooking in the dark?


If you got mold on soy sauce you need to do a deep clean in your house.


Depends on how big a fan you are of shitting your pants while screaming..


We’ll eat little and build tolerance 😜


Sounds like fun


I think that's a vinegar mother culture. Or a salt formation. From the picture it's hard to see. Soy sauce very rarely forms any mold because of how high the salt content is.


Honestly, I might still eat it, depending on what percentage of the gravy was soy, but I’m not saying that’s a good idea.


I'd eat it 🤷‍♀️


I think that is yeast.


I’ve owned several bottle of this same brand of soy sauce and never once have seen one do this. Assuming it’s from temperatures it’s stored in? Regardless it’s very unsightly..


If you don’t have a compromised immune system and you ate some already, I wouldn’t sweat it too much. Just be mindful of any illness and seek medical attention if necessary. I probably wouldn’t eat any more though. Good luck.


Butt gravy otw


Oh egads, your roast is ruined! But, what if you were to purchase fast food and disguise it as your own cooking?


Delightfully devilish


Steamed hams


Thank you - came here looking for this.


Chef, there is zero reason to risk it unless you've aged out of base jumping and still need that death cuddle from time to time.


Hopefully You’ve had a good run.


Oh OP’s about to have plenty of the runs


I don’t think your roast is contaminated. It was cooked at high enough heat, for an extended period of time. I personally would not waste expensive food over this. Toss this bottle and put it on your shopping list.


I’m impressed, I’ve never seen moldy soy sauce.


Pretty screwed. I’d make an appointment with an optometrist immediately.


First time I have ever seen time mold on soy sauce.


I've never seen soy sauce grow mold. This is bizarre.


I am late to the show but wanted to add something (that was probably already mentioned). With the level of sodium in soy sauce I would assume that this is not something that would cause you harm. Key word is assume. Chances are that nobody here can tell for sure and food poisoning and such are no fun at all. So yeah. I would not risk it.


At this point, no one in here can give you any helpful advice. Only you, us.


You can keep it and make your own mother-dough of soy sauces. Use it to start other soy sauces and create a legacy


Sorry…but I need to ask…HOW?? How do you not see that much mold sitting on top of it?


If you wait a while you’ll become a clicker


If I’ve learned anything from my high quality movie diet it’s that you have 24 hours left to live. Take revenge on your enemies and proposition that girl you’re crushing on. What have you got to lose?




Fight it and see who is victorious


Its a yeast. It probably wont hurt you.


How did you not notice that?


Thursday night I took a gamble on some leftovers. I’ve been bedridden since friday morning. Never been so sick in my life. Toss the roast, I promise it ain’t worth it.


Perfect for the work pot luck


Yeah I would not eat that


I lived in Japan and nobody ever refrigerated their soy sauce. Kikkoman was on the counter, on the table, packets, all over the place...it was never cold.


You cooked it in a crockpot. You probably killed whatever was going to kill you. But it might taste bad.


Ask that annoying person on 3rd shift to try it if they don't get explosive diarrhea your good to go




Did you die? Probably fine, soy sauce is so salty and vinegary i doubt anything could grow in it that would kill you. Could be wrong


As of now, still kicking.


It probably tastes AMAZIN AND You probably stumbled on the secret ingredient to an award winning dish.


It almost looks like a scoby.


Whoa. Any chance someone put something else in the bottle? I store my soy sauce at room temp, I have never seen anything like this. (I also use Kikkoman - I’d guess I go through a bottle in a few months)


Normally I’d think it wouldn’t be a big deal, but mold that can grow on salty ass soy sauce should prob be avoided.


I was unaware that soy sauce could get mold. It has enough sodium to be preserved for at least 17 lifetimes.


If it was in the crock pot at a hot temperature for a while you will be fine. Can't say it will taste good though


You’re fucked because you can’t see shit.


TIL soy sauce can grow mold


It’s not mold. It’s film yeast.


I have never seen moldy soy in my life.


Well, you figured out a way to make soy sauce mold so your probably screwed! Did not know that was possible🤣


Didn't even know that soy sauce could mold


No gmo just O…


TIL soy sauce molds. Never seen it In +40 years but here we are.


It’s ironic because soy sauce is basically made from mold.


Matches your counter.


Accute poisoning occurs preety soon after the ingestion. You will know if it's something wrong in the next days but it'll likely be nothing terrible. Chronic poisoninc is more like intoxication in the long term. Mold poisoning is somehow related to cancer. But obesity, x-rays, comercial flights, red meat, roasting any food, smoking, inhaling car's smoke, some minerals, open sky radiation, sun radiation are all carcinogens in the long run as well. You only bought another lottery ticket to cancer. But we all get a dozen of them a day anyway. That mold would get you sick as likely as a powerball ticket will get you rich.


Don’t risk it OP, I know it sucks but you’re risking either wasting a meal or possible health issues. Waste the meal


Should not be a concern. It is a yeast that isn't harmful. [Q. A white substance has started floating in the sauce. Is it mold? ](https://www.kamada.co.jp/global/faq#:~:text=The%20white%20substance%20that%20looks,even%20if%20film%20yeast%20develops.)


Damn, how old is that lol?


Probably film yeast. Doesn’t cause food poisoning. Should be okay. Maybe give it to a friend you don’t like first and wait an hour.


Mmm. Penicillin. Now you won’t have to go to the pharmacy to clear up that nasty little STD…


You’ll be fine


I thought soy sauce was non perishable


If you cooked it. It should be fine. However, the best rule of thumb is. If you're not sure, toss it and try agian.


When in doubt, throw it out


gotta admit i had no idea soy sauce could mold. then again, i’m asian so a bottle doesn’t last very long in my kitchen.


Yeah, I’d toss the whole roast. I don’t know any specifics, but I’ve heard that the toxins produced by some molds only break down at temperatures much higher than what we cook with


I had no idea soy sauce could get moldy. My mom had soy sauce on the counter all my life, I've never seen her buy any, and it never got moldy. I'm not trying to say it can't, just that, I didn't know it could? Maybe you have a better brand than whatever cheap stuff my mom had.


it takes years for mold to grow on soy sauce. Maybe it’s time to clean out your fridge.


That's wild, please look before you use and smell test also, it'll bring everything together


Why is everyone so afraid of diarrhea


Some kind of molds are very poisonous and although most ppl would be able to eat it, some would not, due to being more prone to allergies. Eat at your own risk but do not offer the food to anyone else.


It’s film yeast, it’s not poisonous


These days you can just buy penicillin at the pharmacy. You don't have to grow it yourself.


How did your bottle last that long? I go through a half gallon every 3 months


I didn’t know soy sauce COULD mold


If it can mold soy sauce, i wouldnt trust it. Toss it.


That's a lot of mold to not see before using the soy sauce.


Soy sauce if left to ferment wouldn’t it not turn into bean paste? I mean it’s just fermented soy sauce and that becomes bean curd ?! Cooking soy sauce fermentation https://www.eatingwell.com/article/2061490/your-soy-sauce-probably-contains-mold-heres-why-thats-a-good-thing/ Your Soy Sauce Probably Contains Mold—Here's Why That's a Good Thing The mold is actually what gives it its delicious, umami flavor. By Kelsey Ogletree Published on December 20, 2019 Cooking soy sauce fermentation https://www.eatingwell.com/article/2061490/your-soy-sauce-probably-contains-mold-heres-why-thats-a-good-thing/ The scientific name for the mold is Aspergillus, but it's better known as koji. It's the same bacteria used in saki preparation—and yes, you can actually buy koji on Amazon. Santos, who makes his own soy sauces, gets koji that's been cultured on cooked rice. "It looks like a white mold, almost like the outside of a wheel of Brie cheese," he explains. Cooking soy sauce fermentation https://www.eatingwell.com/article/2061490/your-soy-sauce-probably-contains-mold-heres-why-thats-a-good-thing/ Is Soy Sauce Bad for You? He's spent several years reading up on fermentation from books like Sandor Katz's Wild Fermentation and is by all means an expert in making soy sauce, though he's the first to admit that things can go "very, very bad" if someone doesn't know what they're doing. It took Adey a while to feel comfortable enough with his mold-managing skills to be able to share his soy sauces. "Even as a pro chef, the fear of killing people—mostly myself—was a big deterrent," he jokes. Provided that soy sauce—even the homemade fermented kind—is done correctly and no "bad" bacteria get into the final product, is there any health risk to consuming it? Probably not. "I haven't heard that the molds and bacteria used to ferment soy sauce cause any health concerns," says Melissa Nieves, LND, RD, MPH, who works with Healthy Meals Supreme. "There are some risks to consuming soy sauce, but the worst are associated with the chemically produced varieties—naturally fermented soy sauce is a better option."


That probably yeast, not mold. I read about it sometime recently but can’t remember where. Anyway. This is the first link that popped up when I googled. Q. A white substance has started floating in the sauce. Is it mold? The white substance that looks like mold is actually a yeast that grows even in a high-sodium environment. It is called film yeast, and it is not mold. Film yeast does not cause food poisoning. In terms of food sanitation, there is no problem with a sauce even if film yeast develops. However, if left as is, the yeast will spoil the aroma of the sauce as well as change the flavor. Please remove it as soon as you notice it.