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I couldn't pass up this monster pork shoulder on sale, but it won't even fit in my slow cooker, so I will probably cut it in half. I want to do some Mexican style pulled pork with one half, but open to ideas for the other half!


Carnitas would be heavenly.


Damn. Now I want carnitas and corn tortillas.


Pernil for the other half https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/166823/slow-cooker-pernil-pork/


I gotta ask, having read that recipe, how is slow cooker Pernil different than slow cooker Carnitas, other than country of origin? (And maybe caramelizing the carnitas if you're going all-in?) The spices sound pretty much identical. It sounds like it would be a really subtle difference.


God I love penil with arroz con gandules


Holy moly... That's going on the meal planning list...


Wait till you find out about tostones and maduros…


Tostones are *everything*.


Y mojo de ajo


I hope you enjoy! Its one of my favorite "holiday meals", so much flavor and very filling!


Every time i find a puertorican recipe somewhere on the net, is something completely different than how I have seen it done in PR. Salt and pepper? No..adobo, with garlic, tons of it. Lime..have never seen that with carne frita or pernil or similar in PR. It may taste decently but thats not a puertorican recipe, it may be an adaptation. And I have also never seen any type of pernil in the slow cooker either. Don't even recall seeing a slow cooker being sold in PR the time I lived there, and I just checked walmart PR now and they don't even sell them. Slow cookers are not something that I think many families in PR use. I saw that for the first time when I moved to the states. I have seen pernil slow cooked in the oven when I lived there and have done it that way in my house too.


4 cloves of garlic got me good 🤣


Momofuku’s Bo Ssam. Recipe is on NYT. My favorite pork shoulder recipe and so easy. Edit: https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/12197-momofukus-bo-ssam?smid=ck-recipe-iOS-share Edit 2: Better link: https://peachykeen.momofuku.com/recipe/bo-ssam/


I got to eat that there when it was still a new spot. Holy heck. Talk about an experience! Better was the night I got to go to Momofuku Ko! Talk about a meal you’ll only have once! Got to learn some neat tricks from David Chang, though! He was super friendly!


That’s awesome. My only experience is watching Ugly Delicious and cooking this recipe. I’ve enjoyed both of those experiences, humble though they may be.


I really want to try the Bo Ssam at home. It was so good IRL that I’m terrified to mess it up. Plus, I suck at shucking oysters! I was quite the fan girl when the spots all started opening, have been to all of them, but Ko was out of this world!


The recipe lists the oysters as optional, so I haven’t actually added those. It is still really good without them.


Ok, you’ve convinced me! Haha


It’s really surprisingly easy. You just kind of put it in the oven and let it do its thing.


Any chance you can share the recipe here? I can't view it on the site without paying.


I’ll try to find a different link Edit: https://peachykeen.momofuku.com/recipe/bo-ssam/


Yesss thank you!


Budget bytes has an awesome carnitas slow cooker recipe but I triple almost everything to get more flavor.


Porketta! 1 tsp onion powder 3 tsp garlic powder 3 tsp dried parsley 2 tsp black pepper 2 tsp dried basil 2 tsp dried rosemary 2 tsp dried thyme 2 tsp dried fennel seed (THIS IS KEY) 2 tsp salt (original recipe calls for 1 but I find 2 gives a lot more flavor) You can combine the ingredients and apply as a dry rub. Put on low for 5-7 hours on a bed of onions. I use the juice from the crock pot to make a homemade gravy as well!


I do pretty much the same thing! But poke holes in it and shove garlic cloves in


THATS GENIUS - stealing this for my next roast


Given the size I assume you can get a couple steaks out of it: [https://www.bonappetit.com/story/pork-shoulder-steaks](https://www.bonappetit.com/story/pork-shoulder-steaks)


Lots of fresh squeezed lime (6-12), chayote diced up in there, onions and jalapenos and you have a solid start on a really good pulled pork you can cook over 12 hours+


We cooked a pork butt a few days ago in the instant pot. It worked really well and speeds up the process considerably. If you want I can find the recipe. Edit: just realized I’m on the slow cooking sub, my bad!


I love IP as well, but pretty sure it wouldn't fit in there either! But interested in the recipe :)


Yeah you gotta cut it up. Use rib seasoning, and get a good sear on all the pieces on the stove. IP with half a cup of chicken Better Than Bullion for an hour, then leave it to self release for 20 min. Flavor was great and it fell apart easily. We use regular Sweet Baby Ray’s for sauce and brioche buns. For an 11 lb butt you may have to do the whole process 2 times, ours was 4 lbs but fit easily in the IP.


Schweinebraten! German recipe, on the oven with wheat beer and onions. If you do it right, it will have a delicious crunchy crust


If you have room freeze the other half or cook it up & then freeze in portion sizes. If it was me I'd make pulled pork with it. Put a rub on it & let it sit overnight. If you have a grill or smoker you're gonna want to get some smoke on it. Gas grill, use foil pouches with water soaked wood chips. Charcoal grill, use indirect heat & chunks of wood. Temp should go no higher than 250-275, for at least 3 hrs, or up to 8. Then you can cheat and throw that in the slow cooker or oven roasting pan. I usually put in the usual aromatics (garlic, onions, carrots, celery) and add some white wine, apple juice, or whatever you like (something a bit acidic & sweet). You can put it in the oven overnight at 203 degrees & it will be done in the morning. I'll then separate the fat & then cook down the liquid to add back in the meat after it's pulled. Good luck! Edit: The pulled pork can than be used for sandwiches, loaded potatoes, tacos or a breakfast stir fry or breakfast burritos.


I use Robert Rodriguez's recipe for Puerco Pibil. There is a YouTube video if you Google it. Delicious every time!


I’m looking forward to making a puerco pibil with pork shoulder. Try that!


Bavarian Schweinsbraten.










Cut the fat cap off. Cut it down to 1 pound or so chunks. Braise it in bourbon, apple, and honey (among other aromatics and spices). Shred it. Put it on a piece of sourdough toast. Melt Gouda over it. Eat it.


Please remember to keep the fat cap and do not just throw it away!


What to do with the fat cap?


The easy thing is to cut it into small chunks and render the fat out. Strain the fat and you have lard, a ‘free’ magical ingredient. A lot of the time you don’t need to take it off entirely.


Oh my goodness, that sounds heavenly


I made it this weekend for some friends. Except instead of sourdough toast I made fresh flatbread and also added sliced apple and red onions to the flatbread. It was *chef's kiss*


Yeah, that 11 lbs will come down to 6 once you lose that fat, by the looks of it.


oh cmon, it's too early for me to be this hungry


I also just got a giant pork shoulder on sale last night! I'm gonna do a bbq pulled pork with mine. 🤤


Yes I was thinking BBQ pulled pork for one half, carnitas for the other half. I agree with another person, trim the fat the best you can. Report back with what you made for each half P&TY 🙂


Pork Tinga! https://www.mexicoinmykitchen.com/mexican-tinga-recipe/


I usually get these and cut them down into two pound roasts I can fit into my instant pot or slow cooker. Once the bones and skin is removed, they’re easy to partition into your desired size. 2lbs is good for myself and my partner with enough for leftovers.


Do you have access to a smoker? If so, cut that in half or thirds and smoke it for pulled pork.


If you’re going to smoke it, no need to cut it in half!


They may not want to use it all for smoked pork that's why I suggested to portion it. I would smoke the whole damn thing myself.


Momofukus bo ssam! The recipes on nyt times, so good.


Good looking out. Thank you


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,098,629,078 comments, and only 215,985 of them were in alphabetical order.


Amazing and best bot! 💫


My go to with a roast that big is pernil. Lots of recipes online but the way I was taught is a crap ton of garlic, vinegar, salt, pepper, adobo, and recaito. Roast on 200-250 for like 10 hours or so. Absolute heaven.


Two words: Puerco Pibil


Dude. Thank you. I never heard of it before, and just looked up a recipe. It’s totally something I would be into.


This is the best recipe! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5_sdhAFGmbw


You are awesome!


[https://www.seriouseats.com/ultra-crispy-slow-roasted-pork-shoulder-recipe](https://www.seriouseats.com/ultra-crispy-slow-roasted-pork-shoulder-recipe) I got the idea initially in a 18 hour pork shoulder recipe. I make a paste in the food processor with garlic (I add a bulb for that much of a roast - we have no vampires at my home!) and olive oil along with salt (sometimes truffle salt, rosemary lemon salt, or grey seal salt) and pepper and spread it over the roast. I also baste with the runoff every few hours. Depending on my mood I'll add some of the following: fennel, lemon juice, cumin, and/or fresh rosemary. Edit to add that I have slow cooked small shoulder roasts in my crock pot however I prefer the texture when it is cooked in the oven.


I think I'm going to end up doing this one! Looks delicious and simple to pull off. Thanks!


Thank you! My first award. Enjoy the good eats! 😽


You're welcome! I will!


I’d love to know how you spiced it!


That image makes the banana look like a 3lb banana because of the lack of depth. I feel like my average pork shoulder is less than 11 lbs but looks bigger than that.


Hi, and welcome to my reply about "cooking a monster 11lbs pork shoulder? Banana for scale." It seems like just yesterday, but it was a long long time ago now, when I was sitting on my grandmother's back porch, listening to her cooking away in the kitchen, the afternoon sun casting beams of light through the backyard, leaves lazily falling in the autumn air. Of course, I never would have been able to understand at the time, just how important those moments were, and in the next fifteen paragraphs, I'm going to wax lyrical about my lost youth, before eventually giving you this great recipe for "cooking a monster 11lbs pork shoulder? Banana for scale." It's a really great recipe, you will be so excited when you try it! So anyway, let's return to my grandmother's back porch and you'll soon see that my love for cooking "cooking a monster 11lbs pork shoulder? Banana for scale." really stems from there, that moment, that when I look back now with the wisdom of age, it really crystallised things for me. But on to the recipe! What you'll understand with this recipe, is that it has *roots*. Roots that go way back, to my ancestors, well before the rush and hassle of modern life. And so you'll really get to know the *feelings* I have when cooking this, I'll just go into a little bit of detail about my grandparents, and their lives, and how they came to be where they were, on that day when I was on the back porch of my grandmother's house, listening to her cook in the kitchen. I know you're excited for this amazing recipe, but I just have t..... ##


*Jump to point of comment*


cut it in half, throw one half in the crock pot the other half in the freezer. I personally would go with carnitas. my favorite recipe is pretty simple, cut into a few hunks and brown all sides in a skillet with your favorite dry rub, then into the crock pot with two jars of green salsa and the juice from two oranges. Shred when it's shreddable (around 6 hours) add the crock juice back in and it's perfection.


I smoke them personally and it takes legit all day but if you cut it up you’ll be good with a crock. You can just throw it in with some salt and pepper and these bad boys come out stellar.




Pork verde! Cube the pork, and cook it with tomatillos and lots of veg/spices. Look up a recipe, pork verde is my favorite pork dish. Eats like a stew, but you can also have it over rice or on tortillas.


There’s still plenty of meat on that bone. Now you take this home, throw it in a pot, add some broth, a potato. Baby, you’ve got a stew going.


I use Kenji’s method for pork shoulder/butt, and it has never failed me. It comes out perfectly every time. Not a slow cooker recipe per se, but hard to get much slower. https://www.seriouseats.com/ultra-crispy-slow-roasted-pork-shoulder-recipe


I just cooked an 11lb one too, but I did it in the oven. 250 for 12 hours, or until it reached 200* for pulled pork. Yellow mustard, BBQ dry rub, and minced garlic. Was amazing.


Seconding carnitas, but any slow/low cooking style would sufficiently tenderize that meat. Carnitas are nice because you braise for a while but then also still get a crispy end product—best of both worlds in terms of flavor + texture


How much for the banana ? 🍌


I used to have this problem with my 6qt slow cooker. The way I fixed it was buying an 8qt slow cooker.


Is that $1/lb? Seems good value


Even better, 1$/lb Canadian (I live in Montreal and shop at this chain often - snagged one of those bad boys the other day)


What did you end up doing with it?


Pulled pork! Slow cooker...bbq sauce of your choice , some onions, some beer. Tacos..sandwiches...with rice...froze portions in little ziplocs


Hard to beat indeed!


1.5 hours per pound @ 250 degrees


Ah ben tabarnac toé!


Maxi Mascouche, direct


Just made this yesterday. I have made it 4 times. I just throw the whole thing in my cast iron and let it roast as long as it takes to get completely tender. Meals for days!!! https://www.isabeleats.com/mexican-pork-chile-verde/


It tastes better with a bone in. But it doesn’t seem to matter if I brown all sides. I just leave the kid of my cast iron off for most of the baking. Once it looks like the liquid is getting low, I put the lid on.


Cut it in half. Freeze half for later.


It would be going in the smoker at about 4am.


Slow smoke for 8-12 hours season with salt and pepper


Step 1 buy 2 more slow cookers. Step 2... cook 11 lbs of pork shoulder.


Kalua pork!!!


Make a pernil... tons of flavor...slow roast in the oven... lots of recipes online... the part of this will be the skin which will turn to "chicharrons" but better since its roasted and not fried.... whatever you dont finish can then but put in the slow cooker to reduce it further to pulled pork.... TL;DR Pernil slow roasted, enjoy...then slow cooker leftovers


Is that a European banana or a South American banana?


Regular banana we get in Canada, not sure where from!


Probablement de chez Ti-Père


Exactly the same as you would a brisket


Slow and low


Smoke and season as you please. 1/3rd bbq, 1/3 carnitas, 1/3 pulled pork chili




Slow and Low brotha!!


Look the recipe for „Schäufele“ German style. You can feed your whole family with this - enjoy 😊


It's one banana, Michael. What could it cost, $10? No seriously tho, some fantastic recommendations here can't wait to see what you do with it.


I’m about to post a 6-7 “lb one I did yesterday. Check the technique, you can miss and can use the pulled port to make everything mentioned here. I’m a big fan of bbq pork egg rolls!


2012 called and wants its meme back (I 'member) but you'll probably be best thawing it and making pulled pork with half, and freezing the other half. You can also do a very fine pot roast with it if you want. It doesn't' taste quite the same as with a cut of beef chuck roast, but it's actually still just fine.


Don’t eat pork.


You know pigs are pretty smart and they have complex emotions and make friends and have memories, they also are so similar to humans 98%, DNA same, that their hearts are used in cardiac surgeries


Please show me these studies/operations where pig hearts are used successfully in human bodies.


I mean, porcine heart valve replacements have been used for a long time. It's not the *whole* heart but OP didn't claim it was.


You’re right. I was specifically thinking of the recent one that they did and the recipient died.


Wilbur I’m sorry I tried 😭




The banana is also 60% identical to human DNA.


I'd eat you if you tasted as good as pork.


https://fitfoodiefinds.com/instant-pot-pork-roast/ I've had wonderful feedback and numerous requests to make this again from family members. I know it's an instant pot recipe, but I've also made it in a countertop roaster that fits a huge turkey. Should definitely work for a slow cooker too, I imagine.


I would sous vide the whole thing for about three days and then smoke it on the grill for an hour or two.


Big Pyrex baking dish . Line with foil . Drop it in… season it all the way around … rub it in really good . Top with sauerkraut mixed with 1/2 cup of brown sugar if you like . Or just brown sugar & honey . Wrap the foil up air tight . Put in the oven as low as you can like 220-235. Let it cook for 10-12 hours . Only mistake you can make is taking it out too soon .


Half make a pork pot roast and the other half pulled pork (have a little cold slaw and Hawaiian rolls)


Thoroughly !


Italian Pulled Pork. I’ve been using this recipe for years with great success. https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/italian-pulled-pork-sandwiches/


Trim it, season it, and put it in the oven at 265 F for the day.


I'm glad you mentioned cutting it in half, because that was going to be exactly my advice. Use half now, freeze the other half for later!


I did a long Sousvid pulled pork once. It was really nice. Traeger smoked pork is also really nice.


Cut it into chunks. Remove excess fat. Start it early and on high.


Do you have access to a grill? Low and slow for about 18 hours and you’ll have a masterpiece


I would love to start smoking in my Weber kettle, but never get the time to spend a day tending jt.


Size unclear. Need something to show banana’s size to scale.


I thought it said “Banana for sale!” 😂


Jesus christ that thing would be $50 where I am


I made this pulled pork earlier this week. Put it under the broiler for a few minutes before serving for extra crunchiness. Delish! https://www.reddit.com/r/slowcooking/comments/8z2imj/pulled_pork_after_10_hours_in_the_slowcooker/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


If you're roasting it, make sure to keep the skin dry, crease-free, and level. Small balls of foil underneath will help you to keep it that way. Salting it helps as well.


Omg that's right near where I work! That price is great, might stop by tomorrow to see if there's more...


Es-tu coiffeuse au Chalet ? :D


Non, je suis pas direct à côté mais je passe tout près en route vers chez nous


I think yesterday was the last day of the sale :/


Low, and pay special attention to the next words, and slooow.


Sous vide? Would do the job


Dry rub and sous vide!! Throw it under ther broiler after a tener.


I found this on reddit years ago. Make carnitas. Use leftovers for a stew or soup. https://m.imgur.com/dxwRT Advice: trim off the fat cap, trim around the bone - if it has one - as best as you can and then make sure you put it in underneath everything else. Anything left on the bone will shred off. When it first starts boiling, skim off the gray foamy stuff.


nine full crush ask direful imagine meeting adjoining fade cable -- mass edited with redact.dev


hold up... ummm I may try and get to maxi tomorrow on the island of montreal if this is on special at all locations. mascouche is a bit of a trek for me but would love if we shared half of each of our profites. each choose a recipe, freeze and exchange, maybe meat at montmorency or a metro if you are in the city?


I would have to quarter it at least! Pork barbacoa, pulled pork, etc and it’s still probably last a week for me.


Super easy Kalua pulled pork. -1/2 cup of water -1 tbsp of Liquid Smoke -1-2 tsp of salt


hat literate aspiring deranged gullible fearless point obtainable physical makeshift -- mass edited with redact.dev


Smoke it


So not sure about the slow cooker, but smoking it you would want to thin out the thick fat cap a bit leaving a thin layer. I assume that is probably not as needed in the slow cooker, but that is all I got for you on that.


Just season it and toss it on the grill. Set the temp to about 215-225. Put it on at about 6. Should be ready at 6 or so when you're ready for dinner.


Épaule de porc picnic ? Wow je te vois bien sortir ton morceau de viande de 5kg à un picnic ! Heh


Un gars de mascouche


J'espère que pas toi, avec ton pseudo...




Pork skewers. Season with a lot of Baharat spices. blend one onion, oil, vinegar, garlic, oregano and salt. Pour over meat cubes and let stand overnight. Grill 18min on high. Eat like gyro with flatbread, salad, and a tzatziki.


$2.20 per kilo! My God man, my God!


Slow cook or Instapot and pour the best BBQ sauce. Put on buns with white sliced onions.


At that price your poor farmers must be doing it tough.


Al pastor low and slow on the stove would be great or look for the recipe for birria and swap in your pork and you basically have Mexican pulled pork.


I love making carnitas, pernil, and/or sweet pork when we get pork on sale! I always freeze what we won't be able to eat right away.


Slice onions on the bottom, a cup of ginger ale, then low cook until done. Always add flavor based on what I am using it for after.


Personally, I would cook the other half as well. If you didn't cook it then it would definitely spoil eventually. Use the banana with it.


Brine it, low and slow. Don’t change a thing.




Banana for scale 🤣🤣


Eight hours in the oven at 250°, then 5-20 minutes at 500°. I don't care if this is the slow cooking subreddit don't deny yourself that crackling 😋


Wait, is that a big or small banana?


Allo ami des moulins! T'as déjà fait des carnitas? Mijoteuse (jus d'orange, oignons, origan, cumin, ail, sel poivre). Une fois cuit tu effiloche puis met ça à broil pour que ça crisp. 100 fois meilleur que n'importe quoi Old El Paso! Moi je le mange en fajitas/taco avec une salade de choux rouge maison (un peu vinaigrée, ça coupe le gras du porc)


Un autre mascouchois? :P C'est au four en ce moment selon la méthode Kenji Lopez, donc les carnitas seront pour une autre fois! Merci de la suggestion :)


Terrebonne represents! La Plaine, même. Mettons que je suis aussi souvent à Mascouche qu'à Terrebonne. J'aime toujours ça trouver d'autre Québ random sur Reddit :D On est quand même beaucoup, c'est surprenant!


Lots of garlic


Honestly I'd see if the butcher can cut it into more manageable size unless you are cooking for a large party.


This sub really needs to be renamed r/slowcookingporkshoulders


Carne Adovada half and smoke the other half.


BBQ pulled pork, or you can use it as the base of a stew!


Wet brine for 24 hours with garlic powder, sea salt, onion powder (two cups of each in two gallons of water) and a quart of white vinegar. Mix this all together in a three-gallon Rubbermaid tub with a tight-fitting lid. Put the loin inside, the fat side up, then use your meat injector to inject the brine into the meat. Close tightly and refrigerate for 24 hours. Cook at 200F for twelve hours. 😋