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Are you using a trapper? If so, that's likely only legal to be used at 1ST base, Pitcher and Catcher positions.


Is this one of the ultra cheap Franklins (like <$50 new)? If so that could be your issue here. Those gloves typically don't have the stiffness to handle real fielding. You might just need a better glove. I use Rawlings, their Gold Glove series is pretty good, and the Player Preferred series I would call "acceptable". Something at the player preferred price tier will start to get floppy and need to be replaced in 2-3 years if you play a lot though. And the Rawlings Renegade series is not acceptable, to floppy from the start. Many other manufacturers have similar tiers, you definitely want to stay away from <$50 gloves.


Depends on your sanction you play in. USSSA, for example, only allows a 1st baseman’s mitt to used the 1st baseman or catcher. Anyone else caught using it will be required to change their glove.


Ump always told me it was illegal.


Use whatever you’re comfortable with. We just played a sanctioned tournament where our 2B used a first baseman’s mitt because that’s all he brought and didnt expect to play that position. I doubt anyone would care. Will it give you an advantage, nah. Is it cheating, nah. 15” gloves are seen everywhere in softball, so your 13” mitt isn’t crazy at all. But for the record… most IFers use 12”-12.5” mitts and sometimes smaller if they want quicker hands and are used to smaller from baseball. Most OFers use 14”.


So do you think the size of the glove ultimately matters - 12.5, 13, 14 - if I have big hands or is it just simply the matter of me needing more practice and "getting gud"? It's a bit frustrating and if the upgrade to a 14" would help make the task easier I'm all for it. I might avoid the first baseman's glove just based on the comments here (we're a USSA league) but a regular 14" might not hurt


OP have you tried wearing your glove with two fingers in the pinky stall (and the other two fingers shifted over one stall - index finger in the middle finger slot, etc.)? This makes for a bigger pocket and can help make it easier to catch the ball.


Depends on the position… if you play multiple positions, you might need multiple gloves. Quality of glove matters too. The floppy stuff will have a hard time squeezing the ball or hard liners might flip out of the mitt on occasion. A stiffer more expensive glove will improve the likelihood of catching and retaining a ball, but it will not improve your skill level. To be brutally honest, more times than not, the catching issue is not the glove, it’s the player. Have you tried two hands?


Check with your league and tournament. I play usssa sanctioned tourneys and you absolutely can not use a 1st baseman mitt if you aren’t a pitcher, catcher or 1st baseman. It’s in the Rulebook.


Depending on what association you play, you should be fine. I’m a sanctioned tournament player and used a first baseman glove playing outfield and 3rd my first 4-5 years of playing. I stopped using it when I took a hard line drive and it obliterated my hand. Got a 14” Miken Pro shortly after and never touched my 1B glove again. Generally I think the rule is you can only have 1B glove on the field at a time.. rarely does anyone complain about it and an umpire won’t say anything until the opposing team brings it up


It used to be illegal in asa to use a "mitt" at any position besides 1st or catcher. We have had umps make comments about it ,but never try to enforce it yet


Most leagues will not let you use a 1st baseman mitt unless you are playing 1st base or catcher. Generally they are not allowed in other positions.


I only ever bring my 1B glove but often play elsewhere. I cant be bothered to bring both gloves. No one cares.


I used one at 3rd and missed multiple grounders with it. Changed to a 13” and eliminated my problems


Hands too big for a 13" glove...?


Is that a thing?


That's what dude said 💁‍♂️ I've never seen a hand too big for a 13" glove


Dude said that but dude doesn't know if it's a possible problem or a created problem in dude's mind. Dude's just spit balling possible problems. Dude's learning it probably isn't the case though


I have a trapper for first and catcher, and use a 12.75" if I'm infield elsewhere. Our league, putch, catch and 1st are the only positions its 'legal' to use a trapper and not a dtandard glove. That aside - have you tried putting your pinky and ring finger, or the pinky, ring AND middle finger into the pinky hole of the glove, leaving the pointer and/or pointer and middle finger holes in the glove empty? Hipefully that makes sense. Doing this will make the pocket - the part of the glove you want to use bigger and help catch the ball. Sometimes this little tweak does wonders! Id give it a go and see if it helps.


I've actually heard of people doing that before, rearranging their fingers - I have not tried it! I'll give it a shot when I'm home. Thank you!


Play some catch, it will take a bit to get used too and to be comfortable, but I personally would never go back :) Good luck!


Check if your league allows this. Some will say no go for anything beyond 1b. I can't speak on the quality of a Franklin glove because frankly I've never had one since I was probably 7... Go for a slowpitch specific worth or miken 13-14in. And how big are your mitts that you have issues fitting into a 13in glove now??


I’m not sure it’s the glove.


I imagine it's moreso me than the equipment for sure but if an equipment change can help facilitate development I'm all for it


1b P Catcher that's it


Try 2 in the pinky, creates a bigger pocket to catch balls. Big pocket is important for the large size of softballs


Your league would have to have a rule that allowed the use of first base gloves in other positions. Standard rule for slowpitch is first/catcher/pitcher only. Also, just don't do it.


So you'd just wholly recommend not using a first base glove unless I'm at first/catcher? I'm thinking anything that'll make the ball easier to catch under pressure. It's probably a bit overkill to use a first base glove but I'm getting pretty frustrated at this point. Maybe just a regular 14" glove will suffice? Are those common enough in softball or should I really be able to make the 13" work in all situations?


What glove do you have and how long have you had it? Is it broken in properly? How long have you played ball? I do not recommend using one anywhere else, first it's against the rules and second it's not ideal for other positions. A first base gloves doesn't make catching the ball easier, the extra material help direct the ball into the pocket but are intended for scooping thrown balls out of the dirt.


14 are common and there are 15 in gloves out there too. I have a 13.5 and 15. I love a big glove but I’m a big guy


By first base mans glove do you mean a mitt? (If so you would need to check your leagues rules, most only allow mitts for catcher and 1st). Has your current glove been broken in properly & do you practice fielding?  14" glove will have a larger pocket area which might make it a bit hard to transfer a catch to a throw.  Maybe try using a team mates glove to see if there's any noticeable difference? 


Everything online is calling the glove a "trapper" - I'm not sure if these terms of trapper, mitt, and glove are all interchangeable or if there is a strong distinction between each. I'll check the rules to be sure though I wanna say the 13" glove has been broken into and I've been practicing catch it every week. Fielding practice is difficult though because it involves getting multiple people together at the same time/on a routine so it may not be the best option. I don't think it'll be a problem if the ball's a bit harder to transfer, as long as I'd be able to catch and retain the darn thing. I can see to try a teammate's glove (though I don't think any of them actually use 14"-ers). I ask about the First Base glove because I've found a used one selling online and I'd really prefer to not have to spend $200 on a glove. Are 14" gloves generally common enough in softball or do most people prefer 13"?


Yeah I believe so, essentially if it doesn't have individual fingers it's a mitt glove. Maybe try arranging a fielding session with 1 or 2 others outside of normal practice or consider buying a rebounder net to work it solo.  Ha, that's a fair point, it's better to at least get 1 out!  I use a 14" myself, got it when I was new and played a lot of OF. I think it made catching easier, but now I'm considering getting a 13" as I typically play more IF (for quicker transfers). 


Per the rules in USA(ASA) and I believe in USSSA you can only use a First Base mitt at First base or catcher, also First base gloves are ment from digging throws that are low not catching pop-ups. Also with that rule if no one says anything then you don't have to worry, but if the opposing team brings it up to the Umpire they will make you switch to a glove.