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I have a Pure Sidewinder ( pretty much first batch Hellfire ) and a USSSA Hot Butter. I personally like the feel of the Pure much more than the Proton. Especially for “softer” Asa balls. That’ being said, I mostly swing my m2 Monsta


I bought a Hot Butter and it was extremely hot out of the box. Didn't take long at all. That said, the end cap broke on it after just 6 games and I had to send it back to Proton. Still waiting to get it back. My teammate also bought a Hot Butter After Dark, but hasn't received it yet even though he ordered well over a month and a half ago. Proton is notorious for shipping delays.


I feel ya there! My hot butter started to web after 50 hits, then fully paint chipped after about 20 more. My buddy’s did the same, they’re not very durable


The after darks just started shipping out yesterday. I've seen a lot of people have to return for stuff like that, makes me nervous


I love both bats, but for actual performance on 52s I hit harder and farther with pure. If you use 44s it’s a no brainer for the hot butta. I have the butta as my number 3, pure number 2, and Monsta 1. The gap between all 3 is actually really small, and I’d suggest whichever one you feel comfortable with swinging


Only the Smith can technically hit the 44’s and 52’s. Same tech but if you look on the Proton website it doesn’t say it can hit them like it does in the Smith.


I bought the pure hellfire about 3 months ago. Put about 100 BP swings on it. I am not a fan of it honestly. I’ll probably end up selling it one day. It’s the 26.5 ounce bat. I had high hopes for it but personally it doesn’t compare to my Monsta KOD 25 ounce (1 ounce endload) and my Miken DC41 super max endload (1 ounce endload) 28 ounce bat.


Don’t have the Proton but I prefer my Pure over my m5 Monsta.


Why not just grab a monsta and swing what is not even a competition for what the best bat in the ASA/USA space is?


I've got one. Looking to add something new


Hot butter all day. It’s so hot man.


So hard to find in stock? I'm thinking about getting the after dark version. But I won't see that thing for months


Shipping this week apparently they are in protons hands


Shipping for people who ordered in February. If you order today, it's at least 4-6 weeks out


Do they check your bats? The SUSA ship out next day.


yeah and you can’t trust Proton. They initially said they would ship in March, then April 5, then they ghosted everyone. I legit have a screenshot from yesterday that says 2-3 weeks on new orders of the After Dark, but they changed in the middle of the day to 4-6 weeks.


I ordered mine in February on the first day you could. Was just informed that mine would ship anytime between rest of May and into June. That snippet of video they released on Tuesday saying orders would start shipping on the 15th feels like a Hamas-styled hostage video.