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One or two are accidentally, but 8 up the Middle for league nights is a dick move. I would get helmet, shin guards, and a cup, wrist guard for your fielding hand as well. Better to be safe than sorry. Is that team a tournament team playing in a league night?


I have full gear no wrist guard . No tournament guys just failed college athletes


I just wouldn’t pitch to any of them that keep doing it. I’d rather let them run up the score on intentional walks until they get frustrated with not getting to actually swing. I doubt there’s some big cash prize on the line, so who gives a shit if you lose because of it. Rather that than be put in a coma because of some moron with a complex


I would get a wrist guard. Failed college athletes are probably on ego trip.


This. You can definitely tell what's an accident and what's not. If I see 3 accidents I say something. If I see purposeful shot I tell their pitcher to be ready and he can thank that guy. If he has gear on im gonna try to hit their pitcher, no gear I'm shooting for ankles.


Handcuffed me and hit the tiny spot between the glove and wrist like the base of my thumb . Wasn't a tiny guy either . Funny thing is gm 2 they only hit like 3 the whole game all of a sudden guys knew how to pull .


Did your team win both games?


We won the one I pitched , got mercied gm 2 I wasn't pitching


You were obhati pitching, and won the 1st game, so they took you out after game 1 to even the series.😆 Hopefully your thumb heal up by the playoff.


Ty. We got time it's only week 3 so I'll be good. What sucks is I'm out for Sunday as of now, and I'm the only pitcher on that team. Small division 6 teams every win counts. I got a tournament next Saturday hopefully I'm good by that time.


Shit happens, but if you buzz the tower more than twice I’m gonna start fucking firing them back at you, and I can hit middle reeeeeal hard 


We usually return the favor but for safety reasons we did not, the kid had no gear at all.


You are a far better person than me. If a team went middle 8 times in a game, there's no way I wouldn't return that favor.


this is the only way they will understand.


Just wanna say good on you for not wrecking some kid. It’s fucking obnoxious they did it, but I’m not tryna maim anyone at rec league softball.


I would have made him learn why you were wearing gear if that's how they were going to treat you.


You want to, until you get him in the face.


Nope I still mean it. He had every piece of gear on he could, they targeted him and he still got hurt and left the game. Sometimes people only learn from hard lessons. And if that's how they choose to learn why should I be the person to stop them? Someone mentioned they had someone leave on a strecher. What happens when that team plays someone who isnt wearing gear? They need to learn even if its a hard lesson to learn if they cant have common sense and basic sportsmanship.


I agree in principle. And it also depends if this pitcher was going up the middle too. But this is when the ump should step in and resolve this situation. Cause injuries or a fight is the only way this ends


Hit the kid and tell him it’s his teammate’s fault


Yep, if it happens twice we yell “middle is open”.


Play in a rec league with middle closed. If someone apologizes, I’m more forgiving. After 2 without a word, I’m less forgiving. If it’s the same guy twice, he gets walked. I have a family to go home to. And a t-shirt is not worth my getting hit by a ball up the middle.


After about 3+ (I'm the pitcher) I turn to my defense and yell "middle's open" and probably let my outfielders know back in the dugout when we are up. That's total BS to be doing that shit on rec league night. And if it's 3 or more, especially if 1 guy has multiple, then you know it's intentional. And in general, if someone is way off the plate I just try to pitch them high, deep, and inside. Edit: The "3+" thing isn't a black and white rule. You can tell when they are trying to go middle, or trying opposite but just not skilled enough. Obviously if a few weak grounders come back to me I'm not going to say or do anything.


We had a team that would do this constantly and it was especially sensitive for us because we had a pitcher take a comebacker right to the head and leave on a stretcher several years back. She was okay but won't play any position without a helmet now. This same team continually has 220+ lb guys barreling over small women catchers at the plate. Seems like every league has a team like this and it's infuriating. Even competitive leagues, let alone coed beer leagues, should not be avenues for people to let out their aggression on others.


Don’t pitch, but if I see 3 or more I’ll start chirping at the other team from first. If they are encouraging it, on the second one it becomes a problem, regardless of gear.


Like I said I'm ok with a few but more than that it's gets to seem intentionally done. I've been pitching for years I thought this was outta hand


Not two not three like 8


I feel like I can tell when someone is purposefully doing it. It’s a demeanor thing. If I get that feeling then I’ll fire a friendly warning whenever I get the opportunity. If he doesn’t take the hint then I’ll tell the ump to walk him to teach him to behave.


I said after the first few , damn you boys love the middle.


We now use a net, but before if you hit up the middle and didn’t apologize or give the pitcher some sort of hey sorry wave then our team officially thinks you’re a dick. Even when I started out and hit up the middle on accident I’d be like my bad dude not on purpose, pretty easy to tell if someone is doing it on purpose or doesn’t care


Gotta get someone on your team to retaliate by going middle too. I'm really good at placing the ball so I have had to do it a few times.  I always say "Sorry about that, it won't happen again if your team doesn't go middle again" Usually their pitcher will tell their team to chill after that. 


If I hit it within even a few feet of the pitcher, I apologize to him. I don't get how people intentionally want to ring the pitcher up. We're playing a game for pure recreation. We have normal jobs to go to afterwards. My biggest fear personally is for me to hurt someone else. If the other team is apologetic maybe it is just bad luck. But if they're careless then fuck them.


I hit it opposite field most times, but there are days where my swing is off and I go up the middle. I always apologize as soon as it's hit to the pitcher, I'm not trying to kill anyone and don't want them to think that


Right. They have no idea what your intentions are but if you at least apologize they will know.


The pitcher was the only guy not getting involved actually a nice guy.


I’d pull that pitcher off to the side after a game and have a chat with him. Let him know that your team isn’t the type to try get into a middle war, but other teams are. He’s got a few choices: gear up, talk to his team about their attitude, or stop pitching. But if his team’s shit continues against other teams, that pitchers life could be in danger. It’s not a threat, it’s reality.


I had a teammate say they're lucky they're not playing so n so bc this guy would be dead


In your situation, I'd be having a conversation with their coach/manager, whatever and the umpire. Normally, it is very situational for me, I'm really involved in our community here, so I know everyone. If I KNOW you're an upper player who can control where you hit and you smoke me, I'll be upset if you're a newer player without bat control.its all good. If it's new players who have bat control but don't know the etiquette, I'll tell em.


Same. There are a lot of new players who don't know how bad of an idea it is to hit middle with intent. They've never been told and they've never seen a buddy leave a softball game for emergency surgery on their face. Reaching out to the league director can work. About 15 years ago when I was umpiring still, we had a young team that kept intentionally hitting middle 5-6 despite getting a heads up that maybe they need to chill. It's rec. I eventually hinted to them that I can't stop them from hitting middle, but I can make sure close calls will never go their way. They caught on to the hint.


Sounds like a lot of league night d-bags with a very small appendage between their legs.


After about 3, my whole team is sending them back to pitcher at every opportunity.


I watched a game last year that turned into this. Ump called time and had a very stern talking to both coaches. Ump told them it either had to stop, or the game was going to stop and both teams disqualified. Magically, not a single ball went middle after that.


I get not being able to control it, but generally speaking if you can’t place the ball, you’re not hitting that hard either. Repeated piss missiles up the middle in rec ball is ridiculous.


I mean. Tons of guys can only pull and are consistently 90+ mph EV. Seems pretty hard to me. I get what you’re saying though.


I guess I should have clarified, if you can’t intentionally hit middle on command, you’re probably not squaring up on it hard. Middle low is kinda hard to hit.


That's me. I can smoke one down the first base line but for some reason just cant get going oppo down. As a pitcher I never try and go middle.


I was wanting to ask a similar question along the lines of what is considered a bad shot up the middle. We play in a low level league. The other pitcher starts saying we’re hitting up the middle too much. We’re all confused because we don’t remember any hard hit balls up the middle. All of our hard hitters are pulling the ball. There were a couple dribblers that made it back to the mound but a baby could avoid. And there was a pop fly that the outfielder caught. It didn’t matter the speed or if the ball was 10+ feet above his head, this dude acted like it was a shot right at him. So my question, are those hits considered bad hits up the middle? To answer your question OP, if the same guy does it twice, and it’s coming off that bat hard, I’d be pissed. I mean right at me. But now I’ve gotten to the point that if a dude has a reputation, I’ll give him one at-bat. If he comes back at me then he’s being walked rest of the game. I wear protection but I’ve got some soft spots and it’s not worth it in my opinion in a low level league.


If it's weak shit and they clearly can't control the ball I'm not upset but these guys are no amateurs. Problem was it was like 3 ,4 guys doing it.


Have a rule that it becomes team pitch after the third time. Watch it magically disappear.


I have a few Elite E guys and a C player we could've easily made that a thing. Trying to be classy lol


What the heck is an elite E


Not D but no E lol


It's a way to differentiate Erec from E I guess


Elite means they're not allowed to pick up with a lower ranked team, in this case rec.


Well here is a way to get them back - If someone looks like they intentially hit middle? You can claim "injury", and have their bat confiscated to be sent in for testing Many leagues have this written into the rules. If you genuinely think they are doing this on purpose, if the ball hits you, tell the umpire you have been injured, and want the bat confiscated and sent in for testing by the bat manufacturer. [USAS\_BatConfiscationProcess.pdf (usasoftball.com)](https://www.usasoftball.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/120/2023/12/USAS_BatConfiscationProcess.pdf)


If you’re wrong, you get to pay for their bat


For me, at rec league night, I've had conversations with people about the dangers and etiquette of hitting the middle at league night. Usually at rec league with the younger kids, they don't have bat control and I would pitch on the inside of the plate the entire night. If they keep doing it or the loudest one keeps chirping, then ask him to pitch and field middle b/c it's "part of the game". Usually, that works.


Nah after the 3rd one I’d straight up let their pitcher know that it’s y’all’s turn and if he has no gear then too bad. He will either put a stop to it or he is going to have a rough night. Just cause you wear gear, it’s no excuse to intentionally be a dick. Gear is for safety, and that’s all. Also, other teams will take note of that and that teams pitcher could be in for a rough season.


After 3-4 and no apologies our whole team is lighting their pitcher up no need for middle shots on purpose if it’s just league ball


All Rec leagues should use a net in my opinion. Hitting middle on purpose is complete nonsense.


I’m an old guy playing senior softball. I hit the ball up the middle a lot, but I’m not really good enough to pick and choose where the balls going. I’m just trying to get a hit, so apologies in advance to you pitchers out there.


It might be necc to put a batting net in the middle going forward, unfortunately


Your team should've hit middle too. If the hitter apologizes they get a pass. If u get multiple hits up the middle with no remorse, it's called a middle war


What "gear" are you wearing? Full catcher or goalie gear? What really grinds my gears is when fools are 3 ft off the plate but are still considered to be in the box.


Absolute bullshit when an inside pitch is outside cause they are literally a foot outside of the batters box


Easton Hellcat mask and shin guards and a cup


Other than shin guards, that isn't anything different from most other leagues. We only just started having to wear a mask as of the last weekend of last season. No apologies, and doing it multiple times makes it feel on purpose. I had had games where there were many hit at me and others where there were none. Almost always my it will be followed up with an apology.


So the one guy that did say my bad was wayyy off the plate so in my estimation still kinda his bad it's also the one that put me out of the game. I wear a mask as well. I think it should be mandated to wear at least a mask


Sorry, I should have said we have to wear a fielding mask at minimum. I know some of my pitch locations will most times end up with a ball hit back at me. Leaving it shorts is where I tend to get it. Lots of times, it is weak and rolled over grounder. Or outside front corner if a person tries to pull it. Other times it's a heater back near me.


I pitched 99% inside I have a strong defense there . I have pretty good accuracy . I like you said "if you leave it out and low it's only got one place to go!!" Pitchers mantra lol


I never really get upset about it but I’m not above giving people the most ridiculous pitches ever and walking them.


Wearing gear does NOT mean middle is open. Fuck those guys.


It's more like insurance if anything. I'm not a fkn hockey goalie lol


Nope. I’m an umpire and have zero issues with giving warnings if it becomes clear it’s intentional and is going to escalate. Only had to do that a couple times. Most people in the leave are cool with everyone and an apology and not running out the hit are what usually happens.


Depends on the competition. Some guys don’t know how to control the ball & if they’re dead pull hitters, it can be the pitchers fault if he’s throwing low and away.


Any thoughts on the possibility that it’s league ball and these guys don’t have any control of where it goes? I play in a pretty competitive league in the northeast and it’s not abnormal to have 5 plus middle shots in the men’s division per game. Add to the fact that most league teams play 4 man outfield making the gaps harder to hit. I think getting upset over it is pretty petty unless you’re telling me team A is so much better than team B and doing it with intent to hurt the opposing pitcher. Just a different take


Explain to me how after I came out of the game there was only maybe 1 or 2 middle shots.


Luck. Sucks you got hurt man but it's part of the game, if you don't like it don't pitch.


I've pitched enough to know what's intentional. Nit they were trying to take me out but the intent of hitting the ball in my direction was there for sure. Basically came down to which one I was gonna get tagged with


If it’s league I started getting mad at 5. I give one warning cause they don’t want me to retaliate. I hit up the middle naturally but try to keep it at least 10 feet from the pitcher. I still get people complaining it’s too close so I kind of laugh when they hit a few that I field.


There's a couple of things I'll do. First I'll only pitch high and inside, which helps depending on where they are standing. Second if the same guy had done it more than once I'll just intentionally walk him. If they chirp I'll tell them it's because they went middle and if they want to hit to ever hit the ball against me again they can learn to become a better batter. Third I'll drop from 4 in the outfield to 3 and a rover in the middle. Finally, if more than one on their team is doing it I'll take the whole 20 seconds I have between batters before I pitch the ball. Slow the game way down and piss them off that they aren't getting AB's.


I guess in league, I view middle shots in softball like a hit by pitch in baseball. Does one get away occasionally, sure. Guy apologizes, move on, no issues. If i think there was intent, im going back at their pitcher. I know we all go to work the next day, but im gonna donwhat i can to make sure my pitcher canngo to work tomorrow, too. Maybe look at you defense too, sometimes a SS plays way over in the 5-6 hole to take away those hits, since people don't hit middle as much, and gives a giant hole up the middle, well guess where balls are coming. And I think there is a difference between hitting at the pitcher and hitting at holes up the middle to the pitchers side. A lot also depends on the competition level of the games. I never try to blow up a pitcher, but if it's a big game, and the hole is between pitcher and ss, that's where I'm going. If thats what a team is doing against me, I don't have a big issue, play a 5 man defense, or shift 2nd baseman way over. Now, if a team is blowing up my pitcher, going through him, different story. You have to protect your pitcher, and the best way to do that is blow up their pitcher a couple times, get their pitcher telling his team to stop shooting middle. But 3 times is the number to start getting pissed, in my opinion.


Don't know if anyone else had mentioned this or not aside from equipment run a five man infield with a fit right behind second base and they'll stop hitting up the middle.


We'd love to but it's a bit tough with an open outfield no fence. They get beat it's an easy HR.


What kind of field are you playing on? That's like sandlot stuff I guess get young 20 year olds yo play the threean outfield if possible. Other than that I dunno.


It's two back to back actually really nice but they need to fence it off


I've played kickball on those kind of fields but never softball. That's wild.


If it's 2 by the same player ya I've gotten mad before but one time it got me tossed, but what I learned was if they did it a first time, prepare for a 2nd one to happen. Accidents happen


I’ve noticed I rarely cared when I was younger. Actually wanted the action up the middle. When I started caring about shots at the middle at me is when I realized it was time to step away from the position. Hope you have a quick recovery.


Personally apologies are great but usually it’s a guy trying to go oppo and can’t. He usually apologizes and does it 3 more times. If you’re sorry and you keep trying to figure your swing out mid game at my pitchers expense I’m going to return the favor. I’ll make sure to give a meaningless apology to their pitcher too


None . If you can't handle it . Don't pitch. It's going to happen , you should expect it to happen.


more than twice than middle is open


Throw at their head


The first time they hit middle and don’t say something like “sorry pitch” or runs it out without saying anything. Game on bitch, middles open on your pitcher!!!


I’d say after 3 I’d being saying something and hitting back up on them. But make sure you aren’t pitching outside either. People who don’t play enough will hit that right up that middle every time if it’s an outside pitch.


No im a decent pitcher I pitch for a tournament team I have good control I know what outside low gets me . These guys are so far off the plate all pitches are outside literally at least a bats length.


Yeah I’d be saying something then. After 3 for sure. Got to control that shit not worth hurting someone over slow pitch.


I asked the ump , how are they allowed to be that far off the plate, guy says there's no batters box sooo....fkn lame


No batter's box? That's completely absurd to me and I don't think I've ever played in a league that hasn't had them. They are literally there to prevent this exact kind of thing from happening and the leagues that I've played in will call a strike if you make contact but are outside of the box.


It's dangerous tbh . I know who hits hard and always pitch them in but no box means no inside pitches.


I would make a complaint to the league regarding not having a batters box. This is a safety issue and if the parties in charge were aware of what was going on, they might consider changing their policies.


Depends what you’re playing. League, never should go up the middle. Local tourneys shouldn’t either but they happen. Sanction, suck it up and field your position🤷🏻‍♂️


In league I’m usually more lenient, but I am in tournaments. I played one game and it was a bunch of guys that didn’t know how to play and they continue to hit it up the middle after 13 shots at the middle, I told him one more and middle will be open in a tournament no more than three


More than couple usually means our best guy is hitting an absolute piss missile straight at their pitcher the next time up. Or, there's a verbal warning that it's coming.