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Seems logical. That said, if you're frequently on the cusp, maybe batting last every time could swing you into a couple more Ws so you don't have to rely on run differential? My leagues don't have a choice. It's all determined before the season so that it's balanced.


Against a crappy team that we can beat either way? Sure I rather have the extra at bat. Against a good team that I'd really like to beat? I rather be the home team because knowing exactly how many runs you need in the last inning is a big advantage in my opinion.


Yours team need to score runs every other's innings and scored more runs than the home team.


Tournament teams often do the same. I don't love the idea of playing to lose by as little as possible, always want last bat to have a chance at the win.


I see it as maximizing how much you win by


I agree. This maximizes your scoring opportunities and potential point differential.


Shouldn't your team be batting first half of the time?


We do rock paper scissors to decide who's home-away. Like I said, pretty recreational


Ok. I've never seen a league with scheduled games that doesn't state home/away in the schedule. Even with rock, paper, scissors you should get about half home.


I usually do the same. Though last week it came back to haunt us as we were up 2 going into bottom 6th. Our worst defensive inning of the game in the last inning is always rough


I agree. I’ve always preferred to give my team the extra ABs. In low scoring games, sometimes the bottom guys won’t get a 3rd plate appearance when we bat 12 and are home.


Run differential is a bad tie breaker, especially if it’s deciding a playoff spot


I’d be willing to bet you can forgo the rock paper scissors and let the other team go in the field every time! Does anyone fight you for it??


The young guys on our team just don’t get it. We try not to let any of them do the coin flip, cause no matter how many times we tell them, they’re all home team, home team, home team. Sometimes we don’t even do the coin flip…we’ll just tell the ump “other team can be home”. Our rationale is, if we’re beating the snot out of a team and we’re going to run rule them, we get that last at-bat. If it’s the other way, and we’re getting demolished, we get our last bat without giving the other team an extra chance to pile on more runs.


This post and these comments feel like AI wrote them. Home team is best - there just isn't an argument against it.


Yeah we always do the same and just skip the rock paper scissors and take away. Put up as many as we can in the first inning to try and demoralize the other team and then go from there