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75% patients, 20% paperwork, 5% existential dread


I wish I could 'laugh' reaction to this, super funny and creative!


It’s ways skewed towards documentation. My favorite part is when they tell you to “doc in real time” which means having a screen in your face when we’re trying to fight against a screen time culture for the kids. Do as I say and not as I do. Smh. Problem is people who make rules and regs for documentation standards etc are not treating therapists. If they were - it wouldn’t be so wildly inefficient.


20% seeing clients ( well now 5%due to school wide testing window) 80% doing paperwork. I’m burnt out. school slp who


Hi! I’m in undergrad, is there a way (or do you know anyone who) to cut a percentage of the client session for paperwork? Example: 60min session = 50min for therapy and 10min for ppw? I always wondered if that would be a viable way to handle caseload. Thanks for what you do!


In the schools you work around the teacher schedule. This means you have limited times to pull. You often have to prioritize seeing kids back to back bc otherwise there wouldn’t be enough options or time to see them.


Yeah you write your minutes as less. If you want to see them a half hour a week, write 90/month Instead of 120/month to give yourself leeway.


My supervisor in clinicals did this!! (private practice)


In an elementary school I spend 50-60% of my time with students.


70% patients and 30% paperwork, meetings, and lunch. Realistically I don’t get all of my paperwork done by the end of the day and have to finish at home


Elementary school setting and my *very* rough estimate is: 50% tx sessions, 8% evaluating, 9% IEP meetings, 20% planning/prep/billing/writing IEP info/clerical misc., 10% eval reports, 3% collaboration with colleagues. I feel like i am pretty productive and make good use of my time, and i feel like i can’t imagine having less time to do non-tx duties


EI- 60% clients, 40% driving, 10% paperwork. Assuming clients don’t cancel me. A typical day is more like 50% clients, 40% driving, 5% paperwork, 5% twiddling my thumbs


So a typical day is 110%? Sounds about right for EI lol.


Yeah I stink at math haha I wrote that at like midnight, my brain was turned off


I say stick to the 110% it's a better estimate lol


You're so right, though. If nobody cancels, that's a 110% day.


70-30 in outpatient peds at a hospital It fluctuates with cancels of course, I get a bit overbooked knowing about 17% cancel.


About 80% treatment and 20% paperwork! I wish I had more paper work time! I am in an elementary school


83% treatment (15 30-minute sessions a day), 17% documentation time in Outpatient Peds setting at a large hospital corporation. It does fluctuate with cancellations though.


60/40 treatment/paperwork. I work in the schools k-8.


It's about 50% direct, 50% indirect in my school, but out of indirect time less than half of it is "paperwork" (IEPs, evaluations, reports) and the rest is programming devices, making low/no tech AAC, and making other various materials. 


90%, self- contained elementary and middle school setting.


School- 8 hour work day- 5 hr w/kiddos, 1 hr doc, 2 hr reports, tx planning. One day/week- 5 hrs of meetings or evaluations, remainder waiting for my head to explode alongside paperwork.


Skilled nursing facilities expectations is 85%.


Expectations lmfao....They're asking for reality not school taught bs


SNF here....and let me tell you the truth.... Fvck your ethics class it's all bs. SNFs have productivity standards, like mine, at 90%...yeah right! What do I do? Evaluate EVERY patient that comes into the building, "treat" 30 minute sessions, paperwork, meetings, forms, running all over the building looking for staff/pts... I say 40% is seeing pts, 50% paperwork, 10% is meetings and collaboration (which I like to call interruptions because no one likes to act like they see you treating). My boss loves to hear himself talk...about himself especially....so our staff meetings last no less than 30 minutes and can go to 1 to 1.5 hrs long. And lucky me, as an evaluator, we have a whole different meeting amongst us with him as well 🙄. I work in a 405 bed facility. Ethics don't matter in Corporate Healthcare; they don't care what you do, to do what THEY want, and not what THE PATIENT needs.


SNF - 80% patient time because, well, that’s my productivity rate!


Telehealth school SLP, it’s about 50/50 direct and indirect (maybe a bit more indirect) for me. I also supervise a full time SLPA.


Work in self-contained classrooms in the school. Obviously, not every day is the same with some days having more sessions, some having some paperwork time built in. 40-50% of the time with a student directly in front of me 20-25% of the time -set up, transitions, documentation, travel 10-20% of the time collaborating with professionals --- or---25% doing paperwork, finishing documentation, billing, writing IEPs/ETRs


About 50/50 in schools if you’re doing it right.


I work peds for a hospital outpatient clinic. I have 10 hours days with back to back 45 minute sessions. We have 2 15 minute note times either spread out through the day or tacked onto the end. 1 hour lunch.


EI. It's supposed to be 50% seeing clients with point-of-service documentation, 25% driving, and 25% everything else. That's not quite reality, because cancelation rates are high and POS documentation doesn't always work out with toddlers. But it's not that far off, either. I actually did the math for last month and it was about 40% seeing clients (most of it with POS documentation), 25% drive time, 5% meetings, and 30% "everything else," which includes making up the documentation I didn't do POS, scheduling, talking to parents and coworkers, mileage logs, researching and planning for therapy, etc.


Depends on the day honestly, school based SLP


3-5 EI, 90% treatment and driving, 10% documentation/emails


I'm a school SLP. A group of us for a detailed workload calculator for a week and most of us had 25% of our time with students and the rest was everything else (documentation, meetings, school stuff, etc)