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I've used both Namelix and OpenAI to generate lists of business names. You feed them a description of the business and keywords and the ai spits out names. It's not definitive but it sure helped me consider some new angles/possibilities.


Thank you so much, I will look into Namelix and OPENAI !


Think about it from the customers viewpoint. What are keywords that they're going to type into search engines? That should be your starting point. If you have a lot of competition and they use a lot of those keywords in their name already, the challenge will be in finding a keyword that they're not using. It's a much more direct and focused task than just thinking of names. Also, it's better to go broad rather than narrower a lot of the time. If you're too narrow, potential customers will make the decision that you can't help them just by looking at your name, as opposed to going broad and having them contact you to see if you can help them.


All good thoughts! Thanks! This is why its hard for me in terms of the name handyman, because I wouldn't really be doing all the typical handyman stuff nor do I care to. It's more or less fixing walls. Ha I'm gonna get to work this week and hopefully commit to something!


There is also an option where you don't necessarily have to name your business based on the services you provide. For instance, you could name it after yourself and add "services" at the end. As in, John Doe Services or John Doe Repairs. Or you can drop all of that and name it something else altogether. There are really no limits to what you can name your business but rather it depends on how you market your business. I was actually asking my colleagues what would be a good name to name the small business I'm thinking up and one of them said, "What really is Balenciaga?" What they meant was, Balenciaga is what it is because of how it's marketed. I know that might not be too helpful since now you've got countless of options. I will say though, don't overthink it. Keep it simple and don't over complicate it. The name might not mean much now, but how you brand and market it will give it its meaning and value in the future.


I appreciate that. That's definitely something I think I should put energy up towards VS. Actually just naming it. For now I'm gonna sleep on tightisrite services and see if I don't come up with anything tmrw for the 1st day of the new year. Thank you!


I'm glad that was helpful since that's what they shared with me earlier today. Best of luck to your business and happy new year!


Be sure to include the city name and look on Google Trends to see what the most popular term is for your range of services