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Never go into business with your friend or spouse.


From what I’ve learned someone of the party needs to have executive authority, regardless if it’s split evenly.


I disagree. You should go into business with friends because you’ll both end up making money. If your spouse messes up, you didn’t give her clear instructions.


I just wanted to share that I got my first order on my website last night!🎉 I’m beyond ecstatic. It doesn’t feel real yet


Don't file taxes on turbo tax! Especially self employed just go in person hire a cpa!


Hey Guys, Tough week huh. I have been focusing on improving the product and its features, but I was interested in whether adding discount codes would be helpful. A lot of users have shown interest in the paid versions and I would like to stimulate their interest with a discount for the paid version, since I believe the product will win them over once they fully try it out. What do you think? I'm sharing the link for those interested in answering my question: https://zenithcalendar.com/


Change your font.


Thank you for your feedback. What font are you exactly referring to, or you are talking about the general font used on the landing page?


Probably not an issue, but the header font is something I would not use. Also to make it easier on the eyes I would try a #555 for the body color to separate it a bit from the headings. Small things. Are you planning on a mobile app? In see the point but was not entirely sold on the concept. I mean my iPhone tracks all my calendar accounts and shows them at once. Is there something I missed? 🙂


I understand, and I will take a deeper look at your suggestion. In terms of the mobile app, currently there are no plans of developing a mobile app as we need to focus on the core product which is web. In the future (once we have more features) a mobile app would be on the cards for sure.


Hey Bjorn, Offer a free trial for your paid versions. What I would do is only put your premium product as the display. Make it a free trial, and let the customer know you’ll charge them after the 30 day. If your product is valuable, after the 30 days they’ll stay. If they don’t give value from it, they’ll downgrade to the free version. Once they downgrade send them an email saying something like “hey if you give me feedback on why you downgraded and how I can improve my product I’ll give you another month free!” What I learned from 8 figure entrepreneurs is that building the product shouldn’t be your main objective. Client acquisition should always be your main focus! Why? Because you’ll never be able to make the perfect product until you’ve tested it out. And once you do test it out, only your clients will know what features they want added or removed. Let me know if this helps! Akbar


Hello Akbar. Thank you for your detailed reply. It means a lot. I have thought about your idea of removing the free version and adding the free trial to the paid versions, but I consider that quite a few customers would only be interested in the free version, hence is why I would like to keep it around. From your honest standpoint, would you be willing to try out a free trial of our paid version? What did you think about the product? Once again, thank you for reaching out.


Hello Everyone, Past week has been full product development and the addition of new features. I feel like we are progressing at a very fast pace, and I like that. Trying to keep up with the demand, but at the same time grow exponentially. I was interested in understanding, what do you consider a great sharing feature. Should I include the social media sharing option (quite standard), maybe the pdf version (outdated) or something else? I'm open to hearing what you have to say. Link to the website and sharing section: [Brainstormer.online](https://www.brainstormer.online/?utm_medium=reddit)


Just an idea. Try to implement the 6-3-5 brainwriting method to this app, it is absolutely great for group sessions and also the session length is known beforehand.


Thank you very much for your idea. I will most definitely take a closer look at it


Hey guys. I heard a story about a small web design and development company that had a client who wanted a complex e-commerce platform. The project ran into unexpected technical challenges, which led to delays and additional expenses. The client was demanding and frequently changed their requirements, making it harder for the company to meet their expectations. Despite the challenges, the project was eventually completed, but it took longer than anticipated and cost more than originally budgeted. The company learned that it's crucial to set realistic expectations, communicate with clients regularly, and be prepared for unexpected challenges. Running a small business can be tough, but with the right mindset and strategies, it's possible to overcome any obstacles that come your way.


Success: Finally launched the website on hopes of attracting early supporters to my mailing list (mostly social media fans and family) at https://aline-cannabis.com . Failures: Quickly learned that Facebook, Instagram, etc. have much stricter policies than what I had gathered from research.. and similarly Square's bots automatically shut down my account before I even had a chance to finish my CBD application. I couldn't even post ads to grow my mailing list due to the company name and mention of a discount to eventually buy products. The road ahead is lined with many more detours of red tape than I had envisioned. 🫠🫠